9 research outputs found

    High Level Speaker Specific Features as an Efficiency Enhancing Parameters in Speaker Recognition System

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    In this paper, I present high-level speaker specific feature extraction considering intonation, linguistics rhythm, linguistics stress, prosodic features directly from speech signals. I assume that the rhythm is related to language units such as syllables and appears as changes in measurable parameters such as fundamental frequency (  ), duration, and energy. In this work, the syllable type features are selected as the basic unit for expressing the prosodic features. The approximate segmentation of continuous speech to syllable units is achieved by automatically locating the vowel starting point. The knowledge of high-level speaker’s specific speakers is used as a reference for extracting the prosodic features of the speech signal. High-level speaker-specific features extracted using this method may be useful in applications such as speaker recognition where explicit phoneme/syllable boundaries are not readily available. The efficiency of the particular characteristics of the specific features used for automatic speaker recognition was evaluated on TIMIT and HTIMIT corpora initially sampled in the TIMIT at 16 kHz to 8 kHz. In summary, the experiment, the basic discriminating system, and the HMM system are formed on TIMIT corpus with a set of 48 phonemes. Proposed ASR system shows 1.99%, 2.10%,  2.16%  and  2.19 % of efficiency improvements compared to traditional ASR system for and of 16KHz TIMIT utterances

    Maximum likelihood Linear Programming Data Fusion for Speaker Recognition

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    Biometric system performance can be improved by means of data fusion. Several kinds of information can be fused in order to obtain a more accurate classification (identification or verification) of an input sample. In this paper we present a method for computing the weights in a weighted sum fusion for score combinations, by means of a likelihood model. The maximum likelihood estimation is set as a linear programming problem. The scores are derived from a GMM classifier working on a different feature extractor. Our experimental results assesed the robustness of the system in front a changes on time (different sessions) and robustness in front a change of microphone. The improvements obtained were significantly better (error bars of two standard deviations) than a uniform weighted sum or a uniform weighted product or the best single classifier. The proposed method scales computationaly with the number of scores to be fussioned as the simplex method for linear programming

    DeepVOX: Discovering Features from Raw Audio for Speaker Recognition in Degraded Audio Signals

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    Automatic speaker recognition algorithms typically use pre-defined filterbanks, such as Mel-Frequency and Gammatone filterbanks, for characterizing speech audio. The design of these filterbanks is based on domain-knowledge and limited empirical observations. The resultant features, therefore, may not generalize well to different types of audio degradation. In this work, we propose a deep learning-based technique to induce the filterbank design from vast amounts of speech audio. The purpose of such a filterbank is to extract features robust to degradations in the input audio. To this effect, a 1D convolutional neural network is designed to learn a time-domain filterbank called DeepVOX directly from raw speech audio. Secondly, an adaptive triplet mining technique is developed to efficiently mine the data samples best suited to train the filterbank. Thirdly, a detailed ablation study of the DeepVOX filterbanks reveals the presence of both vocal source and vocal tract characteristics in the extracted features. Experimental results on VOXCeleb2, NIST SRE 2008 and 2010, and Fisher speech datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the DeepVOX features across a variety of audio degradations, multi-lingual speech data, and varying-duration speech audio. The DeepVOX features also improve the performance of existing speaker recognition algorithms, such as the xVector-PLDA and the iVector-PLDA

