11 research outputs found

    Clock with magnet display

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    Ovaj završni rad obrađuje razvoj modela sata s magnetnim pokaznikom. Model se sastoji od nekoliko komponenti, a glavna je mikroupravljač Arduino koja se sastoji od sklopovlja i programske podrške, odnosno Arduino razvojnog okruženja. Mikroupravljač korišten u ovom modelu je Arduino NANO. Uz Arduino, važan je i I2C RTC modul koji omogućuje prikaz stvarnog vremena kao i koračni motor koji je pokretač sustava. Kroz rad je opisana magnetska levitacija, funkcija i specifikacije korištenih komponenti te je opisan način funkcioniranja sata. Cilj izrade ovog modela je prikaz korištenja inovativnih tehnologija u predmetu iz svakodnevnog života.This final paper deals with the development of a clock model with a magnetic pointer. The model consists of several components, of which the main is the Arduino microcontroller, which consists of hardware and software – Arduino IDE. The microcontroller used in this model is Arduino NANO. Along with Arduino, the I2C RTC module is also an important feature that provides real time display, another important part is a step motor that is the systems acutator. Throughout the paper, the magnetic levitation, function and specifications of the components used are described as well as how the clock functions. The purpose of this model is to present the use of innovative technologies in everyday life

    Technology as a Social Companion? An Exploration of Individual and Product-Related Factors of Anthropomorphism

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    From chatbots that simulate human conversation to cleaning robots with anthropomorphic appearance, humanlike designed technologies become increasingly present in our society. A growing strand of research focuses on psychological factors and motivations influencing anthropomorphism, that is, the attribution of human characteristics to non-human agents and objects. For example, studies have shown that feeling lonely can come along with attributing anthropomorphic qualities to objects;others imply that anthropomorphism might influence individuals' social needs in return. Such an interrelation could have great societal impact, if, for example, interacting with humanlike technology would reduce the need for interpersonal interaction. Yet, the interrelation between anthropomorphism and social needs has not been studied systematically and individual as well as situational preconditions of anthropomorphism have not been specified. The present research investigates the interrelation between anthropomorphism and social needs on the example of interacting with a smartphone and highlights possible preconditions by means of two experimental studies using a 2 x 2-between-subjects-design, varying social exclusion and anthropomorphism. Our first study (N = 159) showed an overall positive correlation between the willingness to socialize and perceived anthropomorphism. Our second study (N = 236) highlighted that this relationship is especially pronounced for individuals with a high tendency to anthropomorphize, given that the product supports a humanlike perception through its appearance and design cues. In sum, results support an interrelation between social needs and anthropomorphism but also stress individual and contextual strengthening factors. Limitations, theoretical, and practical implications are discussed

    Understanding The Technology Support Needs Of High School Teachers Implementing A Learning Management System

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    In this study, the researcher explored high school teachers’ perceptions of various types of professional development, training, and support provided to and received by them during the implementation of a learning management system. Additionally, the researcher sought to explore the impact support may have on teachers’ beliefs about technology and its role/impact on their instructional practice. Data were collected on teachers’ perceptions of technology, as well as the most effective types of support (and frequency) they recalled were most useful for their respective skill level with technology. To identify participants’ skill level with technology, the Survey of Preservice Teachers\u27 Knowledge of Teaching and Technology (TPACK survey) developed by Schmidt et al. (2009) was used. The survey was based on the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework. This study also utilized the models of continuing professional development (CPD), defined by Kennedy (2005) as a framework to help classify and organize the numerous and varied types of technology professional development (PD), training, and support received during the implementation of the learning management system (LMS). Findings from this study highlighted the varying support needs of teachers based on technology skill and draw a connection between teacher technology skill level and teacher beliefs about technology’s role in instructional practice and student learning

    Responsible innovation in mobile journalism : Exploring professional journalists` learning and innovation processes

