13 research outputs found

    Water quality monitoring system with IOT

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    This project proposed an improved method to provide an early detection system at Semangar water treatment plant as many pollution cases occurred within the past years had left many housing area without water supply for days. The solution is based on the idea of developing an alert system, and also a real time database that can store data ammonia, turbidity and pH. The approach has several notable merits, namely cost efficient, not changing the existing system as it only act as an additional feature and higher safety. The idea is proven based on two subsystems. First the early detection system is based on notification through a mobile application. It provides user with notification every time the ammonia reading is above 2 parts per million threshold. Second, The real time database saves the ammonia parameter reading data every 10 seconds in Google Spreadsheet. The current reading of the chemicals can also be viewed using a web server which can then be connected through a mobile application. Database application is not only by Google Spreadsheet but also using Firebase application which can also be viewed through the mobile application. The method proposed in this project can be used for any water treatment plant in Malaysia that’s requires data to be stored and view at any given time

    Implementation smart home using internet of things

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    Development in technology of information today provides various facilities to support human activity. One technology that facilitates human is the use of automated systems, the application of smart home system makes it easier for users to control household electronic devices. This study addresses one of the smart home solutions with automation systems. The system is built using ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi devices, by utilizing MQTT, REST and Laravel framework protocols. With Arduino, Python and PHP programming, household devices can be controlled both automatically and manually. Control system can be done by using web, chatbot, and physically. The communication used utilizes wireless network. With the designed system, the users can control the device, gain information and get warning. The information provided by the system is obtained from open data on the internet and from the sensor installed on the device


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    Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses a broad set of technologies, hardware and software stacks.The rapid evolution and broadened scope can be attributed to the inclusion of many existing mature technologies like the wireless sensor networks, RFID and a wide variety of custom solutions and newer smart devices.There is a growing need for devices to collaborate to provide the desired service.The heterogeneity coupled with theresource constrained nature of the devices seriously limits the choices in design. The capability to onboard billions of devices on to the existing infrastructure without degrading the quality of service is robust programming frameworks are in place more crucial. Automation enables devices to act independently which can be enabled only by ensuring.Architectural modelsaddressingthe challenges like scalability, distributiveness, interoperability and programmability are the need for the hour

    Variación del consumo energético en APIs WEB para IoT

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in implementing and developing IoT applications. However, this has led to several challenges that need to be addressed. For instance, during the design stages, critical provisions such as power consumption have been identified as important requirements. Additionally, the current global climate change context has heightened awareness of the carbon footprint of new technologies. To address these challenges, APIs WEB services have emerged as a potential solution for supporting IoT device connectivity. This paper aims to explore how energy consumption at the battery level will impact IoT applications supported by APIs WEB services, and the factors that contribute to its reduction.En los últimos tiempos, ha habido un gran interés por las aplicaciones de IoT. A su vez, su desarrollo ha sido delineado por requerimientos específicos, como la eficiencia energética. Dado el contexto mundial de cambio climático, es importante que las nuevas tecnologías ayuden a reducir la huella de carbono. En este sentido, las interfaces de programación de aplicaciones WEB (APIs WEB) se presentan como una solución para la conectividad de los dispositivos IoT. Este estudio analiza como varía el consumo de energía de las baterías en las aplicaciones de IoT que utilizan servicios de APIs WEB, así como los factores que influyen en la reducción del consumo de energía

    Implementation and Analysis of Communication Protocols in Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the future of all the present-day devices around the globe. Giving them internet connectivity makes IoT the next frontier of technology. Possibilities are limitless as the devices communicate and interact with each other which make it even more interesting for the global markets. For example, Rolls-Royce announced that it would use the Microsoft Azure IoT suite and also the Intelligence suite of Cortana to keep track of the fuel usage, for performance analysis, to optimize the fly routes etc. which improves the airline efficiency. The devices must communicate with each other, the data from these devices must be collected by the servers, and the data is then analyzed or provided to the people. For all this to happen, there is a need for efficient protocols to ensure that the communication is secure and to avoid loss of data. This research is about the implementation and analysis of various protocols that can be used for the communication in IoT. Various protocols with various capabilities are required for different environments. The internet today supports hundreds of protocols from which choosing the best would be a great challenge. But each protocol is different in its own way when we have the specifics like security, reliability, range of communication etc. This research emphasizes on the best available protocols and the environments that suit them the most. It provides an implementation of some of the protocols and analyzes the protocols according to the results obtained. The data collected from the sensors/devices through a protocol is also subject to predictive analysis which improves the scope of the project to performing data analysis on the data collected through IoT

