35 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif pada kompetensi dasar menerapkan komunikasi secara lisan untuk SMK jurusan administrasi perkantoran, untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif, dan untuk mengetahui respons siswa mengenai media pembelajaran interaktif. Model pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu model pengembangan Thiagarajan, Semmel dan Semmel yaitu Four D Models (4-D Models). Yang terdiri dari define (pendefinisain), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Namun dalam penelitian disseminate (penyebaran) tidak dilakukan dikarenakan terbatasnya waktu dan biaya. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Data yang diperoleh adalah data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Hasil perhitungan memperoleh skor persentase 67,00% dari ahli media, 88,33% dari ahli materi, dan 89,33% dari hasil uji coba terbatas. Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan macromedia flash pada mata pelajaran korespondensi di SMKN 1 Surabaya layak digunakan. Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Macromedia Flash, Korespondens

    Implementasi Media Interaktif Berbasis Macro Mediaflash pada Mata Pelajaran Sistem Pengendali Elektromagnetik

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    Rendahnya minat belajar siswa dikarenakan minimnya media penunjang yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga mengurangi minat dan keaktifan siswa dalam belajar. Diantara banyaknya peggunaan media pembelajaran salah satunya adalah menggunakan media animasi macromedia flash dan didukung penegaplikasian metode direct instruction di kelas sehingga mampu mendorong siswa untuk lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam menerima pembelajaran. Siswa akan lebih berminat dan berimajinasi langsung dalam menangkap pelajaran, dan lebih mudah untuk penguasaan materi pelajaran yang dipelajari. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan media ini siswa mampu memecahkan permasalahan yang dialami selama proses pembelajaran dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat perbedaan yang signifikan dari hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Sistem Pengendali Elektronik menggunakan media animasi macromedia flash dengan media konvensional. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain Posttest Only Control Design. Untuk melihat kemampuan awal siswa dilakukan analisis ulangan harian (UH) pada mata pelajaran SPE. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes hasil belajar (posttest) berupa soal objektif . Data yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji perbedaan dua rata-rata (t-test). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen 84,97 sedangkan kelas kontrol 77,36 dan untuk uji t hasil perhitungan diperoleh ≥ atau 5,06 ≥ 1,998. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan media animasi macromedia flash dibandingkan dengan  media konvensional. Minat siswa dalam belajar sangat tinggi dan siswa lebih mudah menganalisa serta berimajinasi pada saat proses belajar berlangsung.

    Multimedia Animation Educational for Learning Indonesia Independence History

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    Information on the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is very important for all parties, especially elementary to middle school students, and one of the media that can be used to provide this information can be interactive multimedia animation. Multimedia learning can be made with several special tools such as Adobe Flash, the use of Adobe Flash is appropriate for making learning media because of the ease of making and can be run on almost all platforms. multimedia learning independence of the Republic of Indonesia consists of 3 sub material, namely Seconds Towards the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, Spread of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, PPKI Session that displays detailed information about the three events. The use of Adobe Flash as a learning multimedia creation tool is expected to be able to provide interactive material for users to easily understand the importance of knowing the history of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia

    Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Berbasis Adobe Flash Pada Kompetensi Dasar Menganalisis Jenis-jenis NAPZA di SMK Pekerjaan Sosial

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    This research departs from the problem, namely the material types of drugs that are abstract and a little difficult to explain which needs explanation equipped with pictures or videos because they cannot choose the types of drugs directly in the class and the unavailability of source books from the subjects students stick to the material presented by the teacher in the classroom. The teacher has used learning media in delivering material but it is limited to projection text in the form of power points that contain and images that make learning tend to be oblique and monotonous. This study aims to develop multimedia learning based on Adobe Flash on the basic competencies of analyzing the types of drugs in the Social Work Vocational School. The method used in this research is Research and Development (RD) with the Planning, Production, and Evaluation (PPE) model developed by Richey and Klein. Data techniques in research using two of the latest research instruments, documentation and expert assessment validation format. The expert assessment was carried out by four PKK FPTK UPI lecturers consisting of two drug material experts and two instructional media experts. The results of the validation carried out by two drug material experts and two instructional media experts were stated "very feasible" to be used with revisions according to the suggestions and comments of the validator so that they could be used as teaching materials


