10 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan asesmen kinerja melalui Seesaw sebagai assessment for learning dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kererampilan berkomunikasi abad ke-21 siswa pada pembelajaran lingkungan. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari empat kelas X MIPA di SMAN 1 Lembang, tiga kelas digunakan untuk kelas uji coba dan satu kelas untuk kelas penerapan. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode mixed method dengan desain Embedded mixed method. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri atas soal tes dan kuesioner standar keterampilan berpikir kritis dan komunikasi abad ke-21 yang diadaptasi dari NAEP, lembar kerja dan rubrik keterampilan berpikir kritis dan komunikasi, lembar observasi, angket respon siswa dan catatan lapangan. Penelitian ini menghasil data kualitatif berupa hasil pemilihan fitur yang terdapat dalam Seesaw untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai asesmen kinerja dalam memberikan tugas, materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan, umpan balik dan mengumpulkan tugas melalui proses ujicoba. Data kuantitatif berupa nilai lembar kerja siswa serta nilai pretest dan posttest keterampilan berpikir kritis materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan dan nilai kuisioner komunikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 14 langkah tata kelola asesmen kinerja yang memanfaatkan 10 fitur Seesaw. Nilai peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan berada pada kategori sedang sedangkan keterampilan komunikasi pada kategori rendah. Peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi rendah dapat disebabkan oleh siswa yang belum terbiasa melakukan komunikasi dengan guru ataupun temannya secara daring melalui Seesaw. Akan tetapi 10 fitur Seesaw memiliki potensi untuk digunakan sebagai asesmen kinerja pada pembelajaran lingkungan yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan komunikasi abad ke-----This study aims to develop performance assessment through Seesaw as assessment for learning to improve critical thinking skills and communication skills 21st century on the environment learning. The Subjects used consisted of four Class X Science at SMAN 1 Lembang, three classes are used for pilot class and one class for the implementation class. This research used mixed method with Embedded mixed method design. The instrument used consisted of test and questionnaire standard of critical thinking and communication skills 21st century adaptated from NAEP, worksheets and rubrics critical thinking and communication skills, observation sheets, student questionnaire and field notes. This study produces qualitative data in the form of feature selection contained in Seesaw to be utilized as a performance assessment in assigning tasks, material of ecosystem and environmental pollution, feedback and collecting tasks through a pilot process. Quantitative data is in the form of student work sheet scores, pretest and posttest scores of critical thinking skill of ecosystem and environmental pollution materials and scores of communication questionnaire. The results show that there are 14 steps of performance assessment governance utilizing 10 Seesaw features. Score of improving students' critical thinking skills on ecosystem and environmental pollution materials is in the medium category whereas communication skill is in low category. Improved low communication skills can be caused by students who are not yet accustomed to communicate with their teachers or friends online through Seesaw. However, Seesaw's 10 features have the potential to be used as performance assessments on environmental learning that can improve critical thinking skills and communication skills 21st centur

    Distance education with Moodle in engineering education: online programming assignments compilation

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    The concept of distance education systems is a concept that applies to all levels of education, including universities. The use of distance education systems has increased considerably in universities today. M any faculties in many universities use distance education systems for their courses. The purpose of this paper is to design and develop a system that can be used to upload lecture notes and assignments online via the Internet, to do online exams, to provide a compilation control of all the assignments written, especially in the C programming language, by instructors who are primarily in the Engineering Department, then all instructors in the universities using the Moodle platform. Moreover, the aim of this paper is to design and develop a system in which the students primarily in the Engineering Department using the Moodle platform and then students in all the universities can follow the course contents, upload the assignments, and discuss their questions about the course with their instructors and their friends. As a result of this paper, a scheme is provided to easily compile, run and grade the programming assignments (source codes) given in the Programming courses using the Moodle website collected in a single place