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    Denne avhandlingen handler om innovasjon i mobiljournalistikk, og utforsker hvordan profesjonelle TV- og avisjournalister bruker smarttelefoner som journalistisk produksjonsverktøy. I tillegg reflekteres kritisk over utfordringer som kan knyttes til at journalister satser i sitt arbeid på datateknologi som ikke bare integrerer flere risikoteknologier men bygger på infrastrukturer som er optimalisert for omfattende dataekstraksjon og kommersielle overvåkingspraksiser. Det overordnete spørsmålet som søkes besvart i avhandlingen er: Hva er ansvarlig innovasjon i mobiljournalistikk? For å finne svar på forskningsspørsmålet kombineres empiriske tilnærminger og analytisk-teoretiske perspektiver. Innovasjon forstås her som en kompleks sosiokulturell læringsprosess der ´ansvarlig innovasjon´ pekes ut som en normativ meta-kategori. I den empiriske delen i avhandlingen undersøkes profesjonelle journalisters konkrete lærings- og innovasjonsprosesser. Basert på etnografi-inspirerte metoder som deltakende observasjon, dybdeintervjuer og uformelle samtaler belyser den empiriske delen av avhandlingen innovasjon i mobiljournalistikk gjennom to ulike casestudier. I den første casen utforskes et globalt pioner-nettverk som fremstår som en viktig kollektiv aktør i innovativ mobiljournalistikk. I den andre casen undersøkes et konkret trainingsarrangement for profesjonelle avisjournalister som ledd i en omfattende innovasjonsprosess i en tradisjonell medieorganisasjon. Den analytisk-teoretiske delen av avhandlingen tar for seg meta-konseptet `ansvarlig innovasjon´ og belyser kritisk den politiske økonomien knyttet til lærings- og kunnskapsutvikling. Ved hjelp av Zuboffs (2019) teori om overvåkningskapitalisme fokuserer denne delen av avhandlingen på større og mer langsiktige samfunnskonsekvenser knyttet til bruk av mobilteknologi i journalistikk. Ved å peke på ulike risikoer ved uregulerte former for datainnsamling og utfordringer knyttet til privatisering av kunnskap og kunnskapsproduksjon omhandler den teoretisk-analytiske delen hva som står på spill for journalister, medieorganisasjoner og samfunnet i sin helhet når mobilteknologi blir tatt ukritisk i bruk. Det konkluderes med at en uansvarlig og risikofylt bruk av mobilteknologi og relaterte infrastrukturer ikke tegner et bilde av mobiljournalistikk som en demokratiserende kraft (og tidsriktig produksjonsmåte) men heller en praksis som kan bidra til å undergrave demokratiets fundamenter gjennom omfattende dataekstraksjon og kommersielt motiverte overvåkningspraksiser. For å møte komplekse risikoer ved bruk av teknologisk innovasjon i mobiljournalistikk og å kunne finne konstruktive løsninger diskuteres det nye europeiske forsknings- og innovasjonsrammeverket Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) som sikter mot grunnleggende endringer i nåværende innovasjons- og forskningspraksis. Med utgangspunkt i idéer og metoder fra RRI foreslås ulike handlingsopsjoner på individ-, organisasjonps- og samfunnsnivå samt anbefalinger hva `ansvarlig innovasjon i mobiljournalistikk` innebærer. Et overordnet mål med avhandlingen er å bidra i, og berike, den akademiske og offentlige debatten ved å gi konkrete innblikk i profesjonelle journalisters læringssituasjoner og innovasjonsprosesser og gjennom den rette oppmerksomheten mot fundamentale utfordringer ved bruk av kompleks datateknologi og infrastrukturer i samfunnet.This thesis examines innovation in the field of mobile journalism by examining how professional broadcast and print journalists learn about and adopt mobile technology for their journalistic practice and by investigating critically the side effects from journalists’ adoption of mobile computing platforms, encompassing highly convergent and different risk technologies. The overarching research question that guided this work asked: What is responsible innovation in mobile journalism? To find answers to this overarching research endeavor, I applied an approach that combines empirical and analytical-conceptual perspectives. Innovation is conceptualized in this work as a complex sociocultural process of learning, and responsible innovation is viewed as a meta-category of innovation. The empirical part sets out to understand actual learning practices and innovation processes by examining how professional print and broadcast journalists learn to adopt mobile technology and innovate through mobile journalism in different social settings. Based on a qualitative approach that applies methods such as long-term observations, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and informal conversations, the empirical part of the thesis provides insight into professional journalists’ individual motivations and experiences, organizational and new collective approaches to innovation, and learning processes. The conceptual part of the thesis examines the meta-concept of “responsible innovation” more closely by applying a critical perspective of political economy on learning and knowledge processes. Viewed through the lens of Zuboff’s (2019) surveillance capitalism theory, this part of the thesis draws attention to broader societal consequences attached to the adoption of mobile technology in journalism. By uncovering emerging risks and challenges from unregulated dataveillance and privatization of knowledge, this part demonstrates what is at stake if mobile technology is irresponsibly adopted by a risk group – in this case, journalists – and how, from this perspective, mobile journalism fails to emerge as a democratic force, thereby undermining the fundaments of democracy. To counteract the identified and complex risks from comprehensive data extraction and dataveillance that accompany journalists and media organizations’ adoption of and innovation in mobile journalism, ideas and methods from the European Union’s Responsible Research and Innovation framework are suggested as a possible approach. This is specified by outlining different implications from the identified risks on individual, organizational, and societal levels, and by making suggestions as to what “responsible innovation” in mobile journalism would encompass in the context of this thesis. This thesis aims to build on existing academic discussions through enriching debates in the mobile journalism field by providing insights into professional journalists’ concrete learning and innovation processes, as well as directing attention toward individual, organizational, and societal risks attached to uncritical adoption of a complex and pervasive computing platform in journalism practice and innovation in the field.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Posmrtný život dat: analýza vývoje přístupu sociálních sítí k posmrtným datům uživatelů

