7,545 research outputs found

    A systems-based approach for detecting molecular interactions across tissues.

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    Current high-throughput gene expression experiments have a straightforward design of examining the gene expression of one group or condition relative to that of another. The data is typically analyzed as if they represent strictly intracellular events, and often treats genes as coming from a homogeneous population. Although intracellular events are crucial to nearly all biological processes, cell-cell interactions are often just as important, especially when gene expression data is generated from heterogeneous cell populations, such as from whole tissues. Cell-cell molecular interactions are generally lost in the available analytical procedures and as a result, are not examined experimentally, at least not accurately or with efficiency. Most importantly, this imposes major limitations when studying gene expression changes in multiple samples that interact with one another. In order to addresses the limitations of current techniques, we have developed a novel systems-based approach that expands the traditional analysis of gene expression in two stages. This includes a novel sequence-based meta-analytic tool, AbsIDconvert, that allows for conversion of annotated features using an interval tree for storing and querying absolute genomic coordinates for comparison of multi-scale macro-molecule identifiers across platforms and/or organisms. In addition, a systems-based heuristic algorithm is developed to find intercellular interactions between two sets of genes, potentially from different tissues by utilizing location information of each gene along with the information available in the secondary databases in the form of interactions, pathways and signaling. AbsIDconvert is shown to provide a high accuracy in identifier conversion as compared to other available methodologies (typically at an average rate of 84%) while maintaining a higher efficiency (O(n*log(n)). Our intercellular interaction approach and underlying visualization shows promise in allowing researchers to uncover novel signaling pathways in an intercellular fashion that to this point has not been possible

    Inferring progression models for CGH data

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    Motivation: One of the mutational processes that has been monitored genome-wide is the occurrence of regional DNA copy number alterations (CNAs), which may lead to deletion or over-expression of tumor suppressors or oncogenes, respectively. Understanding the relationship between CNAs and different cancer types is a fundamental problem in cancer studies. Results: This article develops an efficient method that can accurately model the progression of the cancer markers and reconstruct evolutionary relationship between multiple types of cancers using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) data. Such modeling can lead to better understanding of the commonalities and differences between multiple cancer types and potential therapies. We have developed an automatic method to infer a graph model for the markers of multiple cancers from a large population of CGH data. Our method identifies highly related markers across different cancer types. It then builds a directed acyclic graph that shows the evolutionary history of these markers based on how common each marker is in different cancer types. We demonstrated the use of this model in determining the importance of markers in cancer evolution. We have also developed a new method to measure the evolutionary distance between different cancers based on their markers. This method employs the graph model we developed for the individual markers to measure the distance between pairs of cancers. We used this measure to create an evolutionary tree for multiple cancers. Our experiments on Progenetix database show that our markers are largely consistent to the reported hot-spot imbalances and most frequent imbalances. The results show that our distance measure can accurately reconstruct the evolutionary relationship between multiple cancer types. Availability: All the code developed in this article are available at http://bioinformatics.cise.ufl.edu/phylogeny.html. Contact: [email protected]; [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Characterization of DNA methylation as a function of biological complexity via dinucleotide inter-distances

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    We perform a statistical study of the distances between successive occurrencies of a given dinucleotide in the DNA sequence for a number of organisms of different complexity. Our analysis highlights peculiar features of the dinucleotide CG distribution in mammalian DNA, pointing towards a connection with the role of such dinucleotide in DNA methylation. While the CG distributions of mammals exhibit exponential tails with comparable parameters, the picture for the other organisms studied (e.g., fish, insects, bacteria and viruses) is more heterogeneous, possibly because in these organisms DNA methylation has different functional roles. Our analysis suggests that the distribution of the distances between dinucleotides CG provides useful insights in characterizing and classifying organisms in terms of methylation functionalities.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. To be published in the Philosophical Transactions A theme issue "DNA as information

    Uncovering the sources of DNA found on the Turin Shroud

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    The Turin Shroud is traditionally considered to be the burial cloth in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped after his death approximately 2000 years ago. Here, we report the main findings from the analysis of genomic DNA extracted from dust particles vacuumed from parts of the body image and the lateral edge used for radiocarbon dating. Several plant taxa native to the Mediterranean area were identified as well as species with a primary center of origin in Asia, the Middle East or the Americas but introduced in a historical interval later than the Medieval period. Regarding human mitogenome lineages, our analyses detected sequences from multiple subjects of different ethnic origins, which clustered into a number of Western Eurasian haplogroups, including some known to be typical of Western Europe, the Near East, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian sub-continent. Such diversity does not exclude a Medieval origin in Europe but it would be also compatible with the historic path followed by the Turin Shroud during its presumed journey from the Near East. Furthermore, the results raise the possibility of an Indian manufacture of the linen cloth

    Islands of linkage in an ocean of pervasive recombination reveals two-speed evolution of human cytomegalovirus genomes

