950 research outputs found

    Linnade laienemine Eestis: seire, analĂŒĂŒs ja modelleerimine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneLinnade laienemine, mida iseloomustab vĂ€hese tihedusega, ruumiliselt ebaĂŒhtlane ja hajutatud areng linna piiridest vĂ€lja. Kuna linnade laienemine muudab pĂ”llumajandus- ja metsamaid ning vĂ€ikesed muutused linnapiirkondades vĂ”ivad pikaajaliselt mĂ”jutada elurikkust ja maastikku, on hĂ€davajalik seirata linnade ruumilist laienemist ning modelleerida tulevikku, saamaks ĂŒlevaadet suundumustest ja tagajĂ€rgedest pikemas perspektiivis. Eestis vĂ”eti pĂ€rast taasiseseisvumist 1991. aastal vastu maareformi seadus ning algas “maa” ĂŒleandmine riigilt eraomandisse. Sellest ajast peale on Eestis toimunud elamupiirkondade detsentraliseerimine, mis on mĂ”jutanud Tallinna ĂŒmbruse pĂ”llumajandus- ja tööstuspiirkondade muutumist, inimeste elustiili muutusi ning jĂ”ukate inimeste elama asumist ĂŒhepereelamutesse Tallinna, Tartu ja PĂ€rnu lĂ€hiĂŒmbruse. Selle aja jooksul on Eesti rahvaarv vĂ€henenud 15,31%. KĂ€esoleva doktoritöö eesmĂ€rgiks on "jĂ€lgida, analĂŒĂŒsida ja modelleerida Eesti linnade laienemist viimase 30 aasta jooksul ning modelleerida selle tulevikku", kasutades paljusid modelleerimismeetodeid, sealhulgas logistilist regressiooni, mitmekihilisi pertseptronnĂ€rvivĂ”rke, rakkautomaate, Markovi ahelate analĂŒĂŒsi, mitme kriteeriumi. hindamist ja analĂŒĂŒtilise hierarhia protsesse. Töö pĂ”hineb neljal originaalartiklil, milles uuriti linnade laienemist Eestis. Tegu on esimese pĂ”hjaliku uuringuga Eesti linnade laienemise modelleerimisel, kasutades erinevaid kaugseireandmeid, mĂ”jutegureid, parameetreid ning modelleerimismeetodeid. KokkuvĂ”tteks vĂ”ib öelda, et uusehitiste hajumismustrid laienevad jĂ€tkuvalt suuremate linnade ja olemasolevate elamupiirkondade lĂ€heduses ning pĂ”himaanteede ĂŒmber.Urban expansion is characterized by the low–density, spatially discontinued, and scattered development of urban-related constructions beyond the city boundaries. Since urban expansion changes the agricultural and forest lands, and slight changes in urban areas can affect biodiversity and landscape on a regional scale in the long-term, spatiotemporal monitoring of urban expansion and modeling of the future are essential to provide insights into the long-term trends and consequences. In Estonia, after the regaining independence in 1991, the Land Reform Act was passed, and the transfer of “land” from the state to private ownership began. Since then, Estonia has experienced the decentralization of residential areas affecting the transformation of agricultural and industrial regions around Tallinn, changes in people's lifestyles, and the settling of wealthy people in single-family houses in the suburbs of Tallinn, Tartu, and PĂ€rnu. During this period, Estonia's population has declined dramatically by 15.31%. Therefore, this dissertation aims to "monitor, analyze and model Estonian urban expansion over the last 30 years and simulate its future" using many modeling approaches including logistic regression, multi-layer perceptron neural networks, cellular automata, Markov chain Analysis, multi-criteria evaluation, and analytic hierarchy process. The thesis comprises four original research articles that studied urban expansion in Estonia. So far, this is the first comprehensive study of modeling Estonian urban expansion utilizing various sets of remotely sensed data, driving forces and predictors, and modeling approaches. The scattering patterns of new constructions are expected to continue as the infilling form, proximate to main cities and existing residential areas and taking advantage of main roads in future.https://www.ester.ee/record=b550782

    Linking Climate Change and Socio-economic Impact for Long-term Urban Growth in Three Mega-cities

