6 research outputs found

    Dise帽o y construcci贸n de prototipo para estimulaci贸n en el m煤sculo tr铆ceps sural para fracturas de tratamiento incruenta

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    This document is considered the construction of a prototype for controlled electro stimulation, in order to evade muscle atrophy in an immobile human lower extremity by the use of a 3D printed splint. The controlled electro stimulation is based on the application of electrodes. which emit two waves that collide between them producing a stimulation to the muscle while the member to be treated is totally immobilized with a splint filled to 25% of a 3D impression...Este documento se considera la construcci贸n de un prototipo para electro estimulaci贸n controlada, con el fin de evadir la atrofia muscular en una extremidad inferior humana inm贸vil por el uso de una f茅rula impresa en 3D, La electro estimulaci贸n controlada se basa en la aplicaci贸n de electrodos las cuales emiten dos ondas que chocan entre ellas produciendo una estimulaci贸n al m煤sculo mientras el miembro a tratarse se encuentra totalmente inmovilizado con una f茅rula rellena al 25% de una impresi贸n en 3D..

    Semi - regular exercises for the rehabilitation of shoulder joint for weightlifting disabled athletes

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    The weight lifting athletes get injured while they are demonstrating the strength to lift the weight. It is observed mostly the shoulder joints are prone to affect due to physical imbalance or abnormal movement in weightlifting athletes. This results impair normal functional movement. The rehabilitation centers are providing the semi-regular exercises to regain their muscular strength. Muscular endurance is predominant rather than muscular strength. The rehabilitation centers are initially focusing on retain their muscular endurance and then focusing on increasing the muscular strength by practicing the semi-regular exercises. In this research work we suggest the semi-regular exercises to improve 3 different muscle contractions namely isometric contraction, concentric contraction and eccentric contractions of the skeletal muscle. The semi-regular exercises are aiming to improve the joint strength and range of motion in shoulder joint dislocation. This can be provided after two weeks of the shoulder dislocation of the weightlifting athletes with the confirmation from physician. The duration of the semi-regular exercises rehabilitation program is spanned across the period of 6 weeks to regain their muscle power and strength

    Corseto: A Kinesthetic Garment for Designing, Composing for, and Experiencing an Intersubjective Haptic Voice

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    We present a novel intercorporeal experience - an intersubjective haptic voice. Through an autobiographical design inquiry, based on singing techniques from the classical opera tradition, we created Corsetto, a kinesthetic garment for transferring somatic reminiscents of vocal experience from an expert singer to a listener. We then composed haptic gestures enacted in the Corsetto, emulating upper-body movements of the live singer performing a piece by Morton Feldman named Three Voices. The gestures in the Corsetto added a haptics-based \u27fourth voice\u27 to the immersive opera performance. Finally, we invited audiences who were asked to wear Corsetto during live performances. Afterwards they engaged in micro-phenomenological interviews. The analysis revealed how the Corsetto managed to bridge inner and outer bodily sensations, creating a feeling of a shared intercorporeal experience, dissolving boundaries between listener, singer and performance. We propose that \u27intersubjective haptics\u27 can be a generative medium not only for singing performances, but other possible intersubjective experiences

    Automatic Posture Correction Utilizing Electrical Muscle Stimulation

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    Habitually poor posture can lead to repetitive strain injuries that lower an individual\u27s quality of life and productivity. Slouching over computer screens and smart phones, asymmetric weight distribution due to uneven leg loading, and improper loading posture are some of the common examples that lead to postural problems and health ramifications. To help cultivate good postural habits, researchers have proposed slouching, balance, and improper loading posture detection systems that alert users through traditional visual, auditory or vibro-tactile feedbacks when posture requires attention. However, such notifications are disruptive and can be easily ignored. We address these issues with a new physiological feedback system that uses sensors to detect these poor postures, and electrical muscle stimulation to automatically correct the poor posture. We compare our automatic approach against other alternative feedback systems and through different unique contexts. We find that our approach outperformed alternative traditional feedback systems by being faster and more accurate while delivering an equally comfortable user experience