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infects most of the population worldwide, persisting throughout the host's life in a latent state with periodic episodes of reactivation. While typically asymptomatic, HCMV can cause fatal disease among congenitally infected infants and immunocompromised patients. These clinical issues are compounded by the emergence of antiviral resistance and the absence of an effective vaccine, the development of which is likely complicated by the numerous immune evasins encoded by HCMV to counter the host's adaptive immune responses, a feature that facilitates frequent super-infections. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of HCMV is essential for the development of effective new drugs and vaccines. By comparing viral genomes from uncultivated or low-passaged clinical samples of diverse origins, we observe evidence of frequent homologous recombination events, both recent and ancient, and no structure of HCMV genetic diversity at the whole-genome scale. Analysis of individual gene-scale loci reveals a striking dichotomy: while most of the genome is highly conserved, recombines essentially freely and has evolved under purifying selection, 21 genes display extreme diversity, structured into distinct genotypes that do not recombine with each other. Most of these hyper-variable genes encode glycoproteins involved in cell entry or escape of host immunity. Evidence that half of them have diverged through episodes of intense positive selection suggests that rapid evolution of hyper-variable loci is likely driven by interactions with host immunity. It appears that this process is enabled by recombination unlinking hyper-variable loci from strongly constrained neighboring sites. It is conceivable that viral mechanisms facilitating super-infection have evolved to promote recombination between diverged genotypes, allowing the virus to continuously diversify at key loci to escape immune detection, while maintaining a genome optimally adapted to its asymptomatic infectious lifecycle

    Selection and environmental adaptation along a path to speciation in the Tibetan frog Nanorana parkeri.

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    Tibetan frogs, Nanorana parkeri, are differentiated genetically but not morphologically along geographical and elevational gradients in a challenging environment, presenting a unique opportunity to investigate processes leading to speciation. Analyses of whole genomes of 63 frogs reveal population structuring and historical demography, characterized by highly restricted gene flow in a narrow geographic zone lying between matrilines West (W) and East (E). A population found only along a single tributary of the Yalu Zangbu River has the mitogenome only of E, whereas nuclear genes of W comprise 89-95% of the nuclear genome. Selection accounts for 579 broadly scattered, highly divergent regions (HDRs) of the genome, which involve 365 genes. These genes fall into 51 gene ontology (GO) functional classes, 14 of which are likely to be important in driving reproductive isolation. GO enrichment analyses of E reveal many overrepresented functional categories associated with adaptation to high elevations, including blood circulation, response to hypoxia, and UV radiation. Four genes, including DNAJC8 in the brain, TNNC1 and ADORA1 in the heart, and LAMB3 in the lung, differ in levels of expression between low- and high-elevation populations. High-altitude adaptation plays an important role in maintaining and driving continuing divergence and reproductive isolation. Use of total genomes enabled recognition of selection and adaptation in and between populations, as well as documentation of evolution along a stepped cline toward speciation

    A new diagnostic algorithm for Burkitt and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas based on the expression of CSE1L and STAT3 and on MYC rearrangement predicts outcome

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    Background Aggressive mature B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (BCL) sharing features of Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (intermediate BL/DLBCL) but deviating with respect to one or more characteristics are increasingly recognized. The limited knowledge about these biologically heterogeneous lymphomas hampers their assignment to a known entity, raising incertitude about optimal treatment approaches. We therefore searched for discriminative, prognostic, and predictive factors for their better characterization. Patients and methods We analyzed 242 cytogenetically defined aggressive mature BCL for differential protein expression. Marker selection was based on recent gene-expression profile studies. Predictive models for diagnosis were established and validated by a different set of lymphomas. Results CSE1L- and inhibitor of DNA binding-3 (ID3)-overexpression was associated with the diagnosis of BL and signal transduction and transcription-3 (STAT3) with DLBCL (P<0.001 for all markers). All three markers were associated with patient outcome in DLBCL. A new algorithm discriminating BL from DLBCL emerged, including the expression of CSE1L, STAT3, and MYC translocation. This ‘new classifier' enabled the identification of patients with intermediate BL/DLBCL who benefited from intensive chemotherapy regimens. Conclusion The proposed algorithm, which is based on markers with reliable staining properties for routine diagnostics, represents a novel valid tool in separating BL from DLBCL. Most interestingly, it allows segregating intermediate BL/DLBCL into groups with different treatment requirement


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    Pratylenchus species are among the most common plant parasitic nematodes in the Great Plains Region. The objectives of this study were to barcode Pratylenchus specimens for species identification in the Great Plains region using mitochondrial CO1 DNA barcode. In order to (1) determine species boundaries, (2) assess the host associations of barcoded Pratylenchus, (3) to determine the distribution patterns across the Great Plains Region and, (4) to evaluate the species status of P. scribneri and P. hexincisus by a multivariate morphological analysis of haplotype groups identified by DNA barcoding. Soil samples, primarily associated with eight major crops, were collected from Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming. A total of 439 infested field samples from 122 counties representing 11 states were selected for CO1 DNA barcoding. The CO1 region of each individual nematode was amplified by PCR resulting in a 727-739 CO1 nucleotide sequence. Maximum likelihood, neighbor-joining, and Bayesian phylogenetic trees each displayed 19 distinct haplotype groups that were well supported by bootstrap, genetic distances, and posterior probabilities, ages of lineages. Species delimitation analysis (ABGD-GMYC-TCS) revealed variation in detecting putative species number. Most of the tentatively labeled haplotype groups were not easily associated with a named species of Pratylenchus and ambiguous results were especially evident for P. scribneri and P. hexincisus. The most common haplotype group was P. neglectus detected from 178 fields from 100 counties associated with potatoes, wheat, corn, barley, alfalfa, dry beans, vineyard, and sugar beet soils. The second most prevalent haplotype group was P. scribneri recovered from 104 fields from 45 counties. Mixed field populations were encountered of approximately 20% of infested fields, suggesting most often P. neglectus and P. scribneri together. Morphological assessment of Great Plains specimens of P. hexincisus and P. scribneri revealed difficulties in the morphological discrimination of this pair species, as evident by overlapping on plot of canonical discriminant analysis. Identification of Pratylenchus species by DNA barcoding should lead to specific, focused, and effective management strategies for lesion nematodes. Advisor: Thomas O. Power

    Network-guided data integration and gene prioritization

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