3,410 research outputs found

    Investigating pipeline and state of the art blood glucose biosensors to formulate next steps

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    Ten years on from a review in the twentieth issue of this journal, this contribution assess the direction research in the field of glucose sensing for diabetes is headed and various technologies to be seen in the future. The emphasis of this review was placed on the home blood glucose testing market. After an introduction to diabetes and glucose sensing, this review analyses state of the art and pipeline devices; in particular their user friendliness and technological advancement. This review complements conventional reviews based on scholarly published papers in journals

    A review on IoT based precision irrigation planning and scheduling

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    Global warming and climate change are warnings showcasing water crisis. At the same time ever growing population is ultimatum to the food security. In span of such times, world has to be made a sustainable habitat. It is only possible when each ounce of resources is being measured and used judiciously. Maximum responsibility is on farmers and researchers of the world. In times of advanced technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) has surfaced as a saviour. IoT based systems have been stated as success in monitoring and control mechanisms. Thus, this paper was intended to review the control strategies and monitoring systems based on IoT. The literature incorporates basic information as well as recent trends in the field of irrigation management based on IoT

    A Comprehensive Survey on Internet of Things for Smart Cities : Applications, Communication Protocols, Network Types and Requirements

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    Rapid population growth in recent decades has made it imperative to find innovative answers to pressing problems in areas like transportation, healthcare, energy, and public works. One of the most interesting technology enablers for meeting these difficulties is the Internet of Things (IoT), which involves the global interconnection of a vast quantity of items equipped with electronics, software, sensors, and network connections. The IoT is a cutting-edge contemporary technology that has the potential to link a wide variety of digital objects to the web, enabling a wide variety of new services within the context of a "smart city". These gadgets come equipped with a wide range of sensing, acting, and processing options. Attractive IoT technology and big data analytics are making smart city plans a reality all around the world. By improving infrastructure and transportation networks, decreasing traffic congestion, managing trash, and enhancing the quality of human life, these services are revolutionizing urban areas. When fully implemented, the IoT will allow for the seamless integration of a wide range of disparate end systems and the open sharing of data for the development of an abundance of digital services. The focus of this essay is on an urban IoT framework, a still-broad category that is yet to be characterized by its particular application domain. Actually, urban IoTs are made to support the Smart municipal concept, which seeks to apply current communication technology to supply extra services to municipal administration and people. This article, therefore, offers a comprehensive analysis of the relevant technologies, protocols, and architecture

    Open Data Initiatives Fundamental Pillar For Emergence and Development of Smart Cities.

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    Smart city is a booming phenomenon in the 21st century with Open data initiatives increasingly becoming part of elements considered in emergence of this cities. Data plays an important role in enhancing informed decision making in real time. Availability of different open data talesis an added advantage. This paper analyses data initiatives from countries that are in the process of developing smart cities namely Kenya and India. Although their geographical boundaries vary in priorities of respective governments in development plans. We consider China, India and Africa, where smart city initiatives are promoted as a way of enabling modernization and national development, responding to population growth/migration, and managing economic and urban transitions. The study sought to identify how the open data initiatives available in this respective countries and they are similar to the conceptual framework of smart cities also to identify how they will shape development of different smart cities. This findings show the necessity of open data initiatives on emergence of smart cities

    Open Data Initiatives Fundamental Pillar For Emergence and Development of Smart Cities

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    Smart city is a booming phenomenon in the 21st century with Open data initiatives increasingly becoming part of elements considered in emergence of this cities. Data plays an important role in enhancing informed decision making in real time. Availability of different open data tales is an added advantage. This paper analyses data initiatives from countries that are in the process of developing smart cities namely Kenya and India. Although their geographical boundaries vary in priorities of respective governments in development plans. We consider China, India and Africa, where smart city initiatives are promoted as a way of enabling modernization and national development, responding to population growth/migration, and managing economic and urban transitions. The study sought to identify how the open data initiatives available in this respective countries and they are similar to the conceptual framework of smart cities also to identify how they will shape development of different smart cities. This findings show the necessity of open data initiatives on emergence of smart cities

    Design and Implementation of a Smart, Interactive and Portable System for Monitoring of Human Vital Signs

