96 research outputs found

    Facilitating Human-Robot Collaboration Using a Mixed-Reality Projection System

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    abstract: Human-Robot collaboration can be a challenging exercise especially when both the human and the robot want to work simultaneously on a given task. It becomes difficult for the human to understand the intentions of the robot and vice-versa. To overcome this problem, a novel approach using the concept of Mixed-Reality has been proposed, which uses the surrounding space as the canvas to augment projected information on and around 3D objects. A vision based tracking algorithm precisely detects the pose and state of the 3D objects, and human-skeleton tracking is performed to create a system that is both human-aware as well as context-aware. Additionally, the system can warn humans about the intentions of the robot, thereby creating a safer environment to work in. An easy-to-use and universal visual language has been created which could form the basis for interaction in various human-robot collaborations in manufacturing industries. An objective and subjective user study was conducted to test the hypothesis, that using this system to execute a human-robot collaborative task would result in higher performance as compared to using other traditional methods like printed instructions and through mobile devices. Multiple measuring tools were devised to analyze the data which finally led to the conclusion that the proposed mixed-reality projection system does improve the human-robot team's efficiency and effectiveness and hence, will be a better alternative in the future.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Communication between men and robots

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    Tato práce, která byla psána na Strojní fakultě Vysokého učení technického v Brně, Ústav automatizace a informatiky, se zabývá problémem komunikace mezi lidmi a roboty z netradičního hlediska. Snahou bylo vyhodnotit a rozdělila způsoby této komunikace, najít problémy, které se této oblasti týkají a na jejich základě analyzovat jejich možná řešení. Cílem bylo poukázat na některá reálná řešení zmíněných problémů.This work written at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Institute of Automation and Computer Science, deals with the problem of communication between men and robots from nontraditional aspects. It is tried to analyse and divide the ways of the communication, find the problems that are related to this and on their basis analyse possible solutions. It was endeavoured to show some real solutions to these mentioned problems.

    Perception and orientation issues in human control of robot motion

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    The use of remote teach controls for programming industrial robots has led to concern over programmer safety and reliability. The primary issue is the close proximity to the robot arm required for the programmer or maintainer to clearly see the tool actions, and it is feared that errors in robot control could result in injury. The further concern that variations in teach control design could cause "negative transfer" of learning has led to a call for standardisation of robot teach controls. However,at present there is insufficient data to provide suitable design recommendations. This is because previous researchers have measured control performance on very general, and completely different, programming tasks. This work set out to examine the motion control task, from which a framework was developed to represent the robot motion control process. This showed the decisions and actions required to achieve robot movement, together with the factors which may influence them. Two types of influencing factors were identified: robot system factors and human cognitive factors. Robot system factors add complexity to the control task by producing motion reversals which alter the control-robot motion relationship. These motion reversals were identified during the experimental programme which examined observers' perception of robot motion under different conditions of human-robot orientation and robot arm configuration. These determine the orientation of the robot with respect to the observer at any given time. It was found that changes in orientation may influence the observer's perception of robot movement producing inconsistent descriptions of the same movement viewed under different orientations. Furthermore, due to the strong association between perceived movement and control selection demonstrated n these experiments, no particular differences in error performance using different control designs were observed. It is concluded that human cognitive factors, specifically the operators' perception of robot movement and their ability to recognise motion reversals, have greater influence on control selection errors than control design per se


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    The main objective for this project is to develop an intelligent robot which can detect an obstacle object that blocking the main road. Besides the system also develop to create one robot system that can follow certain path to be use in moving or transport industries. Then security aspect also has been applied in this project by providing surveillance camera which able to monitor certain activity at one place by transmitting data or image recorded by it to security center. This research is on artificial intelligence knowledge which related to knowledge and intelligence that has been applied to robot system in order to implement the task which is similar or more human can do. All the task are done using latest technology in order to produce the greatest system that can be use by all sides and give benefit to all. From the finish product, I hope this robot can be use for the broad purpose and contribute to the big research of robotic development. From my research, Malaysia is still new with robot development, and with that I hope robot industry can become wider.

