452 research outputs found

    A Review of Personalised E-Learning: Towards Supporting Learner Diversity

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    The realisation of personalised e-learning to suit an individual learner’s diverse learning needs is a concept which has been explored for decades, at great expense, but is still not achievable by non-technical authors. This research reviews the area of personalised e-learning and notes some of the technological challenges which developers may encounter in creating authoring tools for personalised e-learning and some of the pedagogical challenges which authors may encounter when creating personalised e-learning activities to enhance the learning experience of their students. At present educators who wish to create personalised e-learning activities require the assistance of technical experts who are knowledgeable in the area. Even with the help of an expert the creation of personalised e-learning activities still remains a complex process to authors who are new to the concept of tailoring e-learning to suit learner diversity. Before the successful utilisation of adaptive authoring tools can be realised, academic authors need to learn how to effectively use these tools. All learners come to education with a diverse set of characteristics; educators need to decide which learner characteristic(s) they wish to focus on addressing through the use of personalised e-learning activities. Further investigation, evaluation and analyses of authoring tools is required before personalised e-learning to support learner diversity can be achieved by many academics. Research members of the AMAS (2013) project team are currently involved in developing an authoring tool for adaptive activities for e-learning


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    Communication and information technology are currently developing so fast. This development certainly has an impact on non-formal education students. Non-formal education students usually use conventional learning models. However, with the development of technology, non-formal education students are also familiar with social media, students tend to use smart applications on their cellphones and laptops to surf the internet. Learning methods for students in non-formal education are part of the teaching and learning process, a strategy so that students can understand the material delivered by the tutor. The use of learning methods supported by appropriate and appropriate media will facilitate students to achieve their competence. As the objective of this research is to quantitatively analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using e-learning which was chosen as an effective learning method for non-formal education students. The study was conducted with a survey of observation, identification, filling students' perceptions of the teaching method of tutors, learning variables, evaluation of learning outcomes, electronic media used. Students have the perception that learning to use e-learning is more beneficial because of freedom of choice of place, freedom of time, ease of access but the drawbacks are objective assessment and high quota costs

    Real and ideal perception of the intelligent classroom environment of future teachers

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    The proliferation of information and communication technology tools in the last years has led many teachers to review the way they teach and structure their learning environments. The growth of technological applications in teaching and the training of future teachers is not only gaining momentum; it is also becoming an important part of the current educational scene. The objectives of this study were to adapt and validate the Real and Ideal Intelligent Classroom Questionnaires (REQSC) and (IEQSC), and to determine if there were significant differences in the perception that future teachers had of the real and ideal environment of intelligent classrooms. A quantitative methodology was used, applying the statistical software SPSS 23 for the factor analysis. The results indicated that both questionnaires showed a valid and reliable internal consistency. The real and ideal perceptions of the use of technology as a learning tool and access to information make it clear that it is currently being used correctly. It is important that future teachers acquire adequate skills for their use and research in different topics

    A New Learner's Security Behavior Model For M-Learning In Malaysian Higher Education Institution

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    The motivation to conduct this research came from the awareness that the mobile device exposes m-Learning to security threats and vulnerabilities. The most unfocused issues were the mobile security behavior on learners itself; despite statistically determined that the risks are developing each day on mobile application and devices. Literature has pointed out that learners’ security behavior required to be addressed to control the mobile security threats. This research proposes a learner’s security behavioral model for mobile learning in Malaysia Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). With the security behavior reflection, this model aimed to improve the implementation and management of mobile security in m-Learning taking consideration of the learners’ perspective. This research consisted of four phases, Planning phase, Data Collection Phase, Analysis Phase and Model Development Phase. Four mix-method studies were conducted to generate the dimensions for the model development. Review from the experts and risk based analysis approach confirmed the research findings and validated the practicality of addressing the learners’ behaviors in mobile security. This research contributed to better understanding of the learners’ complexity in mobile security. The research suggested that learners’ security behavior view is significant in preparing mobile security model. This model found to be compatible and qualified, providing the m-Learning learners’ perception within possible security threats that significantly controls to defend against malicious and non-malicious attacks. This approach can guide on what can be done to improve learners’ participation and responsibilities on securing m-Learning. This research also extended the existing knowledge of mobile security and m-Learning fields by focusing analytically on the intersection of both fields. New knowledge about mobile security in the m-Learning from the learners’ security behavior perspective was derived in this research

    Framework for Knowledge Discovery in Educational Video Repositories

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    The ease of creating digital content coupled with technological advancements allows institutions and organizations to further embrace distance learning. Teaching materials also receive attention, because it is difficult for the student to obtain adequate didactic material, being necessary a high effort and knowledge about the material and the repository. This work presents a framework that enables the automatic metadata generation for materials available in educational video repositories. Each module of the framework works autonomously and can be used in isolation, complemented by another technique or replaced by a more appropriate approach to the field of use, such as repositories with other types of media or other content

    Aceptación y uso de plataformas virtuales basada en la nube por estudiantes de educación superior de escuelas profesionales: aplicación del modelo UTAUT con enfoque PLS-SEM

