7 research outputs found

    Multiterminal Source-Channel Coding

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    Cooperative communication is seen as a key concept to achieve ultra-reliable communication in upcoming fifth-generation mobile networks (5G). A promising cooperative communication concept is multiterminal source-channel coding, which attracted recent attention in the research community. This thesis lays theoretical foundations for understanding the performance of multiterminal source-channel codes in a vast variety of cooperative communication networks. To this end, we decouple the multiterminal source-channel code into a multiterminal source code and multiple point-to-point channel codes. This way, we are able to adjust the multiterminal source code to any cooperative communication network without modification of the channel codes. We analyse the performance in terms of the outage probability in two steps: at first, we evaluate the instantaneous performance of the multiterminal source-channel codes for fixed channel realizations; and secondly, we average the instantaneous performance over the fading process. Based on the performance analysis, we evaluate the performance of multiterminal source-channel codes in three cooperative communication networks, namely relay, wireless sensor, and multi-connectivity networks. For all three networks, we identify the corresponding multiterminal source code and analyse its performance by the rate region for binary memoryless sources. Based on the rate region, we derive the outage probability for additive white Gaussian noise channels with quasi-static Rayleigh fading. We find results for the exact outage probability in integral form and closed-form solutions for the asymptotic outage probability at high signal-to-noise ratio. The importance of our results is fourfold: (i) we give the ultimate performance limits of the cooperative communication networks under investigation; (ii) the optimality of practical schemes can be evaluated with respect to our results, (iii) our results are suitable for link-level abstraction which reduces complexity in network-level simulation; and (iv) our results demonstrate that all three cooperative communication networks are key technologies to enable 5G applications, such as device to device and machine to machine communications, internet of things, and internet of vehicles. In addition, we evaluate the performance improvement of multiterminal source-channel codes over other (non-)cooperative communications concepts in terms of the transmit power reduction given a certain outage probability level. Moreover, we compare our theoretical results to simulated frame-error-rates of practical coding schemes. Our results manifest the superiority of multiterminal source-channel codes over other (non-)cooperative communications concepts

    Divergence Measures

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    Data science, information theory, probability theory, statistical learning and other related disciplines greatly benefit from non-negative measures of dissimilarity between pairs of probability measures. These are known as divergence measures, and exploring their mathematical foundations and diverse applications is of significant interest. The present Special Issue, entitled “Divergence Measures: Mathematical Foundations and Applications in Information-Theoretic and Statistical Problems”, includes eight original contributions, and it is focused on the study of the mathematical properties and applications of classical and generalized divergence measures from an information-theoretic perspective. It mainly deals with two key generalizations of the relative entropy: namely, the R_ényi divergence and the important class of f -divergences. It is our hope that the readers will find interest in this Special Issue, which will stimulate further research in the study of the mathematical foundations and applications of divergence measures

    Topological order and the low-energy subspace

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    This thesis concerns itself with two fundamental tasks in the theory of quantum information: the preparation of ground and low-energy states of local Hamiltonians on a quantum computer and the secure transmission of classical information over a quantum channel. The first part of this thesis addresses the former task and is dedicated in its entirety to quantum many-body physics. We will be focusing on topologically ordered lattice models in two spatial dimensions. It is known that the presence of long-range entanglement in the ground states of these models necessitates local quantum circuits of depth linear in the diameter of the system for their preparation. We study the consequences of this hardness result for the preparation of low-energy states of these models. In particular we show that preparing such states requires local quantum circuits of polynomial depth in the inverse energy density of the states and comment on the relevance of these results to quantum computation in the near term. Our technical contribution is to give a circuit depth lower bound for low-energy states independent of the dimension of the ground space. We then experimentally demonstrate how currently existing ion trap hardware has reached a level of maturity where noisy adaptive circuits of constant depth outperform noiseless, non-adaptive circuits of the same depth for the task of approximating a ground state of the the toric code. In the last part of this thesis, we switch gears to quantum Shannon theory and study private communication over a classical-quantum wiretap channel. We study the problem of non-additivity of the private information for this model. Surprisingly, we find that the private information is non-additive when either of the outputs of the channel is allowed to be quantum, while the input is classical. However, there exists a single-letter formula when the input state is quantum and the outputs are classical due to the private information of the channel becoming additive

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    Receiver Design for Quantum Communication

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    Born about a century ago, Quantum Mechanics has revolutionized the description and the interpretation of Physics at sub-microscopic level. In the last decades, due to the influence of mathematical and engineering research fields, Quantum Mechanics has given birth to related research areas like Quantum Computation, Quantum Information and Quantum Communication. With the discovery of the laser, and later the development of fiber optics and satellite networks, Quantum Communication and Quantum Optics seems to have a natural field of application in Communication Systems. Despite this, the interest in this technology and studies for communication purpose has been overshadowed by the great results in communication networks achieved in the last decades with classical paradigms. However, due to the increasing demand of communication data rate, system designers are now looking at Quantum Mechanics for new and more performanting solutions in communication purposes. Early theoretical studies on Quantum Discrimination Theory and Quantum Information predict better performance for Communication Systems that take advantage of the quantum laws. In addition, Quantum Mechanics provides the deepest description of the physical phenomena, and there are scenarios where a quantum model fits best, as in in deep space communications, where the received signal is really weak, or in a satellite networks, where we are interested in strongly reducing the power of transmitted signals, possibly without sacrificing performance significantly. However, if on one side Quantum Communication Theory promises great gains in the performance of communication systems, on the other hand it fails to describe how to implement physical devices that reach these ultimate limits. So far, only a few architectures achieving these performances are known, and only for simple modulation formats. We are interested in the scenario of optical communications, where the message transmitted is encoded in a sequence of coherent states. Transmitter devices for coherent modulation are well known and consist in laser pulse generators. Instead, receiver implementations working at the quantum limit performance limit are yet to be found. In this Thesis I deal with different topics in the quantum transmission scenario. First, I review existing classical (suboptimal) and quantum (suboptimal and optimal) receiver schemes for the binary coherent modulation. I present a new formulation of the optimal scheme known as Dolinar Receiver with the multiple copies problem, focusing on the information gained during the measurement. Second, I analyze the binary communication in a noisy environment, studying the error probability and the capacity of the binary channel induced. Given the description of the quantum channel, I optimize both the transmitted quantum states and the measurement operators employed in the communication. Third, I consider the Pulse Position Modulation, that is particularly suitable for space and satellite communication due to its simplicity of implementation and high capacity. I review some known suboptimal receivers, and I propose a receiver scheme which approaches the limit performance predicted with quantum theory outperforming the existing schemes. To sum up the results of this Thesis, in order to approach the limit performance predicted by Quantum Mechanics, an optimization is always necessary to exceed the classical effects and trigger the quantum phenomena. In particular, the information gained during the measurement plays an important role, for example in the definition of adaptive receivers. In this Thesis both these aspects have been deeply investigated

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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    Bridging Course: Why, How, and First Impressions

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    The knowledge gap between high school and university level mathematics is a persistent issue that hinders students in their academic career. Freshman Civil Engineering students at the University of Twente, Netherlands struggle with passing entry level Calculus courses. In 2022, the programme introduced a workshop to help students put their prerequisite knowledge to the test; still, many students could not pass these courses. Capitalising on the idea behind this workshop, a fully digital course was introduced in 2023. In this research we dive into the design of the contents of this course. Furthermore, we investigate its impact on student performance with respect to previous years using a qualitative approach: interviews with second year students provide, to this avail, a valuable comparison