8 research outputs found

    An Efficient Subcarrier and Power Allocation Scheme for OFDM based Cognitive Radio Networks Considering Channel Sensing Errors

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    Cognitive radio plays a major role in today’s wireless communications and solves the spectrum scarcity problem by efficiently utilizing the vacant spectrum. Most CR systems employ OFDM as a modulation technique because of its flexibility in allocating spectrum resources. Allocation of vacant spectrum to the secondary users introduces interference to the primary users. In this paper, subcarrier and power allocation for OFDM based cognitive radio network for joint overlay and underlay spectrum access mechanism (JOUSAM) with channel sensing error is proposed. For such a CR systems, the transmission rate is maximized for a given power budget, while keeping the interference level of the primary user below a certain threshold. The numerical results show that the proposed scheme achieves higher transmission rate when compared to system without considering sensing error

    Joint Optimization of Detection Threshold and Resource Allocation in Infrastructure-based Multi-band Cognitive Radio Networks

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    [EN] Consider an infrastructure-based multi-band cognitive radio network (CRN) where secondary users (SUs) opportunistically access a set of sub-carriers when sensed as idle. The carrier sensing threshold which affects the access opportunities of SUs is conventionally regarded as static and treated independently from the resource allocation in the model. In this article, we study jointly the optimization of detection threshold and resource allocation with the goal of maximizing the total downlink capacity of SUs in such CRNs. The optimization problem is formulated considering three sets of variables, i.e., detection threshold, sub-carrier assignment and power allocation, with constraints on the PUs¿ rate loss and the power budget of the CR base station. Two schemes, referred to as offline and online algorithms respectively, are proposed to solve the optimization problem. While the offline algorithm finds the global optimal solution with high complexity, the online algorithm provides a close-to-optimal solution with much lower complexity and realtime capability. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated by extensive simulations and compared with the conventional static threshold selection algorithm specified in the IEEE 802.22 standard.This work is supported by the EU FP7 S2EuNet project (247083), the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSF61121001), Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under project (TIN2008-06739-C04-02).Shi, C.; Wang, Y.; Wang, T.; Zhang, P.; Martínez Bauset, J.; Li, FY. (2012). Joint Optimization of Detection Threshold and Resource Allocation in Infrastructure-based Multi-band Cognitive Radio Networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2012(334):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1499-2012-334S1162012334Wang B, Liu K: Advances in cognitive radio networks: a survey. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process 2011, 5: 5-23.Akyildiz I, Lee W, Vuran M, Mohanty S: Next generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: a survey. Comput. Netw. 2006, 50(13):2127-2159. 10.1016/j.comnet.2006.05.001Haykin S: Cognitive radio: brain-empowered wireless communications. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun 2005, 23(2):201-220.Zhao Q, Sadler B: A survey of dynamic spectrum access. IEEE Signal Process. Mag 2007, 24(3):79-89.Nguyen M, Lee H: Effective scheduling in infrastructure-based cognitive radio network. IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput 2011, 10(6):853-867.Almalfouh S, Stuber G: Interference-aware radio resource allocation in OFDMA-based cognitive radio networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol 2011, 60(4):1699-1713.Kang X, Liang Y, Nallanathan A, Garg H, Zhang R: Optimal power allocation for fading channels in cognitive radio networks: ergodic capacity and outage capacity. