21 research outputs found

    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches

    Seamless Multimedia Delivery Within a Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Environment: Are We There Yet?

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    The increasing popularity of live video streaming from mobile devices, such as Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Snapchat, etc. pressurizes the network operators to increase the capacity of their networks. However, a simple increase in system capacity will not be enough without considering the provisioning of quality of experience (QoE) as the basis for network control, customer loyalty, and retention rate and thus increase in network operators revenue. As QoE is gaining strong momentum especially with increasing users' quality expectations, the focus is now on proposing innovative solutions to enable QoE when delivering video content over heterogeneous wireless networks. In this context, this paper presents an overview of multimedia delivery solutions, identifies the problems and provides a comprehensive classification of related state-of-the-art approaches following three key directions: 1) adaptation; 2) energy efficiency; and 3) multipath content delivery. Discussions, challenges, and open issues on the seamless multimedia provisioning faced by the current and next generation of wireless networks are also provided

    Optical simulation, modeling and evaluation of 3D medical displays

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    Perception of Color Break-Up

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    Hintergrund. Ein farbverfĂ€lschender Bildfehler namens Color Break-Up (CBU) wurde untersucht. Störende CBU-Effekte treten auf, wenn Augenbewegungen (z.B. Folgebewegungen oder Sakkaden) wĂ€hrend der Content-Wiedergabe ĂŒber sogenannte Field-Sequential Color (FSC) Displays oder Projektoren ausgefĂŒhrt werden. Die Ursache fĂŒr das Auftreten des CBU-Effektes ist die sequenzielle Anzeige der PrimĂ€rfarben ĂŒber das FSC-System. Methoden. Ein kombiniertes Design aus empirischer Forschung und theoretischer Modellierung wurde angewendet. Mittels empirischer Studien wurde der Einfluss von hardware-, content- und betrachterbasierten Faktoren auf die CBU-Wahrnehmung der Stichprobe untersucht. Hierzu wurden zunĂ€chst Sehleistung (u. a. Farbsehen), Kurzzeitzustand (u. a. Aufmerksamkeit) und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale (u. a. TechnikaffinitĂ€t) der Stichprobe erfasst. Anschließend wurden die Teilnehmenden gebeten, die wahrgenommene CBU-IntensitĂ€t verschiedener Videosequenzen zu bewerten. Die Sequenzen wurden mit einem FSC-Projektor wiedergegeben. Das verwendete Setup ermöglichte die Untersuchung folgender Variablen: die GrĂ¶ĂŸe (1.0 bis 6.0°) und Leuchtdichte (10.0 bis 157.0 cd/m2) des CBU-provozierenden Contents, das Augenbewegungsmuster des Teilnehmenden (Geschwindigkeit der Folgebewegung: 18.0 bis 54.0 °/s; Amplitude der Sakkade: 3.6 bis 28.2°), die Position der Netzhautstimulation (0.0 bis 50.0°) und die Bildrate des Projektors (30.0 bis 420.0 Hz). Korrelationen zwischen den unabhĂ€ngigen Variablen und der subjektiven CBU-Wahrnehmung wurden getestet. Das ergĂ€nzend entwickelte Modell prognostiziert die CBU-Wahrnehmung eines Betrachters auf theoretische Weise. Das Modell rekonstruiert die IntensitĂ€ts- und Farbeigenschaften von CBU-Effekten zunĂ€chst grafisch. Anschließend wird die visuelle CBU-Rekonstruktion zu reprĂ€sentativen Modellindizes komprimiert, um das modellierte Szenario mit einem handhabbaren Satz von Metriken zu quantifizieren. Die Modellergebnisse wurden abschließend mit den empirischen Daten verglichen. Ergebnisse. Die hohe interindividuelle CBU-VariabilitĂ€t innerhalb der Stichprobe lĂ€sst sich nicht durch die Sehleistung, den Kurzzeitzustand oder die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eines Teilnehmenden erklĂ€ren. Eindeutig verstĂ€rkende Bedingungen der CBU-Wahrnehmung sind: (1) eine foveale Position des CBU-Stimulus, (2) eine reduzierte StimulusgrĂ¶ĂŸe wĂ€hrend Sakkaden, (3) eine hohe Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit des Auges und (4) eine niedrige Bildrate des Projektors (Korrelation durch Exponentialfunktion beschreibbar, r2 > .93). Die Leuchtdichte des Stimulus wirkt