12,183 research outputs found

    A Path to Implement Precision Child Health Cardiovascular Medicine.

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    Congenital heart defects (CHDs) affect approximately 1% of live births and are a major source of childhood morbidity and mortality even in countries with advanced healthcare systems. Along with phenotypic heterogeneity, the underlying etiology of CHDs is multifactorial, involving genetic, epigenetic, and/or environmental contributors. Clear dissection of the underlying mechanism is a powerful step to establish individualized therapies. However, the majority of CHDs are yet to be clearly diagnosed for the underlying genetic and environmental factors, and even less with effective therapies. Although the survival rate for CHDs is steadily improving, there is still a significant unmet need for refining diagnostic precision and establishing targeted therapies to optimize life quality and to minimize future complications. In particular, proper identification of disease associated genetic variants in humans has been challenging, and this greatly impedes our ability to delineate gene-environment interactions that contribute to the pathogenesis of CHDs. Implementing a systematic multileveled approach can establish a continuum from phenotypic characterization in the clinic to molecular dissection using combined next-generation sequencing platforms and validation studies in suitable models at the bench. Key elements necessary to advance the field are: first, proper delineation of the phenotypic spectrum of CHDs; second, defining the molecular genotype/phenotype by combining whole-exome sequencing and transcriptome analysis; third, integration of phenotypic, genotypic, and molecular datasets to identify molecular network contributing to CHDs; fourth, generation of relevant disease models and multileveled experimental investigations. In order to achieve all these goals, access to high-quality biological specimens from well-defined patient cohorts is a crucial step. Therefore, establishing a CHD BioCore is an essential infrastructure and a critical step on the path toward precision child health cardiovascular medicine

    Personalized medicine—a modern approach for the diagnosis and management of hypertension

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    The main goal of treating hypertension is to reduce blood pressure to physiological levels and thereby prevent risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension-associated target organ damage. Despite reductions in major risk factors and the availability of a plethora of effective antihypertensive drugs, the control of blood pressure to target values is still poor due to multiple factors including apparent drug resistance and lack of adherence. An explanation for this problem is related to the current reductionist and ‘trial-and-error’ approach in the management of hypertension, as we may oversimplify the complex nature of the disease and not pay enough attention to the heterogeneity of the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of the disorder. Taking into account specific risk factors, genetic phenotype, pharmacokinetic characteristics, and other particular features unique to each patient, would allow a personalized approach to managing the disease. Personalized medicine therefore represents the tailoring of medical approach and treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient and is expected to become the paradigm of future healthcare. The advancement of systems biology research and the rapid development of high-throughput technologies, as well as the characterization of different –omics, have contributed to a shift in modern biological and medical research from traditional hypothesis-driven designs toward data-driven studies and have facilitated the evolution of personalized or precision medicine for chronic diseases such as hypertension

    Status and potential of bacterial genomics for public health practice : a scoping review

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    Background: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is increasingly being translated into routine public health practice, affecting the surveillance and control of many pathogens. The purpose of this scoping review is to identify and characterize the recent literature concerning the application of bacterial pathogen genomics for public health practice and to assess the added value, challenges, and needs related to its implementation from an epidemiologist’s perspective. Methods: In this scoping review, a systematic PubMed search with forward and backward snowballing was performed to identify manuscripts in English published between January 2015 and September 2018. Included studies had to describe the application of NGS on bacterial isolates within a public health setting. The studied pathogen, year of publication, country, number of isolates, sampling fraction, setting, public health application, study aim, level of implementation, time orientation of the NGS analyses, and key findings were extracted from each study. Due to a large heterogeneity of settings, applications, pathogens, and study measurements, a descriptive narrative synthesis of the eligible studies was performed. Results: Out of the 275 included articles, 164 were outbreak investigations, 70 focused on strategy-oriented surveillance, and 41 on control-oriented surveillance. Main applications included the use of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data for (1) source tracing, (2) early outbreak detection, (3) unraveling transmission dynamics, (4) monitoring drug resistance, (5) detecting cross-border transmission events, (6) identifying the emergence of strains with enhanced virulence or zoonotic potential, and (7) assessing the impact of prevention and control programs. The superior resolution over conventional typing methods to infer transmission routes was reported as an added value, as well as the ability to simultaneously characterize the resistome and virulome of the studied pathogen. However, the full potential of pathogen genomics can only be reached through its integration with high-quality contextual data. Conclusions: For several pathogens, it is time for a shift from proof-of-concept studies to routine use of WGS during outbreak investigations and surveillance activities. However, some implementation challenges from the epidemiologist’s perspective remain, such as data integration, quality of contextual data, sampling strategies, and meaningful interpretations. Interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, and international collaborations are key for an appropriate genomics-informed surveillance

