25,138 research outputs found

    An open-system approach for the characterization of spatio-temporal chaos

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    We investigate the structure of the invariant measure of space-time chaos by adopting an "open-system" point of view. We consider large but finite windows of formally infinite one-dimensional lattices and quantify the effect of the interaction with the outer region by mapping the problem on the dynamical characterization of localized perturbations. This latter task is performed by suitably generalizing the concept of Lyapunov spectrum to cope with perturbations that propagate outside the region under investigation. As a result, we are able to introduce a "volume"-propagation velocity, i.e. the velocity with which ensembles of localized perturbations tend to fill volumes in the neighbouring regions.Comment: Submitted to J.Stat.Phys. - 26 pages, 7 eps-figures included. Keywords: High-dimensional Chaos; Fractals; Coupled map lattices; Numerical simulations of chaotic model

    Quantum chaos for nonstandard symmetry classes in the Feingold-Peres model of coupled tops

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    We consider two coupled quantum tops with angular momentum vectors L\mathbf{L} and M\mathbf{M}. The coupling Hamiltonian defines the Feinberg-Peres model which is a known paradigm of quantum chaos. We show that this model has a nonstandard symmetry with respect to the Altland-Zirnbauer tenfold symmetry classification of quantum systems which extends the well-known threefold way of Wigner and Dyson (referred to as `standard' symmetry classes here). We identify that the nonstandard symmetry classes BDI0I_0 (chiral orthogonal class with no zero modes), BDI1I_1 (chiral orthogonal class with one zero mode) and CII (antichiral orthogonal class) as well as the standard symmetry class AII (orthogonal class). We numerically analyze the specific spectral quantum signatures of chaos related to the nonstandard symmetries. In the microscopic density of states and in the distribution of the lowest positive energy eigenvalue we show that the Feinberg-Peres model follows the predictions of the Gaussian ensembles of random-matrix theory in the appropriate symmetry class if the corresponding classical dynamics is chaotic. In a crossover to mixed and near-integrable classical dynamics we show that these signatures disappear or strongly change.Comment: 15 page

    String compactifications on Calabi-Yau stacks

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    In this paper we study string compactifications on Deligne-Mumford stacks. The basic idea is that all such stacks have presentations to which one can associate gauged sigma models, where the group gauged need be neither finite nor effectively-acting. Such presentations are not unique, and lead to physically distinct gauged sigma models; stacks classify universality classes of gauged sigma models, not gauged sigma models themselves. We begin by defining and justifying a notion of ``Calabi-Yau stack,'' recall how one defines sigma models on (presentations of) stacks, and calculate of physical properties of such sigma models, such as closed and open string spectra. We describe how the boundary states in the open string B model on a Calabi-Yau stack are counted by derived categories of coherent sheaves on the stack. Along the way, we describe numerous tests that IR physics is presentation-independent, justifying the claim that stacks classify universality classes. String orbifolds are one special case of these compactifications, a subject which has proven controversial in the past; however we resolve the objections to this description of which we are aware. In particular, we discuss the apparent mismatch between stack moduli and physical moduli, and how that discrepancy is resolved.Comment: 85 pages, LaTeX; v2: typos fixe

    Bianchi Model CMB Polarization and its Implications for CMB Anomalies

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    We derive the CMB radiative transfer equation in the form of a multipole hierarchy in the nearly-Friedmann-Robertson-Walker limit of homogeneous, but anisotropic, universes classified via their Bianchi type. Compared with previous calculations, this allows a more sophisticated treatment of recombination, produces predictions for the polarization of the radiation, and allows for reionization. Our derivation is independent of any assumptions about the dynamical behaviour of the field equations, except that it requires anisotropies to be small back to recombination; this is already demanded by observations. We calculate the polarization signal in the Bianchi VIIh case, with the parameters recently advocated to mimic the several large-angle anomalous features observed in the CMB. We find that the peak polarization signal is ~ 1.2 micro K for the best-fit model to the temperature anisotropies, and is mostly confined to multipoles l<10. Remarkably, the predicted large-angle EE and TE power spectra in the Bianchi model are consistent with WMAP observations that are usually interpreted as evidence of early reionization. However, the power in B-mode polarisation is predicted to be similar to the E-mode power and parity-violating correlations are also predicted by the model; the WMAP non-detection of either of these signals casts further strong doubts on the veracity of attempts to explain the large-angle anomalies with global anisotropy. On the other hand, given that there exist further dynamical degrees of freedom in the VIIh universes that are yet to be compared with CMB observations, we cannot at this time definitively reject the anisotropy explanation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor grammatical and typographical changes to reflect version in press. 13 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum cat maps with spin 1/2

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    We derive a semiclassical trace formula for quantized chaotic transformations of the torus coupled to a two-spinor precessing in a magnetic field. The trace formula is applied to semiclassical correlation densities of the quantum map, which, according to the conjecture of Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit, are expected to converge to those of the circular symplectic ensemble (CSE) of random matrices. In particular, we show that the diagonal approximation of the spectral form factor for small arguments agrees with the CSE prediction. The results are confirmed by numerical investigations.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Entropy potential and Lyapunov exponents

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    According to a previous conjecture, spatial and temporal Lyapunov exponents of chaotic extended systems can be obtained from derivatives of a suitable function: the entropy potential. The validity and the consequences of this hypothesis are explored in detail. The numerical investigation of a continuous-time model provides a further confirmation to the existence of the entropy potential. Furthermore, it is shown that the knowledge of the entropy potential allows determining also Lyapunov spectra in general reference frames where the time-like and space-like axes point along generic directions in the space-time plane. Finally, the existence of an entropy potential implies that the integrated density of positive exponents (Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy) is independent of the chosen reference frame.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 8 figures, submitted to CHAO
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