14,247 research outputs found

    Eşli Programlamanın Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Bilgisayar Programlama Özgüven ve Başarısına Etkisi

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    DergiPark: 575098tredBu araştırmada iç içegeçmiş durum çalışması yapılarak eşli programlamanın ortaokul öğrencilerininbilgisayar programlama özgüven ve başarısına etkisi araştırılmıştır.  Beşinci sınıf seviyesinde 35 öğrenci bireysel(n=13) ve eşli (n=22) programlama gruplarına ayrılmış, Scratch programlamaetkinlikleri kullanılarak sekiz haftalık bir uygulama yürütülmüştür.Araştırmada nitel veri görüşmelerle, nicel veri ise özgüven anketi verubriklerle toplanmıştır. Veri analizi için bağımsız örneklemler t testi ve içerik analizikullanılmıştır. Uygulama sonunda eşli programlama öğrencilerinin özgüven vebaşarısının, bireysel programlama öğrencilerinden daha yüksek olduğubulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, ortaokul seviyesinde bilgisayar programlama özgüvenive başarısını artırmak için eşli programlama yönteminin kullanımınıdesteklemekte, özellikle bilgisayar sayısı yetersiz olan okullara, rekabetçiöğrencilere ve programlamayı yeni öğrenenlere bu yöntemi önermektedir.The purpose ofthis embedded case study is to explore the possible influence of pairprogramming on secondary school students’ confidence and achievement incomputer programming. A total of 35 students in a fifth-grade class weredivided into individual (n=13) andpair programmers (n=22), who then usedScratch programming activities during an eight week implementation. Qualitativedata were collected with interviews and quantitative data were collected with aconfidence questionnaire and rubrics. Content analysis and independent-samples t tests were conducted for dataanalysis. The results showed that pair programmers’ confidence and achievementfor computer programming was higher compared to individual programmers afterthe implementation. The study supports the use of pair programming in secondaryschools, especially where there are limited numbers of computers, competitivestudents, and novice programmers to increase the confidence and achievement incomputer programming

    Structured Pairing in a First-Year Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory: The Effects on Student Retention, Attitudes, and Teamwork

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    This paper describes a simple technique, structured pairing, for organizing student teams in engineering instructional laboratories. This technique was adapted from pair programming, which was previously found to improve student confidence, satisfaction, and retention in computer science. A study of structured pairing was implemented in a large required course for first-year students in electrical and computer engineering. Six laboratory sections implemented structured pairing, and the other seven laboratory sections operated in a traditional way (i.e., unstructured team interactions). Data were collected from a student survey, two focus groups, and course enrollment records. Structured pairing students reported significantly higher confidence in laboratory tasks and satisfaction with the course and teamwork experiences. Focus group data indicated that structured pairing students experienced reciprocal scaffolding (i.e., students acknowledged that they learned from each other). Short-term retention in engineering did not differ significantly between structured pairing and traditional section students. These findings suggest that structured pairing is a more engaging and motivating alternative to traditional laboratory teaming methods


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    Today's software development is driven by software processes and practices that when followed increase the chances of building high quality software products. Not following these guidelines results in increased risk that the goal for the software's quality characteristics cannot be reached. Current process analysis approaches are limited in identifying and understanding process deviations and ultimately fail in comprehending why a process does not work in a given environment and what steps of the process have to be changed and tailored. In this work I will present a methodology for formulating, identifying and investigating process violations in the execution of software processes. The methodology, which can be thought of as "Process Conformance Testing", consists of a four step iterative model, compromising templates and tools. A strong focus is set on identifying violations in a cost efficient and unobtrusive manner by utilizing automatically collected data gathered through commonly used software development tools, such as version control systems. To evaluate the usefulness and correctness of the model a series of four studies have been conducted in both classroom and professional environments. A total of eight different software processes have been investigated and tested. The results of the studies show that the steps and iterative character of the methodology are useful for formulating and tailoring violation detection strategies and investigating violations in classroom study environments and professional environments. All the investigated processes were violated in some way, which emphasizes the importance of conformance measurement. This is especially important when running an empirical study to evaluate the effectiveness of a software process, as the experimenters want to make sure they are evaluating the specified process and not a variation of it. Violation detection strategies were tailored based upon analysis of the history of violations and feedback from then enactors and mangers yielding greater precision of identification of non-conformities. The overhead cost of the approach is shown to be feasible with a 3.4% (professional environment) and 12.1% (classroom environment) overhead. One interesting side result is that process enactors did not always follow the process for good reason, e.g. the process was not tailored for the environment, it was not specified at the right level of granularity, or was too difficult to follow. Two specific examples in this thesis are XP Pair Switching and Test Driven Development. In XP Pair Switching, the practice was violated because the frequency of switching was too high. The definition of Test Driven Development is simple and clear but requires a fair amount of discipline to follow, especially by novice programmers

