211 research outputs found

    Characterization Of Wideband Antenna With Split Ring Resonator On Hybrid Material For WLAN Application

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    In this advancement of wireless technology era, antenna which acts as a transmitting and receiving metallic device is needed to be compact that to be embedded into a wireless communication system or device. Besides that, multiband or wideband antenna is more preferable as multiple applications that can be embedded into a single device. Metamaterials which is able to manipulate the electromagnetic properties are more likely to be used to replace some materials of antenna production which need higher cost and time of production. On the other hand, the using of hybrid material substrate on antenna can overcome the limitation of conventional monolithic antenna thickness which may lead to the characteristic on manipulating return loss, bandwidth, gain, and total efficiency of antenna. Thus, this project aims to characterize, design, simulate, and fabricate antenna with split ring resonator (SRR) structure and hybrid material substrate. At first, monopole antennas with coplanar waveguide (CPW) and coaxial feeding technique were designed as the basic antenna structure for further investigation. Both monopole antennas were constructed by a standing rectangular patch printed on a FR4 substrate and a flattened ground plane. Next, coaxial-fed monopole antenna design which was successfully fabricated had been embedded separately with SRR slot and hybrid material substrate which is constructed by FR4, Roger, and glass substrate to investigate the design parameters of both elements to the antenna. Lastly, both SRR slot and hybrid material substrate had been added to the coaxial-fed monopole antenna. All antenna designs in this project were simulated by using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Suite software in open space environment. Investigation on SRR parameters had yielded the characteristic of SRR parameters in shifting the frequency band notch to lower or higher frequency region by scaling within 22MHz and 1.4GHz, as well as controlling the notching effect of the frequency band notch. Bandwidth expansion had also been achieved with 1.18GHz by the adding of hybrid material substrate to the antenna. Among all antenna designs, coaxial-fed monopole antenna with five SRR slots and hybrid material substrate had created two frequency band notches with widest covered bandwidth of 800MHz, lowest matching efficiency of 38.91%, lowest gain of -4.08dB, and lowest total efficiency of only 13.58%. Notably, this antenna can operate for IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) applications at 2.4GHz, 5.2GHz, and 5.8GHz with at least 90% matching efficiency, 1dB gain, 2dB directivity, and 50% total efficiency. Therefore, SRR slot and hybrid material substrate can be used to create frequency band notches for removing unwanted signals and enhance bandwidth for providing higher data transfer rate in antenna design

    Investigation Of SRR Parameters On Monopole Antenna Performance

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    This paper presents an investigation of split ring resonator (SRR) parameters on a coaxial-fed monopole antenna.The adding of SRR slot can create a notch in the result of coaxial-fed monopole antenna design. Thus, this paper aims to investigate the effect of changes to the outer ring radius and slit cut width of the SRR slot. All antenna designs and simulations involved are drawn and simulated in Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Studio Suite software in an open space environment to prevent any interference within simualtion range. The antenna design is printed on a FR4 epoxy board with dielectric constant, Δr of 4.4, tangent loss, tan Ύ of 0.019, and thickness, h of 1.6mm. In the investigation, outer ring radius of SRR slot has been increased from 4mm to 10mm whereas the slit cut width of SRR slot has been increased from 1mm to 8mm. The result shows that the increment of outer ring radius can shift the notch and frequency band to lower frequency. In a contrary, the widening of slit cut width of SRR slot is able to shift the notch and frequency band back to higher frequency. These two characteristics can contribute to wideband or ultrawideband system to provide frequency tunable notch function

    A planar UWB semicircular-shaped monopole antenna with quadruple band notch for WiMAX, ARN, WLAN, and X-Band

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    This paper proposed quadruple notched frequency bands ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna. The antenna is a semicircular-shaped monopole type of a compact size 36x24 mm, covering frequency range of 3.02-14 GHz. Four rejected narrow bands including WiMAX (3.3-3.7GHz), ARN (4.2-4.5 GHz), WLAN (5.15-5.825GHz), X-Band (7.25-7.75) have been achieved using inserting slots techniques in the patch, feed line, and ground plane. The slots dimensions have been optimized for the required reject bands. The antenna design and analysis have been investigated by simulation study using CST-EM software package. The antenna characteristics including impedance bandwidth, surface current, gain, radiation efficiency, radiation pattern have been discussed

    Compact Printed CPW-fed UWB antenna with SRR and Quarter wavelength slot with dual band-notched characteristic

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    Volume 2 Issue 3 (March 2014

    A Tri-band-notched UWB Antenna with Low Mutual Coupling between the Band-notched Structures

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    A compact printed U-shape ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with triple band-notched characteristics is presented. The proposed antenna, with compact size of 24×33 mm2, yields an impedance bandwidth of 2.8-12GHz for VSWR<2, except the notched bands. The notched bands are realized by introducing two different types of slots. Two C-shape half-wavelength slots are etched on the radiating patch to obtain two notched bands in 3.3-3.7GHz for WiMAX and 7.25-7.75GHz for downlink of X-band satellite communication systems. In order to minimize the mutual coupling between the band-notched structures, the middle notched band in 5-6GHz for WLAN is achieved by using a U-slot defected ground structure. The parametric study is carried out to understand the mutual coupling. Surface current distributions and equivalent circuit are used to illustrate the notched mechanism. The performance of this antenna both by simulation and by experiment indicates that the proposed antenna is suitable and a good candidate for UWB applications