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas teoritis dan validitas empiris instrumen penilaian berbantuan Google Form untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif fisika peserta didik SMA yang telah dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek uji coba pada penelitian ini adalah 32 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA di SMAN 1 Krian yang sudah mempelajari materi fluida dinamis. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar validasi dari instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan dan lembar tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan valid secara teoritis berdasarkan validitas logis dengan persentase rata-rata kriteria pada ranah materi, konstruksi, dan bahasa masing-masing sebesar 99,17%; 100,00%; dan 99,67% dalam kategori sangat valid. Instrumen penilaian valid secara empiris berdasarkan validitas empiris butir soal, reliabilitas tes, tingkat kesukaran butir soal, dan daya pembeda butir soal. Validitas empiris butir soal menunjukkan sebanyak 70% soal memiliki kategori tinggi dan 30% soal kategori cukup. Reliabilitas tes diperoleh koefisien sebesar 0,7115 sehingga instrumen penilaian dinyatakan reliabel. Tingkat kesukaran butir soal menunjukkan sebanyak 80% soal memiliki kategori sedang. Sedangkan daya pembeda butir soal menunjukkan 50% soal memiliki kategori sangat baik, 40% soal kategori baik, dan 10% soal kategori cukup. Berdasarkan keempat kriteria pada validitas empiris, maka dapat disimpulkan sebanyak 80% dari keseluruhan soal dinyatakan valid. Kata kunci: Validitas, Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif, Google Form, Fluida DinamisAbstract This study aims to describe the theoretical validity and empirical validity of the Google Form-assisted assessment instrument to measure the creative thinking abilities of physics in senior high school students that have been developed. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The test subjects in this study were 32 students of Class XI MIPA at SMAN 1 Krian who had studied dynamic fluid material. Data collection techniques using validation sheets from assessment instruments developed and test sheets. The results showed that the assessment instruments developed were theoretically valid based on logical validity with an average percentage of criteria in the realm of material, construction, and language respectively 99.17%; 100.00%; and 99.67% in the very valid category. The instrument of empirical valid validation is based on the empirical validity of the items, the reliability of the test, the difficulty of the items, and the distinguishing features of the items. The empirical validity of the items shows that 70% of the questions have a high category and 30% of the questions are enough categories. The reliability of the test obtained a coefficient of 0.7115 so that the assessment instruments were declared reliable. The level of difficulty items show as much as 80% of the questions have a medium category. Whereas the differentiation of items shows 50% of the questions have a very good category, 40% of the good category questions, and 10% of the enough category questions. Based on the four criteria in empirical validity, it can be concluded that as much as 80% of all questions are declared valid. Keywords: Validity, Creative Thinking Ability, Google Form, Dynamic Flui

    An online system for monitoring and assessing the programming process

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    Abstract: Traditional assessment of programming ability, as well as more recent automated assessment systems, consider only the completed program submitted by the student. We present a system which automatically monitors and assesses the codeproduction process as well as the final product, allowing adaptive feedback and assessment of programming competency. Our assessment system is based on open-source components which provide a full online programming environment and allows for a flexible scripting interface to the assessment process, which can monitor student actions during the programming task. The system was implemented for an introductory programming class of nearly 400 students, and an example of the automated assessment is presented

    Improving marking efficiency for longer programming solutions based on a semi-automated assessment approach

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    In recent years, many students in higher education have begun to learn programming languages. In doing so they will complete a variety of programming tasks of varying degrees of complexity. The students need to get consistent and personalised feedback to develop their programming skills. Human markers can provide personalised feedback using traditional manual approaches to assessment, but they may provide inconsistent feedback (especially for long programming solutions) since marking the programming solutions of multiple students can represent a significant workload for them. While full-automated assessment systems are the best to provide consistent feedback, they may not provide sufficiently personalised feedback for novice programmers. This study develops a novel semi-automated assessment approach in order to improve efficiency of human marker in the marking process and increase consistency of feedback (for both short and long programming solutions). It advocates the reuse of human marker’s comments for similar code snippets, defined as segmented marking in this study. New full and partial marking models are developed based on segmented marking and they are tested by expert markers. The findings show that the two models are similar in efficiency, but that a partial marking approach potentially offers an improved efficiency for longer programming solutions. Such a finding has significant potential to reduce time spent on marking throughout the sector, which would have significant impact on both resourcing and timeliness of feedback

    Integrating an online compiler and a plagiarism detection tool into the Moodle distance education system for easy assessment of programming assignments

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    In this study, an online compiler and a source code plagiarism detection tool have been included into the Moodle based distance education system of our Computer Engineering department. For this purpose Moodle system has been extended with the GCC compiler, and the Moss source code plagiarism detection tool. We observed that using the online compiler and the plagiarism detection tool reduces time and effort needed for the assessment of the programming assignments; prevents our students from plagiarism; and increases their success in their programming based Data Structures course. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    “Navegar é preciso” : o Continuum Experiencial de Programação com a Web

