200 research outputs found

    KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz fĂŒr die Energiewirtschaft

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    KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ FÜR DIE ENERGIEWIRTSCHAFT KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz fĂŒr die Energiewirtschaft (Rights reserved) ( -

    Learning Description Logic Ontologies: Five Approaches. Where Do They Stand?

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    Abstract The quest for acquiring a formal representation of the knowledge of a domain of interest has attracted researchers with various backgrounds into a diverse field called ontology learning. We highlight classical machine learning and data mining approaches that have been proposed for (semi-)automating the creation of description logic (DL) ontologies. These are based on association rule mining, formal concept analysis, inductive logic programming, computational learning theory, and neural networks. We provide an overview of each approach and how it has been adapted for dealing with DL ontologies. Finally, we discuss the benefits and limitations of each of them for learning DL ontologies

    Digital Forensics AI: Evaluating, Standardizing and Optimizing Digital Evidence Mining Techniques

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    The impact of AI on numerous sectors of our society and its successes over the years indicate that it can assist in resolving a variety of complex digital forensics investigative problems. Forensics analysis can make use of machine learning models’ pattern detection and recognition capabilities to uncover hidden evidence in digital artifacts that would have been missed if conducted manually. Numerous works have proposed ways for applying AI to digital forensics; nevertheless, scepticism regarding the opacity of AI has impeded the domain’s adequate formalization and standardization. We present three critical instruments necessary for the development of sound machine-driven digital forensics methodologies in this paper. We cover various methods for evaluating, standardizing, and optimizing techniques applicable to artificial intelligence models used in digital forensics. Additionally, we describe several applications of these instruments in digital forensics, emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses that may be critical to the methods’ admissibility in a judicial process

    Natural language software registry (second edition)

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    KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz und Gesundheit

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    Der Einsatz von kĂŒnstlicher Intelligenz im Gesundheitsbereich verspricht besonders großen Nutzen durch eine bessere Versorgung sowie effizientere AblĂ€ufe und bietet damit letztlich auch ökonomische Vorteile. Dem stehen unter anderem BefĂŒrchtungen entgegen, dass sich durch den Einsatz von kĂŒnstlicher Intelligenz das Arzt-Patienten-VerhĂ€ltnis verĂ€ndern könnte, ArbeitsplĂ€tze gefĂ€hrdet seien oder die Ökonomisierung des Gesundheitswesens einen weiteren Schub erfahren könnte. Zuweilen wird die Debatte um diese Technologie, zumal in der Öffentlichkeit, emotional und fern sachlicher Argumente gefĂŒhrt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen die Geschichte des KI-Einsatzes in der Medizin, deren öffentliche Wahrnehmung, Governance der KI, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Technik sowie Einsatzgebiete, die bisher noch nicht oder nur wenig im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit waren. Dabei erweist sich die KI als leistungsfĂ€higes Werkzeug, das zahlreiche ethische und soziale Fragen aufwirft, die bei der EinfĂŒhrung anderer Technologien bereits gestellt wurden; allerdings gibt es auch neue Herausforderungen, denen sich Professionen, Politik und Gesellschaft stellen mĂŒssen

    KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz im Unterricht

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    Die Veröffentlichung von ChatGPT im Herbst 2022 hat das Thema KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz (KI) auch im Bildungsbereich in das Blickfeld der Aufmerksamkeit gerĂŒckt. In den medialen Hype und die verschiedenen Diskurse mit einer reichen Bandbreite von kompletter Ablehnung der Technologie bis hin zur Glorifizierung derselben gesellen sich nach und nach auch bildungspolitische Empfehlungen, die ĂŒberwiegend einen zwar kritischen, aber auch konstruktiven und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit KI in der Schule proklamieren, wofĂŒr allerdings Kompetenzen bei SchĂŒler:innen wie Lehrer:innen notwendig sind – und zwar nicht nur in FĂ€chern wie Informatik oder Digitale Grundbildung, sondern quer durch alle UnterrichtsgegenstĂ€nde. Der vorliegende Beitrag greift im ersten Teil die aktuellen Diskurse im deutschsprachigen Raum zu KI in der Schule auf und stellt im zweiten Teil ein Projekt vor, in dessen Rahmen Lehr-/Lernszenarien fĂŒr die Sekundarstufe I zu verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Themenfeldes KI ausgearbeitet und evaluiert wurden, die entsprechende Grundlagen vermitteln und fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifende AnknĂŒpfungspunkte bieten

    NatĂŒrliche und KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz im AnthropozĂ€n

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    Wie verhalten sich natĂŒrliche und KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz im AnthropozĂ€n zueinander? Der vorliegende Band stellt sich auf interdisziplinĂ€re und internationale Weise einem hochaktuellen Themenkomplex. Neben philosophischen Fragen und psychologischen Perspektiven regen die Autoren dazu an, die Ergebnisse in den aktuellen Umweltdiskurs einzubringen

    Artificial intelligence as a tool for research and development in European patent law