    Exploring the Utility of Mindfulness in the Elementary School Classroom

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    Current evidence supporting the efficacy of mindfulness training in the K-12 setting is quite limited. In addition there is a lack of theory that is committed explicitly to explaining how a direct mindfulness-achievement effect might appear. This study builds a promising foundation for helping address this gap in the existing literature. Framed within the context of a limited source model of self-regulation, academic achievement and perceptions of third, fourth, and, fifth graders participating in a 3-week mindfulness training program were examined across variables of executive control, and emotional regulation. Mindfulness training produced observed emotional and cognitive benefits, including increased executive control and decreased negative affect, which translated to improved academic performance at the third grade elementary level. The study occurred in an active school environment and results were analyzed through a series of mixed model analyses of variance. In addition, implications for future research are discussed

    An aesthetics of touch: investigating the language of design relating to form

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    How well can designers communicate qualities of touch? This paper presents evidence that they have some capability to do so, much of which appears to have been learned, but at present make limited use of such language. Interviews with graduate designer-makers suggest that they are aware of and value the importance of touch and materiality in their work, but lack a vocabulary to fully relate to their detailed explanations of other aspects such as their intent or selection of materials. We believe that more attention should be paid to the verbal dialogue that happens in the design process, particularly as other researchers show that even making-based learning also has a strong verbal element to it. However, verbal language alone does not appear to be adequate for a comprehensive language of touch. Graduate designers-makers’ descriptive practices combined non-verbal manipulation within verbal accounts. We thus argue that haptic vocabularies do not simply describe material qualities, but rather are situated competences that physically demonstrate the presence of haptic qualities. Such competencies are more important than groups of verbal vocabularies in isolation. Design support for developing and extending haptic competences must take this wide range of considerations into account to comprehensively improve designers’ capabilities

    An examination of the employment of the pair programming methodology as a collaborative instructional scaffold on college student procedural learning and programming self-beliefs

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    Using a concurrent mixed methods case study approach, this study investigated the impact of employing the pair programming methodology as a collaborative instructional scaffold on student programming procedural knowledge and programming-related self-beliefs in an introductory computer programming course offered at a large university located in the Midwestern United States. Employing a design research theoretical perspective in a natural educational setting, the study used course performance data, survey data, and researcher observations to educe that employment of the pair programming methodology as a collaborative instructional scaffold facilitated a more efficient learning process as well as a learning process less reliant on instructors. However, employment of the scaffold did not facilitate any significant difference in amount of procedural knowledge ultimately learned by students. In essence: students learned faster and with less instructor assistance, but not more. Data was collected during a single semester of the course which had a final enrollment of 76 undergraduate students from science and technology disciplines. Analysis was primarily quantitative in nature, with qualitative data being quantified where possible. Findings were based on a cooperative learning theoretical framework, and results were analyzed to identify differential impact of the instructional scaffold by factors of interest to classroom practitioners

    Task switching in the prefrontal cortex

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    The overall goal of this dissertation is to elucidate the cellular and circuit mechanisms underlying flexible behavior in the prefrontal cortex. We are often faced with situations in which the appropriate behavior in one context is inappropriate in others. If these situations are familiar, we can perform the appropriate behavior without relearning how the context relates to the behavior — an important hallmark of intelligence. Neuroimaging and lesion studies have shown that this dynamic, flexible process of remapping context to behavior (task switching) is dependent on prefrontal cortex, but the precise contributions and interactions of prefrontal subdivisions are still unknown. This dissertation investigates two prefrontal areas that are thought to be involved in distinct, but complementary executive roles in task switching — the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Using electrophysiological recordings from macaque monkeys, I show that synchronous network oscillations in the dlPFC provide a mechanism to flexibly coordinate context representations (rules) between groups of neurons during task switching. Then, I show that, wheras the ACC neurons can represent rules at the cellular level, they do not play a significant role in switching between contexts — rather they seem to be more related to errors and motivational drive. Finally, I develop a set of web-enabled interactive visualization tools designed to provide a multi-dimensional integrated view of electrophysiological datasets. Taken together, these results contribute to our understanding of task switching by investigating new mechanisms for coordination of neurons in prefrontal cortex, clarifying the roles of prefrontal subdivisions during task switching, and providing visualization tools that enhance exploration and understanding of large, complex and multi-scale electrophysiological data