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    This study aims to (1) produce a valid and practical interactive learning media based Lectora Inspire in a discrete method course, (2) see the effects of the developed learning media to the students’ learning outcome in a discrete method class. Research and development, which consists of five stages: pre-development, development, evaluation, field test, and revision, was implemented in this study. The developed interactive learning media was tested against 23 students of discrete method class in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sriwijaya University . The results of the analysis are: (1) based on the evaluation of the experts and the perceptions of the students, the interactive learning media which has been developed was valid, practical, and highly recommended to be used as a source of student’s self-learning in discrete method courses, (2) the interactive learning media which has been developed was effective to increase students’ learning outcome


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat belajar, motivasi belajar, antusiasme belajar, dan sikap belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik dengan penggunaan modul pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Multimedia Learning System (MMLS). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mendapatkan data dari sepuluh informan melalui teknik pengambilan data berupa observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara tertulis. Temuan hasil penelitian adalah berupa analisis dalam bentuk deskripsi yang memaparkan mengenai minat belajar, motivasi belajar, antusiasme belajar, dan sikap belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik dengan penggunaan modul pembelajaran interaktif yang didukung oleh hasil penelitian-penelitian terdahulu dan teori-teori yang bersangkutan. Dalam analisis temuan penelitian ditemukan bahwa modul pembelajaran interaktif dapat menarik minat siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa modul pembelajaran interaktif merupakan salah satu stimulus menyenangkan bagi siswa guna menimbulkan motivasi belajar terhadap mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik. Selain itu, ditemukan pula bahwa penggunaan modul pembelajaran interaktif merupakan salah satu cara penciptaan emosi positif dalam diri siswa, di mana siswa merasa senang dan asyik ketika belajar mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik menggunakan modul pembelajaran interaktif. Dalam sikap belajar pun ditemukan bahwa siswa dapat menyimak dan mengulik mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik tanpa merasa bosan dengan penggunaan modul pembelajaran interaktif. Oleh karena itu, dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa minat belajar, motivasi belajar, antusiasme belajar, dan sikap belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Teknik Listrik dapat ditimbulkan dengan penggunaan modul pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Multimedia Learning System (MMLS).-----This research aims to determine students’ learning interest, learning motivation, learning enthusiasm, and learning attitudes toward Electrical Engineering subject by using interactive learning module based on Multimedia Learning System (MMLS). The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. In this research, researcher got data from ten informants through observation, documentation, and written interviews. The findings of this research are descriptions that describe learning interest, learning motivation, learning enthusiasm, and learning attitudes toward Electrical Engineering subject by using interactive learning module supported by previous research results. and the theories concerned. In the analysis of the research findings found that the interactive learning module can attract students' interest in the subjects of Electrical Engineering. The researcher also found that the interactive learning module is one of the fun stimulation for students to generate learning motivation in Electrical Engineering subject. In addition, it is also found that the use of interactive learning module is one way to create positive emotions in students, in which students feel happy and fun while learning Electrical Engineering subject by using interactive learning module. In the research was found that students can pay attention and study Electrical Engineering subject without getting bored. Therefore, from this research can be concluded that students’ learning interest, learning motivation, learning enthusiasm, and learning attitude toward Electrical Engineering subject can be generated by the use of interactive learning module based on Multimedia Learning System (MMLS)

    The Effect of Utilizing Macromedia Flash as a Teaching Media for Delivering Integer on The Learning Outcomes of The Seventh Graders of Mts Miftahul Ulum Pelangwot