    Perception and orientation issues in human control of robot motion

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    The use of remote teach controls for programming industrial robots has led to concern over programmer safety and reliability. The primary issue is the close proximity to the robot arm required for the programmer or maintainer to clearly see the tool actions, and it is feared that errors in robot control could result in injury. The further concern that variations in teach control design could cause "negative transfer" of learning has led to a call for standardisation of robot teach controls. However,at present there is insufficient data to provide suitable design recommendations. This is because previous researchers have measured control performance on very general, and completely different, programming tasks. This work set out to examine the motion control task, from which a framework was developed to represent the robot motion control process. This showed the decisions and actions required to achieve robot movement, together with the factors which may influence them. Two types of influencing factors were identified: robot system factors and human cognitive factors. Robot system factors add complexity to the control task by producing motion reversals which alter the control-robot motion relationship. These motion reversals were identified during the experimental programme which examined observers' perception of robot motion under different conditions of human-robot orientation and robot arm configuration. These determine the orientation of the robot with respect to the observer at any given time. It was found that changes in orientation may influence the observer's perception of robot movement producing inconsistent descriptions of the same movement viewed under different orientations. Furthermore, due to the strong association between perceived movement and control selection demonstrated n these experiments, no particular differences in error performance using different control designs were observed. It is concluded that human cognitive factors, specifically the operators' perception of robot movement and their ability to recognise motion reversals, have greater influence on control selection errors than control design per se

    Advancement in robot programming with specific reference to graphical methods

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    This research study is concerned with the derivation of advanced robot programming methods. The methods include the use of proprietary simulation modelling and design software tools for the off-line programming of industrial robots. The study has involved the generation of integration software to facilitate the co-operative operation of these software tools. The three major researcli'themes7of "ease of usage", calibration and the integration of product design data have been followed to advance robot programming. The "ease of usage" is concerned with enhancements in the man-machine interface for robo t simulation systems in terms of computer assisted solid modelling and computer assisted task generation. Robot simulation models represent an idealised situation, and any off-line robot programs generated from'them may contain'discrepancies which could seriously effect thq programs' performance; Calibration techniques have therefore been investigated as 'a method of overcoming discrepancies between the simulation model and the real world. At the present time, most computer aided design systems operate as isolated islands of computer technology, whereas their product databases should be used to support decision making processes and ultimately facilitate the generation of machine programs. Thus the integration of product design data has been studied as an important step towards truly computer integrated manufacturing. The functionality of the three areas of study have been generalised and form the basis for recommended enhancements to future robot programming systems

    Interaction with real environments : an Approach Based on Haptic Systems

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraPretende-se com este trabalho demonstrar que o processo de interacção e programação de um robô industrial não se restringe somente à elaboração de um programa abstracto que define o modus operandi do robô. De facto, programar um robô é ainda um processo moroso e que requer conhecimentos técnicos. Assim, cada vez mais se tem procurado encontrar formas “diferentes” de interagir com robôs, mas com um objectivo bem definido: tornar a interface homem – robô mais intuitiva. Uma área que tem sido amplamente estudada ao longo dos anos prende-se com a capacidade de um utilizador receber feedback de força de um robô virtual ou real, ao mesmo tempo que este executa uma determinada tarefa. Vulgarmente esta interacção homem – máquina é feita através dos denominados dispositivos haptics. Estes dispositivos apresentavam como grande desvantagem o seu elevado custo, no entanto em 2008 foi lançado no mercado um dispositivo haptics concebido para a indústria dos videojogos: o Novint Falcon. Este apresenta um preço cerca de 100 vezes inferior relativamente aos seus congéneres até à data existentes. No âmbito desta tese é desenvolvido e implementado um sistema de controlo que gere todo um sistema robótico composto por um dispositivo haptics, um robô industrial e um sensor de força. Desse modo, um qualquer utilizador é capaz de controlar um robô e ao mesmo tempo receber feedback das forças que estão a ser exercidas no end-effector do robô. O sistema foi validado através de vários testes experimentais envolvendo contacto entre o robô e diversos objectos constituídos por materiais das mais diversas características físicas


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    The main objective for this project is to develop an intelligent robot which can detect an obstacle object that blocking the main road. Besides the system also develop to create one robot system that can follow certain path to be use in moving or transport industries. Then security aspect also has been applied in this project by providing surveillance camera which able to monitor certain activity at one place by transmitting data or image recorded by it to security center. This research is on artificial intelligence knowledge which related to knowledge and intelligence that has been applied to robot system in order to implement the task which is similar or more human can do. All the task are done using latest technology in order to produce the greatest system that can be use by all sides and give benefit to all. From the finish product, I hope this robot can be use for the broad purpose and contribute to the big research of robotic development. From my research, Malaysia is still new with robot development, and with that I hope robot industry can become wider.

    An overview of artificial intelligence and robotics. Volume 2: Robotics

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    This report provides an overview of the rapidly changing field of robotics. The report incorporates definitions of the various types of robots, a summary of the basic concepts, utilized in each of the many technical areas, review of the state of the art and statistics of robot manufacture and usage. Particular attention is paid to the status of robot development, the organizations involved, their activities, and their funding