    Identity verification using voice and its use in a privacy preserving system

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    Since security has been a growing concern in recent years, the field of biometrics has gained popularity and became an active research area. Beside new identity authentication and recognition methods, protection against theft of biometric data and potential privacy loss are current directions in biometric systems research. Biometric traits which are used for verification can be grouped into two: physical and behavioral traits. Physical traits such as fingerprints and iris patterns are characteristics that do not undergo major changes over time. On the other hand, behavioral traits such as voice, signature, and gait are more variable; they are therefore more suitable to lower security applications. Behavioral traits such as voice and signature also have the advantage of being able to generate numerous different biometric templates of the same modality (e.g. different pass-phrases or signatures), in order to provide cancelability of the biometric template and to prevent crossmatching of different databases. In this thesis, we present three new biometric verification systems based mainly on voice modality. First, we propose a text-dependent (TD) system where acoustic features are extracted from individual frames of the utterances, after they are aligned via phonetic HMMs. Data from 163 speakers from the TIDIGITS database are employed for this work and the best equal error rate (EER) is reported as 0.49% for 6-digit user passwords. Second, a text-independent (TI) speaker verification method is implemented inspired by the feature extraction method utilized for our text-dependent system. Our proposed TI system depends on creating speaker specific phoneme codebooks. Once phoneme codebooks are created on the enrollment stage using HMM alignment and segmentation to extract discriminative user information, test utterances are verified by calculating the total dissimilarity/distance to the claimed codebook. For benchmarking, a GMM-based TI system is implemented as a baseline. The results of the proposed TD system (0.22% EER for 7-digit passwords) is superior compared to the GMM-based system (0.31% EER for 7-digit sequences) whereas the proposed TI system yields worse results (5.79% EER for 7-digit sequences) using the data of 163 people from the TIDIGITS database . Finally, we introduce a new implementation of the multi-biometric template framework of Yanikoglu and Kholmatov [12], using fingerprint and voice modalities. In this framework, two biometric data are fused at the template level to create a multi-biometric template, in order to increase template security and privacy. The current work aims to also provide cancelability by exploiting the behavioral aspect of the voice modality

    Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition- Feature Space Dimensionality and Classification Challenges

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    In the last decade, research in Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) has become a major endeavour in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and speech processing. Accurate SER is essential for many applications, like assessing customer satisfaction with quality of services, and detecting/assessing emotional state of children in care. The large number of studies published on SER reflects the demand for its use. The main concern of this thesis is the investigation of SER from a pattern recognition and machine learning points of view. In particular, we aim to identify appropriate mathematical models of SER and examine the process of designing automatic emotion recognition schemes. There are major challenges to automatic SER including ambiguity about the list/definition of emotions, the lack of agreement on a manageable set of uncorrelated speech-based emotion relevant features, and the difficulty of collected emotion-related datasets under natural circumstances. We shall initiate our work by dealing with the identification of appropriate sets of emotion related features/attributes extractible from speech signals as considered from psychological and computational points of views. We shall investigate the use of pattern-recognition approaches to remove redundancies and achieve compactification of digital representation of the extracted data with minimal loss of information. The thesis will include the design of new or complement existing SER schemes and conduct large sets of experiments to empirically test their performances on different databases, identify advantages, and shortcomings of using speech alone for emotion recognition. Existing SER studies seem to deal with the ambiguity/dis-agreement on a “limited” number of emotion-related features by expanding the list from the same speech signal source/sites and apply various feature selection procedures as a mean of reducing redundancies. Attempts are made to discover more relevant features to emotion from speech. One of our investigations focuses on proposing a newly sets of features for SER, extracted from Linear Predictive (LP)-residual speech. We shall demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed relatively small set of features by testing the performance of an SER scheme that is based on fusing our set of features with the existing set of thousands of features using common machine learning schemes of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The challenge of growing dimensionality of SER feature space and its impact on increased model complexity is another major focus of our research project. By studying the pros and cons of the commonly used feature selection approaches, we argued in favour of meta-feature selection and developed various methods in this direction, not only to reduce dimension, but also to adapt and de-correlate emotional feature spaces for improved SER model recognition accuracy. We used rincipal Component Analysis (PCA) and proposed Data Independent PCA (DIPCA) by training on independent emotional and non-emotional datasets. The DIPCA projections, especially when extracted from speech data coloured with different emotions or from Neutral speech data, had comparable capability to the PCA in terms of SER performance. Another adopted approach in this thesis for dimension reduction is the Random Projection (RP) matrices, independent of training data. We have shown that some versions of RP with SVM classifier can offer an adaptation space for Speaker Independent SER that avoid over-fitting and hence improves recognition accuracy. Using PCA trained on a set of data, while testing on emotional data features, has significant implication for machine learning in general. The thesis other major contribution focuses on the classification aspects of SER. We investigate the drawbacks of the well-known SVM classifier when applied to a preprocessed data by PCA and RP. We shall demonstrate the advantages of using the Linear Discriminant Classifier (LDC) instead especially for PCA de-correlated metafeatures. We initiated a variety of LDC-based ensembles classification, to test performance of scheme using a new form of bagging different subsets of metafeature subsets extracted by PCA with encouraging results. The experiments conducted were applied on two benchmark datasets (Emo-Berlin and FAU-Aibo), and an in-house dataset in the Kurdish language. Recognition accuracy achieved by are significantly higher than the state of art results on all datasets. The results, however, revealed a difficult challenge in the form of persisting wide gap in accuracy over different datasets, which cannot be explained entirely by the differences between the natures of the datasets. We conducted various pilot studies that were based on various visualizations of the confusion matrices for the “difficult” databases to build multi-level SER schemes. These studies provide initial evidences to the presence of more than one “emotion” in the same portion of speech. A possible solution may be through presenting recognition accuracy in a score-based measurement like the spider chart. Such an approach may also reveal the presence of Doddington zoo phenomena in SER