sich nur geringfĂŒgig auf die CBU-Wahrnehmung aus. Generell hilft das Modell, die grundlegenden Prozesse der CBU-Genese zu verstehen, den Einfluss von CBU-Determinanten zu untersuchen und ein Klassifizierungsschema fĂŒr verschiedene CBU-Varianten zu erstellen. Das Modell prognostiziert die empirischen Daten innerhalb der angegebenen Toleranzbereiche. Schlussfolgerungen. Die Studienergebnisse ermöglichen die Festlegung von Bildraten und Eigenschaften des CBU-provozierenden Content (GrĂ¶ĂŸe und Position), die das Überschreiten vordefinierter, störender CBU-Grenzwerte vermeiden. Die abgeleiteten Hardwareanforderungen und Content-Empfehlungen ermöglichen ein praxisnahes und evidenzbasiertes CBU-Management. FĂŒr die Vorhersage von CBU kann die Modellgenauigkeit weiter verbessert werden, indem Merkmale der menschlichen Wahrnehmung berĂŒcksichtigt werden, z.B. die exzentrizitĂ€tsabhĂ€ngige Netzhautempfindlichkeit oder Änderungen der visuellen Wahrnehmung bei unterschiedlichen Arten von Augenbewegungen. Zur Modellierung dieser Merkmale können teilnehmerbezogene Daten der empirischen Forschung herangezogen werden.Background. A color-distorting artifact called Color Break-Up (CBU) has been investigated. Disturbing CBU effects occur when eye movements (e.g., pursuits or saccades) are performed during the presentation of content on Field-Sequential Color (FSC) display or projection systems where the primary colors are displayed sequentially rather than simultaneously. Methods. A mixed design of empirical research and theoretical modeling was used to address the main research questions. Conducted studies evaluated the impact of hardware-based, content-based, and viewer-based factors on the sample’s CBU perception. In a first step, visual performance parameters (e.g., color vision), short-term state (e.g., attention level), and long-term personality traits (e.g., affinity to technology) of the sample were recorded. Participants were then asked to rate the perceived CBU intensity for different video sequences presented by a FSC-based projector. The applied setup allowed the size of the CBU-provoking content (1.0 to 6.0°), its luminance level (10.0 to 157.0 cd/m2), the participant’s eye movement pattern (pursuits: 18.0 to 54.0 deg/s; saccadic amplitudes: 3.6 to 28.2°), the position of retinal stimulation (0.0 to 50.0°), and the projector’s frame rate (30.0 to 420.0 Hz) to be varied. Correlations between independent variables and subjective CBU perception were tested. In contrast, the developed model predicts a viewer’s CBU perception on an objective basis. The model graphically reconstructs the intensity and color characteristics of CBU effects. The visual CBU reconstruction is then compressed into representative model indices to quantify the modeled scenario with a manageable set of metrics. Finally, the model output was compared to the empirical data. Results. High interindividual CBU variability within the sample cannot be explained by a participant’s visual performance, short-term state or long-term personality traits. Conditions that distinctly elevate the participant’s CBU perception are (1) a foveal stimulus position on the retina, (2) a small-sized stimulus during saccades, (3) a high eye movement velocity, and (4) a low frame rate of the projector (correlation expressed by exponential function, r2 > .93). The stimulus luminance, however, only slightly affects CBU perception. In general, the model helps to understand the fundamental processes of CBU genesis, to investigate the impact of CBU determinants, and to establish a classification scheme for different CBU variants. The model adequately predicts the empirical data within the specified tolerance ranges. Conclusions. The study results allow the determination of frame rates and content characteristics (size and position) that avoid exceeding predefined annoyance thresholds for CBU perception. The derived hardware requirements and content recommendations enable practical and evidence-based CBU management. For CBU prediction, model accuracy can be further improved by considering features of human perception, e.g., eccentricity-dependent retinal sensitivity or changes in visual perception with different types of eye movements. Participant-based data from the empirical research can be used to model these features

