15,714 research outputs found

    Application and systems software in Ada: Development experiences

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    In its most basic sense software development involves describing the tasks to be solved, including the given objects and the operations to be performed on those objects. Unfortunately, the way people describe objects and operations usually bears little resemblance to source code in most contemporary computer languages. There are two ways around this problem. One is to allow users to describe what they want the computer to do in everyday, typically imprecise English. The PRODOC methodology and software development environment is based on a second more flexible and possibly even easier to use approach. Rather than hiding program structure, PRODOC represents such structure graphically using visual programming techniques. In addition, the program terminology used in PRODOC may be customized so as to match the way human experts in any given application area naturally describe the relevant data and operations. The PRODOC methodology is described in detail

    Array languages and the N-body problem

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    This paper is a description of the contributions to the SICSA multicore challenge on many body planetary simulation made by a compiler group at the University of Glasgow. Our group is part of the Computer Vision and Graphics research group and we have for some years been developing array compilers because we think these are a good tool both for expressing graphics algorithms and for exploiting the parallelism that computer vision applications require. We shall describe experiments using two languages on two different platforms and we shall compare the performance of these with reference C implementations running on the same platforms. Finally we shall draw conclusions both about the viability of the array language approach as compared to other approaches used in the challenge and also about the strengths and weaknesses of the two, very different, processor architectures we used

    Reliability models for dataflow computer systems

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    The demands for concurrent operation within a computer system and the representation of parallelism in programming languages have yielded a new form of program representation known as data flow (DENN 74, DENN 75, TREL 82a). A new model based on data flow principles for parallel computations and parallel computer systems is presented. Necessary conditions for liveness and deadlock freeness in data flow graphs are derived. The data flow graph is used as a model to represent asynchronous concurrent computer architectures including data flow computers

    Investigation, Development, and Evaluation of Performance Proving for Fault-tolerant Computers

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    A number of methodologies for verifying systems and computer based tools that assist users in verifying their systems were developed. These tools were applied to verify in part the SIFT ultrareliable aircraft computer. Topics covered included: STP theorem prover; design verification of SIFT; high level language code verification; assembly language level verification; numerical algorithm verification; verification of flight control programs; and verification of hardware logic