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    Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na téma správy uživatelských dat po smrti v rámci platforem sociálních sítí. Toto téma se v akademické literatuře téměř neobjevuje, proto si práce klade za cíl představit vývoj zásad sociálních sítí, jak nakládat s daty uživatelů po jejich smrti, a uvést je do kontextu a kriticky zhodnotit. Snaží se tak zachytit míru kontroly, kterou uživatelé a pozůstalí mají nad daty zemřelých. Za tímto účelem jsou v práci provedeny tři případové studie chronologického vývoje zásad nakládání s posmrtnými údaji na významných platformách sociálních Sítí (Facebook, Twitter a LinkedIn) a jejich výsledky jsou poté mezi sebou porovnány. Následná analýza ukázala, že se platformy zdráhají zásady měnit, jednou z primárních příčin změn je zřejmě odezva samotných uživatelů. Ve všech případech poskytly platformy pouze omezené nebo téměř žádné informace ohledně posmrtného nakládání s daty v rámci podmínek užívání a zásad ochrany osobních údajů. Případové studie vybraných platforem sociálních sítí také ukázaly, že uživatelé mohou o osudu svých dat po smrti rozhodovat jen omezeně. Studie rovněž ukázaly, že sociální sítě umožňují pozůstalým požádat o smazání účtu zemřelého nebo jim k němu dávají pouze velmi omezený přístup. Do jaké míry platforma po smrti uživatele data sociální síť uchovává zřejmě závisí...This diploma thesis focuses on the topic of posthumous user data management concerning social media platforms. This topic is rarely discussed from the viewpoint of new media studies in academic literature. My thesis endeavours to unveil, contextualize, and critically assess the development of the posthumous data policies in order to uncover the level of control users and survivors have over the deceased users' data. Thus, three case studies of chronological posthumous policy development of major social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) were conducted and results were compared. The analysis has shown that platforms are rather reluctant to change their posthumous policies. One of the primary triggers for change comes from the users' feedback. Across all three cases every platform provided limited or no information about these policies in their terms of use or privacy policies. The case studies demonstrated that users have very limited choices regarding their data after death directly on the examined social media platforms. Individuals who were close to the deceased account users have the ability to request account deletion or have limited access to the account granted by the platform. The level of data preservation demanded by platforms seems dependent on a given social media's communication specificity...Ústav informačních studií - studia nových médiíInstitute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Facebook user interface design to suit the Saudi Arabian culture.