    Identification and Evaluation of Predictors for Learning Success and of Models for Teaching Computer Programming in Contemporary Contexts

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    Introductory undergraduate computer programming courses are renowned for higher than average failure and withdrawal rates when compared to other subject areas. The closer partnership between higher education and the rapidly expanding digital technology industry, as demonstrated by the establishment of new Degree Apprenticeships in computer science and digital technologies, requires efficient and effective means for teaching programming skills. This research, therefore, aimed to identify reliable predictors of success in learning programming or vulnerability to failure. The research also aimed to evaluate teaching methods and remedial interventions towards recommending a teaching model that supported and engaged learners in contemporary contexts that were relevant to the workplace. Investigation of qualifications designed to prepare students for undergraduate computer science courses revealed that A-level entrants achieved significantly higher programming grades than BTEC students. However, there was little difference between the grades of those with and those without previous qualifications in computing or ICT subjects. Analysis of engagement metrics revealed a strong correlation between extent of co-operation and programming grade, in contrast to a weak correlation between programming grade and code understanding. Further analysis of video recordings, interviews and observational records distinguished between the type of communication that helped peers comprehend tasks and concepts, and other forms of communication that were only concerned with completing tasks. Following the introduction of periodic assessment, essentially converting a single final assessment to three staged summative assessment points, it was found that failing students often pass only one of the three assignment parts. Furthermore, only 10% of those who failed overall had attempted all three assignments. Reasons for failure were attributed to ‘surface’ motivations (such as regulating efforts to achieve a minimum pass of 40%), ineffective working habits or stressful personal circumstances rather than any fundamental difficulty encountered with subject material. A key contribution to pedagogical practice made by this research is to propose an ‘incremental’ teaching model. This model is informed by educational theory and empirical evidence and comprises short cycles of three activities: presenting new topic information, tasking students with a relevant exercise and then demonstrating and discussing the exercise solution. The effectiveness of this model is evidenced by increased engagement, increased quiz scores at the end of each teaching session and increased retention of code knowledge at the end of the course

    Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering

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    Get the most out of this foundational reference and improve the productivity of your software teams. This open access book collects the wisdom of the 2017 "Dagstuhl" seminar on productivity in software engineering, a meeting of community leaders, who came together with the goal of rethinking traditional definitions and measures of productivity. The results of their work, Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering, includes chapters covering definitions and core concepts related to productivity, guidelines for measuring productivity in specific contexts, best practices and pitfalls, and theories and open questions on productivity. You'll benefit from the many short chapters, each offering a focused discussion on one aspect of productivity in software engineering. Readers in many fields and industries will benefit from their collected work. Developers wanting to improve their personal productivity, will learn effective strategies for overcoming common issues that interfere with progress. Organizations thinking about building internal programs for measuring productivity of programmers and teams will learn best practices from industry and researchers in measuring productivity. And researchers can leverage the conceptual frameworks and rich body of literature in the book to effectively pursue new research directions. What You'll Learn Review the definitions and dimensions of software productivity See how time management is having the opposite of the intended effect Develop valuable dashboards Understand the impact of sensors on productivity Avoid software development waste Work with human-centered methods to measure productivity Look at the intersection of neuroscience and productivity Manage interruptions and context-switching Who Book Is For Industry developers and those responsible for seminar-style courses that include a segment on software developer productivity. Chapters are written for a generalist audience, without excessive use of technical terminology. ; Collects the wisdom of software engineering thought leaders in a form digestible for any developer Shares hard-won best practices and pitfalls to avoid An up to date look at current practices in software engineering productivit