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    Clinical information modeling processes for semantic interoperability of electronic health records: systematic review and inductive analysis

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association following peer review. The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocv008[EN] [Objective] This systematic review aims to identify and compare the existing processes and methodologies that have been published in the literature for defining clinical information models (CIMs) that support the semantic interoperability of electronic health record (EHR) systems. [Material and Methods] Following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses systematic review methodology, the authors reviewed published papers between 2000 and 2013 that covered that semantic interoperability of EHRs, found by searching the PubMed, IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect databases. Additionally, after selection of a final group of articles, an inductive content analysis was done to summarize the steps and methodologies followed in order to build CIMs described in those articles. [Results] Three hundred and seventy-eight articles were screened and thirty six were selected for full review. The articles selected for full review were analyzed to extract relevant information for the analysis and characterized according to the steps the authors had followed for clinical information modeling. [Discussion] Most of the reviewed papers lack a detailed description of the modeling methodologies used to create CIMs. A representative example is the lack of description related to the definition of terminology bindings and the publication of the generated models. However, this systematic review confirms that most clinical information modeling activities follow very similar steps for the definition of CIMs. Having a robust and shared methodology could improve their correctness, reliability, and quality. [Conclusion] Independently of implementation technologies and standards, it is possible to find common patterns in methods for developing CIMs, suggesting the viability of defining a unified good practice methodology to be used by any clinical information modeler.This research has been partially funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Platform for Innovation in Medical Technologies and Health), grant PT13/0006/0036 and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grants TIN2010-21388-C02-01 and PTQ-12-05620.Moreno-Conde, A.; Moner Cano, D.; Da Cruz, WD.; Santos, MR.; Maldonado Segura, JA.; Robles Viejo, M.; Kalra, D. (2015). 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    Factors that influence public engagement with eHealth: a literature review

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    Purpose: Public engagement with eHealth is generally viewed as beneficial. However, despite the potential benefits, public engagement with eHealth services remains variable. This article explores reasons for this variability through a review of published international literature. Methods: A focused search, conducted in January 2009, of three bibliographic databases, MEDLINE, CINAHL and EMBASE, returned 2622 unique abstracts. Results: Fifty articles met the inclusion criteria for the review. Four main types of eHealth service were identified: health information on the Internet; custom-made online health information; online support; and telehealth. Public engagement with these services appears to depend on a number of factors: characteristics of users; technological issues; characteristics of eHealth services; social aspects of use; and eHealth services in use. Conclusions: Recommendations for policy makers, developers, users and health professionals, include: targeting efforts towards those underserved by eHealth; improving access; tailoring services to meet the needs of a broader range of users; exploiting opportunities for social computing; and clarifying of the role of health professionals in endorsement, promotion and facilitation

    Interpretation of an international terminology standard in the development of a logic-based compositional terminology

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    Purpose: Version 1.0 of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNPÂź) is a logic-based compositional terminology. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 18104:2003 Health InformaticsÂżIntegration of a reference terminology model for nursing is an international standard to support the development, testing and implementation of nursing terminologies. Methods: This study examines how ISO 18104:2003 has been interpreted in the development of ICNPÂź Version 1.0 by identifying mappings between ICNPÂź and the ISO standard. Representations of diagnostic and interventional statements within ICNPÂź are also analyzed according to the requirements mandated by the ISO standard. Results: All structural components of ISO 18104:2003 i.e. semantic categories, semantic domains, qualifiers and semantic links are represented either directly or in interpreted form within ICNPÂź. The formal representations within ICNPÂź of diagnostic and interventional statements meet the requirement of the ISO standard. Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate that ICNPÂź Version 1.0 conforms to ISO 18104:2003. More importantly perhaps, this study provides practical examples of how components of a terminology standard might be interpreted and it examines how such a standard might be used to support the definition of high-level schemata in developing logic-based compositional terminologies

    Workflow Management for Multiple Sclerosis Patients: IT and Organization

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    Impact of EHR Usability on Provider Efficiency and Patient Safety in Non-Hospital Settings

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    Published incidents and their proportions of human error

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose - The information security field experiences a continuous stream of information security incidents and breaches, which are publicised by the media, public bodies and regulators. Despite the need for information security practices being recognised and in existence for some time the underlying general information security affecting tasks and causes of these incidents and breaches are not consistently understood, particularly with regard to human error. Methodology - This paper analyses recent published incidents and breaches to establish the proportions of human error, and where possible subsequently utilises the HEART human reliability analysis technique, which is established within the safety field. Findings - This analysis provides an understanding of the proportions of incidents and breaches that relate to human error as well as the common types of tasks that result in these incidents and breaches through adoption of methods applied within the safety field. Originality - This research provides original contribution to knowledge through the analysis of recent public sector information security incidents and breaches in order to understand the proportions that relate to human erro
