47 research outputs found

    Abstraction and Learning for Infinite-State Compositional Verification

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    Despite many advances that enable the application of model checking techniques to the verification of large systems, the state-explosion problem remains the main challenge for scalability. Compositional verification addresses this challenge by decomposing the verification of a large system into the verification of its components. Recent techniques use learning-based approaches to automate compositional verification based on the assume-guarantee style reasoning. However, these techniques are only applicable to finite-state systems. In this work, we propose a new framework that interleaves abstraction and learning to perform automated compositional verification of infinite-state systems. We also discuss the role of learning and abstraction in the related context of interface generation for infinite-state components.Comment: In Proceedings Festschrift for Dave Schmidt, arXiv:1309.455

    Baseline Assessment and Prioritization Framework for IVHM Integrity Assurance Enabling Capabilities

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    Fundamental to vehicle health management is the deployment of systems incorporating advanced technologies for predicting and detecting anomalous conditions in highly complex and integrated environments. Integrated structural integrity health monitoring, statistical algorithms for detection, estimation, prediction, and fusion, and diagnosis supporting adaptive control are examples of advanced technologies that present considerable verification and validation challenges. These systems necessitate interactions between physical and software-based systems that are highly networked with sensing and actuation subsystems, and incorporate technologies that are, in many respects, different from those employed in civil aviation today. A formidable barrier to deploying these advanced technologies in civil aviation is the lack of enabling verification and validation tools, methods, and technologies. The development of new verification and validation capabilities will not only enable the fielding of advanced vehicle health management systems, but will also provide new assurance capabilities for verification and validation of current generation aviation software which has been implicated in anomalous in-flight behavior. This paper describes the research focused on enabling capabilities for verification and validation underway within NASA s Integrated Vehicle Health Management project, discusses the state of the art of these capabilities, and includes a framework for prioritizing activities

    Practical Verification of Decision-Making in Agent-Based Autonomous Systems

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    We present a verification methodology for analysing the decision-making component in agent-based hybrid systems. Traditionally hybrid automata have been used to both implement and verify such systems, but hybrid automata based modelling, programming and verification techniques scale poorly as the complexity of discrete decision-making increases making them unattractive in situations where complex log- ical reasoning is required. In the programming of complex systems it has, therefore, become common to separate out logical decision-making into a separate, discrete, component. However, verification techniques have failed to keep pace with this devel- opment. We are exploring agent-based logical components and have developed a model checking technique for such components which can then be composed with a sepa- rate analysis of the continuous part of the hybrid system. Among other things this allows program model checkers to be used to verify the actual implementation of the decision-making in hybrid autonomous systems

    Towards logic-based verification of javascript programs

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    In this position paper, we argue for what we believe is a correct pathway to achieving scalable symbolic verification of JavaScript based on separation logic. We highlight the difficulties imposed by the language, the current state-of-the-art in the literature, and the sequence of steps that needs to be taken. We briefly describe JaVerT, our semiautomatic toolchain for JavaScript verification

    A Compositional Approach to Verifying Modular Robotic Systems

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    Robotic systems used in safety-critical industrial situations often rely on modular software architectures, and increasingly include autonomous components. Verifying that these modular robotic systems behave as expected requires approaches that can cope with, and preferably take advantage of, this inherent modularity. This paper describes a compositional approach to specifying the nodes in robotic systems built using the Robotic Operating System (ROS), where each node is specified using First-Order Logic (FOL) assume-guarantee contracts that link the specification to the ROS implementation. We introduce inference rules that facilitate the composition of these node-level contracts to derive system-level properties. We also present a novel Domain-Specific Language, the ROS Contract Language, which captures a node's FOL specification and links this contract to its implementation. RCL contracts can be automatically translated, by our tool Vanda, into executable monitors; which we use to verify the contracts at runtime. We illustrate our approach through the specification and verification of an autonomous rover engaged in the remote inspection of a nuclear site, and finish with smaller examples that illustrate other useful features of our framework.Comment: Version submitted to RA

    A Notion of Dynamic Interface for Depth-Bounded Object-Oriented Packages

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    Programmers using software components have to follow protocols that specify when it is legal to call particular methods with particular arguments. For example, one cannot use an iterator over a set once the set has been changed directly or through another iterator. We formalize the notion of dynamic package interfaces (DPI), which generalize state-machine interfaces for single objects, and give an algorithm to statically compute a sound abstraction of a DPI. States of a DPI represent (unbounded) sets of heap configurations and edges represent the effects of method calls on the heap. We introduce a novel heap abstract domain based on depth-bounded systems to deal with potentially unboundedly many objects and the references among them. We have implemented our algorithm and show that it is effective in computing representations of common patterns of package usage, such as relationships between viewer and label, container and iterator, and JDBC statements and cursors

    Finding Bugs in Web Applications Using Dynamic Test Generation and Explicit State Model Checking

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    Web script crashes and malformed dynamically-generated web pages are common errors, and they seriously impact the usability of web applications. Current tools for web-page validation cannot handle the dynamically generated pages that are ubiquitous on today's Internet. We present a dynamic test generation technique for the domain of dynamic web applications. The technique utilizes both combined concrete and symbolic execution and explicit-state model checking. The technique generates tests automatically, runs the tests capturing logical constraints on inputs, and minimizes the conditions on the inputs to failing tests, so that the resulting bug reports are small and useful in finding and fixing the underlying faults. Our tool Apollo implements the technique for the PHP programming language. Apollo generates test inputs for a web application, monitors the application for crashes, and validates that the output conforms to the HTML specification. This paper presents Apollo's algorithms and implementation, and an experimental evaluation that revealed 302 faults in 6 PHP web applications

    Hard Real-Time Java:Profiles and Schedulability Analysis

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    Abstract Contract Synthesis and Verification in the Symbolic K Framework

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    [EN] In this article, we propose a symbolic technique that can be used for automatically inferring software contracts from programs that are written in a non-trivial fragment of C, called KERNELC, that supports pointer-based structures and heap manipulation. Starting from the semantic definition of KERNELC in the K semantic framework, we enrich the symbolic execution facilities recently provided by K with novel capabilities for contract synthesis that are based on abstract subsumption. Roughly speaking, we define an abstract symbolic technique that axiomatically explains the execution of any (modifier) C function by using other (observer) routines in the same program. We implemented our technique in the automated tool KINDSPEC 2.1, which generates logical axioms that express pre- and post-condition assertions which define the precise input/output behavior of the C routines. Thanks to the integrated support for symbolic execution and deductive verification provided by K, some synthesized axioms that cannot be guaranteed to be correct by construction due to abstraction can finally be verified in our setting with little effort.This work has been partially supported by the EC H2020-EU grant agreement No. 952215 (TAILOR), the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MCIU under grant RTI2018-094403-B-C32, by Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2019/098.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Pardo, D.; Villanueva, A. (2020). Abstract Contract Synthesis and Verification in the Symbolic K Framework. Fundamenta Informaticae. 177(3-4):235-273. https://doi.org/10.3233/FI-2020-1989S2352731773-