1,052 research outputs found

    Bases de e-government y e-business dadas por un modelo de administración de proyectos según la teoría de enterprise engineering

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    La Enterprise Engineering es una disciplina emergente para hacer frente a los desafíos (agilidad, adaptabilidad, etc.) y las oportunidades (nuevos mercados, nuevas tecnologías, etc.) que enfrentan las empresas actuales, incluyendo las instituciones comerciales, gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro [1], [2]. Para el caso que nos convoca: e-business, e-government. La Enterprise Engineering se basa en el paradigma de que estas empresas están estructuradas por sistemas diseñados con un propósito específico, por lo tanto pueden rediseñarse en forma sistemática y controlada. Tales proyectos de Enterprise Engineering típicamente involucran aspectos de arquitectura, diseño e implementación. El esquema para soportar la administración de las organizaciones, llamado Balanced Scorecard, es de máxima utilidad en aquellas que quieran definir una estrategia y llevarla a cabo con un seguimiento sistemático. No obstante, no existen demasiadas herramientas integradas que lleven a cabo el mapeo estratégico hacia el Balanced Scorecard. Visto el Balanced Scorecard como herramienta de formalización de una estrategia en el contexto de la Enterprise Engineering, el objetivo que se plantea es realizar una especificación del dominio y del plan de proyecto subyacente (se propone) para soportar esta metodología de administración, orientada a la construcción de herramientas para implementar el Balanced Scorecard en el medioambiente organizacional. Para construir software de alta calidad, es importante dar la especificación formal del dominio y de los requerimientos. Se usará el lenguaje de especificación RAISE para construir parte de estas especificaciones. Bajo este enfoque, se hará la especificación del dominio formalmente, generando el primer paso del proceso de desarrollo de herramientas, ambientes e interfaces para obtener un marco soporte de la metodología de administración Balanced Scorecard.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Administración y control de proyectos extendiendo el concepto de indicadores

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    Hoy en día se manejan extensas cantidades de información, siendo esto un problema complejo a la hora de la toma de decisiones por parte de personas o empresas, particularmente en la industria del software. Para dicho fin, existen diferentes metodologías y herramientas que ayudan a la hora de manejar estas cantidades de información y poder extraer los aspectos más importantes que permiten tomar decisiones respecto del plan que se lleva a cabo. Dichas metodologías y herramientas se basan en controlar los tiempos y recursos para la gestión del plan; siendo un factor restrictivo a la hora de la toma de decisiones. Actualmente no existe ninguna herramienta totalmente integrada, abierta y lo suficientemente flexible que permita diseñar un plan y controlarlo a través de indicadores. Por esta razón se propone desarrollar un modelo con su posterior prototipo que subsane estas restricciones.Eje: Innovación en Sistemas de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The Performance Implications of Fit Among Environment, Strategy, Structure, Control System and Social Performance

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    Purpose – The paper examined concept of corporate performance. The paper seeks to examine the impact of corporate social performance on the relationship among business environment, strategy, organization, and control system and corporate performance. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a synthesis of the existing literatures in strategic management and accounting filed. Findings – The paper finds that corporate social performance defined as stakeholder relationship become one important dimension of the strategic behaviors that an organization can set to improve corporate performance. Research implication – the contextual variables as discussed in strategic management and accounting domain will be contingent upon strategic behaviors, which are behaviors of members in an organization. Originality/value – The paper integrates the contextual variables including business environment, strategy, organization structure, and control system with corporate performance by using corporate social performance as moderating variable by means of a recent literatures study from strategic management and accounting field. Keywords Contextual variable, strategic behavior, corporate social performance, corporate performanc

    Model driven validation approach for enterprise architecture and motivation extensions

