28 research outputs found

    Bandwidth-efficient communication systems based on finite-length low density parity check codes

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    Low density parity check (LDPC) codes are linear block codes constructed by pseudo-random parity check matrices. These codes are powerful in terms of error performance and, especially, have low decoding complexity. While infinite-length LDPC codes approach the capacity of communication channels, finite-length LDPC codes also perform well, and simultaneously meet the delay requirement of many communication applications such as voice and backbone transmissions. Therefore, finite-length LDPC codes are attractive to employ in low-latency communication systems. This thesis mainly focuses on the bandwidth-efficient communication systems using finite-length LDPC codes. Such bandwidth-efficient systems are realized by mapping a group of LDPC coded bits to a symbol of a high-order signal constellation. Depending on the systems' infrastructure and knowledge of the channel state information (CSI), the signal constellations in different coded modulation systems can be two-dimensional multilevel/multiphase constellations or multi-dimensional space-time constellations. In the first part of the thesis, two basic bandwidth-efficient coded modulation systems, namely LDPC coded modulation and multilevel LDPC coded modulation, are investigated for both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channels. The bounds on the bit error rate (BER) performance are derived for these systems based on the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion. The derivation of these bounds relies on the union bounding and combinatoric techniques. In particular, for the LDPC coded modulation, the ML bound is computed from the Hamming distance spectrum of the LDPC code and the Euclidian distance profile of the two-dimensional constellation. For the multilevel LDPC coded modulation, the bound of each decoding stage is obtained for a generalized multilevel coded modulation, where more than one coded bit is considered for level. For both systems, the bounds are confirmed by the simulation results of ML decoding and/or the performance of the ordered-statistic decoding (OSD) and the sum-product decoding. It is demonstrated that these bounds can be efficiently used to evaluate the error performance and select appropriate parameters (such as the code rate, constellation and mapping) for the two communication systems.The second part of the thesis studies bandwidth-efficient LDPC coded systems that employ multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas, i.e., multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Two scenarios of CSI availability considered are: (i) the CSI is unknown at both the transmitter and the receiver; (ii) the CSI is known at both the transmitter and the receiver. For the first scenario, LDPC coded unitary space-time modulation systems are most suitable and the ML performance bound is derived for these non-coherent systems. To derive the bound, the summation of chordal distances is obtained and used instead of the Euclidean distances. For the second case of CSI, adaptive LDPC coded MIMO modulation systems are studied, where three adaptive schemes with antenna beamforming and/or antenna selection are investigated and compared in terms of the bandwidth efficiency. For uncoded discrete-rate adaptive modulation, the computation of the bandwidth efficiency shows that the scheme with antenna selection at the transmitter and antenna combining at the receiver performs the best when the number of antennas is small. For adaptive LDPC coded MIMO modulation systems, an achievable threshold of the bandwidth efficiency is also computed from the ML bound of LDPC coded modulation derived in the first part

    Reduced complexity detection for massive MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems