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    Urbanization has become a global trend under the impact of population growth, socio-economic development, and globalization. However, the interactions between climate change and urban growth in the context of economic geography are unclear due to missing links in between the recent planning megacities. This study aims to conduct a multi-temporal change analysis of land use and land cover in New York City, City of London, and Beijing using a cellular automata-based Markov chain model collaborating with fuzzy set theory and multi-criteria evaluation to predict the city\u27s future land use changes for 2030 and 2050 under the background of climate change. To determine future natural forcing impacts on land use in these megacities, the study highlighted the need for integrating spatiotemporal modeling analyses, such as Statistical Downscale Modeling (SDSM) driven by climate change, and geospatial intelligence techniques, such as remote sensing and geographical information system, in support of urban growth assessment. These SDSM findings along with current land use policies and socio-economic impact were included as either factors or constraints in a cellular automata-based Markov Chain model to simulate and predict land use changes in megacities for 2030 and 2050. Urban expansion is expected in these megacities given the assumption of stationarity in urban growth process, although climate change impacts the land use changes and management. More land use protection should be addressed in order to alleviate the impact of climate change

    State of the Art on Artificial Intelligence in Land Use Simulation

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    [Abstract] This review presents a state of the art in artificial intelligence applied to urban planning and particularly to land-use predictions. In this review, different articles after the year 2016 are analyzed mostly focusing on those that are not mentioned in earlier publications. Most of the articles analyzed used a combination of Markov chains and cellular automata to predict the growth of urban areas and metropolitan regions. We noticed that most of these simulations were applied in various areas of China. An analysis of the publication of articles in the area over time is included.This project was supported by the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia (ref. ED431G/01 and ED431D 2017/16), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via funding of the unique installation BIOCAI (UNLC08-1E-002 and UNLC13-13-3503), and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER). CITIC, as Research Center accredited by Galician University System, is funded by “Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade from Xunta de Galicia,” supported in an 80% through ERDF Funds, ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014–2020, and the remaining 20% by “Secretaria Xeral de Universidades” (grant no. ED431G 2019/01)Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/16Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Exploring the potential climate change impact on urban growth in London by a cellular automata-based Markov chain model

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Urbanization has become a global trend under the combined influence of population growth, socioeconomic development, and globalization. Even though recent urban planning in London has been more deliberate, the relationships between climate change and urban growth in the context of economic geography are still somewhat unclear. This study relies on rainfall prediction with the aid of the Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM), which provides the statistical foundation for future flooding potential within the urban space of London while considering major socioeconomic policies related to land use management. These SDSM findings, along with current land use policies, were included as other factors or constraints in a cellular automata-based Markov Chain model to simulate and predict land use changes in London for 2030 and 2050. Two scenarios with the inclusion and exclusion of flood impact factor, respectively, were applied to evaluate the impact of climate change on urban growth. Findings indicated: (1) mean monthly projected precipitation derived by SDSM is expected to increase for the year 2030 in London, which will affect the flooding potential and hence the area of open space; (2) urban and open space are expected to increase > 16 and 20km 2 (in percentage of 1.51 and 1.92 compared to 2012) in 2030 and 2050, respectively, while agriculture is expected to decrease significantly due to urbanization and climate change; (3) the inclusion of potential flood impact induced from the future precipitation variability drives the development toward more open space and less urban area.The research is supported by the Global Innovation Initiative (British Council Grant No. Gll206), funded by the British Council and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    Forecasting the land use change of urban coastal area in Banda Aceh and its impact on urban sustainability using LandUseSIM cellular automata simulation model.

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    The dynamics of urban development, followed by various opportunities and challenges for different social groups, indicate a growing sense of complexity, unpredictability, and insecurity about cities and emphasis a need to identify new sustainability strategies. This paper aims at predicting the land-use change of urban coastal areas in Banda Aceh and its impact on urban sustainability. It used an urban simulation model using Cellular Automata (CA), integrated into a LanduseSIM platform. There were three main steps as part of the research methodology: (1) preparation of current data on land uses (2015), (2) simulation of data using CA in LanduseSIM software, and (3) visualization of data and result. Accordingly, the final simulation of the year 2030 was completed, in two scenarios, as the basis to evaluate the impact of land-use change on urban sustainability in Banda Aceh. The study has revealed that the current development trend in the coastal area of Banda Aceh is consuming natural resources such as wetlands and vegetation, driven particularly by the planning of urban coastal region as a center of tourism and fishery, complemented by the upcoming Banda Aceh Outer-Ring Road project. The study recommends a reconsideration of the city strategies by decision-makers to achieve sustainability and ensure ecological balance