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    Culture affects the preferences of users and their expectations of the elements found in the user interfaces of programs. This study investigates the influence of culture, as well as the specific experience and expectations of Saudi Arabian users, with respect to the design of the user interface of the Arabic version of Facebook. As the Arabic version of Facebook has issues with the engagement of users, this research therefore sought to develop a deeper understanding of the causes of this and to propose viable solutions. This involved a comprehensive examination of the implications of translating user- interface elements from one language to another, looking in particular at the specific cultural needs of Saudi Arabian users, with the intention of improving users’ engagement. This study uses an interpretivist research based on the social construction that was utilised in data collection, consisting of interviews and two sequential questionnaires. The main issues identified in the design of the Facebook user interface were the icons and page layout. The current icon images were shown to be unfamiliar and difficult for Saudi users to understand. This was exacerbated by the labels used, which were also found to be too abstract to be meaningful. Regarding the page layout, the alignments were mixed and inconsistent, the positions of elements were horizontally displayed, the pages were too complicated for effective navigation, and the list of options was too long, adversely affecting comprehension. In addition, there were many language errors in the translated Arabic version. These issues led to confusion and overload among Saudi users, causing stress when navigating through the pages. These factors combined to contribute to a lack of engagement with the Arabic version among Saudi users. The consequences of this experience on users’ behaviour was also investigated. First, some users were found to confine their interaction with Facebook to the home page and to avoid the setting page. Many users expressed a preference for the English version of Facebook over the Arabic version, although some acclimated to the use of the Arabic version, while others migrated to other social media platforms. The findings show that application of the localisation theory demonstrates that user interfaces designed for one culture cannot always be easily modified to suit another culture without significant modification. Therefore, this research has contributed to the knowledge through the development of design guidelines to aid designers in the creation of a more suitable Arabic version of Facebook. Based on the above findings, this design guidelines proposes to guide user interface designers to incorporate elements that take into account cultural issues into the user interface


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    Messaging systems have become a hugely popular new paradigm for sending and delivering text messages; however, online messaging platforms have also become an ideal place for criminals due to their anonymity, ease of use and low cost. Therefore, the ability to verify the identity of individuals involved in criminal activity is becoming increasingly important. The majority of research in this area has focused on traditional authorship problems that deal with single-domain datasets and large bodies of text. Few research studies have sought to explore multi-platform author verification as a possible solution to problems around forensics and security. Therefore, this research has investigated the ability to identify individuals on messaging systems, and has applied this to the modern messaging platforms of Email, Twitter, Facebook and Text messages, using different single-domain datasets for population-based and user-based verification approaches. Through a novel technique of cross-domain research using real scenarios, the domain incompatibilities of profiles from different distributions has been assessed, based on real-life corpora using data from 50 authors who use each of the aforementioned domains. The results show that the use of linguistics is likely be similar between platforms, on average, for a population-based approach. The best corpus experimental result achieved a low EER of 7.97% for Text messages, showing the usefulness of single-domain platforms where the use of linguistics is likely be similar, such as Text messages and Emails. For the user-based approach, there is very little evidence of a strong correlation of stylometry between platforms. It has been shown that linguistic features on some individual platforms have features in common with other platforms, and lexical features play a crucial role in the similarities between users’ modern platforms. Therefore, this research shows that the ability to identify individuals on messaging platforms may provide a viable solution to problems around forensics and security, and help against a range of criminal activities, such as sending spam texts, grooming children, and encouraging violence and terrorism.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Londo

