35 research outputs found

    The Czech Republic: From the Center of Christendom to the Most Atheist Nation of the 21st Century. Part 1. The Persecuted Church: The Clandestine Catholic Church (Ecclesia Silentii) in Czechoslovakia During Communism 1948-1991

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    This research examines the most important historical, political, economic, social, cultural, and religious factors before, during, and after the reign of Communism in Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 2021 and their effect on the extreme increase in atheism and decrease in Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, in the present-day Czech Republic. It devotes special attention to the role of the Clandestine Catholic Church (Ecclesia Silentii) and the changing policies of the Holy See vis-à-vis this Church, examining these policies\u27 impact on the continuing decline of Roman Catholicism in the Czech Republic after the collapse of Communism. The article also deals with Pope Pius XII\u27s Secret Mandates of 1948-1950, the Second Vatican Council, and the Holy See\u27s Ostpolitik. Scholars, who previously relied only on the views of the Czechs, blame the unprecedented drop in Christianity, the near-total destruction of the Catholic Church, and the rise in atheism on the Czechoslovak communist government\u27s four decades of totalitarianism. Although the increase in atheism and decrease in Christianity were substantial during the era of Communism from 1948 to 1989, our data indicate that the decline in Christianity, particularly the historically predominating Roman Catholicism, did not commence with the 1948 communist coup d’état but traces its origins to the breakdown of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the conclusion of WWI and the establishment of Czechoslovakia on October 28, 1918. What\u27s more, this research shows that the most significant and unprecedented steep deterioration of the Christian Faith, namely Roman Catholicism, did not occur during the era of Communism but only after the Czechoslovak communist government collapsed in 1989. This massive decay did not happen even during the most extraordinary communist persecution of the Catholic Church during the era of Stalinism in Czechoslovakia. This research further finds that the Holy See\u27s ill-advised policies and systematic, sustained, and prevalent failures in leadership, guidance, and teachings are responsible for the near destruction of the Roman Catholic Church and especially the end destruction of the Clandestine Catholic Church (Ecclesia Silentii), in the Czech and Slovak Republics after the fall of Communism. These failures furthermore contributed to the Czech Republic, the historical lands of Bohemia and Moravia that once were in the center of Christendom, degenerating into the most atheist country in Europe and the world today

    The Czech Republic: From the Center of Christendom to the Most Atheist Nation of the 21st Century. Part 1. The Persecuted Church: The Clandestine Catholic Church (Ecclesia Silentii) in Czechoslovakia During Communism 1948-1991

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    This research examines the most important historical, political, economic, social, cultural, and religious factors before, during, and after the reign of Communism in Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 2021 and their effect on the extreme increase in atheism and decrease in Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, in the present-day Czech Republic. It devotes special attention to the role of the Clandestine Catholic Church (Ecclesia Silentii) and the changing policies of the Holy See vis-à-vis this Church, examining these policies' impact on the continuing decline of Roman Catholicism in the Czech Republic after the collapse of Communism. The article also deals with Pope Pius XII's Secret Mandates of 1948-1950, the Second Vatican Council, and the Holy See's Ostpolitik. Scholars, who previously relied only on the views of the Czechs, blame the unprecedented drop in Christianity, the near-total destruction of the Catholic Church, and the rise in atheism on the Czechoslovak communist government's four decades of totalitarianism. Although the increase in atheism and decrease in Christianity were substantial during the era of Communism from 1948 to 1989, our data indicate that the decline in Christianity, particularly the historically predominating Roman Catholicism, did not commence with the 1948 communist coup d’état but traces its origins to the breakdown of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the conclusion of WWI and the establishment of Czechoslovakia on October 28, 1918. What's more, this research shows that the most significant and unprecedented steep deterioration of the Christian Faith, namely Roman Catholicism, did not occur during the era of Communism but only after the Czechoslovak communist government collapsed in 1989. This massive decay did not happen even during the most extraordinary communist persecution of the Catholic Church during the era of Stalinism in Czechoslovakia. This research further finds that the Holy See's ill-advised policies and systematic, sustained, and prevalent failures in leadership, guidance, and teachings are responsible for the near destruction of the Roman Catholic Church and especially the end destruction of the Clandestine Catholic Church (Ecclesia Silentii), in the Czech and Slovak Republics after the fall of Communism. These failures furthermore contributed to the Czech Republic, the historical lands of Bohemia and Moravia that once were in the center of Christendom, degenerating into the most atheist country in Europe and the world today

