325 research outputs found

    Learning programs by learning from failures

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    We describe an inductive logic programming (ILP) approach called learning from failures. In this approach, an ILP system (the learner) decomposes the learning problem into three separate stages: generate, test, and constrain. In the generate stage, the learner generates a hypothesis (a logic program) that satisfies a set of hypothesis constraints (constraints on the syntactic form of hypotheses). In the test stage, the learner tests the hypothesis against training examples. A hypothesis fails when it does not entail all the positive examples or entails a negative example. If a hypothesis fails, then, in the constrain stage, the learner learns constraints from the failed hypothesis to prune the hypothesis space, i.e. to constrain subsequent hypothesis generation. For instance, if a hypothesis is too general (entails a negative example), the constraints prune generalisations of the hypothesis. If a hypothesis is too specific (does not entail all the positive examples), the constraints prune specialisations of the hypothesis. This loop repeats until either (i) the learner finds a hypothesis that entails all the positive and none of the negative examples, or (ii) there are no more hypotheses to test. We introduce Popper, an ILP system that implements this approach by combining answer set programming and Prolog. Popper supports infinite problem domains, reasoning about lists and numbers, learning textually minimal programs, and learning recursive programs. Our experimental results on three domains (toy game problems, robot strategies, and list transformations) show that (i) constraints drastically improve learning performance, and (ii) Popper can outperform existing ILP systems, both in terms of predictive accuracies and learning times.Comment: Accepted for the machine learning journa

    Combining inductive logic programming, active learning and robotics to discover the function of genes

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    The paper is addressed to AI workers with an interest in biomolecular genetics and also to biomolecular geneticists interested in what AI tools may do for them. The authors are engaged in a collaborative enterprise aimed at partially automating some aspects of scientific work. These aspects include the processes of forming hypotheses, devising trials to discriminate between these competing hypotheses, physically performing these trials and then using the results of these trials to converge upon an accurate hypothesis. As a potential component of the reasoning carried out by an "artificial scientist" this paper describes ASE-Progol, an Active Learning system which uses Inductive Logic Programming to construct hypothesised first-order theories and uses a CART-like algorithm to select trials for eliminating ILP derived hypotheses. In simulated yeast growth tests ASE-Progol was used to rediscover how genes participate in the aromatic amino acid pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The cost of the chemicals consumed in converging upon a hypothesis with an accuracy of around 88% was reduced by five orders of magnitude when trials were selected by ASE-Progol rather than being sampled at random. While the naive strategy of always choosing the cheapest trial from the set of candidate trials led to lower cumulative costs than ASE-Progol, both the naive strategy and the random strategy took significantly longer to converge upon a final hypothesis than ASE-Progol. For example to reach an accuracy of 80%, ASE-Progol required 4 days while random sampling required 6 days and the naive strategy required 10 days

    Logic Programs as Declarative and Procedural Bias in Inductive Logic Programming

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    Machine Learning is necessary for the development of Artificial Intelligence, as pointed out by Turing in his 1950 article ``Computing Machinery and Intelligence''. It is in the same article that Turing suggested the use of computational logic and background knowledge for learning. This thesis follows a logic-based machine learning approach called Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), which is advantageous over other machine learning approaches in terms of relational learning and utilising background knowledge. ILP uses logic programs as a uniform representation for hypothesis, background knowledge and examples, but its declarative bias is usually encoded using metalogical statements. This thesis advocates the use of logic programs to represent declarative and procedural bias, which results in a framework of single-language representation. We show in this thesis that using a logic program called the top theory as declarative bias leads to a sound and complete multi-clause learning system MC-TopLog. It overcomes the entailment-incompleteness of Progol, thus outperforms Progol in terms of predictive accuracies on learning grammars and strategies for playing Nim game. MC-TopLog has been applied to two real-world applications funded by Syngenta, which is an agriculture company. A higher-order extension on top theories results in meta-interpreters, which allow the introduction of new predicate symbols. Thus the resulting ILP system Metagol can do predicate invention, which is an intrinsically higher-order logic operation. Metagol also leverages the procedural semantic of Prolog to encode procedural bias, so that it can outperform both its ASP version and ILP systems without an equivalent procedural bias in terms of efficiency and accuracy. This is demonstrated by the experiments on learning Regular, Context-free and Natural grammars. Metagol is also applied to non-grammar learning tasks involving recursion and predicate invention, such as learning a definition of staircases and robot strategy learning. Both MC-TopLog and Metagol are based on a \top-directed framework, which is different from other multi-clause learning systems based on Inverse Entailment, such as CF-Induction, XHAIL and IMPARO. Compared to another \top-directed multi-clause learning system TAL, Metagol allows the explicit form of higher-order assumption to be encoded in the form of meta-rules.Open Acces