    Ultra-Wideband Antenna

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    Passive Components for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Applications

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    UWB technology brings the convenience and mobility of wireless communications to very high-speed interconnects in the home and office due to the precision capabilities combined with the low power. This makes it ideal for certain radio frequency sensitive environments such as hospitals and healthcare as well as radars. UWB intrusion-detection radar is used for detecting through the wall and also used for security with fuse avoidance radar, precision locating and tracking (using distance measurements between radios), and precision time-of-arrival-based localization approaches. The FCC issued a ruling in 2002 that allowed intentional UWB emissions in the frequency range between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, subject to certain restrictions for the emission power spectrum. Other definitions for ultra-wideband range of frequency are also used such as any device that has 500 MHz bandwidth or fractional bandwidth greater than 25% is considered an UWB enable high data rate to be transferred with a very low power that does not exceed −41.3 dBm

    A compact UWB monopole antenna with penta band notched characteristics

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    A modified rectangular monopole ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with penta notched frequency bands is presented. An inverted U shaped and slanted U-shaped on the radiating patch are inserted to achieve WiMAX and ARN bands rejection respectively, two mirrored summation Σ-shaped and four mirrored 5-shaped slots are inserted on the partial ground to achieve WLAN and X-band bands rejection respectively, finally rectangular shaped slot with partially open on the feed is inserted to achieve ITU-8 band rejection. The proposed antenna which was simulated has a compact size 30×35×1.6 m3. It is operated with impedance bandwidth 2.8-10.6 GHz at |S11| &lt; −10 dB, that supported UWB bandwidth with filtering the five narrowbands that avoid the possible interference with them. The simulated resonant frequency for notched filters received 3.55, 4.55, 5.53, 7.45, 8.16 GHZ, for WiMAX, ARN, WLAN, X-Band, ITU-8 respectively. The proposed antenna is suitable for wireless communication such as mobile communication and internet of everything (IoE). Throughout this paper, CST-EM software package was used for the design implementation. Surface current distributions for all notched filters were investigated and shown that it is concentrated around the feeding point and the inserted notched slots proving that there is no radiation to the space due to maximum stored electromagnetic energy around each investigated notch slot, proving that the slots play a role of a quarter wavelength transformer which generates for each notched band, maximum gain, and radiation pattern are also investigated

    A Review on Different Techniques of Mutual Coupling Reduction Between Elements of Any MIMO Antenna. Part 2: Metamaterials and Many More

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    This two‐part article presents a review of different techniques of mutual coupling (MC) reduction. MC reduction is a primary concern while designing a compact multiple‐input‐multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna where the separation between the antennas is less than λ0/2, that is, half of the free‐space wavelength. The negative permittivity and permeability of artificially created materials/structures (Metamaterials) significantly help reduce MC among narrow‐band compact MIMO antenna design elements. In this part two of the review paper, we will discuss techniques: Metamaterials; Split‐Ring‐Resonator; Complementary‐Split‐Ring‐Resonator; Frequency Selective Surface, Metasurface, Electromagnetic Band Gap structure, Decoupling and Matching network, Neutralization line, Cloaking Structures, Shorting vias and pins and few more

    Review on the Design of the Isolation Techniques for UWB-MIMO Antennas

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    Ultra wide band - Multiple Input Multiple Output antenna technology provides higher data rates and the combination of the ultra wide band (UWB) and the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technologies provides a solution for the demand of still higher data rates i.e. in excess of 3 Gb/sec in the future.&nbsp; As the antenna technologies are improving, the size of the MIMO antenna is growing smaller and smaller. Placing the antenna elements in such close proximity increases the coupling between them. Various isolation techniques have to be introduced between the antenna elements to decrease the coupling and to improve the isolation. A study of the various isolation enhancement techniques have been made in this review. It analyses the various isolation enhancement methods such as using orthogonal polarization, parasitic elements, varied decoupling structures, defected ground structures (DGS), neutralization line (NL) and finally by using metamaterials. Metamaterials is a technology to perk up the isolation between the antenna elements. Split ring resonator (SRR) behaves as a metamaterial and it is used as an isolation mechanism in this study. The antennas are simulated and the results are compared. The method using parasitic elements gives the highest isolation of 35 dB and it is 5 dB better than the methods using orthogonal polarization and using the decoupling structure. The performance of all the antennas satisfies the conditions for minimum isolation. The envelope correlation coefficient is nearly zero in all the antennas and it implies good diversity performance. The diversity gain is also calculated for the various antennas and it satisfies good diversity performance. The bandwidth of the antennas is in the UWB frequency range and they have a fractional bandwidth above the required value of 1.09. The capacity loss for all the antennas is very low and the antennas using defected ground structure and the decoupling structure gives very low capacity loss