    Legislative transformation of cultural management and exhibition activity after 1989

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    Šárka Jendraššák Legislative transformation of cultural management and exhibition activity after 1989 Summary Rigorous thesis aims to present the main character of newly established legislative conditions in cultural management, especially regarding to the development of exhibition activities of contemporary art in the Czech Republic after 1989. Firstly, this thesis emphasizes critical view of the legislative transformation and cultural institutions financing, which subsequently sets conditions for exhibition activities development in the period from years 1989 to 2015. Additionally, thesis analyses history and development of State Culture Policy, especially focusing on defining policy objectives and priorities, also evaluating their subsequent implementation. Another focus of this thesis are exhibitions of contemporary art, which have extraordinary ability to reflect the character of contemporary aesthetic and social issues, which manifested more especially after 1989. This methodological approach allows to observe a gradual change in cultural management since establishment of a democratic state until 2015, when the latest government- approved State Culture Policy sets conditions for artistic activities. After presenting the fundamental moments of the transformation of the legislative framework of culture...Šárka Jendraššák Legislative transformation of cultural management and exhibition activity after 1989 Summary Rigorous thesis aims to present the main character of newly established legislative conditions in cultural management, especially regarding to the development of exhibition activities of contemporary art in the Czech Republic after 1989. Firstly, this thesis emphasizes critical view of the legislative transformation and cultural institutions financing, which subsequently sets conditions for exhibition activities development in the period from years 1989 to 2015. Additionally, thesis analyses history and development of State Culture Policy, especially focusing on defining policy objectives and priorities, also evaluating their subsequent implementation. Another focus of this thesis are exhibitions of contemporary art, which have extraordinary ability to reflect the character of contemporary aesthetic and social issues, which manifested more especially after 1989. This methodological approach allows to observe a gradual change in cultural management since establishment of a democratic state until 2015, when the latest government- approved State Culture Policy sets conditions for artistic activities. After presenting the fundamental moments of the transformation of the legislative framework of culture...Ústav dějin křesťanského uměníInstitute of Christian Art HistoryKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult

    DOUBLE BASS PLAYING - Historical, Pedagogical and Musical Theoretical Aspects

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    DOUBLE BASS PLAYING - Historical, Pedagogical and Musical Theoretical Aspects ABSTRACT This dissertation thesis focuses on historical, pedagogical and music theoretical aspects of double bass playing. The thesis collects data on double bass history regarding the structural development of this instrument and double bass bow, the development of tuning and using this musical instrument in particular centuries. Additionally, the introduction of this thesis contains information on the most significant double bass players of the past. Apart from the development of arts education in the Czech Republic, the research chapters survey the establishment of Academies of Arts in the former Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The chapter with the overview of Conservatories and Academies which currently provide double bass playing education include topical charts and graphs. The other research scope relates to the literature for double bass by the most important Czech double bassists/composers. The chapter based on this research resulted from thorough research in the archives performed during the years 2020-2022. The overview of the fifteen most impor- tant Czech double bassists/composers, which has not been elaborated before, is supplemented by an overview of artistic, pedagogical and compositional...HRA NA KONTRABAS - aspekty historické, pedagogické a hudebně teoretické ABSTRAKT Tato disertační práce je zaměřena na historické, pedagogické a hudebně teoretické aspekty kon- trabasové hry. V práci jsou shromážděna data o historii kontrabasu z hlediska konstrukčního vývoje kontrabasu i kontrabasového smyčce, vývoje ladění a uplatnění nástroje v jednotlivých staletích. Úvodní část obsahuje též informace o nejvýznamnějších kontrabasistech historie. Kapitoly z výzkumné činnosti mapují kromě vývoje uměleckého školství v České republice také přehled vzniku vysokých uměleckých škol v bývalém Československu a následně v České a Slovenské republice. Kapitola s přehledem konzervatoří a vysokých škol, na nichž se v sou- časné době vyučuje kontrabasová hra, obsahuje aktuální tabulky a grafy. Literatura pro kontrabas od nejvýznamnějších českých kontrabasistů-skladatelů je předmě- tem druhého okruhu výzkumné činnosti. Kapitola z tohoto výzkumu je výsledkem důsledného bádání v archivech v letech 2020-2022. Dosud nezpracovaný přehled patnácti nejvýznamněj- ších českých kontrabasistů-skladatelů je doplněn o přehled umělecké, pedagogické a skladatel- ské činnosti jednotlivých osobností. Výzkum přinesl též cenné informace o využití didaktic- kých materiálů na konzervatořích a vysokých školách. Obsáhlá závěrečná kapitola,...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Grassmannians, measure partitions and waists of spheres

