104 research outputs found

    JVM-hosted languages: They talk the talk, but do they walk the walk?

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    The rapid adoption of non-Java JVM languages is impressive: major international corporations are staking critical parts of their software infrastructure on components built from languages such as Scala and Clojure. However with the possible exception of Scala, there has been little academic consideration and characterization of these languages to date. In this paper, we examine four nonJava JVM languages and use exploratory data analysis techniques to investigate differences in their dynamic behavior compared to Java. We analyse a variety of programs and levels of behavior to draw distinctions between the different programming languages. We briefly discuss the implications of our findings for improving the performance of JIT compilation and garbage collection on the JVM platform

    A Diagnostic System for Remote Real-Time Monitoring of Marine Diesel-Electric Propulsion Systems

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    An innovative diesel-electric power supply and propulsion system is a highly integrated electric system consisting of power generation, power distribution, and electrical drives. Every component of this system constantly produces operating data, which is read and evaluated by several programmable logic controllers, which in turn produce control signals. This thesis presents a diagnostic system that collects the operating data and control signals from all power supply, propulsion, and control components on board, saves them to a hard drive, and enables an engineer to view the data remotely over the internet, in real-time as well as in retrospect. An industrial computer, certified for on-board use, is embedded into the ship’s control unit, autonomously running the software that retrieves the data via an industrial Ethernet connection and makes it available to a remote user through a web interface or a database connection

    Harvesting information from the Internet to construct ontologies

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    The paper evaluates the effectiveness of harvesting information from the internet to aid in the lowcost construction of an ontology. The paper describes how a proof-of-concept called OntoRanch was built, to harvest information and its relationships to construct an ontology. A systems development methodology was adopted which recognises three main stages: concept development, system building, and system evaluation. The evaluation took an interpretive hybrid approach of using both a focus group and a questionnaire to evaluate the proof-of-concept OntoRanch. The findings show that the approach of reusing information by harvesting it from the internet can provide an effective self-sustaining process that enables ontologies to be constructed in a reduced amount of time and cost

    Programming the world in a browser: real men don't do JavaScript do they?!

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    My Pet

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    1000pfoten es una red social para animales, sobretodo a los cans, que permite la comunicación entre gente que ama a sus mascotas, y donde pueden crearse un perfil subir fotos, videos, compartir historias, grupos y muchas otras acciones. Esta aplicación también tiene implementada una administración, donde se podrán gestionar los textos para traducirlos al idioma correspondiente, censurar historias, perfiles, creación de usuarios administradores y la creación de las preguntas FAQ. Los principales objetivos que se quieren conseguir con la realización de este proyecto son: • Realizar una página intuitiva, moderna, ágil, dinámica y funcional. • Utilizar y conocer nuevos lenguajes y tecnologías. Como por ejemplo Ruby on Rails, Ajax. • Adaptarla de una manera que forme parte de la nueva generación de aplicaciones Web 2.0 • Poder llevar a la práctica gran parte de la teoría vista en las diferentes asignaturas de la carrera, especialmente las tareas de análisis, diseño e implementación de un proyecto, que van desde que se tiene una idea inicial hasta que esa idea es una realidad, y todos los pasos y planificaciones llevados a cabo para realizarlo. • Dotar a la aplicación de una gran reusabilidad, de tal forma que se puedan implementar mejoras o cambios con relativa facilidad y sin afectar al diseño original. • Saber tratar con el cliente. No siendo ni muy permisivos ni muy restrictivos. • Una vez realizada la aplicación, el cliente este satisfecho con el resultado final