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    Esta tese busca compreender a valorização da busca na Web e as implicações dessa experiência para estudantes universitários de Computação na resolução de problemas de programação. A partir da percepção de experiência, revelada no cenário da prática de programação, apoiada pela Web, desdobra-se esta pesquisa em dois caminhos investigativos: a ação do estudante e a operação do meio. O entendimento da disponibilidade da solução de programação mobiliza a discussão sobre a cópia, já o ambiente compelidor da Web põe em pauta o processo da busca. Sendo assim, o percurso realizado nesta tese, começa em Buscando o lugar da experiência, no qual apresentamos a preocupação inicial a partir da fala de um estudante - “Se não está na Internet, não existe” - no contexto da disciplina de Estrutura de Dados. Como trabalho científico, analisamos estudos relacionados que discutem o plágio do código-fonte e o efeito descalibrado do próprio conhecimento, promovido pelo acesso à Web. Na continuação, nos aproximamos da preocupação inicial com a teoria, defendida por John Dewey, para formular o entendimento de experiência e discutir os princípios de continuidade e de interação. Também, trouxemos para a discussão Jorge Larrosa, Alberto Cupani, Marshall McLuhan e William Powers. No andamento, problematizamos o objeto da pesquisa e as condições do contexto Web, reafirmamos a necessidade de pensá-lo como algo a refletir e considerar. Em Buscando significados, apresentamos o quadro metodológico que inclui os dados de um questionário quantitativo, aplicado a estudantes universitários (n=149 respostas), o qual fornece indícios acerca da valorização da experiência com a Web, sustentada na importância, satisfação e indispensabilidade que atribuem ao meio. Os resultados são aprofundados na etapa qualitativa, na qual é possível perceber as implicações da relação com o meio nas entrevistas com estudantes que participaram de atividades de desafios de programação. Assim, conduzimos a tese, no sentido de uma concepção autêntica de que navegar é preciso, mas é também necessário estarmos atentos à situação de cada experiência, pois serve de instrumento para a promoção do continuum experiencial. Observamos que os estudantes entendem a sua experiência com a Web como positiva e são cientes das boas e más implicações desta. Porém, ao contrário do que pensávamos em nosso pressuposto, os estudantes abrem mão de parte da consciência crítica e do desenvolvimento educativo da experiência por vantagens que caracterizam um agir tecnológico no tempo, nos protocolos e nos hábitos.Understanding the implications of the Web experience for university students of Computing, in solving programming problems, is the purpose of this study. Based on the perception of experience revealed in the scenario of web-based programming practice, this research unfolds in two investigative paths: student action and the operation of the environment. The understanding of the availability of the programming solution mobilizes the discussion about copying, and Web’s compelling environment that puts the search process into question. The study begins with the presentation of the initial concern from a student speech – "If it isn’t on the Internet, it doesn’t exist." – in the context of the Data Structure discipline. An analysis of related studies that discuss the plagiarism of the source code and the de-calibrated effect of the own knowledge promoted by the Web access is carried out. The initial concern is approached with the theory supported by John Dewey, Jorge Larrosa, Alberto Cupani, Marshall McLuhan and William Powers. As the study moves forward, the research object and the conditions of the context are problematized so as to reaffirm the need to think of it as something to be reflect and considered. The method includes data from a questionnaire applied to university students (n = 149 answers), that shows evidence about the Web experience heps solving programming problems. Thus, this proposal leads to an authentic conception that navigation is necessary, but that it is also necessary to be attentive to the situation of each experience, since it will serve as an instrument to promote the experiential continuum - principle discussed by Dewey. After delineating the research object, the methodological framework is proposed to define the conditions under which we can talk about the object and to advance in order to legitimate it. We note that students see their Web experience as positive and are aware of the good and bad implications. However, contrary to what we thought, students give up on their critical awareness and the educational development experience in exchange for advantages that characterize an essentially technological action in time, protocols and habits

    Improving source code plagiarism detection systems

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    Образовање у области рачунарства укључује практичан рад кроз програмске задатке који су честа мета плагијаризма. У овом раду су дискутовани различити аспекти плагијаризма у програмском коду у академском окружењу, извршена је упоредна анализа софтверских система за детекцију сличности и предложена њихова унапређења. Изабрани системи су евалуирани коришћењем три различита програма над којима је коришћено више од 20 типова лексичких и структуралних измена које су примењиване на код током 1, 2, 4, и 8 сати рада. Примењено је и реално оптерећење које је укључивало задатке обима од 50 до 1000 линија програмског кода са три различита предмета које је похађало од 100 до 300 студената. Резултати су показали да 5-10% студената, сходно метрици и критеријумима ове тезе, плагира своја решења...Computing education involves practical training through programming assignments which are frequent targets for plagiarism. In this thesis, different aspects of source code plagiarism in academic environment are discussed. Comparative analysis of source code similarity detection systems was performed and several improvеments were proposed. Selected systems were evaluated using simulated plagiarism based on three programming assignments produced after 1, 2, 4, and 8 hours of work on baseline version using more than 20 types of lexical and structural modifications. Real-life student codes from three different courses were also used for evaluation. The courses were attended by 100 to 300 students, and the solutions varied from 50 to 1000 lines of code. The results show that 5-10% of students plagiarized their solutions, according to the criteria used in this thesis..