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun 2009, 8(2):940-950.Bansal G, Hossain M, Bhargava V: Optimal and suboptimal power allocation schemes for OFDM-based cognitive radio systems. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun 2008, 7(11):4710-4718.Yucek T, Arslan H: A survey of spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio applications. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor 2009, 11: 116-130.Cordeiro C, Ghosh M, Cavalcanti D, Challapali K: Spectrum sensing for dynamic spectrum access of TV bands. In Proceedings of the 2nd Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom’07). (Orlando, FL, USA, 1–3 Aug 2007);Chong J, Sung D, Sung Y: Cross-layer performance analysis for CSMA/CA protocols: impact of imperfect sensing. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol 2010, 59(3):1100-1108.Seol D, Lim H, Im G: Cooperative spectrum sensing with dynamic threshold adaptation. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM’09). Honolulu, HI, USA; 1.Liang Y, Zeng Y, Peh E, Hoang A: Sensing-throughput tradeoff for cognitive radio networks. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun 2008, 7(4):1326-1337.Kang X, Liang Y, Garg H, Zhang L: Sensing-based spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol 2009, 58(8):4649-4654.Choi H, Jang K, Cheong Y: Adaptive sensing threshold control based on transmission power in cognitive radio systems. In Proceedings of the 3rd Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom’08). (Singapore, 15–17 May 2008), pp.1–6Gorcin A, Qaraqe K, Celebi H, Arslan H: An adaptive threshold method for spectrum sensing in multi-channel cognitive radio networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT’10). Doha, Qatar; 4.Foukalas F, Mathiopoulos P, Karetsos G: Joint optimal power allocation and sensing threshold selection for SU’s capacity maximisation in SS CRN. Electron. Lett 2010, 46(20):1406-1407. 10.1049/el.2010.1355Jia P, Vu M, Le-Ngoc T, Hong S, Tarokh V: Capacity-and bayesian-based cognitive sensing with location side information. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun 2011, 29(2):276-289.Wang R, Lau V, Lv L, Chen B: Joint cross-layer scheduling and spectrum sensing for OFDMA cognitive radio systems. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun 2009, 8(5):2410-2416.Kang X, Garg H, Liang Y, Zhang R: Optimal power allocation for OFDM-based cognitive radio with new primary transmission protection criteria. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun 2010, 9(6):2066-2075.Quan Z, Cui S, Sayed A, Poor H: Optimal multiband joint detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. IEEE Trans. Signal Process 2009, 57(3):1128-1140.López-Benítez M, Casadevall F: An overview of spectrum occupancy models for cognitive radio networks. In International IFIP TC 6 Workshops: PE-CRN, NC-Pro, WCNS , and SUNSET. Valencia, Spain; 13 May 2011.Pla V, Vidal J, Martinez-Bause J, Guijarro L: Modeling and characterization of spectrum white spaces for underlay cognitive radio networks. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’10). Cape Town, South Africa; 23.Yu W, Lui R: Dual methods for nonconvex spectrum optimization of multicarrier systems. IEEE Trans. Commun 2006, 54(7):1310-1322.Boyd S, Vandenberghe L: Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 2004.Jang J, Lee K: Transmit power adaptation for multiuser OFDM systems. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun 2003, 21(2):171-178. 10.1109/JSAC.2002.807348Luenberger D, Ye Y: Linear and Nonlinear Programming. Springer Verlag, Stanford; 2008.Barbarossa S, Sardellitti S, Scutari G: Joint optimization of detection thresholds and power allocation for opportunistic access in multicarrier cognitive radio networks. In Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP’09). Aruba, Netherlands; 13

    Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems

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    The ever-increasing growth of the wireless application and services affirms the importance of the effective usage of the limited radio spectrum. Existing spectrum management policies have led to significant spectrum under-utilization. Recent measurements showed that large range of the spectrum is sparsely used in both temporal and spatial manner. This conflict between the inefficient usage of the spectrum and the continuous evolution in the wireless communication calls upon the development of more flexible management policies. Cognitive radio (CR) with the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is considered to be a key technology in making the best solution of this conflict by allowing a group of secondary users (SUs) to share the radio spectrum originally allocated to the primary user (PUs). The operation of CR should not negatively alter the performance of the PUs. Therefore, the interference control along with the highly dynamic nature of PUs activities open up new resource allocation problems in CR systems. The resource allocation algorithms should ensure an effective share of the temporarily available frequency bands and deliver the solutions in timely fashion to cope with quick changes in the network. In this dissertation, the resource management problem in multicarrier based CR systems is considered. The dissertation focuses on three main issues: 1) design of efficient resource allocation algorithms to allocate subcarriers and powers between SUs such that no harmful interference is introduced to PUs, 2) compare the spectral efficiency of using different multicarrier schemes in the CR physical layer, specifically, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) schemes, 3) investigate the impact of the different constraints values on the overall performance of the CR system. Three different scenarios are considered in this dissertation, namely downlink transmission, uplink transmission, and relayed transmission. For every scenario, the optimal solution is examined and efficient sub-optimal algorithms are proposed to reduce the computational burden of obtaining the optimal solution. The suboptimal algorithms are developed by separate the subcarrier and power allocation into two steps in downlink and uplink scenarios. In the relayed scenario, dual decomposition technique is used to obtain an asymptotically optimal solution, and a joint heuristic algorithm is proposed to find the suboptimal solution. Numerical simulations show that the proposed suboptimal algorithms achieve a near optimal performance and perform better than the existing algorithms designed for cognitive and non-cognitive systems. Eventually, the ability of FBMC to overcome the OFDM drawbacks and achieve more spectral efficiency is verified which recommends the consideration of FBMC in the future CR systems.El crecimiento continuo de las aplicaciones y servicios en sistemas inal´ambricos, indica la importancia y necesidad de una utilizaci´on eficaz del espectro radio. Las pol´ıticas actuales de gesti´on del espectro han conducido a una infrautilizaci´on del propio espectro radioel´ectrico. Recientes mediciones en diferentes entornos han mostrado que gran parte del espectro queda poco utilizado en sus ambas vertientes, la temporal, y la espacial. El permanente conflicto entre el uso ineficiente del espectro y la evoluci´on continua de los sistemas de comunicaci´on inal´ambrica, hace que sea urgente y necesario el desarrollo de esquemas de gesti´on del espectro m´as flexibles. Se considera el acceso din´amico (DSA) al espectro en los sistemas cognitivos como una tecnolog´ıa clave para resolver este conflicto al permitir que un grupo de usuarios secundarios (SUs) puedan compartir y acceder al espectro asignado inicialmente a uno o varios usuarios primarios (PUs). Las operaciones de comunicaci´on llevadas a cabo por los sistemas radio cognitivos no deben en ning´un caso alterar (interferir) los sistemas primarios. Por tanto, el control de la interferencia junto al gran dinamismo de los sistemas primarios implica nuevos retos en el control y asignaci´on de los recursos radio en los sistemas de comunicaci´on CR. Los algoritmos de gesti´on y asignaci´on de recursos (Radio Resource Management-RRM) deben garantizar una participaci´on efectiva de las bandas con frecuencias disponibles temporalmente, y ofrecer en cada momento oportunas soluciones para hacer frente a los distintos cambios r´apidos que influyen en la misma red. En esta tesis doctoral, se analiza el problema de la gesti´on de los recursos radio en sistemas multiportadoras CR, proponiendo varias soluciones para su uso eficaz y coexistencia con los PUs. La tesis en s´ı, se centra en tres l´ıneas principales: 1) el dise˜no de algoritmos eficientes de gesti´on de recursos para la asignaci´on de sub-portadoras y distribuci´on de la potencia en sistemas segundarios, evitando asi cualquier interferencia que pueda ser perjudicial para el funcionamiento normal de los usuarios de la red primaria, 2) analizar y comparar la eficiencia espectral alcanzada a la hora de utilizar diferentes esquema de transmisi´on multiportadora en la capa f´ısica del sistema CR, espec´ıficamente en sistemas basados en OFDM y los basados en banco de filtros multiportadoras (Filter bank Multicarrier-FBMC), 3) investigar el impacto de las diferentes limitaciones en el rendimiento total del sistema de CR. Los escenarios considerados en esta tesis son tres, es decir; modo de transmisi´on descendente (downlink), modo de transmisi´on ascendente (uplink), y el modo de transmisi´on ”Relay”. En cada escenario, la soluci´on ´optima es examinada y comparada con algoritmos sub- ´optimos que tienen como objetivo principal reducir la carga computacional. Los algoritmos sub-´optimos son llevados a cabo en dos fases mediante la separaci´on del propio proceso de distribuci´on de subportadoras y la asignaci´on de la potencia en los modos de comunicaci´on descendente (downlink), y ascendente (uplink). Para los entornos de tipo ”Relay”, se ha utilizado la t´ecnica de doble descomposici´on (dual decomposition) para obtener una soluci´on asint´oticamente ´optima. Adem´as, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo heur´ıstico para poder obtener la soluci´on ´optima con un reducido coste computacional. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulaciones num´ericas muestran que los algoritmos sub-´optimos desarrollados logran acercarse a la soluci´on ´optima en cada uno de los entornos analizados, logrando as´ı un mayor rendimiento que los ya existentes y utilizados tanto en entornos cognitivos como no-cognitivos. Se puede comprobar en varios resultados obtenidos en la tesis la superioridad del esquema multiportadora FBMC sobre los sistemas basados en OFDM para los entornos cognitivos, causando una menor interferencia que el OFDM en los sistemas primarios, y logrando una mayor eficiencia espectral. Finalmente, en base a lo analizado en esta tesis, podemos recomendar al esquema multiportadora FBMC como una id´onea y potente forma de comunicaci´on para las futuras redes cognitivas