    SNPchiMp: a database to disentangle the SNPchip jungle in bovine livestock

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, six commercial whole-genome SNP chips are available for cattle genotyping, produced by two different genotyping platforms. Technical issues need to be addressed to combine data that originates from the different platforms, or different versions of the same array generated by the manufacturer. For example: i) genome coordinates for SNPs may refer to different genome assemblies; ii) reference genome sequences are updated over time changing the positions, or even removing sequences which contain SNPs; iii) not all commercial SNP ID’s are searchable within public databases; iv) SNPs can be coded using different formats and referencing different strands (e.g. A/B or A/C/T/G alleles, referencing forward/reverse, top/bottom or plus/minus strand); v) Due to new information being discovered, higher density chips do not necessarily include all the SNPs present in the lower density chips; and, vi) SNP IDs may not be consistent across chips and platforms. Most researchers and breed associations manage SNP data in real-time and thus require tools to standardise data in a user-friendly manner. DESCRIPTION: Here we present SNPchiMp, a MySQL database linked to an open access web-based interface. Features of this interface include, but are not limited to, the following functions: 1) referencing the SNP mapping information to the latest genome assembly, 2) extraction of information contained in dbSNP for SNPs present in all commercially available bovine chips, and 3) identification of SNPs in common between two or more bovine chips (e.g. for SNP imputation from lower to higher density). In addition, SNPchiMp can retrieve this information on subsets of SNPs, accessing such data either via physical position on a supported assembly, or by a list of SNP IDs, rs or ss identifiers. CONCLUSIONS: This tool combines many different sources of information, that otherwise are time consuming to obtain and difficult to integrate. The SNPchiMp not only provides the information in a user-friendly format, but also enables researchers to perform a large number of operations with a few clicks of the mouse. This significantly reduces the time needed to execute the large number of operations required to manage SNP data

    Cross-Browser Document Capture System

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    Veebilehte kuvatakse harva täpselt samasugusena erinevates brauseri ja operatsioonisüsteemi kombinatsioonides. Sellel on mitmeid põhjuseid: veebistandardite tõlgendamine brauseri poolt, brauseri visualiseerimismootor, operatsioonisüsteemi vaikefondid, brauserisse installeeritud pistikprogrammid, ekraani eraldusvõime jms. Nende erinevuste tähelepanuta jätmine võib tekitada probleeme veebilehe kujunduses, mille tagajärjeks on klientide kaotamine. Veebidisaineritele võib tunduda veebilehtede testimine mitmes brauseris tavapärase praktikana, et leida brauseritevahelised kujunduse probleemid. Katsed näitavad, et visuaalsete erinevuste käsitsi leidmine on tülikas ja kohmakas ülesanne. Seda teades on meie meeskonna liige loonud algoritmi, mis on osutunud inimestega võrreldes märkimisväärselt kiiremaks ja täpsemaks kujunduses vigade leidmisel. Algoritm töötab selliselt, et veebilehest tehtud aluspilti (tarkvara testimise mõistes oraaklit) võrreldakse samast veebilehest teiste brauseritega tehtud piltidega, leides nendes paigutuse erinevusi, mida ka inimsilm arvestaks väärana. Käesolev töö keskendub probleemile, kuidas eelnevalt mainitud algoritmile sisendit luua. Töö annab valikulise ülevaate olemasolevatest lahendustest ja teenustest, mis tagastavad veebilehe sisu pildi kujul, ning võimalusel mõõdab nende jõudlust. Tuvastatakse nimekiri nõuetest, mis on vajalikud mitmeplatvormilise veebidokumentide pildistamise lahenduse kommertsialiseerimiseks. Seejärel tutvustab töö kiiret ja mitmeplatvormilist meetodit veebilehe täispikkuses pildistamiseks ning annab ülevaate skaleeritava arhitektuuriga veebiteenusest, mis pildistab veebilehti virtuaalsetes ja füüsilistes masinates ning erinevates brauserites ja operatsioonisüsteemides.A web page is seldom displayed in the exact same manner in different browser and operating system combinations. There are several reasons for different rendering outcomes: interpretation of web standards by the browser, the browser's rendering engine, available fonts in the operating system, plugins installed in the browser, screen resolution etc. Neglecting to consider these differences as a web designer may lead to webpage layout issues that result in lost customers. Web designers might consider it common practice to test webpages on several browsers to eliminate cross-browser layout issues. Experiments show that finding visual differences is a dull and cumbersome task for people. Knowing this, another member working at Browserbite has created an algorithm that has proved to be much faster and more accurate at finding layout issues compared to humans. The algorithm works by comparing a baseline (oracle in software testing terms) webpage in image form to other image captures of the same webpage in different browsers, finding differences in layout and position that a human might consider erroneous. This thesis concentrates on the problem of creating the input to the aforementioned algorithm. A selective overview of existing solutions and services for webpage capture and automation is given, measuring their performance where possible. A list of requirements are established for a cross-platform capture solution to be commercialized. A fast and cross-platform method of capturing full webpages is then introduced, and an overview of a scalable Software-as-a-Service system implemented for cross-browser and cross-platform capture in several virtual and physical machines asynchronously is given

