31,210 research outputs found

    Effects of mindfulness meditation on conscious and non-conscious components of the mind

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    The aim of the present review is to investigate previous studies concerning the effects of meditation and dispositional mindfulness on conscious and implicit or non-conscious attitudes. First we present a brief perspective on conscious and non-conscious states of mind. Then we introducethefundamentalbasesofmindfulnessmeditation. Third we review studies on dispositional mindfulness and meditation that employed either direct or indirect measures to assess explicit and implicit attitudes. Finally, we briefly present how meditation has been associated with the psychotherapeutic practice of psychoanalysis and, hence, as a therapeutic technique to access the unconscious. Until now, few studies have investigated the impact of meditation on non-conscious states of mind and personality; nevertheless, both scientific studies involving implicit measures and reflections from psychotherapy have underlined the importance of meditation in promoting psychological well-being, leading to de-automatization of automatic patterns of responding and to higher levels of self-awareness

    People Make the Difference: An Explorative Study on the Relationship between Organizational Practices, Employees’ Resources, and Organizational Behavior Enhancing the Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development

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    The most recent developments in the field of sustainability science and the emergence of a psychologyofsustainabilityandsustainabledevelopmenthavecontributedtocollectevidencesabout the fact that modern organizations need healthy and motivated employees to survive and to prosper within this fast-moving scenario. In this vein, a confirmation to these evidences came from the abundant research on HEalthy and Resilient Organizations (HERO), showing that when organizations make systematic, planned, and proactive efforts to improve employees’ subjective resources then organizational processes and outcomes benefit in turn. Moving forward from these premises, the presentstudyaimedtoexploretheseassumptionswithinthecontextofsmallandmediumenterprises (SMEs), investigating the relationships among the organizational practices, employees’ subjective resources, and organizational behaviors. Two hundred and thirty-six participants working in SMEs located in the south of Italy took part. They were invited to fill in a questionnaire investigating their perception of organizational resources and practices (autonomy, leadership, communication, organizational mindfulness, and commitment to resilience), of their individual resources (work engagement and psychological capital), and finally, of some organizational outcomes (extra-role behavior). Results showed that psychological capital was a significant mediator of the relationship betweenemployees’perceptionoftheorganizationalresourcesandpracticesandextra-rolebehaviors. Concrete implications of these conclusions in terms of human resource management (HRM) are discussed together with limitations of the study and future developments

    Contemplating Mindfulness at Work: An Integrative Review

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    Mindfulness research activity is surging within organizational science. Emerging evidence across multiple fields suggests that mindfulness is fundamentally connected to many aspects of workplace functioning, but this knowledge base has not been systematically integrated to date. This review coalesces the burgeoning body of mindfulness scholarship into a framework to guide mainstream management research investigating a broad range of constructs. The framework identifies how mindfulness influences attention, with downstream effects on functional domains of cognition, emotion, behavior, and physiology. Ultimately, these domains impact key workplace outcomes, including performance, relationships, and well-being. Consideration of the evidence on mindfulness at work stimulates important questions and challenges key assumptions within management science, generating an agenda for future research

    Mindfulness-Based Group Therapy for the Caregivers of Those with ID

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    Caregivers of those with intellectual disabilities (ID) are susceptible to clinical depression and anxiety due to the overwhelming burden and outlook for the inevitable physical and emotional dependency. Treatments such as mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy have shown to lessen such burden and lower psychological distress in caregivers; however, the rising costs of such treatments advocate for a more efficient avenue. Mindfulness-based group cognitive therapy has been minimally researched yet shows promising factors in which clients find support through collaboration and feedback while utilizing the lower costs found in a group format. This article highlights the necessary factors of caregiver burden and how further research of group MBCT and group MBSR is pertinent to support this vulnerable population

    Self-Compassion, Psychological Resilience, and Social Media Use among Thai and British University Students

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    Previous research has suggested that self-compassion and psychological resilience are likely to be protective factors for young people’s psychological wellbeing during their time at university. However, no research has focused on self-compassion and psychological resilience among Thai and British students. The aims of this study were to explore the factors that affected self-compassion and psychological resilience among Thai and British university students and to explore the role that social media use has on these constructs. A total of 767 university students (482 Thai and 285 British undergraduate students) took part in a questionnaire-based study and 42 students (21 Thai and 21 British undergraduate students) participated in the in-depth interviews. The quantitative data show that gender, year of study as well as social media factors were predictors of self-compassion, while social support and perceived success influenced psychological resilience among Thai and British students. In addition, the qualitative data indicate that Thai and British students encountered similar problems and highlight the role that family and friends had on students’ strategies to deal with their problems compared to teachers and social media. The comparison between the two groups is discussed in relation to social media and cultural factors and the implications for higher education are considered

    Examining the differences between university students' levels of resilience on mindfulness, psychological distress and coping strategies

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    University students can face numerous stressors which can contribute to the development of psychological distress shown to be associated with decreasing completion and retention issues throughout Australian universities (Willcoxson, Cotter, & Joy, 2011). A positive predictor and outcome of successful student coping and adjustment to university and retention outcomes is resilience, the ability to cope in difficult situations and bounce back from adversity. Mindfulness has also been shown to be promote resilience. The present study examined differences in psychological distress, mindfulness, and coping strategies (adaptive vs. maladaptive) in university students (N = 122) with high and low levels of resilience. The results of a one-way MANOVA were consistent with hypotheses, revealing higher resilience scores were associated with greater mindfulness, higher adaptive coping scores, lower maladaptive coping, and reduced psychological distress. Students in the low resilience group were also found to have significantly lower levels of mindfulness, higher levels of psychological distress, reduced use of adaptive coping, and greater use of maladaptive coping, when compared to students with high resilience levels. Overall, findings of the current study are consistent with previous research and highlight the potential benefit of mindfulness-based coping interventions to foster resilience in university students