102,843 research outputs found

    Islamic Work Ethics (Iwe)

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the empirical research of the Islamic work ethic (IWE) and its influence on business and management practices. This review summarizes the research on IWE from 2010 to 2017. Fifteen articles were selected during this period, resulting in two areas findings. First, the role of IWE on mainly HRM practices and work and individual related outcomes such as commitment,  satisfaction, perceived justice, OCB, and turnover intention. In relation to the organizational context, IWE found to be positively related to learning, innovation, and organizational performance. This paper can provide practitioners and academics with a better understanding of the concept of IWE, and its impact on individuals and organizations.   Keywords: Islamic work ethics, IW

    Factors that influence Islamic work ethics among employees: A study at HIG Langkawi Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

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    The purpose of this study was to review the factors that influence Islamic work ethics among the employees of Haji Ismail Group (HIG) Langkawi Holdings Sdn. Bhd. that located in Langkawi, Kedah. This study due to the lack of attention given regarding of the factors that influence the implementation of Islamic work ethics among employees especially in contexs of Malaysia’s environment. From this study, Islamic work ethics and it’s factors were measured it’s relationship in the implementation of Islamic work ethics among the employees and to identify the most dominant factor of Islamic work ethics among the employees. The data analysis was done by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0. The results showed a positive relationships between the perceived organizational support, Islamic education, person job fit and person organization fit with Islamic Work Ethics among employees. These positive relationships showing all these factors are significant as the factors of influencing employees to practice Islamic work ethics in their work routine. This study also found that the most dominant factor towards the implementation of the Islamic work ethics among employees is the Islamic educatio

    Kepemimpinan Islami Dan Etika Kerja Islam: Bagaimana Keduanya Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Employee performance is one of the important factors in determining the success of an organization. Employee performance can be affected by a variety of factors, including Islamic leadership and Islamic work ethics. Islamic leadership is a leadership style that is based on Islamic values, whereas Islamic work ethics is a set of values and norms that govern the work behavior of a Muslim. This study aims to examine the influence of Islamic leadership and Islamic work ethics on employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable. This research uses quantitative methods with a survey approach. The study population were employees in a private company in Indonesia. The study sample amounted to 95 employees who were taken randomly. Data was collected through questionnaires.  The results of the study are as follows:  Islamic Leadership has a positive and significant influence on Work Motivation, Islamic Work Ethics has a positive and significant influence on Work Motivation, Islamic Leadership has a positive and significant influence on performance, Islamic Work Ethics has a positive  and significant influence on performance,   Work Motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance, Islamic Leadership has a positive and significant effect on Performance through Work Motivation, this means that work motivation can mediate between Islamic leadership variables and performance variables and shows that Islamic Leadership can be used as a variable that can improve performance,  Islamic Work Ethics has a positive and significant effect on Performance through Work Motivation, this means that work motivation can mediate between Islamic work ethics variables and performance variables and shows that Islamic work ethics can be used as variables that can improve performance. Keywords: Islamic leadership, Islamic work ethic, work motivation, employee performance. &nbsp


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    This research aims to determine the partial effect of Organizational Commitment, organizational climate, and Islamic work ethics on employee performance and to determine employee performance through Islamic work ethics. This study was conducted on 127 nurses at kalianget Islamic Hospital with a saturated sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis techniques using path analysis with the SEM-PLS method using smartpls Software. The results of the study indicate that directly: Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on Islamic work ethics, Organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Islamic work ethics has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. While the indirect effect: Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through Islamic work ethics, Organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on employee performance towards Islamic work ethics

    Impact of Islamic Work Ethics on Work outcomes of Employees with Personality Conscientiousness as Moderator Variable in the Banking Sector of Southern Punjab

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    The   purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Islamic Work Ethics on   work outcomes (Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention) of employees with personality trait Conscientiousness as a moderator variable in banking sector of Southern Punjab. Convenience sampling technique was utilized to collect data from banking sectors. The sample size of this study is 250. The findings indicate that Islamic Work Ethics shows the positive and significant relationship with Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. Islamic Work Ethics also shows the significant and negative relationship with Turnover Intention. Moderation analysis shows the negative moderating role of Conscientiousness between Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment. There was no moderating effect in case of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention. Key Words: Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, Conscientiousness, Islamic Work Ethics and Job Satisfaction 

    The Mediating Role of Islamic Job Satisfaction on Relationship of Islamic Work Ethics on Intention to Leave