    Design and Analysis of Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Xbee based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With a constantly changing technological landscape, the Engineering world iscontinually tasked with justifying the optimality of accepted standards and practices. Therecent development of inexpensive simple microprocessors and linux computers has thepotential to replace various methodologies for low energy, low-rate information transfer andcontrol such as environmental monitoring, smart houses, smart lighting and others.In the area of wireless sensor networks, a design standard is developingincorporating Xbee series 2 as a wireless bridge between Arduino or Raspberry Pi sensorand data aggregate nodes. In this thesis I construct an Xbee series 2 ZigBee wireless startopology network with an Arduino as a ZigBee End Device and Raspberry Pi as the ZigBeenetwork coordinator.The End Device uses an Arduino Uno v3 for local signal processing on a ParallaxPMB-648 GPS and DS18B20 temperature sensor for periodic signal transmission via Xbeeseries 2. Xbee uses API mode 2 with escaping for package formation and transmission andis connected to the Arduino via the hardware serial port.The Coordinator node consists of an Xbee Series 2 with Coordinator firmwarecommunicating via the Raspberry Pi GPIO serial input ports. The Raspberry Pi usesspecialized Python libraries to parse incoming API statements from active end devices.The Raspberry Pi doubles as an internet gateway to an SQLite database run on aRuby on Rails web application framework. The Raspberry Pi uses the Python requestslibrary to transmit received End Device sensor measurements to the cloud server as URLparameters. The Ruby on Rails framework uses a Model View Controller architecture topass data as URL parameters to an SQLite database, as well as display End Device sensordata on an interactive user interface upon a browser request. The user interface usesGmaps4Rails to render an interactive map consisting of the GPS markers of reporting EndDevices and their corresponding temperature measurements. The cloud server functions as ashared database linking multiple complete wireless sensor networks together under a singleweb app.By testing End Device node lifetimes with various data transmission frequencies, anexperimental relationship between Arduino/Xbee sleep duration and End Device lifetime isfound. Using direct current measurements and information on the End Device hardware, atheoretical relationship between battery charge and End Device charge consumption duringruntime is used to generate experimental equations relating End Device average currentconsumption during different phases in End Device lifetime. Multiple regression analysis isperformed to derive an experimental value for the average current consumption of the EndDevice during all phases of operation, resulting in an experimental relationship between EndDevice average current and data transmission frequency ofI avg=(2.3mA∗t sleep+131.3mC )(t sleep+2.6s)+34.0mA , where t sleep is the End Device sleep cycleduration in seconds. The above relationship was able to predict the average current for allEnd Device trials to within 5% error

    Cyclist performance assessment based on WSN and cloud technologies

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    Mobility in big cities is a growing problem and the use of bicycles has been a solution which, together with new sharing services, helps to motivate users. There are also more and more users practicing sports involving the use of bicycles. It was in this context that the present dissertation was developed, a distributed sensor system for monitoring cyclists. With the support of a wireless sensor network connected to the internet and, using a set of smart sensors as end-nodes, it is possible to obtain data that will help the cyclist to improve his performance. The coach can monitor and evaluate the performance to improve their training sessions. The health status condition during training it is also monitored using cardiac and respiratory assessment sensors. The information from the nodes of the wireless sensor network is uploaded, via the internet connection, to the Firebase platform. An Android mobile application has been developed, this allows trainers to register cyclists, plan routes and observe the results collected by the network. With the inclusion of these technologies, the coach and the athlete may analyze the performance of a session and compare it with the previous training results. New training sessions may be established according to the athlete's needs. The effectiveness of the proposed system was experimentally tested and several results are included in this dissertation.A mobilidade nas grandes cidades é um problema crescente e a utilização das bicicletas tem vindo a ser uma solução que, em conjunto com novos serviços de partilha, ajudam a motivar os utilizadores. Há também cada vez mais utilizadores a praticar desportos que envolvem a utilização da bicicleta. Foi neste contexto que a presente dissertação foi desenvolvida, um sistema de sensores distribuídos para monitorização de ciclistas. Com o suporte de uma rede de sensores sem fios ligada á internet e, utilizando um conjunto de sensores inteligentes como nós, é possível obter dados que vão ajudar o ciclista a melhorar o seu desempenho. O treinador consegue monitorizar e avaliar o desempenho para aperfeiçoar as sessões de treino. A condição do estado de saúde é também monitorizada utilizando sensores de avaliação cardíaca e de respiratória. A informação proveniente dos nós da rede de sensores sem fios é carregada, através da ligação á internet, para a plataforma Firebase. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação móvel Android, que permite que os treinadores registem ciclistas, planeiem rotas e observem os resultados recolhidos pela rede. Com a inclusão destas tecnologias, o treinador e o ciclista podem analisar o desempenho de uma sessão e compara-lo com os resultados do treino anterior. Podem ser estabelecidas novas sessões de treino de acordo com as necessidades do atleta. A eficácia do sistema proposto foi testada experimentalmente e os vários resultados foram incluídos nesta dissertação

    Electroplating process plant automation and management using emerging automation and communications technologies