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    This study aimed to see the significant effect of utilizing Macromedia Flash as a teaching media for delivering integer on the learning output of the seventh graders of MTs Miftahu Ulum Pelangwot. It was an experimental research with a control design of one group pre-test post-test design. Hence, it used pre-test and post-test questions as the research instrument. Some tests including validity test, reliability test, and hypothesis test using Paired Sample T-test were all applied for data analysis. The research instrument was validated by an expert validator who confirmed that it was proper to use. The significant result of normality test was 0,2, which was more than 0,05, indicating that the data was normally distributed. The result of Paired Sample Test was tcount > ttable referring to 5,950>2,160. Therefore, it concluded that the significant effect of utilizing Macromedia Flash as a teaching media for delivering integer on the learning outcomes of the seventh graders of MTs Miftahul Ulum Pelangwot obviously existed

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Tema Bahaya Air Yang Tercemar Untuk Menumbuhkan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa

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    Development of Student Worksheets (LKS) based on guided inquiry models on the theme of the dangers of polluted water to foster students' creative thinking begins with a problem during interview with a science teacher that textbooks alone are not capable of helping students grow creative thinking, students still lack a role in learning process. This development is a worksheet which contains the steps of the learning quided inquiry model contained in the content section of the worksheet which contains problem formulation, making hypotheses, designing experiments with work steps, conducting experiments to obtain data and making conclusions so that it can help foster students' creative thinking abilities. This research is a research and development (Research & Development) using four-D (4-D) research model and a modified Thiagarajan research design because the dissiminate stage was not carried out. The results showed that the development of guided inquiry-based student worksheets on the theme of the dangers of polluted water to foster students' creative thinking was carried out through 3 stages, namely the defining stage (Define), the design stage (Design), and the development stage (Develop). The level of validity successively scores 80% with valid criteria based on the validation of material and media experts and 85% with very valid criteria and teacher's assessment gets a score of 92% with very valid criteria. Based on the results of the overall validity test, an average value of 85.6% is obtained with very valid criteria.Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berbasis model inkuiri terbimbing pada tema bahaya air yang tercemar untuk menumbuhkan berpikir kreatif siswa diawali dengan adanya permasalahan saat wawancara oleh seorang guru IPA bahwa buku paket saja kurang mampu untuk membantu siswa menumbuhkan berpikir kreatif, siswa masih kurang berperan dalam proses pembelajaran. Pengembangan ini adalah LKS yang di dalamnya mengandung langkah-langkah model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terdapat dalam bagian isi LKS yang memuat perumusan masalah, membuat hipotesis, merancang percobaan dengan langkah kerja, melakukan percobaan untuk memperoleh data dan membuat kesimpulan sehingga dapat membantu menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research & Development) dengan menggunakan model penelitian four-D (4-D) dan desain penelitian modifikasi Thiagarajan karena tahap dissiminate tidak dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan lembar kerja siswa berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada tema bahaya air yang tercemar untuk menumbuhkan berpikir kreatif siswa dilakukan melalui 3 tahapan yaitu tahap pendefinisian (Define), tahap perancangan (Design), dan tahap pengembangan (Develop). Tingkat kevalidan mendapatkan nilai 80% dengan kriteria valid berdasarkan validasi ahli materi dan media berturut-turut dan 85% dengan kriteria sangat valid serta penilaian guru mendapatkan nilai 92% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Berdasarkan hasil uji kevalidan secara keseluruhan maka diperoleh nilai rata-rata 85,6% dengan kriteria sangat valid.   Kata Kunci: Pengembangan LKS; inkuiri terbimbing; bahaya air yang tercemar; berpikir kreatif. &nbsp

    The Application of Computer Aided Learning To Learn Basic Concepts Of Branching and Looping On Logic Algorithm

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    This paper reviews how to create an application based on Computer Aided Learning (CAL), which is the use of computers to deliver instructional materials and involve students / learners are active. This CAL application consists of 5 multimedia modules. Module 1 contains the basic concepts of data processing. Module 2 discusses the concept of flowcharts. Module 3 contains the testing applications using a flowchart. Module 4 contains the concept of nested selection. While the tutorial module 5 contains the concept of arrays and study case practice . To support this, CAL application is made as attractive as possible, by combining multimedia files, such as image files, sound files, and video files. With the CAL is equipped with modules of algorithms, students are expected to take computer courses, especially in STMIK STIKOM Surabaya can improve learning outcomes at the course logic algorithms