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    As the endorsement of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling continues to grow in diversity and complexity, management of its schema, artefacts, semantics and relationships has become an important business concern. To maintain agility and flexibility within competitive markets, organizations have also been compelled to explore ways of adjusting proactively to innovations, changes and complex events also by use of EA concepts to model business processes and strategies. Thus the need to ensure appropriate validation of EA taxonomies has been considered severally as an essential requirement for these processes in order to exert business motivation; relate information systems to technological infrastructure. However, since many taxonomies deployed today use widespread and disparate modelling methodologies, the possibility to adopt a generic validation approach remains a challenge. The proliferation of EA methodologies and perspectives has also led to intricacies in the formalization and validation of EA constructs as models often times have variant schematic interpretations. Thus, disparate implementations and inconsistent simulation of alignment between business architectures and heterogeneous application systems is common within the EA domain (Jonkers et al., 2003). In this research, the Model Driven Validation Approach (MDVA) is introduced. MDVA allows modelling of EA with validation attributes, formalization of the validation concepts and transformation of model artefacts to ontologies. The transformation simplifies querying based on motivation and constraints. As the extended methodology is grounded on the semiotics of existing tools, validation is executed using ubiquitous query language. The major contributions of this work are the extension of a metamodel of Business Layer of an EAF with Validation Element and the development of EAF model to ontology transformation Approach. With this innovation, domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis concepts are applied to achieve EAF model’s validation using ontology querying methodology. Additionally, the MDVA facilitates the traceability of EA artefacts using ontology graph patterns

    Management of a supplier collaboration - The usage of control and coordination mechanisms

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    The objective of this study was to understand how in a buyer-supplier relationship the collaboration of a buyer and a supplier is managed from the buyer's perspective, in terms of what kind of control and coordination mechanisms are used for it and why. This objective was selected due to an interest to the contemporary business landscape, where various kinds of alliances and inter-firm relationships are increasingly common, and thus the understanding how alliances are, or should be, managed is a key capability in today's business world. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study, in which it was studied how a large Finnish MNC manages the collaboration with one of its Chinese suppliers. Three theoretical frameworks were used: two higher level frameworks and one detailed framework. The first higher level framework consisted of the coordination mechanisms from Bartlett and Ghoshal (2002), while the second one comprised higher level control typologies, often divided into market, hierarchical and some alternative patterns. The third, detailed framework was an inter-firm management control systems (MCS) package, which was constructed by utilizing MCS control package from Malmi and Brown (2008) as a basis. It can be concluded that there was a clear benefit from utilizing several theoretical frameworks, since they supported each other in discovering the main findings. The results of the study show that almost all of the detailed control mechanisms included in the inter-firm MCS package were found to be in use in the studied case. This finding is new in the sense that this kind of inter-firm MCS package has not been used earlier for analyzing inter-firm relationships. It was also discovered, that it depends on whether the relationship is looked at as a whole, or only some subarea of it, how large portfolio of control and coordination mechanisms is in use. Finally, based on the finding showing that all control typologies were present simultaneously for managing the collaboration, it is suggested to extend the inter-firm MCS package constructed based on the model from Malmi and Brown (2008) by adding market control into it. This makes it more applicable in inter-firm settings. For the reasons why all the control typologies - hierarchy, market and relationship control - were present simultaneously, the argument from Van Der Meer-Kooistra and Scapens (2008) claiming that in an inter-firm setting there may be several paradoxes that need to be managed, was supported by the findings. While the different characteristics of the subareas of the relationship were the reason for utilizing different portfolio of control mechanisms for them

    Strategic Management in Nonprofit Mental Health Service Organizations: Understanding Processes and Impact on Performance

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    Managing the performance of social service-providing nonprofit organizations: NPOs) has become more and more complex in the past few decades as executives have had to cope with increasing competition, demands from a diversified set of stakeholders, rapidly changing technologies, and mounting scrutiny from funders and consumers. To help reduce the complexity of strategic management, organizations have been encouraged to adopt formal strategy formation processes, such as highly-structured strategic planning models. However, there are no demonstrated best practices or conclusive evidence of the utility of formal strategy formation within the nonprofit sector. The stakes of mismanagement are high for the organizations and the at-risk individuals and communities they serve. Poor strategic management could result in inefficient use of resources and/or ineffective service delivery and possibly organizational or even sector destabilization. The study employed a mixed-methods comparative multi-case study design that leveraged a unique cluster of three most-similar children\u27s mental health services NPOs in the Saint Louis area. Over 20 key informant interviews were conducted, as were several organizational observations. This data was combined with over a decade of strategy-related documents and financial records to describe the organizations\u27 strategic positions and external environment, as well their strategy formation and implementation processes relative to their internal organizational contexts. Additionally, the study set out to explore whether and how the organizations\u27 strategy formation processes influence their strategic content and how strategy implementation may mediate the relationship between strategy formation and organizational performance. The findings show that while seemingly very different on the surface, the organizations\u27 strategy formation processes are actually very similar and typically fail to yield true strategic or competitive insight. The rich descriptions also demonstrate how nimble and sophisticated modern nonprofit organizations have to be when implementing new initiatives to meet changing market demands. The most-similar case sampling method allowed for a powerful cross-case analysis capable of exploring causal mechanisms often ignored in this area of research. The study\u27s findings call into question the conventional wisdom around the necessity of formalized strategic planning and highlight the role leadership and administrative capabilities have in achieving sustainable organizational performance. Furthermore, it presents a revised conceptual model of strategic management that demonstrates why much of the documented link between formalized strategy formation processes and superior organizational performance may be spurious, both being caused by certain internal organizational characteristics and differences in strategy implementation. Implications for organizations, accrediting bodies and funders, as well as researchers are also discussed