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    In this thesis we apply methods from algebraic topology on questions from geometry, combinatorics and functional analysis. First we study amplituhedra – images of the totally nonnegative Grassmannians under projections that are induced by linear maps. They were introduced in Physics by Arkani-Hamed & Trnka (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014) as model spaces that should provide a better understanding of the scattering amplitudes of quantum field theories. The topology of the amplituhedra has been known only in a few special cases, where they turned out to be homeomorphic to balls. Amplituhedra are special cases of Grassmann polytopes introduced by Lam (Current developments in mathematics 2014, Int. Press). We show that some further amplituhedra are homeomorphic to balls, and that some more Grassmann polytopes and amplituhedra are contractible. Next we study equipartitions of measures in a Euclidean space by certain families of convex sets. Our first result gives partitions of the ambient space into convex prisms – products of convex sets, that equipart a given set of measures, and our second result gives partitions of the Euclidean space by regular linear fans, that also equipart a given set of measures. The next result is a continuous analogue of the conjecture of Holmsen, Kynčl and Valculescu (Computational Geometry, 2017). For given a large enough family of positive finite absolutely continuous measures in the Euclidean space, we prove that there exists a partition of the ambient space, such that every set in the partition has positive measure with respect to at least c of the given measures, where we allow c to be greater than the dimension of the ambient Euclidean space. Additionally, we obtain an equipartition of one of the measures. The proof relies on a configuration space/test map scheme that translates this problem into a novel question from equivariant topology: We show non-existence of equivariant maps from the ordered configuration space into the union of an affine arrangement. Furthermore, we prove an extension of the Gromov’s theorem on the waists of spheres (Geometric and Functional Analysis, 2003). Gromov showed that for every n > k ≥ 1 and for every continuous map f : S n → R k from a sphere to a Euclidean space, there exists a point z ∈ R k , such that the volume of the tubular neighborhood of the inverse image f −1 (z) is at least as large as the volume of the tubular neighborhood of the (n − k)-dimensional equatorial sphere. We show that if the map f is Z p -equivariant for a prime p, and if the action of Z p on S n and R k satisfies certain properties, one can choose z in Gromov’s theorem to be the origin in R k . Finally, we study oriented matroid Grassmannians, also called MacPhersonians. An oriented matroid Grassmannian is the order complex of the set of all oriented matroids of a fixed rank and a fixed number of elements, ordered by weak maps. They were introduced by MacPherson (Topological Methods in Modern Mathematics, 1993), and firstly used by Gel’fand and MacPherson to give a combinatorial formula for Pontrjagin classes. For a given rank and a number of elements, the MacPhersonian is conjectured to be homotopy equivalent to the corresponding Grassmannian. We give some computational evidence in rank 3 and 4 that support the conjecture

    Quality Investing: Combining the Gross Profitability with the Free Cash Flow Yield

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    Tato práce se zabývá zkoumáním prediktivních schopností rozdílných strategií ve spojitosti s budoucími výnosy akcií. Analýza byla provedena na vzorku 3976 firem obchodovaných na burzách NYSE a NASDAQ během časového horizontu 29 let, od července 1986 do června 2015. Prediktivní schopnosti rozdílných strategií byly testovány také v průběhu tří dílčích období a také během období býčích a medvědích trhů s použitím jak portfolií, které drží jen dlouhé pozice, tak také portfolií, které drží dlouhé i krátké pozice zároveň. Tyto scénáře byly použity pro ověření robustnosti testovaných strategií. Bylo zjištěno, že ukazatel FCF yield dokáže predikovat budoucí výnosy akcií lépe než ukazatel gross profitability. Rozdíl mezi průměrnými měsíčními výnosy byl signifikantní během všech testovaných časových období, býčích trhů a medvědích trhů s použitím jak portfolií, které drží pouze dlouhé pozice, tak portfolií, které drží dlouhé i krátké pozice. Dále bylo dokázáno, že nově představený ukazatel FCF profitable value dokáže predikovat budoucí výnosy akcií lépe než ukazatel profitable value. Ukazatel FCF profitable value představuje rovněž určité zlepšení oproti ukazateli FCF yield. Bylo zjištěno, že ukazatel FCF profitable value má lepší prediktivní schopnosti než ukazatel FCF yield v některých časových obdobích a...This thesis examined the predictive power of different strategies for future stock returns. The analysis was conducted using a data sample of 3976 firms traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ during a 29 year time horizon, from July 1986 to June 2015. Predictive powers of different strategies were also tested during three sub-periods and during bull and bear markets using both long-only and long/short portfolios to check whether the predictive power is robust. It was found that the FCF yield is a better indicator of future stock returns than the gross profitability. The difference between average monthly returns was significant during all tested time periods and market situations using both long-only and long/short portfolios. The newly introduced FCF profitable value strategy proved to be a better predictor of future stock returns than the profitable value strategy. The FCF profitable value strategy presents also an improvement over the FCF yield strategy. It was found that the FCF profitable value has a better predictive power for future stock returns than the FCF yield at least during some time periods or market situations. JEL Classification G11, G14, G15, G17 Keywords value investing, quality investing, gross profitability, free cash flow yield Author's e-mail...Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    František and Alena Falerski. Lives and Marriage in Whirlwind of Totalitarian Regimes.

