304,666 research outputs found

    Near-Infrared Super Resolution Imaging with Metallic Nanoshell Particle Chain Array

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    We propose a near-infrared super resolution imaging system without a lens or a mirror but with an array of metallic nanoshell particle chain. The imaging array can plasmonically transfer the near-field components of dipole sources in the incoherent and coherent manners and the super resolution images can be reconstructed in the output plane. By tunning the parameters of the metallic nanoshell particle, the plasmon resonance band of the isolate nanoshell particle red-shifts to the near-infrared region. The near-infrared super resolution images are obtained subsequently. We calculate the field intensity distribution at the different planes of imaging process using the finite element method and find that the array has super resolution imaging capability at near-infrared wavelengths. We also show that the image formation highly depends on the coherence of the dipole sources and the image-array distance.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Near-infrared and Mid-infrared Spectroscopy with the Infrared Camera (IRC) for AKARI

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    The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of the two instruments on board the AKARI satellite. In addition to deep imaging from 1.8-26.5um for the pointed observation mode of the AKARI, it has a spectroscopic capability in its spectral range. By replacing the imaging filters by transmission-type dispersers on the filter wheels, it provides low-resolution (lambda/d_lambda ~ 20-120) spectroscopy with slits or in a wide imaging field-of-view (approximately 10'X10'). The IRC spectroscopic mode is unique in space infrared missions in that it has the capability to perform sensitive wide-field spectroscopic surveys in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength ranges. This paper describes specifications of the IRC spectrograph and its in-orbit performance.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication on PAS

    Spitzer Mid-Infrared Imaging of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We have observed 14 nearby (z<0.16) Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) with Spitzer at 3.6-24 microns. The underlying host galaxies are well-detected, in addition to the luminous nuclear cores. While the spatial resolution of Spitzer is poor, the great sensitivity of the data reveals the underlying galaxy merger remnant, and provides the first look at off-nuclear mid-infrared activity.Comment: To appear in the conference proceedings for Spitzer New Views of the Universe, held Nov. 2004 in Pasadena, C

    High Resolution Mid-Infrared Imaging of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    Observations of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with an achieved resolution approaching the diffraction limit in the mid-infrared from 8 - 25 μ\mum using the Keck Telescopes are reported. We find extremely compact structures, with spatial scales of <0.3′′< 0.3'' (diameter) in six of the seven ULIRGs observed. These compact sources emit between 30% and 100% of the mid-infrared energy from these galaxies. We have utilized the compact mid-infrared structures as a diagnostic of whether an AGN or a compact (100 -- 300 pc) starburst is the primary power source in these ULIRGs. In Markarian 231, the upper limit on the diameter of the 12.5 μ\mum source, 0.13′′'', shows that the size of the infrared source must increase with increasing wavelength, consistent with AGN models. In IRAS 05189-2524 and IRAS 08572+3915 there is strong evidence that the source size increases with increasing wavelength. This suggests heating by a central source rather than an extended luminosity source, consistent with the optical classification as an AGN. The compact mid-infrared sources seen in the other galaxies cannot be used to distinguish the ultimate luminosity source. If these ULIRGs are powered by compact starbursts, the star formation rates seen in the central few hundred parsecs far exceed the global rates seen in nearby starburst galaxies, and approach the surface brightness of individual clusters in nearby starburst galaxies.Comment: 33pages, 6 tables, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in A

    Evaluation of time-series registration methods in dynamic area telethermometry for breast cancer detection

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    Automated motion reduction in 3D dynamic infrared imaging is on demand in many applications. Few methods for registering time-series dynamic infrared frames have been proposed. Almost all such methods are feature based algorithms requiring manual intervention. We apply different automated registration methods based on spatial displacement to 11 datasets of Breast Dynamic Infrared Imaging (DIRI) and evaluate the results in terms of both the image similarity and anatomical consistency of the transformation. The aim is to optimize the registration strategy for breast DIRI in order to improve the spectral analysis of temperature modulation; thus facilitating the acquisition procedure in a Dynamic Area Telethermometry framework. The results show that symmetric diffeomorphic demons registration outperforms both warped frames similarity and smoothness of deformation fields; hence proving effective for time-series dynamic infrared registratio

    Probing the Nuclear and Circumnuclear Activity of NGC1365 in the Infrared

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    We present new far-infrared (70-500micron) Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging observations as well as new mid-IR Gemini/T-ReCS imaging (8.7 and 18.3micron) and spectroscopy of the inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) region (R<2.5kpc) of the spiral galaxy NGC1365. We complemented these observations with archival Spitzer imaging and spectral mapping observations. The ILR region of NGC1365 contains a Seyfert 1.5 nucleus and a ring of star formation with an approximate diameter of 2kpc. The strong star formation activity in the ring is resolved by the Herschel/PACS imaging data, as well as by the Spitzer 24micron continuum emission, [NeII]12.81micron line emission, and 6.2 and 11.3micron PAH emission. The AGN is the brightest source in the central regions up to lambda~24micron, but it becomes increasingly fainter in the far-infrared when compared to the emission originating in the infrared clusters (or groups of them) located in the ring. We modeled the AGN unresolved infrared emission with the CLUMPY torus models and estimated that the AGN contributes only to a small fraction (~5%) of the infrared emission produced in the inner ~5kpc. We fitted the non-AGN 24-500micron spectral energy distribution of the ILR region and found that the dust temperatures and mass are similar to those of other nuclear and circumnuclear starburst regions. Finally we showed that within the ILR region of NGC1365 most of the on-going star formation activity is taking place in dusty regions as probed by the 24micron emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Infrared Space Observatory Polarimetric Imaging of the Egg Nebula (RAFGL 2688)

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    We present polarimetric imaging of the protoplanetary nebula RAFGL 2688 obtained at 4.5 microns with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). We have deconvolved the images to remove the signature of the point spread function of the ISO telescope, to the extent possible. The deconvolved 4.5 micron image and polarimetric map reveal a bright point source with faint, surrounding reflection nebulosity. The reflection nebula is brightest to the north-northeast, in agreement with previous ground- and space-based infrared imaging. Comparison with previous near-infrared polarimetric imaging suggests that the polarization of starlight induced by the dust grains in RAFGL 2688 is more or less independent of wavelength between 2 microns and 4.5 microns. This, in turn, indicates that scattering dominates over thermal emission at wavelengths as long as ~5 microns, and that the dust grains have characteristic radii < 1 micron.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures; to appear in the Astronomical Journal, May 2002 issu
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