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    Management control systems during early life cycle phases - a case study in the social and healthcare services sector

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    Objectives of the study The objective of this study is to investigate how and why an organization’s management control systems (MCS) package evolves during the birth and growth life cycle phases. As an organization grows, its administrative task becomes greater, and thus its control needs are expected to increase. This thesis will provide a holistic view of the changes in each element of the MCS package while also examining their interdependence. It will employ a life cycle perspective to capture the dynamic nature of organizational life. Data and methodology The research was conducted as a case study using a single case company in the Finnish social and healthcare services sector. A qualitative approach was selected because of the high level of depth required to satisfactorily meet the objectives of the study. While some aspects of the MCS package can easily be identified, others can be more difficult to uncover. The main sources of data were 12 interviews supplemented with participant observation. Results During the birth phase, the MCS package was found to be centered on clan and value-based controls, which benefited from the CEO’s regular interaction with all levels of the organization. Administrative controls served as the foundation for the use of these controls by providing a low organizational structure and a personal style of governance. Rudimentary financial measures were present to ensure the newly founded company’s financial viability. As the company entered the growth phase, the CEO’s interaction with the grassroots level slowly diminished, and clan control became less effective. With the introduction of venture capital, cybernetic controls were heavily upgraded to become the new mainstay of the MCS package. Planning controls were also developed as financial goals had to be translated into strategic and operating plans. Changes in administrative controls, including the formalization of the company’s governance structure and a more vertical organizational structure, were pivotal to the changes identified in the other MCS elements

    Enhancing innovation in organization by management control systems

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    Innovation is vital to organization’s success in today’s highly competitive and constantly changing business environment. Organizations need to drive value creating activities to be able to guarantee their long-term success and improve performance. This increasing need for change and growth provides a great deal of opportunity and many possibilities for businesses to renew themselves. However, innovation is a complex phenomenon, that involves high degree of uncertainty, high investments, and long-term approach. This has created a need for organizations to establish procedures that enable to control their processes and ensure the efficient use of their limited resources, balancing between the need for control and need to remain flexible and creative. Hence, the characteristics of management control systems and their suitability for innovation has raised an interest of organizational participants and researchers. This thesis aims to explore how management control systems can enhance innovation in organization. This study is based on the assumption that management control systems support innovation in organizational set-up and controls applied to innovation may have enabling and coercive design. Additionally, the use of management control systems is not limited to management but covers all organizational participants. Management control systems were studied as a package according to framework by Malmi & Brown (2008). This study was conducted as a qualitative study, having semi-structured interviews as chosen data collection method. Four interviews were carried out in one company´s innovation unit. The data gathered from interviews was analysed using thematic analysis. According to findings of this study organizations could benefit from comparing their management control systems to factors affecting their innovation management practises and balance the usage of enabling and coercive forms of control on them. Innovation is favouring the use of enabling control, but the balance is based on optimal fit. Management control systems applied to innovation should offer advanced visibility, communication, information sharing and collaboration, which are characteristics supported by enabling design of management control systems. The role of coercive controls is providing necessary limits to action and compliance. Management control systems package can also be applied to advance measuring innovation performance and generate metrics for assessing the value of innovation, which have been considered challenging tasks. This study’s empirical findings support the theoretical framework of this study at large extent. The results of this study should be reflected when considering how management control systems can enhance innovation in organization