515 research outputs found

    Comparison of Multi-Compartment Cable Models of Human Auditory Nerve Fibers

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    Background: Multi-compartment cable models of auditory nerve fibers have been developed to assist in the improvement of cochlear implants. With the advancement of computational technology and the results obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments, these models have evolved to incorporate a considerable degree of morphological and physiological details. They have also been combined with three-dimensional volume conduction models of the cochlea to simulate neural responses to electrical stimulation. However, no specific rules have been provided on choosing the appropriate cable model, and most models adopted in recent studies were chosen without a specific reason or by inheritance. Methods: Three of the most cited biophysical multi-compartment cable models of the human auditory nerve, i.e., Rattay et al. (2001b), Briaire and Frijns (2005), and Smit et al. (2010), were implemented in this study. Several properties of single fibers were compared among the three models, including threshold, conduction velocity, action potential shape, latency, refractory properties, as well as stochastic and temporal behaviors. Experimental results regarding these properties were also included as a reference for comparison. Results: For monophasic single-pulse stimulation, the ratio of anodic vs. cathodic thresholds in all models was within the experimental range despite a much larger ratio in the model by Briaire and Frijns. For biphasic pulse-train stimulation, thresholds as a function of both pulse rate and pulse duration differed between the models, but none matched the experimental observations even coarsely. Similarly, for all other properties including the conduction velocity, action potential shape, and latency, the models presented different outcomes and not all of them fell within the range observed in experiments. Conclusions: While all three models presented similar values in certain single fiber properties to those obtained in experiments, none matched all experimental observations satisfactorily. In particular, the adaptation and temporal integration behaviors were completely missing in all models. Further extensions and analyses are required to explain and simulate realistic auditory nerve fiber responses to electrical stimulation

    Auditory system rehabilitation - available technologies

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    In this article some of the different technologies and its functioning as well as some technological aids for people with partial or total auditory deficiency will be presented. The objective of the auditory rehabilitation is to develop the capacity of auditory perception to the individual carrying auditory deficiency, with aid of devices that can amplify the sound. Between these devices, we cite: the Baha auditory prostheses, vibrant sound-bridge, the cochlear implantations, the auditory brainstem implants, the hearing prosthesis, the bone conduction prostheses and the intra-channels hearing. Some technological aiding devices not used in the ear are also presented such as the signal amplifier to phone, amplifier magnetic field to TV, sign language translator, phone with handset and light bell for home

    Three-dimensional models of cochlear implants : a review of their development and how they could support management and maintenance of cochlear implant performance

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    Three-dimensional (3D) computational modelling of the auditory periphery forms an integral part of modern-day research in cochlear implants (CIs). These models consist of a volume conduction description of implanted stimulation electrodes and the current distribution around these, coupled to auditory nerve fibre models. Cochlear neural activation patterns can then be predicted for a given input stimulus. The objective of this article is to present the context of 3D modelling within the field of CIs, the different models and approaches to models that have been developed over the years, as well as the applications and potential applications of these models. The process of development of 3D models is discussed, and the article places specific emphasis on the complementary roles of generic models and user-specific models, as the latter is important for translation of these models into clinical application.http://tandfonline.com/toc/inet202017-05-31hb2016Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Gochlear implants from model to patients

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    Cochlear implants (CI) are by now an accepted form of rehabilitation for profoundly deaf patients. CI users regain part of their hearing by direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. With modern cochlear implants most users are able to achieve open-set speech understanding and are able to use the telephone. There are, however, still a lot of unanswered questions regarding the optimal design, stimulation paradigms, fitting methods and objective measurements. With the development of a realistic computer model of the implanted cochlea, as described in this thesis, these questions are analyzed from a fundamental perspective. This realistic model enables the analysis of clinical devices and gives insight in discrepancies between human and animal results. Insights gained from the model are used to improve clinical practice. Based on the model outcomes presented the characteristics of an improved electrode design were defined, and finally tested in a temporal bone study.UBL - phd migration 201

    High Fidelity Bioelectric Modelling of the Implanted Cochlea

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    Cochlear implants are medical devices that can restore sound perception in individuals with sensorineural hearing loss (SHL). Since their inception, improvements in performance have largely been driven by advances in signal processing, but progress has plateaued for almost a decade. This suggests that there is a bottleneck at the electrode-tissue interface, which is responsible for enacting the biophysical changes that govern neuronal recruitment. Understanding this interface is difficult because the cochlea is small, intricate, and difficult to access. As such, researchers have turned to modelling techniques to provide new insights. The state-of-the-art involves calculating the electric field using a volume conduction model of the implanted cochlea and coupling it with a neural excitation model to predict the response. However, many models are unable to predict patient outcomes consistently. This thesis aims to improve the reliability of these models by creating high fidelity reconstructions of the inner ear and critically assessing the validity of the underlying and hitherto untested assumptions. Regarding boundary conditions, the evidence suggests that the unmodelled monopolar return path should be accounted for, perhaps by applying a voltage offset at a boundary surface. Regarding vasculature, the models show that large modiolar vessels like the vein of the scala tympani have a strong local effect near the stimulating electrode. Finally, it appears that the oft-cited quasi-static assumption is not valid due to the high permittivity of neural tissue. It is hoped that the study improves the trustworthiness of all bioelectric models of the cochlea, either by validating the claims of existing models, or by prompting improvements in future work. Developing our understanding of the underlying physics will pave the way for advancing future electrode array designs as well as patient-specific simulations, ultimately improving the quality of life for those with SHL

    Auf einem menschlichen Gehörmodell basierende Elektrodenstimulationsstrategie für Cochleaimplantate