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    PhD ThesisThe aim of this thesis is to analyze the uplink massive multiple-input multipleoutput with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) communication systems and to design a receiver that has improved performance with reduced complexity. First, a novel receiver is proposed for coded massive MIMO-OFDM systems utilizing log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) derived from complex ratio distributions to model the approximate effective noise (AEN) probability density function (PDF) at the output of a zero-forcing equalizer (ZFE). These LLRs are subsequently used to improve the performance of the decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and turbo codes. The Neumann large matrix approximation is employed to simplify the matrix inversion in deriving the PDF. To verify the PDF of the AEN, Monte-Carlo simulations are used to demonstrate the close-match fitting between the derived PDF and the experimentally obtained histogram of the noise in addition to the statistical tests and the independence verification. In addition, complexity analysis of the LLR obtained using the newly derived noise PDF is considered. The derived LLR can be time consuming when the number of receive antennas is very large in massive MIMO-OFDM systems. Thus, a reduced complexity approximation is introduced to this LLR using Newton’s interpolation with different orders and the results are compared to exact simulations. Further simulation results over time-flat frequency selective multipath fading channels demonstrated improved performance over equivalent systems using the Gaussian approximation for the PDF of the noise. By utilizing the PDF of the AEN, the PDF of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is obtained. Then, the outage probability, the closed-form capacity and three approximate expressions for the channel capacity are derived based on that PDF. The system performance is further investigated by exploiting the PDF of the AEN to derive the bit error rate (BER) for the massive MIMO-OFDM system with different M-ary modulations. Then, the pairwise error probability (PEP) is derived to obtain the upper-bounds for the convolutionally coded and turbo coded massive MIMO-OFDM systems for different code generators and receive antennas. Furthermore, the effect of the fixed point data representation on the performance of the massive MIMO-OFDM systems is investigated using reduced detection implementations for MIMO detectors. The motivation for the fixed point analysis is the need for a reduced complexity detector to be implemented as an optimum massive MIMO detector with low precision. Different decomposition schemes are used to build the linear detector based on the IEEE 754 standard in addition to a user-defined precision for selected detectors. Simulations are used to demonstrate the behaviour of several matrix inversion schemes under reduced bit resolution. The numerical results demonstrate improved performance when using QR-factorization and pivoted LDLT decomposition schemes at reduced precision.Iraqi Government and the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific researc

    Design of serially-concatenated LDGM codes

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    [Resumen] Since Shannon demonstrated in 1948 the feasibility of achieving an arbitrarily low error probability in a communications system provided that the transmission rate was kept below a certain limit, one of the greatest challenges in the realm of digital communications and, more specifically, in the channel coding field, has been finding codes that are able to approach this limit as much as possible with a reasonable encoding and decoding complexity, However, it was not until 1993, when Berrou et al. presented the turbo codes, that a coding scheme capable of performing at less than 1dB from Shannon's limit with an extremely low error probability was found. The idea on which these codes are based is the iterative decoding of concatenated components that exchange information about the transmitted bits, which is known as the "turbo principle". The generalization of this idea led in 1995 to the rediscovery of LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) codes, proposed for the first time by Gallager in the 60s. LDPC codes are linear block codes with a sparse parity check matrix that are able to surpass the performance of turbo codes with a smaller decoding complexity. However, due to the fact that the generator matrix of general LDPC codes is not sparse, their encoding complexity can be excessively high. LDGM (Low Density Generator Matrix) codes, a particular case of LDPC codes, are codes with a sparse generator matrix, thanks to which they present a lower encoding complexity. However, except for the case of very high rate codes, LDGM codes are "bad", i.e., they have a non-zero error probability that is independent of the code block length. More recently, IRA (Irregular Repeat-Accumulated) codes, consisting of the serial concatenation of a LDGM code and an accumulator, have been proposed. IRA codes are able to get close to the performance of LDPC codes with an encoding complexity similar to that of LDGM codes. In this thesis we explore an alternative to IRA codes consisting in the serial concatenation of two LDGM codes, a scheme that we will denote SCLDGM (Serially-Concatenated Low-Density Generator Matrix). The basic premise of SCLDGM codes is that an inner code of rate close to the desired transmission rate fixes most of the errors, and an external code of rate close to one corrects the few errors that result from decoding the inner code. For any of these schemes to perform as close as possible to the capacity limit it is necessary to determine the code parameters that best fit the channel over which the transmission will be done. The two techniques most commonly used in the literature to optimize LDPC codes are Density Evolution (DE) and EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts, which have been employed to obtain optimized codes that perform at a few tenths of a decibel of the AWGN channel capacity. However, no optimization techniques have been presented for SCLDGM codes, which so far have been designed heuristically and therefore their performance is far from the performance achieved by IRA and LDPC codes. Other of the most important advances that have occurred in recent years is the utilization of multiple antennas at the trasmitter and the receiver, which is known as MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. Telatar showed that the channel capacity in these kind of systems scales linearly with the minimum number of transmit and receive antennas, which enables us to achieve spectral efficiencies far greater than with systems with a single transmit and receive antenna (or Single Input Single Output (SISO) systems). This important advantage has attracted a lot of attention from the research community, and has caused that many of the new standards, such as WiMax 802.16e or WiFi 802.11n, as well as future 4G systems are based on MIMO systems. The main problem of MIMO systems is the high complexity of optimum detection, which grows exponentially with the number of transmit antennas and the number of modulation levels. Several suboptimum algorithms have been proposed to reduce this complexity, most notably the SIC-MMSE (Soft-Interference Cancellation Minimum Mean Square Error) and spherical detectors. Another major issue is the high complexity of the channel estimation, due to the large number of coefficients which determine it. There are techniques, such as Maximum-Likelihood-Expectation-Maximization (ML-EM), that have been successfully applied to estimate MIMO channels but, as in the case of detection, they suffer from the problem of a very high complexity when the number of transmit antennas or the size of the constellation increase. The main objective of this work is the study and optimization of SCLDGM codes in SISO and MIMO channels. To this end, we propose an optimization method for SCLDGM codes based on EXIT charts that allow these codes to exceed the performance of IRA codes existing in the literature and get close to the performance of LDPC codes, with the advantage over the latter of a lower encoding complexity. We also propose optimized SCLDGM codes for both spherical and SIC-MMSE suboptimal MIMO detectors, constituting a system that is capable of approaching the capacity limits of MIMO channels with a low complexity encoding, detection and decoding. We analyze the BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) scheme and the concatenation of SCLDGM codes with Space-Time Codes (STC) in ergodic and quasi-static MIMO channels. Furthermore, we explore the combination of these codes with different channel estimation algorithms that will take advantage of the low complexity of the suboptimum detectors to reduce the complexity of the estimation process while keeping a low distance to the capacity limit. Finally, we propose coding schemes for low rates involving the serial concatenation of several LDGM codes, reducing the complexity of recently proposed schemes based on Hadamard codes

    Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems

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    El uso combinado de diversidad en el dominio temporal, frecuencial y espacial constituye una valiosa herramienta para mejorar la recepción de servicios de difusión móviles. Gracias a la mejora conseguida por las técnicas de diversidad es posible extender la cobertura de los servicios móviles además de reducir la infraestructura de red. La presente tesis investiga el uso de técnicas de diversidad para la provisión de servicios móviles en la familia europea de sistemas de difusión terrestres estandarizada por el prpoyecto DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). Esto incluye la primera y segunda generación de sistemas DVB-T (Terrestrial), DVB-NGH (Handheld), y DVB-T2 (Terrestrial 2nd generation), así como el sistema de siguiente generación DVB-NGH. No obstante, el estudio llevado a cabo en la tesis es genérico y puede aplicarse a futuras evoluciones de estándares como el japonés ISDB-T o el americano ATSC. Las investigaciones realizadas dentro del contexto de DVB-T, DVB-H y DVBT2 tienen como objetivo la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles en redes terrestres. Esta Convergencia puede facilitar la introducción de servicios móviles de TB debido a la reutilización de espectro, contenido e infraestructura. De acuerdo a los resultados, la incorporación de entrelazado temporal en la capa física para diversidad temporal, y de single-input multiple-output (SIMO) para diversidad espacial, son esenciales para el rendimiento de sistemas móviles de difusión. A pesar de que las técnicas upper later FEC (UL-FEC) pueden propocionar diversidad temporal en sistemas de primera generación como DVB-T y DVB-H, requieren la transmisión de paridad adicional y no son útiles para la recepción estática. El análisis en t�ñerminos de link budjget revela que las técnicas de diversidad noson suficientes para facilitar la provision de servicios móviles en redes DVB-T y DVB-T2 planificadas para recepción fija. Sin embargo, el uso de diversidad en redes planificadas para recepción portableGozálvez Serrano, D. (2012). Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16273Palanci