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    Smart systems are characterized by their efficiency, high accuracy, and cost reduction. One of the important fields in which the smart system is used is health care, especially monitoring of human vital signs. In general, the conventional patient monitor is expensive, cannot be used for remote monitoring, and non-interactive. In many situations, it requires remote and portable monitoring for patients, such as in case of the area is outside the medical services, infected diseases (e.g., COVID-19, 20), and difficulties of a patient transferred. This paper proposes a smart, interactive, and portable monitor for vital human signs based on the internet of things (IoT). The proposed monitor is cheap and easy to use either directly by doctors and nurses or remotely by any person. The proposed system is designed using ESP32-microcontroller and vital-sign sensors. It measures three important vital signs, including heart rate, body temperature, and Electrocardiography (ECG), as well as the environment temperature of the patient. The measured signs can be monitored from anywhere in the world through a smartphone application in real-time. Furthermore, the doctor can send instructions and descriptions to the patients in real-time using the same phone application that is designed in this work.Smart systems are characterized by their efficiency, high accuracy, and cost reduction. One of the important fields in which the smart system is used is health care, especially monitoring of human vital signs. In general, the conventional patient monitor is expensive, cannot be used for remote monitoring, and non-interactive. In many situations, it requires remote and portable monitoring for patients, such as in case of the area is outside the medical services, infected diseases (e.g., COVID-19, 20), and difficulties of a patient transferred. This paper proposes a smart, interactive, and portable monitor for vital human signs based on the internet of things (IoT). The proposed monitor is cheap and easy to use either directly by doctors and nurses or remotely by any person. The proposed system is designed using ESP32-microcontroller and vital-sign sensors. It measures three important vital signs, including heart rate, body temperature, and Electrocardiography (ECG), as well as the environment temperature of the patient. The measured signs can be monitored from anywhere in the world through a smartphone application in real-time. Furthermore, the doctor can send instructions and descriptions to the patients in real-time using the same phone application that is designed in this work

    Applications of the Internet of Medical Things to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM1) is a condition of the metabolism typified by persistent hyperglycemia as a result of insufficient pancreatic insulin synthesis. This requires patients to be aware of their blood glucose level oscillations every day to deduce a pattern and anticipate future glycemia, and hence, decide the amount of insulin that must be exogenously injected to maintain glycemia within the target range. This approach often suffers from a relatively high imprecision, which can be dangerous. Nevertheless, current developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and innovative sensors for biological signals that might enable a continuous, complete assessment of the patient’s health provide a fresh viewpoint on treating DM1. With this, we observe that current biomonitoring devices and Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) units can easily obtain data that allow us to know at all times the state of glycemia and other variables that influence its oscillations. A complete review has been made of the variables that influence glycemia in a T1DM patient and that can be measured by the above means. The communications systems necessary to transfer the information collected to a more powerful computational environment, which can adequately handle the amounts of data collected, have also been described. From this point, intelligent data analysis extracts knowledge from the data and allows predictions to be made in order to anticipate risk situations. With all of the above, it is necessary to build a holistic proposal that allows the complete and smart management of T1DM. This approach evaluates a potential shortage of such suggestions and the obstacles that future intelligent IoMT-DM1 management systems must surmount. Lastly, we provide an outline of a comprehensive IoMT-based proposal for DM1 management that aims to address the limits of prior studies while also using the disruptive technologies highlighted beforePartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Integración de hardware y artefactos web en sistemas embebidos

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    This paper is a guide for the realization of integration processes between Web artifacts and the Hardware that supports them in Embedded Systems oriented to the internet of things. This suggested method is based on tests and hardware and software architecture design that contemplates the support of Web transactions taking into account the limitations of an Embedded System. The result of the study is a guide for working groups with a structured systematic and coherent orientation of process of integration between software and hardware, aimed to Embedded Systems that interact on the Web.Este documento es una guía para la realización de procesos de integración entre artefactos Web y el Hardware que los soporta en Sistemas Embebidos orientados a Internet de las cosas. Este método sugerido se basa en pruebas y diseño de arquitectura de hardware y software que contempla el soporte de transacciones web teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones de un sistema integrado. El resultado del estudio es una guía para grupos de trabajo con una orientación estructurada y coherente del proceso de integración entre software y hardware, dirigido a sistemas integrados que interactúan en la Web

    Smart cities: potential and challenges

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    This paper aims to discuss a few fundamental questions related to the smart city paradigm, such as “what is actually a smart city?”, “what can we expect from a smart city?”, and “which problems have to be addressed and solved in order to turn a standard (dumb) city into a smart one?” Starting from a discussion of the Smart City concept, we will illustrate some of the most popular smart services using the results of proof-of-concept experiments carried out in different cities around the world. Successively, we will describe the fundamental functions required to build a smart service and the corresponding enabling technologies. We will then describe the main research challenges that need to be addressed in order to fulfill the Smart City vision, and we will conclude with some final remarks and considerations about the possible evolution of the Smart City concept