    Contributions to Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The continuous increase in the number of wireless devices and the huge demand for higher data rates have promoted the development of new wireless communications technologies with improved spectrum sharing features. Recently, the concept of cognitive radio (CR) has gained increased popularity for the efficient utilization of radio frequency (RF) spectrum. A CR is characterized as a communication system which is capable to learn the spectrum environment through sensing, and to adapt its signaling schemes for a better utilization of the radio frequency resources. Resource allocation, which involves scheduling of spectrum and power resources, represents a crucial problem for the performance of CR networks in terms of system throughput and bandwidth utilization. In this dissertation, we investigate resource allocation problems in a CR network by exploring a variety of optimization techniques. Specifically, in the first part of the dissertation, our goal is to maximize the total throughput of secondary users (SUs) in an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) CR network. In addition, the power of SUs is controlled to keep the interference introduced to primary users (PUs) under certain limits, which gives rise to a non-convex mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) optimization problem. It is illustrated that the original non-convex MINLP formulation admits a special structure and the optimal solution can be achieved efficiently using any standard convex optimization method under a general and practical assumption. In the second part of the dissertation, considering the imperfect sensing information, we study the joint spectrum sensing and resource allocation problem in a multi-channel-multi-user CR network. The average total throughput of SUs is maximized by jointly optimizing the sensing threshold and power allocation strategies. The problem is also formulated as a non-convex MINLP problem. By utilizing the continuous relaxation and convex optimization tools, the dimension of the non-convex MINLP problem is significantly reduced, which helps to reformulate the optimization problem without resorting to integer variables. A newly-developed optimization technique, referred to as the monotonic optimization, is then employed to obtain an optimal solution. Furthermore, a practical low-complexity spectrum sensing and resource allocation algorithm is proposed to reduce the computational cost

    Dynamic learning and resource management under uncertainties for smart grid and cognitive radio networks

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2014. Major: Electrical/Computer Engineering. Advisor: Georgios B. Giannakis. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 101 pages.The importance of timely applications and decisions in dynamic environments, has led to the integration of intelligent networks to increase efficiency and end-user satisfaction in various application domains including telecommunication and power grid networks. Contemporary intelligent networks require advanced statistical signal processing and optimization tools to learn, infer and control their operation. This integration poses new challenges and has witnessed the emergence of novel resource management and learning techniques to cope with dynamics. In addition, in order to have implementable resource management algorithms, it is crucial to model the underlying sources of uncertainty in the optimization framework. This thesis develops algorithms for resource allocation under channel uncertainty in cognitive radio (CR) communication networks and contributes to demand coordination under uncertainty in power networks.Demand coordination through real-time pricing is addressed first by capitalizing on the uncertainty involved in the consumption behavior of consumers. Prerequisite to the demand coordination task is learning the uncertainty present in power consumption data. The dependency of consumers' consumption behavior on the announced prices and their neighbors' behavior, is modeled through graphical models. In particular, the electric vehicle (EV) consumers are considered and the adopted model also captures dynamics of EV consumers' time-varying charging decisions. Leveraging the online convex optimization (OCO) framework, an online algorithm for tracking the model is devised. With minimal assumptions on the structure of the temporal dynamics, and while accounting for the possibly adversarial consumption behavior of consumers, the proposed online algorithm provides performance guarantees. The probability distributions obtained through the tracking algorithm are then deployed as input to stochastic economic profit maximization for real-time price setting.Learning in the presence of missing data is a pervasive problem in statistical data analysis. Next, attention is turned to tracking the dynamic charging behavior of EV consumers, when at each time slot some of the consumers' consumption decisions are possibly missing. The problem amounts to online classification with missing labels. An online algorithm is proposed to wed real-time estimation of the missing data with learning of complete data in the OCO framework.As regards CR networks, this thesis introduces novel resource allocation algorithms for orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) CR under channel uncertainty where the unique approaches can be fitted to a class of large-scale robust mixed-integer problems. Due to the lack of cooperation of the licensed system, CRs must resort to less efficient channel estimation techniques thus incurring an inevitable channel estimation error. It is shown that CR interference constraints under channel uncertainty can be cast as chance constraints. On the other hand, instead of just modeling the user rates by logarithmic functions of transmit-powers, justified under ideal Gaussian coding, practical finite-alphabet constellations are adopted which leads to an optimization objective of a weighted sum of mutual information. When multiple users are present, due to the combinatorial search for optimal subcarrier assignment, the problem is non-convex and hard to solve, as the optimization variables are coupled across all subcarriers. To circumvent the resulting computational hurdle, tight and conservative approximations of the chance constraint are introduced to break the coupling and enforce separability per subcarrier. The separableproblem across subcarriers opens the door to the dual decomposition approach, which leads to a near-optimal and computationally efficient solution