    Predicting land use changes in northern China using logistic regression, cellular automata, and a Markov model

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    Abstract(#br)Land use changes are complex processes affected by both natural and human-induced driving factors. This research is focused on simulating land use changes in southern Shenyang in northern China using an integration of logistic regression, cellular automata, and a Markov model and the use of fine resolution land use data to assess potential environmental impacts and provide a scientific basis for environmental management. A set of environmental and socio-economic driving factors was used to generate transition potential maps for land use change simulations in 2010 and 2020 using logistic regression. An average relative operating characteristic value of 0.824 was obtained, indicating the validity of the logistic regression model. The logistic–cellular automata (CA)–Markov model..

    Estimating potential future (2030 and 2040) land use in the Bonsa catchment, Ghana, West Africa

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    This study combined logistic regression, Markov chain and the Dyna-CLUE models to simulate land use patterns in the Bonsa catchment of Ghana, West Africa. Historical model validation produced Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC) statistics above 0.69; indicating a significant relationship between the driving factors and the land cover types, and overall accuracy of 71% as well as a Kappa statistic of 55%, indicating a moderate agreement between observed and simulated land uses. The statistics of the historical model were used to simulate three plausible future land use scenarios. The historical simulation revealed that increases in population density, proximity to roads and expansion of mines were the major drivers that significantly increased the probability of settlement expansion and deforestation. Simulations of future land use showed that settlement expansion and deforestation may increase by similar margins for all scenarios, but the increase in secondary forests may be higher for the economic growth and reforestation (EGR) scenario, compared to the economic growth (EG) and the business-as-usual (BAU) scenarios. The mining areas may double in the future for all the scenarios, but shrubs/farms may increase in the BAU scenario, but reduce marginally in the EG and the EGR scenarios. The results of this study can be used to support land use planning and evaluation of the impacts of different future development pathways.Keywords: Bonsa catchment, deforestation, driving factors, Dyna-CLUE, land use, logistic regression, West Afric