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    This dissertation offers an insight into the couple Alena and František Falerski, whose lives were considerably marked by totalitarian regimes. It examines in detail the dynamism of the changes to their spiritual lives within the context of the political, social and ecclesiastical transformations after 1918, with an emphasis on the periods 1939-1945 and 1948-1989. This work presents the spirituality of two intellectuals and church laity from the point of view of the respective development, external appearance, identity, opinions, genders and the reactions to oppression. This study combines a predominantly biographical approach with historical anthropology, where the standard work based on written sources has been expanded by the use of the oral history method. Key words Totalitarian, spirituality, Roman Catholic Church, political prisoner, marriage.Disertační práce nabízí pohled na manžele Alenu a Františka Falerské, jejichž životy silně poznamenaly totalitní režimy, a v detailu zkoumá dynamismus proměn jejich spirituálního života v kontextu politických, společenských a církevních transformací po roce 1918 s důrazem na léta 1939-1945 a 1948-1989. Práce představuje spiritualitu dvou intelektuálů-církevních laiků z hlediska vývoje, vnější formy, identity, zastávaných názorů, genderu a reakce na útlak. Předložená studie kombinuje dominující biografický přístup s historickou antropologií, přičemž standardní práce s písemnými prameny byla rozšířena o metodu orální historie. Klíčová slova Totalitní, spiritualita, římskokatolická církev, politický vězeň, manželství.Ústav českých dějinInstitute of Czech HistoryFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    Streamlining of the production of a component into the aircraft engine

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá inovací technologického postupu odlitku s názvem Podpora ventilátoru ve firmě Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc s.r.o. První část diplomové práce je zaměřena na funkci součásti Podpora ventilátoru z titanové slitiny Ti-6Al-4V. Součástí kapitoly je také popis proudového motoru TFE 731, ve které se součást nachází. Následně je věnována pozornost teoretickému rozboru materiálových vlastností titanových slitin a jejich obrobitelnosti. V následující části jsou posouzeny alternativy výrobců strojů s následným výběrem pěti-osého CNC soustružnicko frézovacího centra DMC 80 U duoBLOCK disponující technologií Jetstream. Převod výroby na nový stroj je doprovázen změnou technologického postupu obráběcích operací, tvorbou nových přípravků a obměnou řezných nástrojů. Část kapitoly je také věnována statické analýze dílce numerickou metodou (MKP) v obráběcí operaci 7. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny náklady a úspory, kterých bylo dosaženo inovací technologického postupu.The thesis deals with innovation of the technological process of casting called Fan support in the company Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc s.r.o. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to component description which is made of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The section is also devoted to jet engine TFE 731, which is the engine where our particular component has specific function. Another part is focused on theoretical analysis of material characteristics of titanium alloys and their machinability. In the following section there are considered alternatives of machine suppliers with subsequent selection of the multifunctional CNC milling-turning center DMC 80 U duoBLOCK equipped with Jetstream technology. The transfer of the production to another machine is accompanied by an innovation of the technological process, making new fixtures and optimalization of the cutting tools. The section is also dedicated to static analysis of the component in operation 7 supported by finite element method (FEM). The final part of the thesis includes evaluation of the costs and savings achieved by innovation of the technological process.