    Quality of Experience in Immersive Video Technologies

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    Over the last decades, several technological revolutions have impacted the television industry, such as the shifts from black & white to color and from standard to high-definition. Nevertheless, further considerable improvements can still be achieved to provide a better multimedia experience, for example with ultra-high-definition, high dynamic range & wide color gamut, or 3D. These so-called immersive technologies aim at providing better, more realistic, and emotionally stronger experiences. To measure quality of experience (QoE), subjective evaluation is the ultimate means since it relies on a pool of human subjects. However, reliable and meaningful results can only be obtained if experiments are properly designed and conducted following a strict methodology. In this thesis, we build a rigorous framework for subjective evaluation of new types of image and video content. We propose different procedures and analysis tools for measuring QoE in immersive technologies. As immersive technologies capture more information than conventional technologies, they have the ability to provide more details, enhanced depth perception, as well as better color, contrast, and brightness. To measure the impact of immersive technologies on the viewersĂą QoE, we apply the proposed framework for designing experiments and analyzing collected subjectsĂą ratings. We also analyze eye movements to study human visual attention during immersive content playback. Since immersive content carries more information than conventional content, efficient compression algorithms are needed for storage and transmission using existing infrastructures. To determine the required bandwidth for high-quality transmission of immersive content, we use the proposed framework to conduct meticulous evaluations of recent image and video codecs in the context of immersive technologies. Subjective evaluation is time consuming, expensive, and is not always feasible. Consequently, researchers have developed objective metrics to automatically predict quality. To measure the performance of objective metrics in assessing immersive content quality, we perform several in-depth benchmarks of state-of-the-art and commonly used objective metrics. For this aim, we use ground truth quality scores, which are collected under our subjective evaluation framework. To improve QoE, we propose different systems for stereoscopic and autostereoscopic 3D displays in particular. The proposed systems can help reducing the artifacts generated at the visualization stage, which impact picture quality, depth quality, and visual comfort. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these systems, we use the proposed framework to measure viewersĂą preference between these systems and standard 2D & 3D modes. In summary, this thesis tackles the problems of measuring, predicting, and improving QoE in immersive technologies. To address these problems, we build a rigorous framework and we apply it through several in-depth investigations. We put essential concepts of multimedia QoE under this framework. These concepts not only are of fundamental nature, but also have shown their impact in very practical applications. In particular, the JPEG, MPEG, and VCEG standardization bodies have adopted these concepts to select technologies that were proposed for standardization and to validate the resulting standards in terms of compression efficiency

    Options Under Uncertainty: An Empirical Investigation of Patterns of Commitment in Display Technologies in the Flat Panel TV Set Industry

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    This dissertation considers fundamental questions about real options reasoning and its application in the face of uncertainty: do firms behave as real options reasoning predicts, and are there performance benefits from its application? The concept of uncertainty is further developed by considering two primary types: technological uncertainty and market needs uncertainty. A qualitative industry level historical case study is performed on the flat panel TV industry, chosen because it exhibits high technological uncertainty and low market needs uncertainty. Real options logic predicts, in such an industry, that firms will develop and maintain technology options until uncertainty is resolved. Firm level case studies for major incumbent Japanese TV set manufacturers and other relevant firms are performed. Comparison across the cases, and between several specific firms is conducted to test and further develop theory. The firms studied are found to generally behave as predicted by real options logic. Evidence from the study does not present a clear relation between options-related behavior and performance. Although this study identifies evidence not holding options can have large negative performance results, firms holding options as predicted by theory did not realize lasting performance improvements. With one exception, firms attempting to leverage technological capabilities into improved market positions were unable to realize durable improvements in their positions. The development and release of flat panel TV coincided with changes in performance for many firms in the industry; however, these performance changes were short lived. By the end of the study period, industry players had generally returned to the trajectories they were previously on. Between-case analysis of several outlying firms in the sample provides a rich and nuanced view of requirements for firms to dramatically improve performance in the face of high technological uncertainty in a market with very large size potential and relatively well-understood customer needs. This research contributes to the empirical literature on real options and is novel amongst academic research in its coverage of the flat panel display history using Japanese sources. Finally, this dissertation includes managerial implications regarding the usefulness of real options reasoning as well as practical issues in its implementation

    Lighting Design with LEDs: An investigation of the information that lighting designers require and receive from the LED Supply Chain, and an empirical study on the implications of lighting design with the use of LEDs