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.The Electroplating (EP) process industry is currently facing some challenging process control problems in their production plant due to an insufficient level of automation being applied in the industry; the control is largely manual, and the monitoring of both plant and processes is ad hoc. The requirement for higher production volumes, tighter product tolerances, and the eagerness for better quality with lower cost are forcing the electroplating Companies to automate their processes and develop more responsive process and plant monitoring and control systems. Emerging Automation and communications technologies have now made it possible to effectively implement distributed control system (DCS) based control architecture with hybrid (wired/wireless) communication networks in the industry for achieving both process automation and plant management, offering various advantages such as for real-time process plant monitoring and control, plant visualization and provision of management information for control of production throughout the plant. Electroplating process industries comprising plants with numerous process stages and production operations will particularly benefit from implementing DCS where individual process stages and functions are distributed into computing nodes (i.e., control computers and smart devices) that are physically separated; and all the computing nodes are interconnected by advanced hybrid (wired/wireless) communications networks. The introduction of less expensive and more functional microprocessors has advanced the state of the art in distributed control system technology. This research aims to develop an integrated advanced process monitoring and plant management system for an electroplating industry using emerging automation and communications technologies.University of Wolverhampton and Leonardt Ltd

    Proposta de um gateway IoT em computação Fog com técnicas de aceleração WAN

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.O crescimento do número de dispositivos de Internet das Coisas (IoT), especialmente daqueles considerados como dispositivos inteligentes (smart devices), se, por um lado, representa um desafio para a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento tecnológico, por outro lado, estimula um paradigma computacional distribuído conhecido como computação em nevoeiro (Fog Computing). Este paradigma aproveita a capacidade de processamento e armazenamento dos dispositivos inteligentes, assim como dos equipamentos de comunicação e servidores, instalados na borda da rede, ou seja, provendo serviços computacionais mais próximo ao usuário, reduzindo o volume de dados que precisa ser transmitido para o conjunto de servidores centrais que constituem denominada nuvem computacional da Internet. A computação em nevoeiro se combina e complementa com o paradigma de computação em nuvem, levando também à redução da latência e do tempo de resposta, o que é particularmente de interesse para aplicações de IoT, pois no intervalo entre as percepções obtidas pelos sensores IoT e a ativação de comandos enviados para o controle de atuadores IoT, as tomadas de decisão ocorrem na área de borda da rede, encurtando consideravelmente o tempo necessário para transmissões, com relação ao mesmo processo realizado com intermediação de entidades em nuvem computacional. Com base nessa ideia geral, esta dissertação tem como objetivo criar uma arquitetura fim a fim de IoT em fog, composta com módulos próprios dos dispositivos inteligentes de IoT, bem como gateways e middleware de IoT, sob coordenação de um módulo orquestrador. Tal arquitetura tem como requisito ser capaz de realizar o processamento, armazenamento e tomada de decisão de forma distribuída para dar suporte a instâncias de redes IoT. Além da proposição da arquitetura em fog para IoT, para efeito de validação da proposta, foram desenvolvidos ao longo deste trabalho módulos de software utilizando técnicas de aceleração WAN, ou seja, técnicas de compressão na comunicação entre os dispositivos inteligentes, gateways, middleware de IoT e módulos em nuvem. Como resultado, além de mostrar o efetivo funcionamento geral da arquitetura proposta, a validação mostra também como o gateway fog proposto no trabalho permite o armazenamento e processamento de parte dos dados próximo aos sensores/atuadores de IoT, o que, conjuntamente com a aceleração WAN, leva a reduzir a necessidade de transmissão para a nuvem. Testes de validação do conjunto de protótipos de software permitiram mostrar uma redução superior 70% no encaminhamento de dados, com relação a uma solução pura de nuvem, ou seja, sem computação em fog.The growth in the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, especially those considered smart devices, while on the one hand represents a challenge for research and technological development, on the other hand, stimulates a distributed computational paradigm known as fog computing. This paradigm takes advantage of the processing and storage capacity of smart devices, as well as communication equipment and servers, installed at the edge of the network, ie providing computational services closer to the user, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the network set of central servers that make up the Internet’s computational cloud. Fog computing combines and complements the cloud computing paradigm, also leading to reduced latency and response time, which is particularly of interest to IoT applications, as in the interval between perceptions obtained by IoT sensors and the activation of commands sent to control IoT actuator, the decision-making takes place in the network edge area, considerably shortening the time required for transmissions, in relation to the same process intermediated by the computational cloud. Based on this general idea, this dissertation aims to create an end-to-end IoT architecture in fog, composed with IoT intelligent devices own modules, as well as IoT gateways and middleware, under the coordination of an orchestrator module. Such an architecture is required to be able to perform distributed processing, storage, and decision making to support instances of IoT networks. In addition to the proposed IoT fog architecture, for the purpose of validation of the proposal, software modules were developed throughout this work using WAN acceleration techniques, ie compression techniques in communication between smart devices, gateways, IoT middleware and cloud modules. As a result, in addition to showing the overall effective functioning of the proposed architecture, the validation also shows how the proposed fog gateway allows storing and processing part of the data near the IoT sensors/actuators, which, together with WAN acceleration, leads to reduce the need for the transmission to the cloud. Validation tests of the software prototype set showed a reduction in data forwarding of over 70% compared to a pure cloud solution, ie without fog computing