97 research outputs found

    Information Literacy for Speech-Language Pathologists: A Key to Evidence-Based Practice

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    O n January 1, 2005, a new set of standards for clinical certification in speech-language pathology took effect. These new standards from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) outline an action plan identifying the knowledge and skills needed for clinicians to enter the practice of speech-language pathology. One of the standards, Standard III-F, states that, "the applicant must demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research and the integration of research principles into evidence-based clinical practice" (ASHA, 2004, p. 6). Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become a critical tenet of speech-language pathology in the new millennium. EBP Information is found by doing research. Research is a process that involves a number of steps or stages, some of which may be repeated over the course of seeking information. A person who is information literate is proficient in the research process and is able to satisfy information needs by finding appropriate information. Although numerous models exist for outlining and describing the research process for individuals at varying stages of the educational process (from elementary school through graduate education and throughout one's career), they all contain some common basic features or skills that must be achieved in order to complete the process. This tutorial will present a framework that must be achieved if speech-language pathologists (SLPs) wish to become and remain information literate. HOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF EBP INTERFACE WITH INFORMATION LITERACY (IL) Steps in implementing EBP might include the following for a given clinical problem, as Sacket

    Discovering digitized special collections: An investigation of researchers' practices and priorities

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    Over the past 20 years, many libraries have devoted significant resources to digitizing their special collections. Relatively few resources have been devoted to designing effective and easy-to-use online delivery platforms for these collections. Through an online questionnaire and a series of semi-structured interviews with University of Oxford humanities researchers, this dissertation investigates how academics discover digitized special collections, what resources they make use of, and what metadata and image functionality is most important to them. Key points include the importance of centralized shelfmark indices, the ineffectiveness of search engines in crawling digital library platforms, and the variance in user needs depending on discipline, career stage and geographic location

    “Access denied”? Barriers for staff accessing, using and sharing published information online within the National Health Service (NHS) in England: technology, risk, culture, policy and practice

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    The overall aim of the study was to investigate barriers to online professional information seeking, use and sharing occurring within the NHS in England, their possible effects (upon education, working practices, working lives and clinical and organisational effectiveness), and possible explanatory or causative factors. The investigation adopted a qualitative case study approach, using semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis as its methods, with three NHS Trusts of different types (acute - district general hospital, mental health / community, acute – teaching) as the nested sites of data collection. It aimed to be both exploratory and explanatory. A stratified sample of participants, including representatives of professions whose perspectives were deemed to be relevant, and clinicians with educational or staff development responsibilities, was recruited for each Trust. Three non-Trust specialists (the product manager of a secure web gateway vendor, an academic e-learning specialist, and the senior manager at NICE responsible for the NHS Evidence electronic content and web platform) were also interviewed. Policy documents, statistics, strategies, reports and quality accounts for the Trusts were obtained via public websites, from participants or via Freedom of Information requests. Thematic analysis following the approach of Braun and Clarke (2006) was adopted as the analytic method for both interviews and documents. The key themes of the results that emerged are presented: barriers to accessing and using information, education and training, professional cultures and norms, information governance and security, and communications policy. The findings are discussed under three main headings: power, culture, trust and risk in information security; use and regulation of Web 2.0 and social media, and the system of professions. It became evident that the roots of problems with access to and use of such information lay deep within the culture and organisational characteristics of the NHS and its use of IT. A possible model is presented to explain the interaction of the various technical and organisational factors that were identified as relevant. A number of policy recommendations are put forward to improve access to published information at Trust level, as well as recommendations for further research

    FullExpression - Emotion Recognition Software

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    During human evolution emotion expression became an important social tool that contributed to the complexification of societies. Human-computer interaction is commonly present in our daily life, and the industry is struggling for solutions that can analyze human emotions, in an attempt to provide better experiences. The purpose of this study was to understand if a software built using the transfer-learning technique on a deep learning model was capable of classifying human emotions, through facial expression analysis. A Convolutional Neuronal Network model was trained and used in a web application, which is available online. Several tools were created to facilitate the software development process, including the training and validation processes, and these are also available online. The data was collected after the combination of several facial expression emotion databases, such as KDEF_AKDEF, TFEID, Face_Place and jaffe. Software evaluation reveled an accuracy in identifying the correct emotions close to 80%. In addition, a comparison between the software and preliminary data from human’s performance, on recognizing facial expressed emotions, suggested that the software performed better. This work can be useful in many different domains such as marketing (to understand the effect of marketing campaigns on people’s emotional states), health (to help mental diseases diagnosis) and industry 4.0 (to create a better collaborating environment between humans and machines).Durante a evolução da espécie humana, a expressões de emoções tornou-se uma ferramenta social importante, que permitiu a criação de sociedades cada vez mais complexas. A interação entre humanos e máquinas acontece regularmente, evidenciando a necessidade da indústria desenvolver soluções que possam analisar emoções, de modo a proporcionar melhores experiências aos utilizadores. O propósito deste trabalho foi perceber se soluções de software desenvolvidas a partir da técnica de transfer-learning são capazes de classificar emoções humanas, a partir da análise de expressões faciais. Um modelo que implementa a arquitetura Convolutional Neuronal Network foi escolhido para ser treinado e utilizado na aplicação web desenvolvida neste trabalho, que está disponível online. A par da aplicação web, diferentes ferramentas foram criadas de forma a facilitar o processo de criação e avaliação de modelos Deep Learning, e estas também estão disponíveis online. Os dados foram recolhidos após a combinação de várias bases de dados de expressões de emoções (KDEF_AKDEF, TFEID, Face_Place and jaffe). A avaliação do software demostrou uma precisão na classificação de emoções próxima dos 80%. Para além disso, uma comparação entre o software e dados preliminares relativos ao reconhecimento de emoções por pessoas sugere que o software é melhor a classificar emoções. Os resultados deste trabalho podem aplicados em diversas áreas, como a publicidade (de forma a perceber os efeitos das campanhas no estado emocional das pessoas), a saúde (para um melhor diagnóstico de doenças mentais) e na indústria 4.0 (de forma a criar um melhor ambiente de colaboração entre humanos e máquinas)

