1,114 research outputs found

    User Interface Management Systems: A Survey and a Proposed Design

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    The growth of interactive computing has resulted in increasingly more complex styles of interaction between user and computer. To facilitate the creation of highly interactive systems, the concept of the User Interface Management System (UIMS) has been developed. Following the definition of the term 'UIMS' and a consideration of the putative advantages of the UIMS approach, a number of User Interface Management Systems are examined. This examination focuses in turn on the run-time execution system, the specification notation and the design environment, with a view to establishing the features which an "ideal" UIMS should possess. On the basis of this examination, a proposal for the design of a new UIMS is presented, and progress reported towards the implementation of a prototype based on this design

    Interpreted graph models

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    A model class called an Interpreted Graph Model (IGM) is defined. This class includes a large number of graph-based models that are used in asynchronous circuit design and other applications of concurrecy. The defining characteristic of this model class is an underlying static graph-like structure where behavioural semantics are attached using additional entities, such as tokens or node/arc states. The similarities in notation and expressive power allow a number of operations on these formalisms, such as visualisation, interactive simulation, serialisation, schematic entry and model conversion to be generalised. A software framework called Workcraft was developed to take advantage of these properties of IGMs. Workcraft provides an environment for rapid prototyping of graph-like models and related tools. It provides a large set of standardised functions that considerably facilitate the task of providing tool support for any IGM. The concept of Interpreted Graph Models is the result of research on methods of application of lower level models, such as Petri nets, as a back-end for simulation and verification of higher level models that are more easily manipulated. The goal is to achieve a high degree of automation of this process. In particular, a method for verification of speed-independence of asynchronous circuits is presented. Using this method, the circuit is specified as a gate netlist and its environment is specified as a Signal Transition Graph. The circuit is then automatically translated into a behaviourally equivalent Petri net model. This model is then composed with the specification of the environment. A number of important properties can be established on this compound model, such as the absence of deadlocks and hazards. If a trace is found that violates the required property, it is automatically interpreted in terms of switching of the gates in the original gate-level circuit specification and may be presented visually to the circuit designer. A similar technique is also used for the verification of a model called Static Data Flow Structure (SDFS). This high level model describes the behaviour of an asynchronous data path. SDFS is particularly interesting because it models complex behaviours such as preemption, early evaluation and speculation. Preemption is a technique which allows to destroy data objects in a computation pipeline if the result of computation is no longer needed, reducing the power consumption. Early evaluation allows a circuit to compute the output using a subset of its inputs and preempting the inputs which are not needed. In speculation, all conflicting branches of computation run concurrently without waiting for the selecting condition; once the selecting condition is computed the unneeded branches are preempted. The automated Petri net based verification technique is especially useful in this case because of the complex nature of these features. As a result of this work, a number of cases are presented where the concept of IGMs and the Workcraft tool were instrumental. These include the design of two different types of arbiter circuits, the design and debugging of the SDFS model, synthesis of asynchronous circuits from the Conditional Partial Order Graph model and the modification of the workflow of Balsa asynchronous circuit synthesis system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEPSRCGBUnited Kingdo