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    Cochleaimplantate (CI), verbunden mit einer professionellen Rehabilitation, haben mehreren hunderttausenden Hörgeschädigten die verbale Kommunikation wieder ermöglicht. Betrachtet man jedoch die Rehabilitationserfolge, so haben CI-Systeme inzwischen ihre Grenzen erreicht. Die Tatsache, dass die meisten CI-Träger nicht in der Lage sind, Musik zu genießen oder einer Konversation in geräuschvoller Umgebung zu folgen, zeigt, dass es noch Raum für Verbesserungen gibt.Diese Dissertation stellt die neue CI-Signalverarbeitungsstrategie Stimulation based on Auditory Modeling (SAM) vor, die vollständig auf einem Computermodell des menschlichen peripheren Hörsystems beruht.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die SAM Strategie dreifach evaluiert: mit vereinfachten Wahrnehmungsmodellen von CI-Nutzern, mit fünf CI-Nutzern, und mit 27 Normalhörenden mittels eines akustischen Modells der CI-Wahrnehmung. Die Evaluationsergebnisse wurden stets mit Ergebnissen, die durch die Verwendung der Advanced Combination Encoder (ACE) Strategie ermittelt wurden, verglichen. ACE stellt die zurzeit verbreitetste Strategie dar. Erste Simulationen zeigten, dass die Sprachverständlichkeit mit SAM genauso gut wie mit ACE ist. Weiterhin lieferte SAM genauere binaurale Merkmale, was potentiell zu einer Verbesserung der Schallquellenlokalisierungfähigkeit führen kann. Die Simulationen zeigten ebenfalls einen erhöhten Anteil an zeitlichen Pitchinformationen, welche von SAM bereitgestellt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der nachfolgenden Pilotstudie mit fünf CI-Nutzern zeigten mehrere Vorteile von SAM auf. Erstens war eine signifikante Verbesserung der Tonhöhenunterscheidung bei Sinustönen und gesungenen Vokalen zu erkennen. Zweitens bestätigten CI-Nutzer, die kontralateral mit einem Hörgerät versorgt waren, eine natürlicheren Klangeindruck. Als ein sehr bedeutender Vorteil stellte sich drittens heraus, dass sich alle Testpersonen in sehr kurzer Zeit (ca. 10 bis 30 Minuten) an SAM gewöhnen konnten. Dies ist besonders wichtig, da typischerweise Wochen oder Monate nötig sind. Tests mit Normalhörenden lieferten weitere Nachweise für die verbesserte Tonhöhenunterscheidung mit SAM.Obwohl SAM noch keine marktreife Alternative ist, versucht sie den Weg für zukünftige Strategien, die auf Gehörmodellen beruhen, zu ebnen und ist somit ein erfolgversprechender Kandidat für weitere Forschungsarbeiten.Cochlear implants (CIs) combined with professional rehabilitation have enabled several hundreds of thousands of hearing-impaired individuals to re-enter the world of verbal communication. Though very successful, current CI systems seem to have reached their peak potential. The fact that most recipients claim not to enjoy listening to music and are not capable of carrying on a conversation in noisy or reverberative environments shows that there is still room for improvement.This dissertation presents a new cochlear implant signal processing strategy called Stimulation based on Auditory Modeling (SAM), which is completely based on a computational model of the human peripheral auditory system.SAM has been evaluated through simplified models of CI listeners, with five cochlear implant users, and with 27 normal-hearing subjects using an acoustic model of CI perception. Results have always been compared to those acquired using Advanced Combination Encoder (ACE), which is today’s most prevalent CI strategy. First simulations showed that speech intelligibility of CI users fitted with SAM should be just as good as that of CI listeners fitted with ACE. Furthermore, it has been shown that SAM provides more accurate binaural cues, which can potentially enhance the sound source localization ability of bilaterally fitted implantees. Simulations have also revealed an increased amount of temporal pitch information provided by SAM. The subsequent pilot study, which ran smoothly, revealed several benefits of using SAM. First, there was a significant improvement in pitch discrimination of pure tones and sung vowels. Second, CI users fitted with a contralateral hearing aid reported a more natural sound of both speech and music. Third, all subjects were accustomed to SAM in a very short period of time (in the order of 10 to 30 minutes), which is particularly important given that a successful CI strategy change typically takes weeks to months. An additional test with 27 normal-hearing listeners using an acoustic model of CI perception delivered further evidence for improved pitch discrimination ability with SAM as compared to ACE.Although SAM is not yet a market-ready alternative, it strives to pave the way for future strategies based on auditory models and it is a promising candidate for further research and investigation

    In silico study on in vitro experiments to determine the electric membrane properties of a realistic cochlear model for electric field simulations on cochlear implants

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    To further develop and optimise the design of cochlear implants, a numerical model with precise material properties and authentic geometry is required. Since simulation results strongly depend on the accuracy of the estimates of the electrical properties of cochlear membranes, it is important to have a reliable in vivo method for measuring electrical impedance changes in the cochlear compartments. This work is a preliminary attempt to model, simulate and analyse the behaviour of a novel in-vitro experimental system for conducting plausible in-vivo measurements on mammalian cochlea membranes.Zur Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung des Designs von Cochlea-Implantaten ist ein detailliertes numerisches Modell der Cochlea erforderlich. Da die Simulationsergebnisse stark von den elektrischen Eigenschaften der Cochlea-Membranen abhängen, ist es wichtig, ein zuverlässiges In-vivo-Verfahren zur Messung des elektrischen Impedanzverlaufs zu haben. Diese Arbeit ist eine vorbereitende Studie, das Verhalten eines neuartigen In-vitro-Versuchssystems zur Durchführung plausibler In-vivo-Messungen an Cochlea-Membranen von Säugetieren zu modellieren, zu simulieren und zu analysieren