177 research outputs found

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    Miniaturized Silicon Photodetectors

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    Silicon (Si) technologies provide an excellent platform for the design of microsystems where photonic and microelectronic functionalities are monolithically integrated on the same substrate. In recent years, a variety of passive and active Si photonic devices have been developed, and among them, photodetectors have attracted particular interest from the scientific community. Si photodiodes are typically designed to operate at visible wavelengths, but, unfortunately, their employment in the infrared (IR) range is limited due to the neglectable Si absorption over 1100 nm, even though the use of germanium (Ge) grown on Si has historically allowed operations to be extended up to 1550 nm. In recent years, significant progress has been achieved both by improving the performance of Si-based photodetectors in the visible range and by extending their operation to infrared wavelengths. Near-infrared (NIR) SiGe photodetectors have been demonstrated to have a “zero change” CMOS process flow, while the investigation of new effects and structures has shown that an all-Si approach could be a viable option to construct devices comparable with Ge technology. In addition, the capability to integrate new emerging 2D and 3D materials with Si, together with the capability of manufacturing devices at the nanometric scale, has led to the development of new device families with unexpected performance. Accordingly, this Special Issue of Micromachines seeks to showcase research papers, short communications, and review articles that show the most recent advances in the field of silicon photodetectors and their respective applications

    A Wide Area Bipolar Cascade Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode for a Hybrid Range-Intensity

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    This dissertation focused on the development of an illuminator for the HRIS. This illuminator enables faster image rendering and reduces the potential of errors in return signal data, that could be generated from extremely rough terrain. Four major achievements resulted from this work, which advance the field of 3-D image acquisition. The first is that the TJ is an effective current spreading layer for LEDs with mesa width up to 140 micrometers and current densities of approximately 1 x 106 Amp/square centimeter. The TJ allows fabrication of an efficient illuminator, with required geometry for the HRIS to operate as a real-time 3-D imaging system. Secondly, a design for a Bipolar Cascade-Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode (BC-RCLED) has been accomplished, that will illuminate the FOV of the hybrid-ranged intensity system with a single sweep of the beam. This device is capable of producing approximately 330 milliWatts of output power. Additionally, from this work, key parameters for HRIS design were identified. Using a collection optic with a 15 centimeters diameter, an HRIS mounting height of 1.5 meters, and a detector integration time of 330 milliseconds, a SNR of 20 decibels was achieved. Lastly, we demonstrated that the BC-RCLED designed for the HRIS can deliver sufficient energy to produce the required SNR. Also, through parametric analysis, we determined that a system trade-off, between the collection optic diameter, and the integration time, results in an increase in the SNR from 20 to nearly 50, or extending the operational range from 50 to nearly 130 meters

    All-optical signal regeneration based on gain-clamped semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    Coherence and Coupling of Cavity Photons and Tamm Plasmons in Metal-Organic Microcavities

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    The subject of this thesis is the investigation of organic microcavities with implemented unstructured and laterally structured metal layers. The optical properties are studied by means of various spectroscopic techniques and are compared to conventional metal-free devices. It is shown that the large expected absorption caused by the embedded metal is reduced compared to the case of a free-standing metal layer of the same thickness. As a consequence of the interaction of the photonic cavity mode with the metallic structures, two new coupled modes emerge which are called Tamm plasmons. The strength of this coupling and the resulting spectral difference of these modes are defined by the thickness of both the metal layer and the adjacent dielectric layers. These control parameters enable the optimization of the structural design. Accordingly, coherent emission from Tamm plasmons is realized at room temperature. An analytical approach is developed accounting for the experimentally observed polarization splitting of detuned resonances. Next, laterally structured metal layers embedded into organic microcavities are considered. The structuring leads to a confinement of the photonic density of states evident from a clear discretization in energy of the corresponding modes. Applying a photolithographic technique to structure the metal layer into a pattern of regularly placed stripes leads to additional effects due to the resulting periodicity. By exciting this hybrid structure above a certain threshold, periodic arrays of localized cavity modes and metal-based Tamm plasmons are generated. These Bloch-like excited states are capable of phase coupling across the grating. Additionally, surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are excited propagating at the interface of the silver and the adjacent dielectric layers. Thanks to the periodicity of the metallic stripes, SPPs are subject to efficient Bragg scattering into the light cone in air. Modes up to order number 30 are detectable as quasi-linear periodic lines in the dispersion pattern. A Fourier analysis reveals an in- or out-of-phase coupling of the modes and a spread of the coherence over macroscopic distances of more than 40 ”m. This strategy of embedding metal patterns into an organic microcavity yields a viable route towards electrically contacted organic solid-state lasers.In dieser Arbeit werden erstmals dĂŒnne, unstrukturierte sowie lateral strukturierte metallische Schichten in organische Mikroresonatoren eingebettet und anschließend die optischen Eigenschaften mittels spektroskopischer Verfahren untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die erwarteten hohen optischen Verluste durch die Absorption des elektrischen Feldes im Metall deutlich reduziert sind, verglichen mit dem Fall einer freistehenden, nicht eingebetteten Metallschicht gleicher Dicke. Als Folge der Wechselwirkung der photonischen KavitĂ€tsmode mit dem Metall spaltet diese in zwei miteinander gekoppelte Moden auf. Diese neuartigen Moden werden als Tamm-Plasmonen bezeichnet. Die Kopplung sowie die spektrale Differenz beider Moden ist zum einen durch die optischen Eigenschaften und die Dicke der eingebetteten Metallschicht definiert, zum anderen durch die optische Dicke der angrenzenden dielektrischen Schichten. Dadurch ist eine Optimierung des Systems im Hinblick auf Absorption und EmissionswellenlĂ€nge der Bauteile möglich, so dass selbst bei Raumtemperatur kohĂ€rente Emission eines Tamm-Zustands erzielt werden kann. Eine erarbeitete analytische Rechnung bestĂ€tigt und erklĂ€rt die experimentell gemessene, polarisationsabhĂ€ngige Aufspaltung der auftretenden resonanten Moden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit sind organische Mikroresonatoren, deren eingebettete Metallschicht in lateraler Richtung auf verschiedene Weisen strukturiert sind, Gegenstand der Untersuchungen. Als Folge dieser Strukturierung kommt es zur lateralen BeschrĂ€nkung der photonischen Zustandsdichte, was durch eine Diskretisierung der Energiespektren der resultierenden optischen Moden experimentell nachweisbar ist. Werden periodische Metallstreifen mittels Photolithographie erzeugt, so kommt es neben einer weiteren Beeinflussung der Zustandsdichte auch zu Effekten, die durch diese PeriodizitĂ€t bedingt sind. Entsprechend reproduziert sich die KavitĂ€tsmode mehrfach im Impulsraum. OberflĂ€chenplasmonen, die auf der GrenzflĂ€che zwischen dem Metall und den dielektrischen Schichten propagieren, werden auf Grund der PeriodizitĂ€t bis in den experimentell zugĂ€nglichen Lichtkegel gestreut. Dabei werden Plasmonenresonanzen bis hin zur 30. Ordnung gemessen. Im letzten Experiment werden derart periodisch strukturierte Metall-Organik-Mikroresonatoren auf ihre LasertĂ€tigkeit hin untersucht. Eine lokal begrenzte optische Anregung mittels eines gepulsten Lasers fĂŒhrt zur Ausbildung verschiedener Bloch-Ă€hnlicher Moden, deren KohĂ€renz sich lateral bis zu 40 ”m ausbreitet. Eine Fourieranalyse zeigt eindeutige und feste Phasenbeziehungen zwischen angrenzenden Maxima der Moden. Zusammenfassend ergeben sich interessante metall-organische Systeme, die minimale Absorption und niedrige Laserschwellen aufweisen und die prinzipielle Eignung zur elektrischen Kontaktierung besitzen

    Investigation of performance issues affecting optical circuit and packet switched WDM networks

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    Optical switching represents the next step in the evolution of optical networks. This thesis describes work that was carried out to examine performance issues which can occur in two distinct varieties of optical switching networks. Slow optical switching in which lightpaths are requested, provisioned and torn down when no longer required is known as optical circuit switching (OCS). Services enabled by OCS include wavelength routing, dynamic bandwidth allocation and protection switching. With network elements such as reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and optical cross connects (OXCs) now being deployed along with the generalized multiprotocol label switching (GMPLS) control plane this represents the current state of the art in commercial networks. These networks often employ erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) to boost the optical signal to noise ratio of the WDM channels and as channel configurations change, wavelength dependent gain variations in the EDFAs can lead to channel power divergence that can result in significant performance degradation. This issue is examined in detail using a reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) network testbed and results show the severe impact that channel reconfiguration can have on transmission performance. Following the slow switching work the focus shifts to one of the key enabling technologies for fast optical switching, namely the tunable laser. Tunable lasers which can switch on the nanosecond timescale will be required in the transmitters and wavelength converters of optical packet switching networks. The switching times and frequency drifts, both of commercially available lasers, and of novel devices are investigated and performance issues which can arise due to this frequency drift are examined. An optical packet switching transmitter based on a novel label switching technique and employing one of the fast tunable lasers is designed and employed in a dual channel WDM packet switching system. In depth performance evaluations of this labelling scheme and packet switching system show the detrimental impact that wavelength drift can have on such systems

    NASA Tech Briefs, October 1990

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    Topics: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical' Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences
