85 research outputs found

    Development Of E-LKPD hots questions as a medium for learning mathematics on the material of the Phytagorean theorem

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    Learning in the modern era demands learning based on KBAT, literacy skills, character education, and 4C (critical, creative, collaborative, and collaborative), all of which can be achieved through the development of E-LKPD based on KBAT combined with critical thinking skills indicators. The purpose of this study is to produce an E-LKPD product using KBAT-based questions, to determine whether the KBAT-based E-LKPD is suitable for the material of the Pythagoras theorem, and to determine the student's reaction to the created KBAT-based E-LKPD. . This refers to the ADDIE model. This study involves eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Utara Province who are the subject of this study and the object of this study is E-LKPD using KBAT based questions. Student questionnaires and confirmation sheets were used in this study. This study obtained the results which are: (1) The feasibility of E-LKPD using KBAT-based questions by media experts is in the feasible category (80.00) and material experts are also in the feasible category (77.5); and (2) Student response to E-LKPD using KBAT-based questions is in the good category with an average of 81.1%. Thus, this study shows that E-LKPD using KBAT-based questions can be used as media in the learning and teaching process

    Increasing Junior High School Students' Mathematical Comprehension with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach

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    Mathematical understanding is an important basis for thinking whensolving mathematical problems. Mathematical understanding is also the basis ofthinking in learning mathematics to find out the results of mastery learning. Thiscan be seen in the results of the test scores of students with mathematicalunderstanding abilities that are still below the level of mastery learning, thereforethe importance of mathematical understanding abilities is increased by using theRealistic Mathematical Education (RME) learning approach. This study uses mixedmethods where the research strategy combines qualitative and quantitative methodssimultaneously. The results of the research conducted the average score was stilllow, namely 62.5% below the average and 37.5% above the average, but afterapplying the RME learning method, it showed that the average student scoreincreased to 21.9 % below average and 78.1% above average. Based on the resultsbefore and after the test, students' mathematical understanding ability increased by40.6% after applying the RME teaching method, thus proving that RME had apositive effect on increasing mathematical understanding

    Problem-based learning model implementation to improve students problem-solving skills

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    This research aims to improve students' problem-solving skills about additives in food and beverages. This study used one group pretest and posttest design. This study involved thirty-one students from grade 8 at one of the state junior high schools in Gresik Regency, East Java, for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. Data collection techniques using observation assessment sheets, written test assessment sheets, and response questionnaire forms. Based on this study, the results of the percentage of learning implementation of the first meeting of the first session were 91%, the first meeting of the second session was 94%, the second meeting of the first session was 92%, and the second meeting of the second session was 95% by meeting the excellent category. The problem-solving skills were obtained n-gain 0.78 high categories, including the stage of formulating the question 0.67 medium categories, the hypothesis  0.57 with the medium category, determining the solution obtained 0.83 with the high category. The calculation of n-gain in each stage obtained an average n-gain of 0.74 by fulfilling the high category—the response questionnaire form from students with a percentage with excellent categories and positive student responses. The results of this study show that implementing problem-based learning can improve problem-solving skills, especially additives in food and beverages

    The Application of Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning using E-learning on Elementary Linear Algebra

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    Learning activities were changed from face-to-face to full-online due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2019. Online learning through WhatsApp Group (WAG) was used by a mathematics teacher in higher education program in the early 2020. However, the learning result showed that 75% of preservice teacher were unable to accomplish their elementary linear algebra material. The combination of online learning through asynchronous method and synchronous learning was an alternative solution to solve the problem and enable preservice teachers having virtual face-to-face interactions with their lecturers. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the improvement in preservice teachers' learning outcomes and responses to synchronous and asynchronous learning. The research design used was one group posttest-only with 23 subjects were selected by clustered random sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. The test results showed that learning outcomes after synchronous and asynchronous learning was effective. While the questionnaire results expressed most preservice teachers gave a positive response to both learning methods. Thus, the combination of the two methods could improve the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is recommended that higher education institutions provide innovative e-learning platforms for preservice teachers in developing further online learning methods

    Development of Augmented Reality Media Based On Cybernetic Learning Theory to Stimulate Spatial Abilities

