957 research outputs found

    Recursive internetwork architecture, investigating RINA as an alternative to TCP/IP (IRATI)

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    Driven by the requirements of the emerging applications and networks, the Internet has become an architectural patchwork of growing complexity which strains to cope with the changes. Moore’s law prevented us from recognising that the problem does not hide in the high demands of today’s applications but lies in the flaws of the Internet’s original design. The Internet needs to move beyond TCP/IP to prosper in the long term, TCP/IP has outlived its usefulness. The Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) is a new Internetwork architecture whose fundamental principle is that networking is only interprocess communication (IPC). RINA reconstructs the overall structure of the Internet, forming a model that comprises a single repeating layer, the DIF (Distributed IPC Facility), which is the minimal set of components required to allow distributed IPC between application processes. RINA supports inherently and without the need of extra mechanisms mobility, multi-homing and Quality of Service, provides a secure and configurable environment, motivates for a more competitive marketplace and allows for a seamless adoption. RINA is the best choice for the next generation networks due to its sound theory, simplicity and the features it enables. IRATI’s goal is to achieve further exploration of this new architecture. IRATI will advance the state of the art of RINA towards an architecture reference model and specifcations that are closer to enable implementations deployable in production scenarios. The design and implemention of a RINA prototype on top of Ethernet will permit the experimentation and evaluation of RINA in comparison to TCP/IP. IRATI will use the OFELIA testbed to carry on its experimental activities. Both projects will benefit from the collaboration. IRATI will gain access to a large-scale testbed with a controlled network while OFELIA will get a unique use-case to validate the facility: experimentation of a non-IP based Internet

    Global information technology infrastructure for a global non-profit organisation : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology at Massey University

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    Page 103 missing from vault and scanned copyWith the recent worldwide growth of the Internet, computers are becoming interconnected in a global communications network. Most people view the Internet as a universal communications medium that can replace telephone, television, and radio. Historically, for organisations and enterprises that could afford to do so, expensive telecommunication lines and Wide Area Network technologies were used for global communications, which allowed computers to communicate using proprietary protocols. For non-profit organisations in particular, the Internet has made it possible to connect offices and individuals, using open standard protocols, at a fraction of the cost of other alternatives. This study focuses on the investigation and development of a global communication system and information technology (IT) infrastructure that uses the Internet as its communication platform for a particular non-profit organisation, OMF International. Without a clear understanding of the limitations of the technologies involved, the development of an IT project is likely to be flawed or fail. (Standish Group, 1995) The findings from this investigation revealed that a global communication system and IT infrastructure, suitable for OMF International, needed to overcome limitations in the use and access of the Internet, the unreliability of different email systems to deliver email messages, and financial and human resource constraints. The study found that methods used in 'for-profit' organisations for the development of an IT infrastructure, were applicable to this non-profit organisation, resulting in the successful implementation of a global communication system and IT infrastructure. The choice of IT solutions and technologies within OMF was often based on functionality rather than feasibility, and its global IT infrastructure requirements were overlooked. The study found that by comparison Lotus Notes' client/server IT infrastructure requirements were considerably less than that of Microsoft Exchange client/server, however, alternative low-cost open standard messaging options were more affordable. Conclusively, open standard IT solutions for global communications are better suited that for this non-profit organisation, than proprietary solutions. The study also highlighted the need for an IT architecture, that would provide a plan and strategic context for future IT development within OMF International, which would overcome problems with concurrent IT projects using different technologies

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Achieving Ultra-Low Latency in 5G Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks

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    The IMT 2020 requirements of 20 Gbps peak data rate and 1 millisecond latency present significant engineering challenges for the design of 5G cellular systems. Use of the millimeter wave (mmWave) bands above 10 GHz --- where vast quantities of spectrum are available --- is a promising 5G candidate that may be able to rise to the occasion. However, while the mmWave bands can support massive peak data rates, delivering these data rates on end-to-end service while maintaining reliability and ultra-low latency performance will require rethinking all layers of the protocol stack. This papers surveys some of the challenges and possible solutions for delivering end-to-end, reliable, ultra-low latency services in mmWave cellular systems in terms of the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, congestion control and core network architecture

    Rationale, Scenarios, and Profiles for the Application of the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) in Space Operations

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    This greenbook captures some of the current, planned and possible future uses of the Internet Protocol (IP) as part of Space Operations. It attempts to describe how the Internet Protocol is used in specific scenarios. Of primary focus is low-earth-orbit space operations, which is referred to here as the design reference mission (DRM). This is because most of the program experience drawn upon derives from this type of mission. Application profiles are provided. This includes parameter settings programs have proposed for sending IP datagrams over CCSDS links, the minimal subsets and features of the IP protocol suite and applications expected for interoperability between projects, and the configuration, operations and maintenance of these IP functions. Of special interest is capturing the lessons learned from the Constellation Program in this area, since that program included a fairly ambitious use of the Internet Protocol

    Location and routing optimization protocols supporting internet host mobility

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    PhD ThesisWith the popularity of portable computers and the proliferation of wireless networking interfaces, there is currently a great deal of interest in providing IP networking support for host mobility using the Internet as a foundation for wireless networking. Most proposed solutions depend on a default route through the mobile host's horne address, which makes for unnecessarily long routes. The major problem that this gives rise to is that of finding an efficient way of locating and routing that allows datagrams to be delivered efficiently to moving destinations whilst limiting costly Internet-wide location updates as much as possible. Two concepts - "local region" and "patron service" - are introduced based on the locality features of the host movement and packet traffic patterns. For each mobile host, the local region is a set of designated subnetworks within which a mobile host often moves, and the patrons are the hosts from which the majority of traffic for the mobile host originated. By making use of the hierarchical addressing and routing structure of Internet, the two concepts are used to confine the effects of a host moving, so location updates are sent only to a designated host moving area and to those hosts which are most likely to call again, thus providing nearly optimal routing for most communication. The proposed scheme was implemented as an IP extension using a network simulator and evaluated from a system performance point of view. The results show a significant reduction in the accumulated communication time along with improved datagram tunneling, as compared with its extra location overhead. In addition, a comparison with another scheme shows that our functionality is more effective both for location update and routing efficiency. The scheme offers improved network and host scalability by isolating local movement from the rest of the world, and provides a convenient point at which to perform administration functions

    Intention-oriented programming support for runtime adaptive autonomic cloud-based applications

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    The continuing high rate of advances in information and communication systems technology creates many new commercial opportunities but also engenders a range of new technical challenges around maximising systems' dependability, availability, adaptability, and auditability. These challenges are under active research, with notable progress made in the support for dependable software design and management. Runtime support, however, is still in its infancy and requires further research. This paper focuses on a requirements model for the runtime execution and control of an intention-oriented Cloud-Based Application. Thus, a novel requirements modelling process referred to as Provision, Assurance and Auditing, and an associated framework are defined and developed where a given system's non/functional requirements are modelled in terms of intentions and encoded in a standard open mark-up language. An autonomic intention-oriented programming model, using the Neptune language, then handles its deployment and execution. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    SDN management layer: design requirements and future direction

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    Computer networks are becoming more and more complex and difficult to manage. The research community has been expending a lot of efforts to come up with a general management paradigm that is able to hide the details of the physical infrastructure and enable flexible network management. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is such a paradigm that simplifies network management and enables network innovations. In this survey paper, by reviewing existing SDN management layers (platforms), we identify the general common management architecture for SDN networks, and further identify the design requirements of the management layer that is at the core of the architecture. We also point out open issues and weaknesses of existing SDN management layers. We conclude with a promising future direction for improving the SDN management layer.This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF grant CNS-0963974)
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