208 research outputs found

    Regional mapping of crops under agricultural nets using Sentinel-2

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    Geography and Environmental Studie

    A hybrid CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI parallel TCA-based domain adaptation for classification of very high-resolution remote sensing images

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    Domain Adaptation (DA) is a technique that aims at extracting information from a labeled remote sensing image to allow classifying a different image obtained by the same sensor but at a different geographical location. This is a very complex problem from the computational point of view, specially due to the very high-resolution of multispectral images. TCANet is a deep learning neural network for DA classification problems that has been proven as very accurate for solving them. TCANet consists of several stages based on the application of convolutional filters obtained through Transfer Component Analysis (TCA) computed over the input images. It does not require backpropagation training, in contrast to the usual CNN-based networks, as the convolutional filters are directly computed based on the TCA transform applied over the training samples. In this paper, a hybrid parallel TCA-based domain adaptation technique for solving the classification of very high-resolution multispectral images is presented. It is designed for efficient execution on a multi-node computer by using Message Passing Interface (MPI), exploiting the available Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), and making efficient use of each multicore node by using Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP). As a result, an accurate DA technique from the point of view of classification and with high speedup values over the sequential version is obtained, increasing the applicability of the technique to real problemsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Government of Spain (grant numbers PID2019-104834GB-I00 and TED2021-130367B-I00), the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (grant number 2019–2022 ED431G-2019/04 and 2021–2024 ED431C 2022/16), and by the Junta de Castilla y León (project VA226P20 (PROPHET II Project)). All are co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Prototypicality effects in global semantic description of objects

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for semantic description of object features based on the prototypicality effects of the Prototype Theory. Our prototype-based description model encodes and stores the semantic meaning of an object, while describing its features using the semantic prototype computed by CNN-classifications models. Our method uses semantic prototypes to create discriminative descriptor signatures that describe an object highlighting its most distinctive features within the category. Our experiments show that: i) our descriptor preserves the semantic information used by the CNN-models in classification tasks; ii) our distance metric can be used as the object's typicality score; iii) our descriptor signatures are semantically interpretable and enables the simulation of the prototypical organization of objects within a category.Comment: Paper accepted in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2019 (WACV2019). Content: 10 pages (8 + 2 reference) with 7 figure

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    A review of neural networks in plant disease detection using hyperspectral data

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    © 2018 China Agricultural University This paper reviews advanced Neural Network (NN) techniques available to process hyperspectral data, with a special emphasis on plant disease detection. Firstly, we provide a review on NN mechanism, types, models, and classifiers that use different algorithms to process hyperspectral data. Then we highlight the current state of imaging and non-imaging hyperspectral data for early disease detection. The hybridization of NN-hyperspectral approach has emerged as a powerful tool for disease detection and diagnosis. Spectral Disease Index (SDI) is the ratio of different spectral bands of pure disease spectra. Subsequently, we introduce NN techniques for rapid development of SDI. We also highlight current challenges and future trends of hyperspectral data

    Deep learning methods applied to digital elevation models: state of the art

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    Deep Learning (DL) has a wide variety of applications in various thematic domains, including spatial information. Although with limitations, it is also starting to be considered in operations related to Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). This study aims to review the methods of DL applied in the field of altimetric spatial information in general, and DEMs in particular. Void Filling (VF), Super-Resolution (SR), landform classification and hydrography extraction are just some of the operations where traditional methods are being replaced by DL methods. Our review concludes that although these methods have great potential, there are aspects that need to be improved. More appropriate terrain information or algorithm parameterisation are some of the challenges that this methodology still needs to face.Functional Quality of Digital Elevation Models in Engineering’ of the State Agency Research of SpainPID2019-106195RB- I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Recent Advances in Image Restoration with Applications to Real World Problems

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    In the past few decades, imaging hardware has improved tremendously in terms of resolution, making widespread usage of images in many diverse applications on Earth and planetary missions. However, practical issues associated with image acquisition are still affecting image quality. Some of these issues such as blurring, measurement noise, mosaicing artifacts, low spatial or spectral resolution, etc. can seriously affect the accuracy of the aforementioned applications. This book intends to provide the reader with a glimpse of the latest developments and recent advances in image restoration, which includes image super-resolution, image fusion to enhance spatial, spectral resolution, and temporal resolutions, and the generation of synthetic images using deep learning techniques. Some practical applications are also included

    Patch Autocorrelation Features: A translation and rotation invariant approach for image classification.

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    The autocorrelation is often used in signal processing as a tool for finding repeating patterns in a signal. In image processing, there are various image analysis techniques that use the autocorrelation of an image in a broad range of applications from texture analysis to grain density estimation. This paper provides an extensive review of two recently introduced and related frameworks for image representation based on autocorrelation, namely Patch Autocorrelation Features (PAF) and Translation and Rotation Invariant Patch Autocorrelation Features (TRIPAF). The PAF approach stores a set of features obtained by comparing pairs of patches from an image. More precisely, each feature is the euclidean distance between a particular pair of patches. The proposed approach is successfully evaluated in a series of handwritten digit recognition experiments on the popular MNIST data set. However, the PAF approach has limited applications, because it is not invariant to affine transformations. More recently, the PAF approach was extended to become invariant to image transformations, including (but not limited to) translation and rotation changes. In the TRIPAF framework, several features are extracted from each image patch. Based on these features, a vector of similarity values is computed between each pair of patches. Then, the similarity vectors are clustered together such that the spatial offset between the patches of each pair is roughly the same. Finally, the mean and the standard deviation of each similarity value are computed for each group of similarity vectors. These statistics are concatenated to obtain the TRIPAF feature vector. The TRIPAF vector essentially records information about the repeating patterns within an image at various spatial offsets. After presenting the two approaches, several optical character recognition and texture classification experiments are conducted to evaluate the two approaches. Results are reported on the MNIST (98.93%), the Brodatz (96.51%), and the UIUCTex (98.31%) data sets. Both PAF and TRIPAF are fast to compute and produce compact representations in practice, while reaching accuracy levels similar to other state-of-the-art methods

    Multiple sparse representations classification

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    Sparse representations classification (SRC) is a powerful technique for pixelwise classification of images and it is increasingly being used for a wide variety of image analysis tasks. The method uses sparse representation and learned redundant dictionaries to classify image pixels. In this empirical study we propose to further leverage the redundancy of the learned dictionaries to achieve a more accurate classifier. In conventional SRC, each image pixel is associated with a small patch surrounding it. Using these patches, a dictionary is trained for each class in a supervised fashion. Commonly, redundant/overcomplete dictionaries are trained and image patches are sparsely represented by a linear combination of only a few of the dictionary elements. Given a set of trained dictionaries, a new patch is sparse coded using each of them, and subsequently assigned to the class whose dictionary yields the minimum residual energy.We propose a generalization of this scheme. The method, which we call multiple sparse representations classification (mSRC), is based on the observation that an overcomplete, class specific dictionary is capable of generating multiple accurate and independent estimates of a patch belonging to the class. So instead of finding a single sparse representation of a patch for each dictionary, we find multiple, and the corresponding residual energies provides an enhanced statistic which is used to improve classification. We demonstrate the efficacy of mSRC for three example applications: pixelwise classification of texture images, lumen segmentation in carotid artery magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and bifurcation point detection in carotid artery MRI. We compare our method with conventional SRC, K-nearest neighbor, and support vector machine classifiers. The results show that mSRC outperforms SRC and the other reference methods. In addition, we present an extensive evaluation of the effect of the main mSRC parameters: patch size, dictionary size, and sparsity level