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    Cloud-based virtual platforms emerged as a new way of tracking lectures as mobile, reliable, and productive. Especially due to the COVID-19 breakdown, they became popular because checking the students’ effort, performance, social interaction among each other, and the condition of vocational schools was easy to track during and after the online classes. The research aims to analyze the behavioral intention to adopt cloud-based virtual platforms such as Blackboard, Microsoft, Zoom, Edmodo, Sakai and Moodle during COVID-19. 14 questions were asked to 313 students from higher education vocational schools in the district of Izmir, Turkey via Google Forms. PLS-SEM analyses were made by SmartPLS 4.0 software and by proposing the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) theory. The results showed that the variance of effort expectancy, behavioral intention, and facilitating conditions explained 76.00% of the proposed model. The research contributes to understanding the students’ behavior toward the acceptance of cloud-based virtual platforms in case of new variants or other epidemic diseases emerged in the future.Las plataformas de aprendizaje basadas en la nube surgieron como una nueva forma portable, confiable y productiva de hacer un seguimiento a clases y conferencias. Particularmente debido al impacto del COVID-19, se convirtieron en herramientas populares debido a su facilidad para monitorear el esfuerzo de los estudiantes, su rendimiento, así como su interacción social durante y después de las clases. La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la intención de comportamiento de adoptar plataformas virtuales basadas en la nube como Blackboard, Microsoft, Zoom, Edmodo, Sakai y Moodle durante COVID-19. Se hicieron 14 preguntas a 313 estudiantes de escuelas vocacionales de educación superior en el distrito de Izmir, Turquía a través de Google Forms. Análisis PLS-SEM se realizaron mediante el software SmartPLS 4.0 proponiendo la la teoría unificada de aceptación y uso de tecnología (UTAUT). Los resultados mostraron que la varianza de la expectativa de esfuerzo, la intención de comportamiento, y las condiciones facilitadoras explicaron el 75,40% del modelo propuesto. La investigación permite comprender el comportamiento de los estudiantes hacia la aceptación de plataformas de aprendizaje basadas en la nube en caso de que surjan nuevas variantes u otras enfermedades epidémicas en el futuro


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui “Pandangan Guru PJOK SD Kabupaten Malang terhadap Pendidikan pada Masa Covid-19”. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain fenomenologis, yang merupakan salah satu desain penelitian kualitatif.   Rombongan tersebut terdiri dari 31 guru yang melaksanakan tugas di 11 Sekolah berbeda di Kabupaten Malang selama tahun ajaran 2020-2021, Sejalan dengan tujuan tersebut, penelitian dilakukan dengan para guru yang dapat berkontribusi secara sukarela. Untuk mengetahui pandangan para guru, digunakan formulir wawancara terstruktur. Formulir wawancara terdiri dari empat pertanyaan yang bertujuan untuk menentukan perlunya pendidikan jarak jauh di bidang pendidikan jasmani, pembelajaran mana di daerah tersebut dapat diberikan dalam lingkup pendidikan jarak jauh, kemungkinan pengajaran terapan melalui pendidikan jarak jauh dan masalah yang mereka hadapi dalam pembelajaran di proses pendidikan jarak jauh yang diberlakukan secara wajib karena pandemi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menjangkau guru-guru tersebut melalui wawancara telepon antara 1 Agustus sampai 2 Desember 2020 dan menyampaikan pertanyaan melalui email. Teknik analisis deskriptif digunakan dalam analisis data. Dalam studi tersebut, 79% responden menekankan bahwa pembelajaran terapan tidak boleh diajarkan melalui pendidikan jarak jauh, sementara 51% menyatakan bahwa semua materi teori dapat diajarkan melalui pendidikan jarak jauh. Menelaah pandangan para guru terhadap permasalahan yang mereka hadapi dalam proses pendidikan jarak jauh; 55% menyatakan bahwa masalah terkait dengan sistem, 36% efisiensi pembelajaran, 30% partisipasi siswa yang tidak memadai, 21% umpan balik siswa yang tidak memadai, 21% evaluasi, 19% pengalaman tentang pendidikan jarak jauh dan 17% kurangnya internet dan peluang komputer di rumah siswa.   Mempertimbangkan temuan penelitian secara terintegrasi, diyakini bahwa pengajaran terapan melalui pendidikan jarak jauh tidak memadai dan tidak efisien. Juga dimungkinkan untuk menyatakan bahwa mungkin tidak tepat untuk mengajar materi teori melalui pendidikan jarak jauh, kecuali bila diperlukan

    Interdisciplinary week in game design: a learning experience

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    Interdisciplinarity promotes competencies like asking meaningful questions about a complex problem, examine, and synthesize multiple sources of information, methods, and perspectives, in order to integrate knowledge and ways of thinking across two or more established disciplines to produce cognitive advancement. The Interdisciplinary Week of Game Design challenges the students to demonstrate an interdisciplinary understanding of a complex problem that students define, organized by teams, having as its starting point a given theme. Teamwork between members of different academic years favors the sharing of knowledge among peers with different aptitudes, technical skills, and degrees of competence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio