225 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe the problem-solving abilities of students after taught intelligent guessing and testing strategy. This study is descriptive research. This study was conducted on students of X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang. For further discussion, there were two subjects from student who was in very good category and sufficient category were chosen using purposive sampling technique. The data collected through test, then analyzed according to the four stages of Polya. The result of this study show that  student in very good category was able to do four stages of Polya correctly and able to apply the intelligent guessing and testing strategy to solve the problem. Meanwhile, student in sufficient category only able to understanding the problem correctly and still there was something wrong in applying the intelligent guessing and testing strategy

    Investigating Mathematics Teachers Candidates’ Knowledge about Problem Solving Strategies through Problem Posing

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    The aim of the study was to determine mathematics teacher candidates’ knowledge about problem solving strategies through problem posing. This qualitative research was conducted with 95 mathematics teacher candidates studying at education faculty of a public university during the first term of the 2015-2016 academic year in Turkey. Problem Posing Test (PPT) was used as a data collection tool which developed by researcher. It consists of 5 open ended questions. It was prepared according to the free problem posing situations. Teacher candidates were asked to pose problems that can be solved using problem solving strategies and problems were examined and categorized based on content analysis. Problems that were in accordance with the strategy were mostly related to daily life and solvable. Clinical interviews were conducted with 10 teacher candidates. Although some teacher candidates have knowledge about problem solving strategies, they did not pose a problem and in some cases they made mistakes in solving the problems they posed. Many teacher candidates stated that they posed similar problems they saw in textbooks, rather than act creatively. Keywords: problem posing, problem solving strategies, mathematics teachers candidate

    Hildegard von Bingen: German high school teaching unit

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    This honors thesis is a four week German-language teaching unit based on learning about the medieval mystic and scholar Hildegard von Bingen. The unit was created in order to: 1) teach language-learning in an interesting and student-directed way, 2) encourage critical thinking in a foreign language context, 3) demonstrate a valid connection between language and culture and, finally, 4) to show women’s contributions as useful to society. The format for this unit is based on the model created by educational professional Dr. Madeline Hunter at the University of California at Berkley. After completing this unit a successful student should: 1) be more confident in their research and problem-solving skills, 2) be more likely to think critically in new situations, 3) understand that culture and language are deeply connected and, lastly, 4) appreciate how women contribute to our society. In the following introduction I will demonstrate how these skills are valued by other educators

    Junior high school students’ abilities in solving the open-ended mathematical problems with the context of Songket motif

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    Many researchers stated that most students struggle to solve higher mathematical problems, including open-ended problems. One of many solutions is to apply a realistic context close to students. Hence, this research aimed to analyze students’ abilities in solving an open-ended mathematical problem using the Songket context, particularly the Kembang Tengah motif. The subjects were 24 seventh graders. The instruments for this descriptive research were an open-ended problem and an interview sheet. The results show that in solving the open-ended problem, 88.33% of students understood the problem, 59.72% were able to construct, and 72.22% applied the plan, while 52.78% wrote the conclusion. No students evaluated their solution to the problem. In implementing open-ended problems in the traditional context, students have different solutions based on their various experiences with the context, problem-solving schema, and mean-putting on the problem. They also applied multiple problem-solving strategies in working the problem. The similarity was the use of assumptions in solving the problem. However, some assumptions were inconsistent, neither their prior work nor other mathematical concepts. Therefore, teachers and researchers need to emphasize students’ written self-evaluation to check and improve their solutions. Another suggestion is to see the metacognitive process in solving the open-ended mathematical problem using a specific tradition. Furthermore, teachers should engage more in using open-ended problems and scaffold students when facing obstacles in solving them

    Strategi Mahasiswa dalam Memecahkan Permasalahan Non Rutin pada Materi Aljabar

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    This objective of the research is describing the strategy of the student in solving a non-routine problems using the arning method based on the solving problem on algebraic. The qualitative method is used for the research. In addition, the research has been conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta on first semester in academic year of 2016/2017. The first year students at Class A are selected as the ubject of the study. The observation method, evaluation test and interview are used for data collection. The data is analyzed using three ways method. Several valuable findings are found in this study such as (1) the high talented student use the strategy of Solving a Simpler Analogous Problem and Adopting a Different Point of View. The Solving a Simpler Analogous Problem strategy is used for solving a non-routine problem of both high order and simple order roots with multiply both top and bottom by the conjugate. In the regard of the logarithmic equation, it is solved by applying the logarithmic properties. Meanwhile, the strategy of Different Point of View is used for solving a non-routine question of high order roots by applying the properties of the exponential; (2) the fair talented student only use the strategy of Simplifying Problem by multiply both top and bottom by the conjugate for both high and simple order problems and applying the logarithmic properties for logarithmic problem; (3) the less talented student use the combination of the Simplifying Problem and the Intelligent Guessing and Testing. However, the reason for using the Intelligent Guessing and Testing method is due to the limitation of the student in the next steps and the limited understanding of the corresponding concept

    Spring 1980

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    Strategi Siswa dan Langkah Polya dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Matematis Berbasis HOTS

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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi dengan studi literatur menggunakan VOSviewer yang menunjukan tentang keterkaitan antara topik “Strategi” dan “Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika”, observasi pendahuluan, serta wawancara mengenai strategi siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematis. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai strategi serta langkah-langkah Polya yang digunakan sisiwa dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain untuk mengungkapkan strategi siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematis berbasis HOTS sekaligus langkah-langkah penyelesaian siswa sesuai dengan langkah penyelesaian masalah Polya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. 39 siswa berkontribusi sebagai subjek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dalam bentuk hasil tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menemukan fakta bahwa ditemukan dua strategi penyelesaian masalah matematika yaitu strategi working backwards dan intelligent guessing and testing pada lembar jawaban siswa kelas XI. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah, ada siswa yang menerapkan tiga, dua, dan satu langkah Polya yaitu langkah memahami masalah, membuat perencanaan penyelesaian, serta melakukan rencana penyelesaian. Langkah-langkah ini dilakukan siswa secara natural karena dalam pembelajaran siswa tidak selalu menggunakan langkah Polya