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    Lighting Emitted Diodes (LEDs) are currently being used in advanced lighting designs, mainly in the leisure industry, due to the technological advantages that they offer. Nevertheless, there have been key problems related to the adoption of LEDs in contemporary lighting design schemes. These include the photometry and colorimetry of LEDs, the limited available standards against which to compare and evaluate LEDs, the inadequacy of uniform definitions, and also the lack or inconsistency of data in the LED supply chain. In light of the above, the thesis aims at examining the implications of using LEDs in the illumination of the leisure industry, given the latest technological advancements. To achieve this goal, the thesis defines the Supply Chain of the LED industry. It discusses the flow of information between LED manufacturers, LED module manufacturers, luminaire manufacturers, lighting designers and end users. It analyzes the kind of information that each of these groups expects and receives from the other groups of the Supply Chain, for different kinds of LED applications. The thesis also discusses the importance of data availability to meet different lighting parameters in LED applications. Finally, the thesis notes the necessity for standards that ensure quality, reliable and comparable data. And it also provides guidelines on various issues that need to be taken into account when designing with LEDs. The thesis adds value to the lighting community by addressing issues not covered by previous research. In fact, it puts the whole “puzzle” of the LED lighting industry together by analyzing its different “pieces”: the market of lighting products, lighting design, standards availability, and end user requirements in the leisure industry. The originality of this research is related to the fact that it discloses the flow of information within the lighting industry and the way that the available knowledge is handled and distributed. The novelty of the thesis is also related to the fact that it reveals how information and data availability influence the adoption of LED technology and the decision making in regard to LED products for different kinds of applications. Through that, the thesis contributes to the lighting community by setting the importance of ‘quality’ lighting parameters when designing with LEDs, and by developing guidelines on how to handle the very fast changing technology of LEDs

    Amateur concert filming for YouTube: recalibrating the live music experience in an age of amateur reproduction

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    This thesis explores the recent phenomenon of music concert goers filming these concerts and uploading the footage to YouTube. This contemporary practice poses several questions of the nature of contemporary music culture. The status of the concert as live event is problematised by this mediation of the experience. The videos create producers of fans and allow these fans to make a substantive contribution to music culture as authors of music texts consumed through a major distribution network. The fact that these fans are not paid for their efforts begs the question as to what they gain from this enterprise; particularly as it serves as a distraction for filmers from the immersive concert experience. This thesis will use the work of Walter Benjamin on the ‘aura’ as a yardstick against which to judge current attitudes amongst music fans as to the status of live music alongside other ways of experiencing music. The thesis will also offer a contemporary reappraisal of Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of ‘cultural capital’ that accounts for the recognition that filmers receive from other music fans for their efforts in filming concerts. Concerts are restricted spaces in which music is simultaneously produced and consumed. Broadcasting videos of these events on YouTube provides recognition for filmers both for having attended and managed to capture footage to be shared with those unable to attend for various reasons. Filmers are not paid for their efforts and so this recognition serves as a form of cultural capital in lieu of financial reward. The thesis is based upon interviews with a global sample of music fans who either film concerts or watch these films on YouTube

    Improved planning and resource management in next generation green mobile communication networks