    Cooperative agents for enhancing learner practice

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Supporting exploratory browsing with visualization of social interaction history

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    This thesis is concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of information visualization tools for supporting exploratory browsing. Information retrieval (IR) systems currently do not support browsing well. Responding to user queries, IR systems typically compute relevance scores of documents and then present the document surrogates to users in order of relevance. Other systems such as email clients and discussion forums simply arrange messages in reverse chronological order. Using these systems, people cannot gain an overview of a collection easily, nor do they receive adequate support for finding potentially useful items in the collection. This thesis explores the feasibility of using social interaction history to improve exploratory browsing. Social interaction history refers to traces of interaction among users in an information space, such as discussions that happen in the blogosphere or online newspapers through the commenting facility. The basic hypothesis of this work is that social interaction history can serve as a good indicator of the potential value of information items. Therefore, visualization of social interaction history would offer navigational cues for finding potentially valuable information items in a collection. To test this basic hypothesis, I conducted three studies. First, I ran statistical analysis of a social media data set. The results showed that there were positive relationships between traces of social interaction and the degree of interestingness of web articles. Second, I conducted a feasibility study to collect initial feedback about the potential of social interaction history to support information exploration. Comments from the participants were in line with the research hypothesis. Finally, I conducted a summative evaluation to measure how well visualization of social interaction history can improve exploratory browsing. The results showed that visualization of social interaction history was able to help users find interesting articles, to reduce wasted effort, and to increase user satisfaction with the visualization tool

    Authentication Methods and Password Cracking

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    Na začátku této práce porovnáváme dnes běžně používané metody autentizace a také mluvíme o historii, současnosti a budoucnosti zabezpečení hesel. Později využíváme nástroj Hashcat k experimentům s útoky hrubou silou a slovníkovými útoky, které zrychlujeme s pomocí Markovových modelů a pravidel pro manipulaci se slovy. Porovnáváme také dva hardwarové přístupy --- běžný počítač a cloud computing. Nakonec na základě našich poznatků práci uzavíráme souborem doporučení na prolamování hesel s důrazem na hardware, velikost datové sady a použitou hašovací funkci.In the beginning of this thesis, we compare authentication methods commonly used today and dive into the history, state of the art as well as the future of password security. Later on, we use the tool Hashcat to experiment with brute-force and dictionary attacks accelerated with Markov models and word mangling rules. We also compare two hardware approaches --- regular computer and cloud computing. Based on our findings, we finally conclude with a set of password-cracking recommendations with focus on hardware, dataset size and used hash function

    Collaborative Research Practices and Shared Infrastructures for Humanities Computing

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    The volume collect the proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Digital Humanities (Aiucd 2013), which took place at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, 11-12 December 2013. The general theme of Aiucd 2013 was “Collaborative Research Practices and Shared Infrastructures for Humanities Computing” so we particularly welcomed submissions on interdisciplinary work and new developments in the field, encouraging proposals relating to the theme of the conference, or more specifically: interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, legal and economic issues, tools and collaborative methodologies, measurement and impact of collaborative methodologies, sharing and collaboration methods and approaches, cultural institutions and collaborative facilities, infrastructures and digital libraries as collaborative environments, data resources and technologies sharing

    Improving Assessment and Evaluation Strategies on Online Learning

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    ICLI is an annual International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI) hosted byUniversitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Indonesian Consortium for Learning Innovation Research (ICLIR) as well as Univerisiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perlis, Malaysia serving as co-organizer this year. The conference aims to gather researchers, practitioners, students, experts, consultants, teachers and lecturers to share their insights and experiences on research not only in constructing innovations in learning but also the knowledge of learner’s capability. The learners who are characterized as creative and competent by having the ability to understand what they have learned and capable of taking initiative and thinking critically. In addition, ICLI is organized on the basis of the trend in the 21st century, categorized by the increasing complexity of technology and the emergence of a corporate restructuring movement. This book is the proceeding of ICLI 2021, containing a selection of articles presented at this conference as the output of the activity. Various topics around education are covered in this book and some literature studies around specific topics on learning and education are covered as well. This proceeding book will be beneficial to students, scholars, and practitioners who have a deep concern in education. It is also futuristic with a lot of practical insights for students, faculty, and practitioners, and also a description of the Indonesian educational system in today’s era