    Routes for breaching and protecting genetic privacy

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    We are entering the era of ubiquitous genetic information for research, clinical care, and personal curiosity. Sharing these datasets is vital for rapid progress in understanding the genetic basis of human diseases. However, one growing concern is the ability to protect the genetic privacy of the data originators. Here, we technically map threats to genetic privacy and discuss potential mitigation strategies for privacy-preserving dissemination of genetic data.Comment: Draft for comment

    Advances in biotechnology: genomics and genome editing

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    Genomics, the study of genes, their functions and related techniques has become a crucial science for developing understanding of life processes and how they evolve. Since the advent of the human genome project, huge strides have been made in developing understanding of DNA and RNA sequence information and how it can be put to good use in the biotechnology sector. Newly derived sequencing and bioinformatics tools have added to the torrent of new insights gained, so that 'sequence once and query often' type DNA apps are now becoming reality. Genome editing, using tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease or Cpf1 nuclease, provide rapid methods for inserting, deleting or modifying DNA sequences in highly precise ways, in virtually any animal, plant or microbial system. Recent international discussions have considered human germline gene editing, amongst other aspects of this technology. Whether or not gene edited plants will be considered as genetically modified remains an important question. This will determine the regulatory processes adopted by different groups of nations and applicability to feeding the world's ever growing population. Questions surrounding the intellectual property rights associated with gene editing must also be resolved. Mitochondrial replacement therapy leading to '3-Parent Babies' has been successfully carried out in Mexico, by an international team, to correct mother to child mitochondrial disease transmission. The UK has become the first country to legally allow 'cautious use' of mitochondrial donation in treatment. Genomics and genome editing will continue to advance what can be achieved technically, whilst society determines whether or not what can be done should be applied

    How to identify pathogenic mutations among all those variations: Variant annotation and filtration in the genome sequencing era

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    High-throughput sequencing technologies have become fundamental for the identification of disease-causing mutations in human genetic diseases both in research and clinical testing contexts. The cumulative number of genes linked to rare diseases is now close to 3,500 with more than 1,000 genes identified between 2010 and 2014 because of the early adoption of Exome Sequencing technologies. However, despite these encouraging figures, the success rate of clinical exome diagnosis remains low due to several factors including wrong variant annotation and nonoptimal filtration practices, which may lead to misinterpretation of disease-causing mutations. In this review, we describe the critical steps of variant annotation and filtration processes to highlight a handful of potential disease-causing mutations for downstream analysis. We report the key annotation elements to gather at multiple levels for each mutation, and which systems are designed to help in collecting this mandatory information. We describe the filtration options, their efficiency, and limits and provide a generic filtration workflow and highlight potential pitfalls through a use case

    International Undiagnosed Diseases Programs (UDPs): components and outcomes

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    Over the last 15 years, Undiagnosed Diseases Programs have emerged to address the significant number of individuals with suspected but undiagnosed rare genetic diseases, integrating research and clinical care to optimize diagnostic outcomes. This narrative review summarizes the published literature surrounding Undiagnosed Diseases Programs worldwide, including thirteen studies that evaluate outcomes and two commentary papers. Commonalities in the diagnostic and research process of Undiagnosed Diseases Programs are explored through an appraisal of available literature. This exploration allowed for an assessment of the strengths and limitations of each of the six common steps, namely enrollment, comprehensive clinical phenotyping, research diagnostics, data sharing and matchmaking, results, and follow-up. Current literature highlights the potential utility of Undiagnosed Diseases Programs in research diagnostics. Since participants have often had extensive previous genetic studies, research pipelines allow for diagnostic approaches beyond exome or whole genome sequencing, through reanalysis using research-grade bioinformatics tools and multi-omics technologies. The overall diagnostic yield is presented by study, since different selection criteria at enrollment and reporting processes make comparisons challenging and not particularly informative. Nonetheless, diagnostic yield in an undiagnosed cohort reflects the potential of an Undiagnosed Diseases Program. Further comparisons and exploration of the outcomes of Undiagnosed Diseases Programs worldwide will allow for the development and improvement of the diagnostic and research process and in turn improve the value and utility of an Undiagnosed Diseases Program

    Applying genomic and transcriptomic advances to mitochondrial medicine

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has increased our understanding of the molecular basis of many primary mitochondrial diseases (PMDs). Despite this progress, many patients with suspected PMD remain without a genetic diagnosis, which restricts their access to in-depth genetic counselling, reproductive options and clinical trials, in addition to hampering efforts to understand the underlying disease mechanisms. Although they represent a considerable improvement over their predecessors, current methods for sequencing the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes have important limitations, and molecular diagnostic techniques are often manual and time consuming. However, recent advances in genomics and transcriptomics offer realistic solutions to these challenges. In this Review, we discuss the current genetic testing approach for PMDs and the opportunities that exist for increased use of whole-genome NGS of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the clinical environment. We consider the possible role for long-read approaches in sequencing of mtDNA and in the identification of novel nuclear genomic causes of PMDs. We examine the expanding applications of RNA sequencing, including the detection of cryptic variants that affect splicing and gene expression and the interpretation of rare and novel mitochondrial transfer RNA variants
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