    Monikieliohjelmointi Web-sovelluskehityksessä

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    Different programming languages are used to solve different problem domains. Front-end code standards and best practices are used to separate presentation, content and behavior. Architectural approaches like three-tier client-server architecture present user interface, business logic and data access as independent modules to develop and maintain. The idea of polyglot programming is to combine and utilize the best solutions from different programming languages and paradigms. Therefore, polyglot programming has the potential to improve web development in various areas. Web development has always been polyglot. Polyglot system has two essential aspects, the platform used for the integration and the programming languages supported. The recent rise of non-Java programming languages running on the Java Virtual Machine has created a favorable environment for polyglot programming. The possibility to use more expressive and succinct programming languages with existing solutions has proven to be essential in web development. An example web project was implemented to study the observations in practice. The project was implemented in both Java and Groovy as a server-side web application and also with Vert.x and AngularJS as a client-side single-page application. Also an additional Groovy implementation with Java legacy domain model was implemented to study programming language interoperability on the Java Virtual Machine. The results were evaluated against related work consisting two project implementations and three case study projects presented also in the context of polyglot programming in web development. Polyglot programming can enhance web development, because different programming languages and frameworks promise an increase in productivity, reduced amount of code and improved code quality that together promote better maintainability. Although polyglot programming has a steep learning curve that affects on required knowledge, maintainability, and tool support.Erilaisia ongelma-alueita pyritään ratkaisemaan käyttäen eri ohjelmointikieliä. Esimerkiksi Frontend-ohjelmointikäytäntöjä noudattamalla voidaan erottaa esitys-, sisältö ja toimintalogiikka toisistaan. Lisäksi arkkitehtuuriratkaisut, kuten kolmikerrosarkkitehtuuri, jakavat käyttöliittymän, toimintalogiikan ja tietovarastojen käytön itsenäisiksi, mahdollisesti toisistaan erillään kehitettäviksi ja ylläpidettäviksi moduuleiksi. Monikieliohjelmoinnin ideana on yhdistää ja hyödyntää ohjelmointikielten ja ohjelmointiparadigmojen parhaat ratkaisut. Tästä syystä monikieliohjelmointi voi mahdollisesti parantaa Web-sovelluskehitystä useilla eri osa-alueilla. Monikielisyys on aina ollut osa Web-sovelluskehitystä. Monikielisessä järjestelmässä on kaksi olennaista ominaisuutta, käytettävissä oleva sovelluskehitysalusta sekä käytettävissä olevat ohjelmointikielet. Viimeaikainen kehitys ohjelmointikielissä Java-virtuaalikoneella on luonut suotuisan ympäristön monikieliohjelmoinnille. Mahdollisuus käyttää kuvaavampia ja ytimekkäämpiä ohjelmointikieliä olemassa olevien ratkaisujen tukena on osoittautunut tärkeäksi. Työn yhteydessä toteutettua esimerkkiprojektia käytettiin tarkastelemaan tehtyjä havaintoja käytännössä. Projekti toteutettiin sekä Java- että Groovy-ohjelmointikielellä palvelinpuolen Web-sovelluksena sekä Vert.x ja AngularJS Web-sovelluskehyksiä hyödyntäen asiakaspuolen yhden sivun Web-sovelluksena. Lisäksi ohjelmointikielten yhteentoimivuutta tutkittiin tekemällä Groovy-ohjelmointikielellä toteutus, joka hyödynsi valmista Java-toteutuksen toimialueen mallinnusta. Monikieliohjelmointi voi tehdä Web-sovelluskehityksestä kannattavampaa. Eri ohjelmointikielet ja ohjelmistokehykset lupaavat lisätä tuottavuutta, vähentää tarvittavan koodin määrää, sekä parantaa koodin laatua, parantaen näin samalla ylläpidettävyyttä. On kuitenkin tärkeää huomata se, että monikieliohjelmointi kasvattaa tarvittavan tiedon määrä, mikä vaikuttaa suoraan ylläpidettävyyteen sekä tarvittavaan työkalutukeen