10 research outputs found

    Visual Storytelling: Impact of Data visualization on citizens\u27 health behaviors

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    Although data visualization is gaining in popularity due to its ease of use and learning, and superiority of presenting data in a pleasing manner, healthcare sector has lagged behind other industries in the use of data visualization. In order to understand the appropriateness of data visualization technique, especially storytelling, in improving public health, it is necessary to empirically investigate whether and how this technique could help general public understand complex healthcare datasets and gain insights. In this study, we present a preliminary conceptual framework and our proposed research design to conduct this study. Specifically, we employ the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) model as a framework, and Tableau storytelling features to undertake this investigation. By doing so, we will be able to further our understanding of data visualization with storytelling component, and of whether and how data visualization influence common citizens’ understanding about proper healthcare behaviors

    Best Practices in the Implementation of Open Data at a Municipal Government Level

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    As government open data models are increasingly adopted, many fail to bring efficiency, accountability, and transparency. The intent of this paper is to extract best practices from other research to help local municipalities implement their own open data models. Three best practices were found when implementing open data models, including a need to create policies and manage data, formatting data for multiple purposes, and to engage the public in understanding and fixing gaps in data

    An Investigation into Ontology-Based Enhancement of Search Technologies for E-Government: Literature Review

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    Services provided by E-government are no longer considered as a new topic, there is a continuous evolution of the level of services provided by the E-government that matches the development of the techniques and technologies used. The success or failure of E-government builds mainly on providing different services to citizens in a suitable and effective manner. This research study aims at providing an empirical and evaluation study of the effects and the opportunities of implementing various techniques in the development of E-government. The research focuses on the impact of using ontology technique on the success or failure of the services provided by E-government. The services provided to citizens are expanded from information extraction to vote, tax, and other services. It becomes necessary to provide a detail description of the most appropriate technologies in order to reach to a successful E-government which provides effective services

    A utilização de dados públicos abertos na construção de um Data Warehouse : a construção de um repositório estatísticas educacionais públicas brasileiras

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceNa última década, diferentes países têm desenvolvido iniciativas relacionadas à divulgação de dados governamentais de forma aberta. Apesar da existência e disponibilização das bases de dados, a tarefa de utilização e extração de conhecimento dessas bases ainda apresenta alguns desafios, relacionados a à integração e à compatibilização das informações. Isso ocorre devido à baixa estruturação e a grande heterogeneidade das fontes, que faz com que as abordagens tradicionais de extração transformação e carga (ETL) tornem-se menos eficientes. Esse trabalho busca analisar uma abordagem de construção de um repositório de dados abertos baseada na estrutura dos arquivos unidimensionais (flat files), que possibilite a construção dos modelos dimensionais de forma mais eficiente.In the last decade, different countries have developed initiatives related to the dissemination of open data. Despite the existence and availability of databases, the task of using this data and knowledge extraction still presents some challenges related to the integration and compatibility of information. This occurs due to both poor-structure and a great heterogeneity of sources, which make traditional extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) approach less efficient. This manuscript analyzes an approach for the construction of open data repository based on a flat files structure that enables a more efficient dimensional model building


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    The field of e-government has always been a distinct area of standard testing for software research. To expound further, the e-government field presents a variety of principled elements, which makes the system more challenging and further encouraging than other electronic scenarios (e.g., e-business and e-commerce). To a certain extent, selecting an appropriate Web modelling technique (e.g., ontology) illustrates the critical role of establishing a successful e-government system. Ontology has been used in e-government to describe and define services provided to citizens. In addition, ontology technology is expected to play a pivotal role in enabling semantic web services.\ud While creating the ontology for e-government remains a significant task concerning its planning and implementation, there are still a few investigations to deal with the ontology technology’s effect on the government’s capability to deliver its due services. Because of the noticeable failure in large parts of e-government projects, the current study stands out as an attempt to improve their performance in terms of service delivery, appropriateness of applying modern technologies, and finally, a research-driven application. Factors for conducting academic research will lead to refining knowledge-building related to design procedures and setting up the ontological framework within the e-government domain. This research aims to verify whether the ontology technology can be described and considered a reference technology for providing e-government services over the Internet. Consequently, the research presents a practical method established on experimental research that moves nearer to the fact of the true function of ontological procedure in the field of e-government. In this study, the educational system in Singapore is used to represent the domain of e-government in which research questions are raised and addressed; also, general impressions can be tested and originated. The research methodology utilised in the research has the advantage of being consistent in the case study. Inside the case study, both quantitative and qualitative methods are applied to collect data and gain access to an answer to the research question

    Emergência de um campo de ação estratégica : o caso de política pública sobre dados abertos