    Reconnaissance automatique du locuteur par des GMM Ă  grande marge

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    Depuis plusieurs dizaines d'années, la reconnaissance automatique du locuteur (RAL) fait l'objet de travaux de recherche entrepris par de nombreuses équipes dans le monde. La majorité des systèmes actuels sont basés sur l'utilisation des Modèles de Mélange de lois Gaussiennes (GMM) et/ou des modèles discriminants SVM, i.e., les machines à vecteurs de support. Nos travaux ont pour objectif général la proposition d'utiliser de nouveaux modèles GMM à grande marge pour la RAL qui soient une alternative aux modèles GMM génératifs classiques et à l'approche discriminante état de l'art GMM-SVM. Nous appelons ces modèles LM-dGMM pour Large Margin diagonal GMM. Nos modèles reposent sur une récente technique discriminante pour la séparation multi-classes, qui a été appliquée en reconnaissance de la parole. Exploitant les propriétés des systèmes GMM utilisés en RAL, nous présentons dans cette thèse des variantes d'algorithmes d'apprentissage discriminant des GMM minimisant une fonction de perte à grande marge. Des tests effectués sur les tâches de reconnaissance du locuteur de la campagne d'évaluation NIST-SRE 2006 démontrent l'intérêt de ces modèles en reconnaissance.Most of state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems are based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), trained using maximum likelihood estimation and maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. The generative training of the GMM does not however directly optimize the classification performance. For this reason, discriminative models, e.g., Support Vector Machines (SVM), have been an interesting alternative since they address directly the classification problem, and they lead to good performances. Recently a new discriminative approach for multiway classification has been proposed, the Large Margin Gaussian mixture models (LM-GMM). As in SVM, the parameters of LM-GMM are trained by solving a convex optimization problem. However they differ from SVM by using ellipsoids to model the classes directly in the input space, instead of half-spaces in an extended high-dimensional space. While LM-GMM have been used in speech recognition, they have not been used in speaker recognition (to the best of our knowledge). In this thesis, we propose simplified, fast and more efficient versions of LM-GMM which exploit the properties and characteristics of speaker recognition applications and systems, the LM-dGMM models. In our LM-dGMM modeling, each class is initially modeled by a GMM trained by MAP adaptation of a Universal Background Model (UBM) or directly initialized by the UBM. The models mean vectors are then re-estimated under some Large Margin constraints. We carried out experiments on full speaker recognition tasks under the NIST-SRE 2006 core condition. The experimental results are very satisfactory and show that our Large Margin modeling approach is very promising