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    Hearing impairment students have limited vocabulary and have difficulty understanding abstract terms, which affects learning the concept of a plane solid figure that they know at school. Deaf students tend to have difficulty perceiving objects from a certain point of view and understanding the relationship between these objects in a particular space. These difficulties affect students' spatial abilities and require special handling in the form of learning-oriented to the learning process, not learning outcomes. The learning process itself can be determined by information systems such as the basis of cybernetic theory and supported by information technology-based interactive learning media. Therefore, this study aims to develop augmented reality media based on cybernetic learning theory to stimulate valid and practical spatial abilities of deaf students. The research and development model carried out in this study is the Borg and Gall model, which has systematic and descriptive steps for practical problems in teaching through applied research. Researchers collected data through validation questionnaires and student response questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. The augmented reality media developed here can be said to meet the criteria of validity and practicality based on the results of the product feasibility test. This media has also proven to be a solution in helping teachers to stimulate the spatial abilities of deaf students through a meaningful learning process determined by a technology-assisted information syste

    Unjuk Kerja Mahasiswa Peserta “Teaching Junior Secondary Mathematics in English” Dalam Membelajarkan Matematika Berbahasa Inggris Berbantuan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi

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    This study proposes that to know the performance of the students who take “Teaching Junior Secondary Mathematics in English”(TJSME) in teaching mathematics in English using information communication technology (ICT). The output of this study are syllaby, lesson plan, worksheet, media, assessment, and scenario developed by students for teaching mathematics in junior secondary students in English. The subject of this study are fifth semester students of Mathematics Education Study Program, Malang State University, offering AX 2009/2010. Descriptive study is implemented in this study. The conclusion of this study is that the performance of the students in teaching mathematics in English is very good. The students give very good responses in using ICT in this lecture. ICT really help students to improve their students performance in teaching mathematics in English

    Improving mathematic communication ability through islamic math e-comic media: A study on building flat sides

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    Media Islamic Math e-Comic is a mathematical comic with Islamic nuances that has mathematical problem solving with clear illustrations and problem-solving methods according to indicators that can improve students' mathematical communication skills. This study aims to determine how much the increase in mathematical communication skills in the use of Islamic Math e-Comic media on the subject of flat side space for class VIII. The media is developed through stages in the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This type of research is Quasy Experiment by giving pretest and posttest questions on small-scale tests and large-scale tests. Then, the effectiveness test of the use of Islamic Math e-Comic media was carried out using the Effect Size test, obtaining results of 0.53 with the "medium" criteria. This shows an increase in the value obtained by students after using the Islamic Math e-Comic media on the flat side space building material

    The Instagram Comics as Learning Media Alternative to Improve Learning Materials on Light Refraction during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning processes were not allowed to be carried out directly or face to face but could be carried out indirectly or remotely. This requires teachers to be able to use existing technology along with the times. One trend that is currently emerging is the use of social media as a learning medium. This study develops one of the learning media using comics with the help of social media, Instagram. This study aims to determine the level of feasibility of Instagram comic-based learning media as an alternative to learning during the Covid-19 pandemic to increase students' learning motivation on light refraction material. The research method used is the research and development method with the 4D model method. The findings of this study are that Instagram comics can be used as an alternative learning media during the covid-19 pandemic to increase students' learning motivation on light refraction material. Based on the stages that have been carried out, the results of the feasibility test of the Instagram comic learning media product are declared very feasibly

    An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills; Global Warming Learning Materials

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    This study aimed to analyze students' critical thinking skills levels on global warming materials. This quantitative descriptive study employed the cluster random sampling technique. The analyzed data were the students' critical thinking skills. Researchers collected the data using critical thinking skills test instruments in the form of description questions and open-ended questionnaires. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using statistical formulas in the form of percentages. Based on the data analysis results, the percentage of students' critical thinking skills score was 65% and was categorized at a moderate level. Therefore, the researchers concluded that students' critical thinking skills on global warming learning materials are moderate. Thus, there needs to be an effort to improve students' critical thinking skills

    Students' Interest in Online-Based Thematic Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This research was motivated by the existence of a circular letter from the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the implementation of education policies during the spread of COVID-19, making face-to-face learning in schools stopped and switching to online learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the online learning practices applied by the teacher in thematic learning of MI AU students in Bogor Regency, as well as to determine students' interest in online thematic learning. The object of this research was 65 people, both men and women. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. The data collection technique was carried out using a questionnaire in which the researcher arranged questions related to students' interest in online thematic learning. Furthermore, the questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of research on students' interest in online-based thematic learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at MI AU showed student interest with a percentage of 76.22% of the 22 statement items given to students through a questionnaire. The learning practice uses the WhatsApp group application because the application is easy to use by parents. Thus, students' interest in online-based thematic learning shows a very high interest