    Transmit and Receive Signal Processing for MIMO Terrestrial Broadcast Systems

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    [EN] Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology in Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) networks has the potential to increase the spectral efficiency and improve network coverage to cope with the competition of limited spectrum use (e.g., assignment of digital dividend and spectrum demands of mobile broadband), the appearance of new high data rate services (e.g., ultra-high definition TV - UHDTV), and the ubiquity of the content (e.g., fixed, portable, and mobile). It is widely recognised that MIMO can provide multiple benefits such as additional receive power due to array gain, higher resilience against signal outages due to spatial diversity, and higher data rates due to the spatial multiplexing gain of the MIMO channel. These benefits can be achieved without additional transmit power nor additional bandwidth, but normally come at the expense of a higher system complexity at the transmitter and receiver ends. The final system performance gains due to the use of MIMO directly depend on physical characteristics of the propagation environment such as spatial correlation, antenna orientation, and/or power imbalances experienced at the transmit aerials. Additionally, due to complexity constraints and finite-precision arithmetic at the receivers, it is crucial for the overall system performance to carefully design specific signal processing algorithms. This dissertation focuses on transmit and received signal processing for DTT systems using MIMO-BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) without feedback channel to the transmitter from the receiver terminals. At the transmitter side, this thesis presents investigations on MIMO precoding in DTT systems to overcome system degradations due to different channel conditions. At the receiver side, the focus is given on design and evaluation of practical MIMO-BICM receivers based on quantized information and its impact in both the in-chip memory size and system performance. These investigations are carried within the standardization process of DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld) the handheld evolution of DVB-T2 (Terrestrial - Second Generation), and ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Committee - Third Generation), which incorporate MIMO-BICM as key technology to overcome the Shannon limit of single antenna communications. Nonetheless, this dissertation employs a generic approach in the design, analysis and evaluations, hence, the results and ideas can be applied to other wireless broadcast communication systems using MIMO-BICM.[ES] La tecnología de múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas (MIMO) en redes de Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) tiene el potencial de incrementar la eficiencia espectral y mejorar la cobertura de red para afrontar las demandas de uso del escaso espectro electromagnético (e.g., designación del dividendo digital y la demanda de espectro por parte de las redes de comunicaciones móviles), la aparición de nuevos contenidos de alta tasa de datos (e.g., ultra-high definition TV - UHDTV) y la ubicuidad del contenido (e.g., fijo, portable y móvil). Es ampliamente reconocido que MIMO puede proporcionar múltiples beneficios como: potencia recibida adicional gracias a las ganancias de array, mayor robustez contra desvanecimientos de la señal gracias a la diversidad espacial y mayores tasas de transmisión gracias a la ganancia por multiplexado del canal MIMO. Estos beneficios se pueden conseguir sin incrementar la potencia transmitida ni el ancho de banda, pero normalmente se obtienen a expensas de una mayor complejidad del sistema tanto en el transmisor como en el receptor. Las ganancias de rendimiento finales debido al uso de MIMO dependen directamente de las características físicas del entorno de propagación como: la correlación entre los canales espaciales, la orientación de las antenas y/o los desbalances de potencia sufridos en las antenas transmisoras. Adicionalmente, debido a restricciones en la complejidad y aritmética de precisión finita en los receptores, es fundamental para el rendimiento global del sistema un diseño cuidadoso de algoritmos específicos de procesado de señal. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el procesado de señal, tanto en el transmisor como en el receptor, para sistemas TDT que implementan MIMO-BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) sin canal de retorno hacia el transmisor desde los receptores. En el transmisor esta tesis presenta investigaciones en precoding MIMO en sistemas TDT para superar las degradaciones del sistema debidas a diferentes condiciones del canal. En el receptor se presta especial atención al diseño y evaluación de receptores prácticos MIMO-BICM basados en información cuantificada y a su impacto tanto en la memoria del chip como en el rendimiento del sistema. Estas investigaciones se llevan a cabo en el contexto de estandarización de DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld), la evolución portátil de DVB-T2 (Second Generation Terrestrial), y ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Commitee - Third Generation) que incorporan MIMO-BICM como clave tecnológica para superar el límite de Shannon para comunicaciones con una única antena. No obstante, esta tesis doctoral emplea un método genérico tanto para el diseño, análisis y evaluación, por lo que los resultados e ideas pueden ser aplicados a otros sistemas de comunicación inalámbricos que empleen MIMO-BICM.[CA] La tecnologia de múltiples entrades i múltiples eixides (MIMO) en xarxes de Televisió Digital Terrestre (TDT) té el potencial d'incrementar l'eficiència espectral i millorar la cobertura de xarxa per a afrontar les demandes d'ús de l'escàs espectre electromagnètic (e.g., designació del dividend digital i la demanda d'espectre per part de les xarxes de comunicacions mòbils), l'aparició de nous continguts d'alta taxa de dades (e.g., ultra-high deffinition TV - UHDTV) i la ubiqüitat del contingut (e.g., fix, portàtil i mòbil). És àmpliament reconegut que MIMO pot proporcionar múltiples beneficis com: potència rebuda addicional gràcies als guanys de array, major robustesa contra esvaïments del senyal gràcies a la diversitat espacial i majors taxes de transmissió gràcies al guany per multiplexat del canal MIMO. Aquests beneficis es poden aconseguir sense incrementar la potència transmesa ni l'ample de banda, però normalment s'obtenen a costa d'una major complexitat del sistema tant en el transmissor com en el receptor. Els guanys de rendiment finals a causa de l'ús de MIMO depenen directament de les característiques físiques de l'entorn de propagació com: la correlació entre els canals espacials, l'orientació de les antenes, i/o els desequilibris de potència patits en les antenes transmissores. Addicionalment, a causa de restriccions en la complexitat i aritmètica de precisió finita en els receptors, és fonamental per al rendiment global del sistema un disseny acurat d'algorismes específics de processament de senyal. Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en el processament de senyal tant en el transmissor com en el receptor per a sistemes TDT que implementen MIMO-BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) sense canal de tornada cap al transmissor des dels receptors. En el transmissor aquesta tesi presenta recerques en precoding MIMO en sistemes TDT per a superar les degradacions del sistema degudes a diferents condicions del canal. En el receptor es presta especial atenció al disseny i avaluació de receptors pràctics MIMO-BICM basats en informació quantificada i al seu impacte tant en la memòria del xip com en el rendiment del sistema. Aquestes recerques es duen a terme en el context d'estandardització de DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld), l'evolució portàtil de DVB-T2 (Second Generation Terrestrial), i ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Commitee - Third Generation) que incorporen MIMO-BICM com a clau tecnològica per a superar el límit de Shannon per a comunicacions amb una única antena. No obstant açò, aquesta tesi doctoral empra un mètode genèric tant per al disseny, anàlisi i avaluació, per la qual cosa els resultats i idees poden ser aplicats a altres sistemes de comunicació sense fils que empren MIMO-BICM.Vargas Paredero, DE. (2016). Transmit and Receive Signal Processing for MIMO Terrestrial Broadcast Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/66081TESISPremiad

