205 research outputs found

    Generation of interactive questionnaires using YAWL-based workflow models

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    A concept is introduced in this article which has strong practical impact for computer aided system configuration. System configuration is a cumbersome and fault sensitive task while setting up systems in a broad range of business applications like ERP (enterprise resource planning) and other workflow-systems. Given a generic process or workflow model in YAWL-notation (yet another workflow language) or any other process modeling language like business process model and notation or WFMC (workflow management coalition), it could be stated that, by using a set of reduction rules as introduced, it is possible to generate a hierarchically structured tree of sub graphs of the workflow graph-representation. According to the notation used, authors call these sub graphs facts. The tree structure of the graph-representation on one hand and the logical relation between the branches and leafs of the tree on the other can be utilized to create a set of constraints and dependencies among the single facts. Some researchers showed that the nested branches can be associated to (predefined) questions with respect to the configuration of a workflow management system, for instance an ERP-application. They presented an algorithm which dynamically sorts the questions and answers in a maximum efficient configuration path, while working through the corresponding questionnaire. By combining the different elements as facts, constraints on questions, and configuration space, it is thus possible to algorithmically generate the efficient structured and interactive questionnaire for the configuration of workflow systems and algorithmically check the consistency (dead lock free, free of synchronization structural conflict) of the underlying workflow model. The concept was tested in the prototype of the interactive questionnaire for configuration of the web-service based ERP-Application Posity

    Interactive questionnaires as self-assessment tool for accounting subjects

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el impacto del uso de cuestionarios interactivos, como herramienta de autoevaluación, en los rendimientos obtenidos por los alumnos. Para ello, disponemos de datos correspondientes a 593 alumnos matriculados en la asignatura de contabilidad financiera y analítica en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Sobre dichos datos aplicamos el análisis de varianza (ANOVA) así como la prueba T para muestras independientes. Para aportar mayor robustez en los resultados obtenidos a través de dicho análisis se han implantado diversos contrastes no paramétricos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, en el primer semestre, existen diferencias significativas entre los rendimientos promedio obtenidos por el grupo piloto que ha utilizado el cuestionario interactivo y el grupo de control con una calidad académica inicial similar. Conforme avanzamos en el desarrollo de la asignatura y aumenta la complejidad de la misma, el uso de cuestionarios interactivos pierde eficacia y no se encuentran diferencias significativas en los rendimientos promedios de los dos grupos considerados.The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of using interactive questionnaire, and self-assessment tool in students’ performance. In this sense, we have data corresponding to 593 students enrolled in the subject of financial and analytical accounting at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Over this data we apply the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the independent samples T test. To provide more robustness in the results obtained through this analysis, different non-parametric tools have been implemented. The results show that in the first semester there are significant differences between the average performance obtained by the pilot group that used the interactive questionnaire and the control group with a similar initial academic quality. As we move on into the subject increasing the complexity of it, the use of interactive questionnaire is less effective and no significant differences in average performance of the three groups are found

    Impacto del desempeño de los estudiantes en una metodología de evaluación continua en Moodle en el examen final

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    Este trabajo examina la diferente evolución del rendimiento de los estudiantes en cuestionarios online y su impacto en la calificación final. Esta innovadora técnica se ha utilizado en un grupo de un curso introductorio de contabilidad financiera con 8 cuestionarios online (uno por unidad temática) a través de la plataforma Moodle. Empleando el análisis cluster, identificamos diferentes grupos de evolución del rendimiento. La evidencia obtenida sugiere que en uno de estos grupos una evolución favorable del rendimiento en los test online puede conducir a un exceso de confianza, con el posterior efecto negativo en la nota del examen final. La investigación futura con más variables y muestras de mayor tamaño ayudará a identificar este perfil de estudiante con el fin de evitar un posible efecto negativo no deseado de esta técnica de enseñanza.This paper looks into the different evolution of students’ online questionnaire performance and its impact on the final examination mark. This innovative technique has been used in a group of an introductory financial accounting course with 8 online questionnaires (one per unit) in the Moodle platform. Using cluster analysis, we identify different groups of performance evolution. The evidence obtained suggests that in one of this groups a favourable test performance evolution may lead to overconfidence with the subsequent negative effect on the final examination mark. Future research with more variables and bigger samples will help to identify this student profile with a view to prevent this undesired negative effect of this teaching technique

    Chemistry course for radiochemistry engineers on the platform Moodle: a support to self-education for undergraduate students