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    Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is increasingly fundamental for research and development (“R&D”). Thanks to its powerful analytical and generative capabilities, AI is arguably changing how we invent. According to several scholars, this finding calls into question the core principles of European patent law—the field of law devoted to protecting inventions. In particular, the AI revolution might have an impact on the notions of “invention”, “inventor”, “inventive step”, and “skilled person”. The present dissertation examines how AI might affect each of those fundamental concepts. It concludes that European patent law is a flexible legal system capable of adapting to technological change, including the advent of AI. First, this work finds that “invention” is a purely objective notion. Inventions consist of technical subject-matter. Whether artificial intelligence had a role in developing the invention is therefore irrelevant as such. Nevertheless, de lege lata, the inventor is necessarily a natural person. There is no room for attributing inventorship to an AI system. In turn, the notion of “inventor” comprises whoever makes an intellectual contribution to the inventive concept. And patent law has always embraced “serendipitous” inventions—those that one stumbles upon by accident. Therefore, at a minimum, the natural person who recognizes an invention developed through AI would qualify as its inventor. Instead, lacking a human inventor, the right to the patent would not arise at all. Besides, the consensus among scholars is that, de facto, AI cannot invent “autonomously” at the current state of technology. The likelihood of an “invention without an inventor” is thus remote. AI is rather a tool for R&D, albeit a potentially sophisticated one. Coming to the “skilled person”, they are the average expert in the field that can rely on the standard tools for routine research and experimentation. Hence, this work finds that if and when AI becomes a “standard” research tool, it should be framed as part of the skilled person. Since AI is an umbrella term for a myriad of different technologies, the assessment of what is truly “standard” for the skilled person – and what would be considered inventive against that figure – demands a precise case-by-case analysis, which takes into account the different AI techniques that exist, the degree of human involvement and skill for using them, and the crucial relevance of data for many AI tools. However, while AI might cause increased complexities and require adaptations – especially to the inventive step assessment – the fundamental principles of European patent law stand the test of time

    An ASP-based Approach to Master Surgical Scheduling.

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    The problem of finding Master Surgical Schedules (MSS) consists of scheduling different specialties to the operating rooms of a hospital clinic. To produce a proper MSS, each specialty must be assigned to some operating rooms. The number of assignments is different for each specialty and can vary during the considered planning horizon. Realizing a satisfying schedule is of upmost importance for a hospital clinic. A poorly scheduled MSS may lead to unbalanced specialties availability and increase patients’ waiting list, negatively affecting both the administrative costs of the hospital and the patient satisfaction. In this paper, we present a compact solution based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) to the MSS problem. We tested our solution on different scenarios: experiments show that our ASP solution provides satisfying results in short time, also when compared to other logic-based formalisms. Finally, we describe a web application we have developed for easy usage of our solution

    Schreiben durch KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz. ChatGPT und automatisierte Lyrikanalysen

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    Der Beitrag untersucht am Beispiel von vier kanonischen Gedichten, was das Schreibprogramm ChatGPT leistet, wenn man es zum Verfassen analytischer Texte auffordert. Er fragt, inwiefern kĂŒnstliche Intelligenz Schreibaufgaben im Bereich der Lyrikanalyse meistern kann, welche in der Schule vorkommen, und was fĂŒr RĂŒckschlĂŒsse dies bezĂŒglich Software und schulischer Anforderungen erlaubt. Nach einer ErlĂ€uterung der Voraussetzungen der Untersuchung werden schriftliche Ergebnisse von ChatGPT vorgestellt, die die Bereiche Thema, Form, Sprachbildlichkeit und Perspektive betreffen. Die QualitĂ€t der Ergebnisse ist sehr unterschiedlich. Sie ist am besten, wo vergleichsweise allgemeine Formulierungsmuster als Beschreibung des individuellen Textes verstanden werden können, nĂ€mlich im Bereich von Themenbestimmung oder inhaltlicher Interpretation. Sie ist am schwĂ€chsten, wo diffizile analytische Fragen zu bewĂ€ltigen sind, also Formfragen oder solche der literarischen Bildlichkeit. Abschließend diskutiert der Beitrag, was ‚Schreiben‘ in Anbetracht von DigitalitĂ€t und neuen Textgeneratoren meint und was dies fĂŒr den Literaturunterricht bedeutet.   Abstract (english): Writing through Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT and automated poetry analyses By using four canonical poems, the paper investigates the performance of writing program ChatGPT when asked to write analytical texts. The paper examines to what extent artificial intelligence can master writing tasks in the field of poetry analysis that occurs in school, and what conclusions can be drawn with regard to software and school requirements. After an explanation of the preconditions of the study, written results from ChatGPT are presented. They concern topic, form, imagery and perspective of the poems. The quality of the results varies widely. It is best where comparatively general formulation patterns can be perceived as describing the individual text, namely in the area of determining topics or interpreting content. It is weakest where difficult analytical questions have to be dealt with, i.e., questions of form or those of literary imagery. Finally, the article discusses what ‚writing‘ means in the age of digitalization and new text generators and what this implies for the teaching of literature
