11 research outputs found

    Rekonfigurasi Dinamis Jaring Distribusi Radial 20 kV Teluk Betung untuk Meningkatkan Profil Tegangan dengan Mempertimbangkan Gangguan Saluran dan Injeksi Renewable Energy

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    Sistem distribusi tenaga listrik semakin berkembang yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya permintaan energi listrik. Terlebih lagi, keberadaan pembangkit listrik dengan sumber terbarukan semakin berkembang dan meluas. Pada kenyataannya, nilai beban dan pembangkitan sumber energi terbarukan selalu berubah. Semakin meningkatnya permintaan energi listrik serta nilai beban yang selalu berubah menyebabkan permasalahan seperti kerugian daya dan penurunan tegangan. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan melakukan rekonfigurasi dinamis yang memperhatikan energi terbarukan dan dinamika perubahan beban. Rekonfigurasi dinamis dilakukan pada jaringan distribusi radial 20 kV ULP Teluk Betung kota Bandar Lampung dengan metode Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) untuk mengurangi kerugian daya dan meningkatkan nilai tegangan pada jaringan distribusi. Metode Newton-Raphson digunakan sebagai metode aliran daya pada studi rekonfigurasi dinamis ini. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi dan analisis pada sistem distribusi yang terjadi gangguan pemutusan saluran dan terpasang sistem PV, setelah dilakukan rekonfigurasi dinamis pada sistem distribusi didapatkan bahwa dalam waktu 24 jam terjadi pengurangan kerugian daya aktif adalah sebesar 47,001% dan pengurangan kerugian daya reaktif adalah sebesar 46,866%. Nilai tegangan rata-rata pada sistem distribusi dalam 24 jam adalah sebesar 0, 98947 p.u dan dengan nilai tegangan minimum adalah sebesar 0,95444 p.u. Dari hasil simulasi dan analisis, rekonfigurasi dinamis dengan metode BPSO mampu meningkatkan nilai tegangan dan menurunkan kerugian daya pada sistem distribusi yang terjadi gangguan saluran dan terpasang sistem PV

    Simultaneous Placement of Distributed Generation and Reconfiguration in Distribution Networks Using Unified Particle Swarm Optimization

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    The power distribution feeder reconfiguration and optimum placement of distributed generation are two main methods to minimize the active power loss in radial distribution systems. The robustness of the radial distribution system can be improved by simultaneous manipulation of both optimal DG placement and feeder reconfiguration. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed to minimize the power loss with the simultaneous use of feeder reconfiguration and placement of distributed generation. In general, an electrical power network economics primarily relies on the conductor line losses. Hence in this proposed study, the feeder reconfiguration and finding of desirable bus location and operating power of distributed generation is concurrently modeled as an optimization problem for minimizing the real power loss with subject to all operating equality and inequality constraints. This optimization problem is solved with the guide of unified particle swarm optimization algorithm. The system power loss is handled as the cost function for each particle in a swarm. The proposed method is applied to both IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-bus radial distribution systems. The prosperous solutions achieved from the simulation studies manifest that the high level of system loss reduction and desirable bus voltage profile, when analyzed against the system with reconfiguration, and the system with DG

    On Accelerated Aging of Mechanical Assets in Distribution Systems with Renewable Generation

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    The integration challenges associated with the widespread adoption of the photovoltaic generation can be divided into operational and the maintenance issues. Work done in recent years has addressed issues like voltage rise and unbalance. Less attention was directed to the maintenance challenges like accelerated aging of mechanically controlled voltage support assets under rapidly changing conditions. In particular, there is need for analysis on the mechanism of accelerated wear and tear of devices such as on-load tap changers and capacitor banks exposed to rapid voltage fluctuations. Such an analysis relies on development of lifetime models of switching devices to study the impact of increased stress, whether electrical or mechanical, on operational life. This article focuses on developing such models and proposes the framework to study the impact of non-scheduled distributed generation on aging of mechanically-switched devices commonly used in distribution feeders

    On the cascading effects of residential-scale PV disconnection due to voltage rise

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    Enhanced Network Voltage Management (NVM) Techniques Under the Proliferation of Rooftop Solar PV Installation in Low Voltage Distribution Network (LVDN)

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    Proliferation of rooftop solar PV distributed generator (PVDG) installation in low voltage distribution network (LVDN) imposes voltage fluctuation challenges that are a threat to distribution system operators. Reactive power control (RPC) methods are insufficient in isolation to combat the overvoltage fluctuations manifested in LVDN with significant grid-tied PVDG installations. Whereas active power curtailment (APC) control can alleviate the voltage fluctuation in such situations and it is achieved at the cost of reduced active power injection. This paper explores how deficiencies in both RPC and APC as separate approaches can be mitigated by suitably combining RPC and APC algorithms. Strategies combining two RPCs and one RPC in conjunction with APC are proposed as two coordinating algorithms by means of instantaneous measurement of node voltage and active power. These coordinating algorithms are embedded in all the rooftop PVDG grid-tied-inverters (GTI), where the GTI coordinates among them for voltage support without exceeding individual inverter VA rating. The result of the combined approach show significant improvement in managing and stabilising the voltage and allows the penetration of PVDG to be increased from 35.65% to 66.7% of distribution transformer (DT) kVA rating

    Optimal planning of photovoltaic distributed generation considering uncertainties using monte carlo pdf embedded MVMO-SH