    Analysis and design of physical-layer network coding for relay networks

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    Physical-layer network coding (PNC) is a technique to make use of interference in wireless transmissions to boost the system throughput. In a PNC employed relay network, the relay node directly recovers and transmits a linear combination of its received messages in the physical layer. It has been shown that PNC can achieve near information-capacity rates. PNC is a new information exchange scheme introduced in wireless transmission. In practice, transmitters and receivers need to be designed and optimized, to achieve fast and reliable information exchange. Thus, we would like to ask: How to design the PNC schemes to achieve fast and reliable information exchange? In this thesis, we address this question from the following works: Firstly, we studied channel-uncoded PNC in two-way relay fading channels with QPSK modulation. The computation error probability for computing network coded messages at the relay is derived. We then optimized the network coding functions at the relay to improve the error rate performance. We then worked on channel coded PNC. The codes we studied include classical binary code, modern codes, and lattice codes. We analyzed the distance spectra of channel-coded PNC schemes with classical binary codes, to derive upper bounds for error rates of computing network coded messages at the relay. We designed and optimized irregular repeat-accumulate coded PNC. We modified the conventional extrinsic information transfer chart in the optimization process to suit the superimposed signal received at the relay. We analyzed and designed Eisenstein integer based lattice coded PNC in multi-way relay fading channels, to derive error rate performance bounds of computing network coded messages. Finally we extended our work to multi-way relay channels. We proposed a opportunistic transmission scheme for a pair-wise transmission PNC in a single-input single-output multi-way relay channel, to improve the sum-rate at the relay. The error performance of computing network coded messages at the relay is also improved. We optimized the uplink/downlink channel usage for multi-input multi-output multi-way relay channels with PNC to maximize the degrees of freedom capacity. We also showed that the system sum-rate can be further improved by a proposed iterative optimization algorithm