    Fanohge Famalåo’an & Fan’tachu Fama’lauan: Women Rising Indigenous Resistance to Militarization in the Marianas Archipelago

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    This project examines how Indigenous women nonviolently resist the invisible and visible sexist and environmental politics of everyday and expanding militarization by the United States in the Marianas Archipelago. As “protectors and defenders” of their families, communities, and natural environment, CHamoru and Refalawasch women employ digital, legal, political, and spiritual resistance. Their strategies are based and sustained within ancient matriarchal systems and matrilineal genealogies and are shared across the new media platforms: Change.org, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Written as a form of academic activism and created in fluidarity (solidarity) with others writing and working for decolonization and demilitarization, this thesis is designed as politically engaged qualitative resistance (re)search and is based on critical theoretical and emancipatory conceptual frameworks. Five resistance examples from Guå’han (Guam) and five examples from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) are explored through a decolonized and gendered lens, and I apply reflective and visual methodologies, This thesis argues that the United States (US) reinforces and relies on imperial ideologies and the “protector/protected” narrative to justify everyday and expanding militarization. Everyday militarization is fulfilled through the continued political status as insular areas belonging to the United States federal government while expanding militarization is justified through the Pacific pivot foreign policy carried out by the US Department of Defense in the name of national security. The invisible and visible sexist and environmental politics of everyday and expanding militarization manifests in the communities “along the fenceline” and within the “support economies” that surround military installations. The resistance, however, is much more complex than the local population versus the US government and military. The Marianas Archipelago has the second highest rate of US Force enlistment, and the residents are considered a “patriotic” population with US citizenship. These intricacies are addressed throughout the thesis with the women articulating that they are not “anti-military” or “anti-American.” Instead, their resistance is based on the premise that both the US federal government and the US Department of Defense must address unfulfilled commitments and abide by previous agreements. Finally, the aim of this (re)search as resistance is to contribute by creating and disseminating open, public, accessible, shareable, understandable, and informative scholarship. Organized as a hybrid thesis, I incorporate academic and new media publications and include forty-three images. In a time of US political uncertainty, women in the Marianas Archipelago continue to resist in fluidarity with others across the globe. This thesis is one snapshot of “women rising” in the Marianas Archipelago: “fanohge famalåo’an” and “fan’tachu fama’lauan” in CHamoru

    Innovative technologies in everyday life

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    Clock with magnet display

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    Ovaj završni rad obrađuje razvoj modela sata s magnetnim pokaznikom. Model se sastoji od nekoliko komponenti, a glavna je mikroupravljač Arduino koja se sastoji od sklopovlja i programske podrške, odnosno Arduino razvojnog okruženja. Mikroupravljač korišten u ovom modelu je Arduino NANO. Uz Arduino, važan je i I2C RTC modul koji omogućuje prikaz stvarnog vremena kao i koračni motor koji je pokretač sustava. Kroz rad je opisana magnetska levitacija, funkcija i specifikacije korištenih komponenti te je opisan način funkcioniranja sata. Cilj izrade ovog modela je prikaz korištenja inovativnih tehnologija u predmetu iz svakodnevnog života.This final paper deals with the development of a clock model with a magnetic pointer. The model consists of several components, of which the main is the Arduino microcontroller, which consists of hardware and software – Arduino IDE. The microcontroller used in this model is Arduino NANO. Along with Arduino, the I2C RTC module is also an important feature that provides real time display, another important part is a step motor that is the systems acutator. Throughout the paper, the magnetic levitation, function and specifications of the components used are described as well as how the clock functions. The purpose of this model is to present the use of innovative technologies in everyday life