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    In recent years, photovoltaic distributed generation (PVDG) has seen rapid growth due to its benefits in supporting the power system network, enhancing the transmission and distribution of power, and minimizing power congestion. PVDGs are connected directly to the load and produce power locally for the users, thus help to relieve the entire grid by reducing the demand especially during the peak load. Due to the random nature of the weather and occurrences of uncertainty, the planning and optimization of PVDG in the power system network with predicted uncertainty in photovoltaic generations and load variations are of crucial importance to minimize power losses. Thus, this research aims to develop a new optimization framework based on Monte Carlo embedded hybrid variant mean – variance mapping optimization (MVMO-SH) for the planning of PVDGs by considering these uncertainties. In this work, the probabilistic method in managing the risk of solar irradiance uncertainty with load variability is prepared. Uncertainty management is focused on the Malaysian tropical climate. Using meteorological data for one reference year, the Monte-Carlo simulation is performed in the Beta probability density function (PDF) to model continuous random variables of solar irradiances. For the load modelling studies, the Monte Carlo simulation is performed in Gaussian PDF to develop a probability model of various types of loads. The urban residential, commercial and industrial load profiles for one reference year are used for the load modelling. The probabilistic values of PV generation and load models are employed as the input data to the load flow analysis for the radial distribution network. The load flow patterns will significantly have affected when uncertain PV generation – load models are considered into the power flow algorithm. A new method of probabilistic backward – forward sweep power flow (BFSPF) based on Monte Carlo – PDF is developed as the fitness evaluation for the PVDG planning. A hybrid population – based stochastic optimization method named MVMO-SH algorithm is proposed to optimize PVDG locations and sizes in the grid system network. The objective function is to minimize the active power loss (APL) index. The proposed algorithm is applied to the standard radial test system to examine the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed method. The impacts of PVDG on the power system network have been examined. As the results of the study, the uncertainty model of solar irradiance in Monte Carlo – Beta PDF has shown an almost similar pattern with less than 15% deviation as compared to the model from SEDA. The reductions in the power system’s total power losses have been shown with appropriate planning of PVDG in the power system network considering uncertainty in PV generation and load variations based on the Malaysian Tropical climate. When probabilistic BFSPF is optimized by MVMO-SH embedded Monte Carlo – PDF under uncertainties, the results show a better APL index compared to utilizing PSO and GA. The results also revealed that the uncertainties had the greatest influence on the optimal planning of PVDG in the power system network


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    Pemasangan PLTS adalah salah satu solusi untuk memperbaiki profil tegangan dan rugi-rugi daya pada sistem distribusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan solusi terbaik pemasangan PLTS dengan kapasitas yang optimal pada sistem distribusi terkait kapasitas dan posisi bus menggunakan metode optimasi FPA (Flower Pollination Algoritm). Metode FPA adalah metode optimasi yang meniru penyerbukan (polinasi) bunga. Tentunya bunga dengan penampilan terbaik yang terpolinasi. Sistem distribusi yang digunakan adalah sistem distribusi Cangkringmalang, Bangil. Dari penelitian ini penempatan serta kapasitas yang didapat adalah kW dan profil tegangan terendah 0,833 pu menjadi 0,950 pu, untuk posisi bus yang diintegrasikan adalah bus 8, 13, dan 19 dengan kapasitas berurutan 19327,40 kW, 1030,71 kW, dan 1814,22 kW. Dari hasil optimasi dapat disimpulkan bahwa memasang 3 PLTS mampu menurunkan rugi-rugi dan memperbaiki profil tegangan sistem distribusi Cangkringmalang

    Investigation into Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Penetration in the Low Voltage Distribution Network

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    Significant integration of photovoltaic distributed generation (PVDG) in the low voltage distribution network (LVDN) could potentially pose threats and challenges to the core activity of distribution system operators (DSO), which is to transport electrical energy in a reliable and cost-effective way. The main aim of this research is to investigate the active planning and operation of LVDNs with increased PVDG integration through steady state power system analysis. To address the impacts of voltage profile fluctuation due to power flow modification, this research proposes a probabilistic risk assessment of power quality (PQ) variations and events that may arise due to significant PVDG integration. A Monte Carlo based simulation is applied for the probabilistic risk assessment. This probabilistic approach is used as a tool to assess the likely impacts due to PVDG integration against the extreme-case scenarios. With increased PVDG integration, site overvoltage is a likely impact, whereas voltage unbalance reduces when compared with no or low PVDG penetration cases. This is primarily due to the phase cancellation between the phases. The other aspect of the work highlights the fact that the implementation of existing volumetric charges in conjunction with net-metering can have negative impacts on network operator’s revenue. However, consideration of capacity charges in designing the existing network tariff structure shows incentivising the network operator to perform their core duties under increased integration of PVDG. The site overvoltage issue was also studied and resolved in a novel way, where the active and reactive power of the PVDG inverters at all the PV installed premises were optimally coordinated to increase the PV penetration from 35.7% to 66.7% of the distribution transformer rating. This work further explores how deficiencies in both reactive power control (RPC) and active power control (APC) as separate approaches can be mitigated by suitably combining RPC and APC algorithms. A novel “Q” or “PF” limiter was proposed to restrict frequent switching between the two droop characteristics while ensuring a stabilizing (smoothened) voltage profile in each of the PV installed nodes. This novel approach not only alleviates the voltage fluctuation but also reduces the overall network losses