    Dynamic land use/cover change modelling

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    Landnutzungswandel ist eine komplexe Angelegenheit, die durch zahlreiche biophysikalische, sozioökonomische und wirtschaftliche Faktoren verursacht wird. Eine offensichtliche Art des Landnutzungswandels, die in den suburbanen Gebieten einer Metropole stattfindet, ist die Zersiedelung. Es gibt viele Modellierungstechniken, um dieses PhĂ€nomen zu studieren. Diese wurden seit den 1960iger Jahren entwickelt und finden weite Verbreitung. Einige dieser Modelle leiden unter dem VernachlĂ€ssigen signifikanter Variablen. Traditionelle Methoden wie etwa zellulare Automaten, Markow-Ketten-Modelle, zellulare Automaten-Markow-Modelle und logistische Regressionsmodelle, weisen inhĂ€rente SchwĂ€chen auf in Bezug auf menschliche AktivitĂ€ten in der Umwelt. Das liegt daran, dass der Mensch der Hauptakteur in der Transformation der Umwelt ist und die suburbanen Gebiete durch NiederlassungsprĂ€ferenzen und Lebensstil prĂ€gt. Das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation ist es, einige dieser traditionellen Techniken zu untersuchen, um ihre Vor- und Nachteile zu identifizieren. Diese Modelle werden miteinander verglichen, um ihre FunktionalitĂ€t zu hinterfragen. Obwohl die Methodologie zur Evaluierung agentenbasierter Modelle unzureichend ist, wurde hier versucht, ein selbst-kalibriertes agentenbasiertes Modell fĂŒr den Großraum Teheran zu erstellen. Einige Variablen, die in der Wirklichkeit die Zersiedelung im Studiengebiet kontrollieren, wurden durch Expertenwissen und Ă€hnliche Studien extrahiert. Drei Hauptagenten, die mit der Ausbreitung von StĂ€dten zu tun haben, wurden definiert: Entwickler, Bewohner, Behörden. Jeder einzelne Agent beeinflusst Variablen; d.h. die Entscheidungen eines Agenten werden von einer Reihe realer Variablen beeinflusst. Das Verhalten der einzelnen Agenten wurde in einer GIS Umgebung kodiert und anschließend zusammengefĂŒhrt, um einen Prototyp zur Simulation der LandnutzungsĂ€nderung zu erzeugen. Dieser Geosimulations-Prototyp ist in der Lage, die QuantitĂ€t und die Lage von LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen insbesondere in der Umgebung von Teheran zu simulieren. Dieses agentenbasierte Modell zieht Nutzen aus der StĂ€rke traditioneller Techniken wie etwa zellularen Automaten zur Änderungsallokation, Markow-Modellen zur SchĂ€tzung der QuantitĂ€t der Änderung und einer Gewichtung der individuellen Faktoren. Eine detaillierte Diskussion der Implementierung der unterschiedlichen Methoden sowie eine StĂ€rken-SchwĂ€chen-Analyse werden prĂ€sentiert und die Ergebnisse mit der tatsĂ€chlichen Situation verglichen, um die Modelle zu verifizieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden GIS Funktionen verwendet und zusĂ€tzliche Funktionen in Python programmiert. Diese Untersuchungen sollen Stadtplaner und EntscheidungstrĂ€ger unterstĂŒtzen, StĂ€dte und deren Ausbreitung zu simulieren.Land use/ cover change is a complex matter, which is caused by numerous biophysical, socio-economical and economic factors. An obvious form of land use change in the suburbs of the metropolis is defined as urban sprawl. There are a number of techniques to model this issue in order to investigate this topic. These models have been developed since the 1960s and are increasing in terms of quantity and popularity. Some of these models suffer from a lack of consideration of some significant variables. The traditional methods (e.g. Cellular Automata, the Markov Chain Model, the CA-Markov Model, and the Logistic Regression Model) have some inherent weaknesses in consideration of human activity in the environment. The particular significance of this problem is the fact that humans are the main actors in the transformation of the environment, and impact upon the suburbs due to their settlement preferences and lifestyle choices. The main aim of this thesis was to examine some of those traditional techniques in order to discover their considerable advantages and disadvantages. These models were compared against each other to challenge their functionality. Whereas there is a lack of methodology in evaluation of agent-based models, it was presumed to create a self-calibrated agent based model, by focussing on the Tehran metropolitan area. Some variables in reality control urban sprawl in the study area, which were extracted through the expert knowledge and similar studies. Three main agents, which deal with urban expansion, were defined: developers, residents, government. Each particular agent affects some variables, i.e. the agents‟ decisions are being influenced by a set of real variables. Agents‟ behaviours were coded in a GIS environment and, thereafter, the predefined agents were combined through a function to create a prototype for simulation of land change. This designed geosimulation prototype can simulate the quantity and location of changes specifically in the vicinity of the metropolis of Tehran. This customised agent-based model benefits from the strengths of traditional techniques; for instance, a Cellular Automata structure for change allocation, a Markov model for change quantity estimation and a weighting system to differentiate between the weights of the driving factors. A detailed discussion of each methodology implementation, and their weakness and strengths, is then presented, specifically comparing results with the reality to verify the models. In this research, we used only the GIS functionalities within GIS environments and the required functions were coded in the Python engine. This investigation will help urban planners and urban decision-makers to simulate cities and their movements over time

    Land Use Projection for Spatial Plan Consistency in Jabodetabek

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    Land use changes in Greater Jakarta area are very dynamic because of the need for settlements and converting agricultural land. It indicates land use inconsistency regard to spatial plan that can cause land damage in the future. Land use which has potential inconsistency in the future are requires for land use control in this region. This study uses spatial analysis to look at the potential inconsistencies by comparing land use projection in the future in two scenarios that is with and without control by policies. Policies in this study are land suitability and forest allocation. The result shows that land use consistency with policies raise until 97,4 % but only 93.9 % without control by policies. Areas that could potentially have inconsistency in the future are Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang and Jakarta North City for area which is directed as forest and buffer zones of cultivation