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    Purpose: This study aims to explore the effect of Islamic work ethics on intention to leave. This study also examines the indirect effect of Islamic work ethics on intention to leave   using Islamic job satisfaction as a mediator.   Design/methodology/approach: This study used a saturated sampling technique with a sample size of the 77 employee at all Islamic banks in Ternate City, North Maluku Province. SEM-PLS is used to test the hypothesis.   Findings: The study results found that Islamic work ethics had a negative and significant effect on intention to leave; Islamic work ethics also had a positive and significant effect on Islamic job satisfaction. Islamic job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on intention to leave. Islamic job satisfaction partially mediates the influence of Islamic work ethics on intention to leave.   Research limitations/implications: Sources of reference regarding Islamic job satisfaction are still conceptual and very limited are the results of research on Islamic job satisfaction in field of management and organization.   Practical implications: This research generates theoretical findings in strategic human resource management science which states that values ​​of Islamic work ethics and Islamic job satisfaction will generate benefits for all organizational stakeholders.   Social Implications: Values ​​in Islamic job satisfaction and Islamic work ethics will be able to guide a Muslim individual in working from values ​​related to his relationships with fellow humans and values ​​in behavior that in essence humans are created to serve Allah and as the caliph of Allah. as well as to prosper the earth.   Originality/value: This research employ Islamic job satisfaction as a mediating variable. Unlike job satisfaction in general, Islamic job satisfaction has several aspects (ruhiyyah, aqliyyah, nafsiyyah and jasadiyyah) to obtain job satisfactio

    Implementation of the Islamic Work Ethics “AKHLAK” at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Bandung

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    This research is conducted because there are still many  fraud cases  in Islamic bankings. This fraud is related to the behavior of managers and the employees in Islamic banking institutions. Therefore this fraud should be eliminated by applying the Islamic Work Ethics or moral values ​​that exist in Islamic teachings. Based on this, this research aims to determine the understanding and application of Islamic Work Ethics in Islamic banking institutions. The research is a preliminary survey in an sharia bank  in Bandung  using qualitative research method. This method is carried out through interviews with the employees and leaders at Bank Syariah Indonesia . The results of interviews with the employees are  then triangulated with the results of interviews with the leaders. This research is not a generalization. The results show the understanding and application of Islamic Work Ethics by employees and leaders at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Bandung . This study provides an overview to the government regarding the application of Islamic Work Ethics in Islamic banks. Keywords : Islamic Work Ethics , AKHLAK , Bank Syariah Indonesia. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-4-07 Publication date: July 31st 202

    Analisis Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi dan Keterlibatan Kerja terhadap Hubungan antara Etika Kerja Islam dengan Sikap Perubahan Organisasi

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    This study examines the effect of Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement on the relationship between The Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Change Attitude. The result of the study supports the hypothese that the Islamic Work Ethic relates to the Organizational Commitment and the Islamic Work Ethic related to the Organizational Change Attitude. In addition Job Involvement and the Organizational Commitment mediated the relationship between the Islamic Work Ethics and the Organizational Change Attitude whereas the result doesn’t support the previous studies. The insignificant result was caused the Islamic Work Ethics universality which consists of honesty, merits, truth, shameful, self holiness, affection, simplicity and thrifty (Qanaâ€ah/Zuhud


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    This article reviews the empirical literature on Islamic work ethics and spirituality concepts in the service industry. An overview of the definition, ideas, and importance of applying Islamic work ethics and spirituality concepts are first introduced. Then, the review continues with the inclusion of past literature on both concepts through several sector classifications in service industries such as education, financial, telecommunication, public, and healthcare. Furthermore, the connection between Islamic work ethics and Islamic spirituality concepts was undertaken through Tawhidic paradigm and values, along with a theory and a table of value identifications; thus responding towards the main objective of this article in discovering the linkage between these concepts. Finally, the author offers a discussion concerning the future directions that can be taken by future researchers and practitioners who hope to expand this understudied topic. Keywords: Islamic work ethics, Islamic spirituality, service industry, Tawhidic paradigm, valuesCite as: Suib, F.H. & Said, M.F. (2017). A review of Islamic work ethics and spirituality concepts in service industry. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 282-294.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp282-29

    Relationship between culture and work ethics: the Islamic perspective

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    This study determines Islamic work ethics (IWE) in the Nigerian context with the aim to provide a proposed model for the country, since most of the existing literature on work ethics is derived from non-Islamic perspectives.There has been a paucity of literature, which provides evidence on how work ethics is to be used in our society. In Nigeria, the IWE is traced back during the Islamic sharia period of the Sokoto caliphate. However, immediately after the Nigerian independence, the formation of Nigerian constitutions work ethics on Islamic sharia was terminated, and that gave rise to unethical behaviors in all sectors of the country’s development.Therefore, this study is to provide a model that could be useful for work ethics in the Sokoto state as well as other states of Nigeria
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