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2014.Esta tese tem como objetivo geral compreender a dinâmica das interações ao redor das políticas públicas de produção e consumo de dados abertos governamentais, sendo estas caracterizadas como um campo de ação estratégica emergente. Um campo de ação estratégica emergente corresponde a espaço social sem existência de regras compartilhadas, mas no qual os atores, de forma incremental, passam a levar em conta uns aos outros na elaboração e execução de suas ações. Já o termo “dados abertos governamentais” refere-se aos elementos gerados nos processos de governo que passam a ser disponibilizados para consumo de outros atores. Esses objetos de estudo levaram a revisões de literatura que cobriram temas como a teoria de campos, institucionalismo, movimentos sociais e transparência. A pesquisa realizada teve natureza qualitativa e pode ser enquadrada como exploratória e descritiva. O recorte temporal da pesquisa foi transversal, já que os dados foram coletados num intervalo relativamente curto; porém, possui uma perspectiva longitudinal, uma vez que procurou remontar a trajetória observada ao redor de políticas públicas de produção e consumo de dados abertos. A coleta de dados utilizou-se tanto de pesquisa de campo, através de entrevistas e leitura de documentos, como bibliográfica. As análises foram feitas com o suporte de ferramentas Atlas.TI para enquadramento dos dados em categorias e análise dos mesmos. As pesquisas mostraram que o estado em que se encontram as políticas públicas de produção e consumo de dados abertos permite o entendimento de que o espaço social estudado se caracteriza como um campo de ação estratégica emergente. A emergência do campo focado sofreu forte influência de fatores internacionais, que atuam como elementos legitimadores das regras do jogo tanto sobre a transparência como sobre as formas de fazê-la, como é o caso de dados abertos governamentais. Tais influências foram sentidas sobre cinco grupos diferentes de atores: Estado, Unidades Internas de Governança, organizações da sociedade civil, universidades e empresas. Observou-se que as lutas travadas por esses atores no interior do campo emergente focado são influenciadas pela posse de cinco tipos diferentes de capital: técnico, social, simbólico, econômico e informacional. O trabalho contribui ainda com o levantamento, a partir de narrativas que tendem a dominar as pautas dos acordos que influenciarão a estabilização do campo, de uma extensa agenda para negociação e ação. Essa agenda pode ser de utilidade às partes interessadas, principalmente por oferecer uma visão abrangente, baseada nas funções da transparência, no uso de capitais e nas possibilidades de atuação dos diversos atores envolvidos. Sob o ponto de vista acadêmico, este trabalho contribuiu para mostrar uma forma de operacionalizar conceitos trazidos pelas teorias que tratam de campos de ação estratégica, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao estado de emergência de um campo, além de ter evidenciado pontos fortes e sugestões de aperfeiçoamento dessas teorias.The overall objective of this thesis is to understand the dynamics of the interactions with respect to public policy for the production and consumption of open government data, characterized as an emergent strategic action field. An emergent strategic action field is a social space without established rules but in which actors increasingly take each other into consideration when developing and carrying out their actions. Open government data are data created in governmental processes that are made available for us by other actors. Literature reviewed with respect to these objects of study included the topics of field theory, institutionalism, social movements and transparency. The research carried out was qualitative, exploratory and descriptive in nature. Research was cross-sectional with a longitudinal perspective, in that while all data were collected within a relatively short timeframe but with the purpose of reconstructing the trajectory observed with respect to public policy about the production and use of open data. Data collection involved bibliographic, document and field research. Analyses were carried out with the support of Atlas.TI for classification of data in categories and analysis of this data. Research showed that public policy for production and use of open data can be understood as a social space having the characteristics of an emergent strategic action field. The emergence of this field has been strongly influenced by international factors that act as legitimating elements for rules of the game, with respect both to transparency and to the ways of achieving transparency, as is the case of open government data. These influences were felt by five different groups of actors: the State, Internal Governance Units, organized civil society, universities and business firms. It was perceived that the struggles engage in by actors within the emergent field were influenced by the possession of five different types of capital: technical, social, symbolic, economic and informational. Contributions of the thesis include the identification of an extensive agenda for negotiation and action, based on the narratives that tend to dominate the discussions around the agreements necessary for stabilization of the field. This agenda may be of use to the parties interested in these discussions, principally in offering a broad perspective based on the functions of transparency, the use of different capitals and the possibilities for action available to the different actors. From the academic point of view, the contribution of the thesis is in showing a way to operationalize concepts of the theories that deal with strategic action fields, especially with respect to the emergent phase of a field, and in evidencing strong points of and suggesting refinements to these theories