    Logic-based machine learning using a bounded hypothesis space: the lattice structure, refinement operators and a genetic algorithm approach

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    Rich representation inherited from computational logic makes logic-based machine learning a competent method for application domains involving relational background knowledge and structured data. There is however a trade-off between the expressive power of the representation and the computational costs. Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) systems employ different kind of biases and heuristics to cope with the complexity of the search, which otherwise is intractable. Searching the hypothesis space bounded below by a bottom clause is the basis of several state-of-the-art ILP systems (e.g. Progol and Aleph). However, the structure of the search space and the properties of the refinement operators for theses systems have not been previously characterised. The contributions of this thesis can be summarised as follows: (i) characterising the properties, structure and morphisms of bounded subsumption lattice (ii) analysis of bounded refinement operators and stochastic refinement and (iii) implementation and empirical evaluation of stochastic search algorithms and in particular a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach for bounded subsumption. In this thesis we introduce the concept of bounded subsumption and study the lattice and cover structure of bounded subsumption. We show the morphisms between the lattice of bounded subsumption, an atomic lattice and the lattice of partitions. We also show that ideal refinement operators exist for bounded subsumption and that, by contrast with general subsumption, efficient least and minimal generalisation operators can be designed for bounded subsumption. In this thesis we also show how refinement operators can be adapted for a stochastic search and give an analysis of refinement operators within the framework of stochastic refinement search. We also discuss genetic search for learning first-order clauses and describe a framework for genetic and stochastic refinement search for bounded subsumption. on. Finally, ILP algorithms and implementations which are based on this framework are described and evaluated.Open Acces

    Random Relational Rules

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    Exhaustive search in relational learning is generally infeasible, therefore some form of heuristic search is usually employed, such as in FOIL[1]. On the other hand, so-called stochastic discrimination provides a framework for combining arbitrary numbers of weak classifiers (in this case randomly generated relational rules) in a way where accuracy improves with additional rules, even after maximal accuracy on the training data has been reached. [2] The weak classifiers must have a slightly higher probability of covering instances of their target class than of other classes. As the rules are also independent and identically distributed, the Central Limit theorem applies and as the number of weak classifiers/rules grows, coverages for different classes resemble well-separated normal distributions. Stochastic discrimination is closely related to other ensemble methods like Bagging, Boosting, or Random forests, all of which have been tried in relational learning [3, 4, 5]

    Schema Independent Relational Learning

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    Learning novel concepts and relations from relational databases is an important problem with many applications in database systems and machine learning. Relational learning algorithms learn the definition of a new relation in terms of existing relations in the database. Nevertheless, the same data set may be represented under different schemas for various reasons, such as efficiency, data quality, and usability. Unfortunately, the output of current relational learning algorithms tends to vary quite substantially over the choice of schema, both in terms of learning accuracy and efficiency. This variation complicates their off-the-shelf application. In this paper, we introduce and formalize the property of schema independence of relational learning algorithms, and study both the theoretical and empirical dependence of existing algorithms on the common class of (de) composition schema transformations. We study both sample-based learning algorithms, which learn from sets of labeled examples, and query-based algorithms, which learn by asking queries to an oracle. We prove that current relational learning algorithms are generally not schema independent. For query-based learning algorithms we show that the (de) composition transformations influence their query complexity. We propose Castor, a sample-based relational learning algorithm that achieves schema independence by leveraging data dependencies. We support the theoretical results with an empirical study that demonstrates the schema dependence/independence of several algorithms on existing benchmark and real-world datasets under (de) compositions

    Inductive Logic Programming as Abductive Search

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    We present a novel approach to non-monotonic ILP and its implementation called TAL (Top-directed Abductive Learning). TAL overcomes some of the completeness problems of ILP systems based on Inverse Entailment and is the first top-down ILP system that allows background theories and hypotheses to be normal logic programs. The approach relies on mapping an ILP problem into an equivalent ALP one. This enables the use of established ALP proof procedures and the specification of richer language bias with integrity constraints. The mapping provides a principled search space for an ILP problem, over which an abductive search is used to compute inductive solutions