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    The education challenges at present times include the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the learning-teaching process. In Higher Education the agreement between the volume of information to be processed by the student, the available student’s time and the assimilation of the courses contents is very important. The new study plans in Cuban Universities include the reduction of the number of face to face hours and the increase of the available time for the student’s independent study. Then, it is necessary to develop abilities that upgrade learning capacity during a lifetime through the self-education. The first version of a course on chemistry for radiochemistry students using the platform Moodle and Open Educational Resources (OER) as a support to the undergraduate course is presented. The detailed topic plan of the course of chemistry for radiochemists, which was distributed week by week, and different activities combining communication, interactive and collaborative modules were implemented on the platform Moodle. The whole system was tested during the first semester of the 2010-2011 academic year. The course evaluation results were carried out through a survey among the students and discussion forums. The results showed a good acceptance by the students, a better efficiency in the teaching-learning process given by better planning of the individual study, a better preparation to perform the laboratory practices, the new possibilities of communication between students and teachers, the access to OER and greater self-conscious of the students on their own process of learning

    Generation of Interactive Questionnaires Using YAWL-based Workflow Models

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    Looking for students' enthusiasm: flipped classroom

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    The “flipped classroom” is a pedagogical model that consists of putting certain learning processes outside the classroom so that the teacher can devote more class time to students’ acquisition of practical skills, for example. In this way, the teacher is not limited to the transmission of course content, but in addition assumes the role of a mediator in the cognitive process, allowing students to actively construct their own knowledge. In this role, the teacher’s main task is to encourage students to become independent learners. This paper describes the implementation and initial results of the application of the flipped classroom in higher education. This study is part of a larger research project to improve our students’ motivation through the use of the flipped learning. The sample consisted of about 3000 students taking 17 different subjects, in Management and Administration Business, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Market Research, and Chemistry, at the University of Málaga, and in Accounting and Administration, Business Communication and Marketing at the Polytechnic of Porto. According to our results, students’ motivation and class attendance increased with the application of this model; a comparison of the final exam results from two years with traditional classes and from two years with flipped learning shows that the proportion of students failing the exam decreased, which confirms that the use of this pedagogic model improves student learning.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This project is financed by Educational Innovation Projects 2017-2019 from Malaga University

    Industrial applications of ASF+SDF

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    In recent years, a number of Dutch companies have used the algebraic specification formalism ASF+SDF. Bank MeesPierson has specified a language for describing interest rate products, their translation into COBOL, and their generation from interactive questionnaires. A consultancy company has specified a language to represent the company's object-oriented models, and the compilation of this language into Access. Bank ABN-AMRO has started investigating the use of algebraic specifications for renovating legacy COBOL systems. We discuss the implications of such projects for teaching algebraic specifications and software engineering, and the role students have been playing in these projects

    PREME: Preference-based Meeting Exploration through an Interactive Questionnaire

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    The recent increase in the volume of online meetings necessitates automated tools for managing and organizing the material, especially when an attendee has missed the discussion and needs assistance in quickly exploring it. In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end framework for generating interactive questionnaires for preference-based meeting exploration. As a result, users are supplied with a list of suggested questions reflecting their preferences. Since the task is new, we introduce an automatic evaluation strategy. Namely, it measures how much the generated questions via questionnaire are answerable to ensure factual correctness and covers the source meeting for the depth of possible exploration

    Moving Usability Testing onto the Web

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    Abstract: In order to remotely obtain detailed usability data by tracking user behaviors within a given web site, a server-based usability testing environment has been created. Web pages are annotated in such a way that arbitrary user actions (such as "mouse over link" or "click back button") can be selected for logging. In addition, the system allows the experiment designer to interleave interactive questions into the usability evaluation, which for instance could be triggered by a particular sequence of actions. The system works in conjunction with clustering and visualization algorithms that can be applied to the resulting log file data. A first version of the system has been used successfully to carry out a web usability evaluation

    Ethnic Preparation of Haria, a Rice-Based Fermented Beverage, in the Province of Lateritic West Bengal, India

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    Haria is a rice-based fermented beverage that is popular among tribal and low income people in lateritic West Bengal and East-Central India. The principal ingredient of this beverage is low grade boiled rice (Oryza sativa L.), which is mixed with a traditional starter, called bakhar, and fermented within a heat-sterilized earthen pot for 3-4 days. The main aim of this study was to investigate the ethnobotanical importance and traditional process of haria preparation. The method adopted for this study was based on interactive questionnaires and laboratory experiments. It was found that the pH decreased during the course of fermentation with increased titratable acidity of 1.42%. The alcohol content was 2-3% (v/v) in the consumable beverages. This documentation will be useful for further exploitation of haria as a health drink