    Bridging the gap between textual and formal business process representations

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsIn the era of digital transformation, an increasing number of organizations are start ing to think in terms of business processes. Processes are at the very heart of each business, and must be understood and carried out by a wide range of actors, from both technical and non-technical backgrounds alike. When embracing digital transformation practices, there is a need for all involved parties to be aware of the underlying business processes in an organization. However, the representational complexity and biases of the state-of-the-art modeling notations pose a challenge in understandability. On the other hand, plain language representations, accessible by nature and easily understood by everyone, are often frowned upon by technical specialists due to their ambiguity. The aim of this thesis is precisely to bridge this gap: Between the world of the techni cal, formal languages and the world of simpler, accessible natural languages. Structured as an article compendium, in this thesis we present four main contributions to address specific problems in the intersection between the fields of natural language processing and business process management.A l’era de la transformació digital, cada vegada més organitzacions comencen a pensar en termes de processos de negoci. Els processos són el nucli principal de tota empresa i, com a tals, han de ser fàcilment comprensibles per un ampli ventall de rols, tant perfils tècnics com no-tècnics. Quan s’adopta la transformació digital, és necessari que totes les parts involucrades estiguin ben informades sobre els protocols implantats com a part del procés de digitalització. Tot i això, la complexitat i biaixos de representació dels llenguatges de modelització que actualment conformen l’estat de l’art sovint en dificulten la seva com prensió. D’altra banda, les representacions basades en documentació usant llenguatge natural, accessibles per naturalesa i fàcilment comprensibles per tothom, moltes vegades són vistes com un problema pels perfils més tècnics a causa de la presència d’ambigüitats en els textos. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és precisament el de superar aquesta distància: La distància entre el món dels llenguatges tècnics i formals amb el dels llenguatges naturals, més accessibles i senzills. Amb una estructura de compendi d’articles, en aquesta tesi presentem quatre grans línies de recerca per adreçar problemes específics en aquesta intersecció entre les tecnologies d’anàlisi de llenguatge natural i la gestió dels processos de negoci.Postprint (published version

    Modelling Distributed Cognition Systems in PVS

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    We report on our efforts to formalise DiCoT, an informal structured approach for analysing complex work systems, such as hospital and day care units, as distributed cognition systems. We focus on DiCoT's information flow model, which describes how information is transformed and propagated in the system. Our contribution is a set of generic models for the specification and verification system PVS. The developed models can be directly mapped to the informal descriptions adopted by human-computer interactions experts. The models can be verified against properties of interest in the PVS theorem prover. Also, the same models can be simulated, thus facilitating analysts to engage with stakeholders when checking the correctness of the model. We trial our ideas on a case study based on a real-world medical system

    Contributions of formal language theory to the study of dialogues

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    For more than 30 years, the problem of providing a formal framework for modeling dialogues has been a topic of great interest for the scientific areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Formal Languages, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. In the beginning the goal was to develop a "conversational computer", an automated system that could engage in a conversation in the same way as humans do. After studies showed the difficulties of achieving this goal Formal Language Theory and Artificial Intelligence have contributed to Dialogue Theory with the study and simulation of machine to machine and human to machine dialogues inspired by Linguistic studies of human interactions. The aim of our thesis is to propose a formal approach for the study of dialogues. Our work is an interdisciplinary one that connects theories and results in Dialogue Theory mainly from Formal Language Theory, but also from another areas like Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Multiprogramming. We contribute to Dialogue Theory by introducing a hierarchy of formal frameworks for the definition of protocols for dialogue interaction. Each framework defines a transition system in which dialogue protocols might be uniformly expressed and compared. The frameworks we propose are based on finite state transition systems and Grammar systems from Formal Language Theory and a multi-agent language for the specification of dialogue protocols from Artificial Intelligence. Grammar System Theory is a subfield of Formal Language Theory that studies how several (a finite number) of language defining devices (language processors or grammars) jointly develop a common symbolic environment (a string or a finite set of strings) by the application of language operations (for instance rewriting rules). For the frameworks we propose we study some of their formal properties, we compare their expressiveness, we investigate their practical application in Dialogue Theory and we analyze their connection with theories of human-like conversation from Linguistics. In addition we contribute to Grammar System Theory by proposing a new approach for the verification and derivation of Grammar systems. We analyze possible advantages of interpreting grammars as multiprograms that are susceptible of verification and derivation using the Owicki-Gries logic, a Hoare-based logic from the Multiprogramming field

    Integrating behavioural design into the virtual environment development process

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    A number of specifications formalisms have been developed (or applied) to support the abstract design of the behavioural component of the virtual environment interface. These formalisms subscribe to the philosophy that virtual environments should be viewed as hybrid systems which combine discrete and continuous behaviour. A significant deficiency in designing behaviour in this way is that the designs cannot be directly executed and explored in the same manner as an implementation. This limitation makes it di#cult for a designer to evaluate the suitability of designs. The thesis presents the Marigold toolset which supports two approaches to evaluating behaviour described using the Flownet hybrid formalism
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