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    In upcoming years, mobile communication networks will experience a disruptive reinventing process through the deployment of post 5th Generation (5G) mobile networks. Profound impacts are expected on network planning processes, maintenance and operations, on mobile services, subscribers with major changes in their data consumption and generation behaviours, as well as on devices itself, with a myriad of different equipment communicating over such networks. Post 5G will be characterized by a profound transformation of several aspects: processes, technology, economic, social, but also environmental aspects, with energy efficiency and carbon neutrality playing an important role. It will represent a network of networks: where different types of access networks will coexist, an increasing diversity of devices of different nature, massive cloud computing utilization and subscribers with unprecedented data-consuming behaviours. All at greater throughput and quality of service, as unseen in previous generations. The present research work uses 5G new radio (NR) latest release as baseline for developing the research activities, with future networks post 5G NR in focus. Two approaches were followed: i) method re-engineering, to propose new mechanisms and overcome existing or predictably existing limitations and ii) concept design and innovation, to propose and present innovative methods or mechanisms to enhance and improve the design, planning, operation, maintenance and optimization of 5G networks. Four main research areas were addressed, focusing on optimization and enhancement of 5G NR future networks, the usage of edge virtualized functions, subscriber’s behavior towards the generation of data and a carbon sequestering model aiming to achieve carbon neutrality. Several contributions have been made and demonstrated, either through models of methodologies that will, on each of the research areas, provide significant improvements and enhancements from the planning phase to the operational phase, always focusing on optimizing resource management. All the contributions are retro compatible with 5G NR and can also be applied to what starts being foreseen as future mobile networks. From the subscriber’s perspective and the ultimate goal of providing the best quality of experience possible, still considering the mobile network operator’s (MNO) perspective, the different proposed or developed approaches resulted in optimization methods for the numerous problems identified throughout the work. Overall, all of such contributed individually but aggregately as a whole to improve and enhance globally future mobile networks. Therefore, an answer to the main question was provided: how to further optimize a next-generation network - developed with optimization in mind - making it even more efficient while, simultaneously, becoming neutral concerning carbon emissions. The developed model for MNOs which aimed to achieve carbon neutrality through CO2 sequestration together with the subscriber’s behaviour model - topics still not deeply focused nowadays – are two of the main contributions of this thesis and of utmost importance for post-5G networks.Nos prĂłximos anos espera-se que as redes de comunicaçÔes mĂłveis se reinventem para lĂĄ da 5ÂȘ Geração (5G), com impactos profundos ao nĂ­vel da forma como sĂŁo planeadas, mantidas e operacionalizadas, ao nĂ­vel do comportamento dos subscritores de serviços mĂłveis, e atravĂ©s de uma mirĂ­ade de dispositivos a comunicar atravĂ©s das mesmas. Estas redes serĂŁo profundamente transformadoras em termos tecnolĂłgicos, econĂłmicos, sociais, mas tambĂ©m ambientais, sendo a eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica e a neutralidade carbĂłnica aspetos que sofrem uma profunda melhoria. Paradoxalmente, numa rede em que coexistirĂŁo diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, mais dispositivos, utilização massiva de sistema de computação em nuvem, e subscritores com comportamentos de consumo de serviços inĂ©ditos nas geraçÔes anteriores. O trabalho desenvolvido utiliza como base a release mais recente das redes 5G NR (New Radio), sendo o principal focus as redes pĂłs-5G. Foi adotada uma abordagem de "reengenharia de mĂ©todos” (com o objetivo de propor mecanismos para resolver limitaçÔes existentes ou previsĂ­veis) e de “inovação e design de conceitos”, em que sĂŁo apresentadas tĂ©cnicas e metodologias inovadoras, com o principal objetivo de contribuir para um desenho e operação otimizadas desta geração de redes celulares. Quatro grandes ĂĄreas de investigação foram endereçadas, contribuindo individualmente para um todo: melhorias e otimização generalizada de redes pĂłs-5G, a utilização de virtualização de funçÔes de rede, a anĂĄlise comportamental dos subscritores no respeitante Ă  geração e consumo de trĂĄfego e finalmente, um modelo de sequestro de carbono com o objetivo de compensar as emissĂ”es produzidas por esse tipo de redes que se prevĂȘ ser massiva, almejando atingir a neutralidade carbĂłnica. Como resultado deste trabalho, foram feitas e demonstradas vĂĄrias contribuiçÔes, atravĂ©s de modelos ou metodologias, representando em cada ĂĄrea de investigação melhorias e otimizaçÔes, que, todas contribuindo para o mesmo objetivo, tiveram em consideração a retro compatibilidade e aplicabilidade ao que se prevĂȘ que sejam as futuras redes pĂłs 5G. Focando sempre na perspetiva do subscritor da melhor experiĂȘncia possĂ­vel, mas tambĂ©m no lado do operador de serviço mĂłvel – que pretende otimizar as suas redes, reduzir custos e maximizar o nĂ­vel de qualidade de serviço prestado - as diferentes abordagens que foram desenvolvidas ou propostas, tiveram como resultado a resolução ou otimização dos diferentes problemas identificados, contribuindo de forma agregada para a melhoria do sistema no seu todo, respondendo Ă  questĂŁo principal de como otimizar ainda mais uma rede desenvolvida para ser extremamente eficiente, tornando-a, simultaneamente, neutra em termos de emissĂ”es de carbono. Das principais contribuiçÔes deste trabalho relevam-se precisamente o modelo de compensação das emissĂ”es de CO2, com vista Ă  neutralidade carbĂłnica e um modelo de anĂĄlise comportamental dos subscritores, dois temas ainda pouco explorados e extremamente importantes em contexto de redes futuras pĂłs-5G