    Spatial Modulation for Generalized MIMO:Challenges, Opportunities, and Implementation

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    A key challenge of future mobile communication research is to strike an attractive compromise between wireless network's area spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. This necessitates a clean-slate approach to wireless system design, embracing the rich body of existing knowledge, especially on multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technologies. This motivates the proposal of an emerging wireless communications concept conceived for single-radio-frequency (RF) large-scale MIMO communications, which is termed as SM. The concept of SM has established itself as a beneficial transmission paradigm, subsuming numerous members of the MIMO system family. The research of SM has reached sufficient maturity to motivate its comparison to state-of-the-art MIMO communications, as well as to inspire its application to other emerging wireless systems such as relay-aided, cooperative, small-cell, optical wireless, and power-efficient communications. Furthermore, it has received sufficient research attention to be implemented in testbeds, and it holds the promise of stimulating further vigorous interdisciplinary research in the years to come. This tutorial paper is intended to offer a comprehensive state-of-the-art survey on SM-MIMO research, to provide a critical appraisal of its potential advantages, and to promote the discussion of its beneficial application areas and their research challenges leading to the analysis of the technological issues associated with the implementation of SM-MIMO. The paper is concluded with the description of the world's first experimental activities in this vibrant research field

    A tutorial on the characterisation and modelling of low layer functional splits for flexible radio access networks in 5G and beyond

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    The centralization of baseband (BB) functions in a radio access network (RAN) towards data processing centres is receiving increasing interest as it enables the exploitation of resource pooling and statistical multiplexing gains among multiple cells, facilitates the introduction of collaborative techniques for different functions (e.g., interference coordination), and more efficiently handles the complex requirements of advanced features of the fifth generation (5G) new radio (NR) physical layer, such as the use of massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO). However, deciding the functional split (i.e., which BB functions are kept close to the radio units and which BB functions are centralized) embraces a trade-off between the centralization benefits and the fronthaul costs for carrying data between distributed antennas and data processing centres. Substantial research efforts have been made in standardization fora, research projects and studies to resolve this trade-off, which becomes more complicated when the choice of functional splits is dynamically achieved depending on the current conditions in the RAN. This paper presents a comprehensive tutorial on the characterisation, modelling and assessment of functional splits in a flexible RAN to establish a solid basis for the future development of algorithmic solutions of dynamic functional split optimisation in 5G and beyond systems. First, the paper explores the functional split approaches considered by different industrial fora, analysing their equivalences and differences in terminology. Second, the paper presents a harmonized analysis of the different BB functions at the physical layer and associated algorithmic solutions presented in the literature, assessing both the computational complexity and the associated performance. Based on this analysis, the paper presents a model for assessing the computational requirements and fronthaul bandwidth requirements of different functional splits. Last, the model is used to derive illustrative results that identify the major trade-offs that arise when selecting a functional split and the key elements that impact the requirements.This work has been partially funded by Huawei Technologies. Work by X. Gelabert and B. Klaiqi is partially funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-0) under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101073265. Work by J. Perez-Romero and O. Sallent is also partially funded by the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No. 101096034 (VERGE project) and No. 101097083 (BeGREEN project) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under ARTIST project (ref. PID2020-115104RB-I00). This last project has also funded the work by D. Campoy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft