139,592 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Multimedia Resources in Teaching and Learning in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    The basic goal of information Technology is to harness the information resources and information capabilities of the organization in order to enable the organization to learn and adapt to its changing environment, Multimedia technology as an innovative teaching and learning strategy in a problem-based learning environment is alternative system in developing practical learning environment by giving the students a well interactive study, project and train them in this skill set. This paper formulated an assessment of multimedia resources in teaching and learning in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, highlighted the general concept of multimedia systems, statement of the problems, and major finding of the research. Recommendations for functional use of multimedia systems in teaching and learning have also been give

    Multimedia technologies in professional language education of law students

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    The article is the author’s take on up-to-day technologies in forming the foreign language competence of the future lawyers. Educational process of law students in a foreign language cannot be carried out without a proper system of monitoring the development of communication skills and abilities. As a result of using multimedia technologies, both the teacher and the student get the opportunity to pay attention to the existing gaps in communication skills and adjust their speech activity accordingly. The control of using multimedia technologies provides the necessary information for analysis and making appropriate changes in the organization of the educational process. Multimedia has become one of the leading learning tools in the period of distance learning. Multimedia is a technology that combines information (data), sound, animation, and graphics. Using modern appliances have made it possible to qualitatively change the control over students’ activities, while providing flexibility in managing the educational process. Using the information resources of the Internet allows integrating them into the educational process to more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks in a practical lesson. The use of computer presentations in the classroom allows to introduce new material in the most exciting way, the principle of visibility is implemented, which contributes to the solid assimilation of information

    The role of information technologies in education

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    In the article we find out the possibilities of using information technologies to modernize the educational process in higher education institutions. The article reveals the content of information technologies, describes the possibilities of their application, and shows their role in higher education institutions for the modernization of education. It is noted the functions inherent in the system of information provision of monitoring and quality control of education. The article distinguished the components of information technologies (hardware and software; applied information; the end user of information and the components of the national information system (modern telecommunications infrastructure; distributed computer network; system of national information resources); system-methodological. Information technologies are classified according to several features: the method of process in the information system; the step of treatment of organization tasks; the classes of hi-tech actions carried out; the kind of user interface). Priority directions in the field of informatization of education (introduction of multimedia technology, use of multimedia products in higher education institutions) have been identified. Aspects of information inequality are described (physical access, financial access, cognitive access, access to significant information, and political access). The significance of distance education for today is shown, and its principles are considered

    eLabs – platform for online laboratory management

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    We observe, today, an unprecedented development of information technologies in various organizational, social and economic fields. The Web is the main driver of this evolution from a simple display system of linked pages to a powerful platform for information and communication, having the interaction, the dynamism and multimedia resources their main features. At the organizational level, the Web has introduced several improvements, turning the business processes more effective and centered on users. The deployment of portals to support management and communication in organizations was the first step in the integration of information technologies in several fields of organizations. One of the most relevant technologies to support business process management is workflow, representing the most significant solution for process automation and information management inside an organization. According to Hales (1997) workflow is a proactive management system that manages the workflow among the participants (users or other systems), according to predefined procedures that define the tasks. This article discusses the development of a platform for online laboratory management based on workflow technologies, with the main goals to improve communication, cooperation and integrated management of resources, promoting greater efficiency in laboratory management. The eLabs platform is been used in Instituto Politécnico de Bragança for laboratory management, integrating the management of internal and external services, equipment, resources and tasks. The results obtained demonstrate an improvement in the efficiency of resources management and the enhancement of quality of services realized inside the institution and to the community

    Eksplorasi Utilitas Web 2.0 Untuk Menunjang Proses Belajar Mengajar Di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Platform Web 2.0 utilities are websites that are colaburative, interactive, allowing users not only to read information but also to post information and interact with others. These tools offer new opportunities for designing instruction for heightened student engagement, particularly inlearning. This paper is a very practical introduction to using common Web 2.0 tools including wikis, blogs, social media, and social bookmarking sites etc. Sample assignments developed and used by the author or described in the literature are described. These assignments are adaptable for use in a variety of disciplines. Wikis are very useful for group work. Blogs can be used effectively for journals and independent studies. Social bookmarking can enhance organization and sharing of professional web resources. Specific tips for setting up and working with the sites are given as well as recommended resources including handouts and videos that introduce the sites. Other types of Web 2.0/social networking sites with promise for use in higher education, such as multimedia production sites, are briefly described and specific sites recommended

    E-education in pathology including certification of e-institutions

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    E–education or electronically transferred continuous education in pathology is one major application of virtual microscopy. The basic conditions and properties of acoustic and visual information transfer, of teaching and learning processes, as well as of knowledge and competence, influence its implementation to a high degree. Educational programs and structures can be judged by access to the basic conditions, by description of the teaching resources, methods, and its program, as well as by identification of competences, and development of an appropriate evaluation system. Classic teaching and learning methods present a constant, usually non-reversible information flow. They are subject to personal circumstances of both teacher and student. The methods of information presentation need to be distinguished between static and dynamic, between acoustic and visual ones. Electronic tools in education include local manually assisted tools (language assistants, computer-assisted design, etc.), local passive tools (slides, movies, sounds, music), open access tools (internet), and specific tools such as Webinars. From the medical point of view information content can be divided into constant (gross and microscopic anatomy) and variable (disease related) items. Most open access available medical courses teach constant information such as anatomy or physiology. Mandatory teaching resources are image archives with user–controlled navigation and labelling, student–oriented user manuals, discussion forums, and expert consultation. A classic undergraduate electronic educational system is WebMic which presents with histology lectures. An example designed for postgraduate teaching is the digital lung pathology system. It includes a description of diagnostic and therapeutic features of 60 rare and common lung diseases, partly in multimedia presentation. Combining multimedia features with the organization structures of a virtual pathology institution will result in a virtual pathology education institution (VPEI), which can develop to a partly automated distant learning faculty in medicine

    Application of electronic educational resources in the preparation process for would be teachers of technologies

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    The article considers the use of electronic educational resources, as well as testing the feasibility of methods of applying this technology in the training of future teachers of technology. It is emphasized that updating and improving the forms, methods and means of teaching in higher pedagogical school significantly increase the level of information technology training of future specialists in technological education. In particular, electronic educational resources are used to simulate complex real events, situations, visualization of abstract information by dynamic representation of processes, demonstration of fragments of programs, movies, virtual tours and more. IT software allows modern teachers of technology education to combine text, graphics, animation, video and audio information, which significantly increases the level of learning material.In the conditions of integration of modern Ukraine into the European educational space, the form, methods and means of teaching in the higher pedagogical school need to be updated and unambiguously improved. The constant growth of educational information, the need for its analysis, assimilation, generalization, systematization and preservation, expanding the capabilities of the global Internet have led to the widespread introduction of information technology in the training of future professionals in higher education. After all, without knowledge of multimedia technologies, the ability to develop elements of e-educational resources, navigate in the modern information global space, it is impossible to achieve a high level of professionalism and become a competitive specialist.The application of technology of development and use of electronic educational resources can increase the effectiveness of active teaching methods for all forms of organization of the educational process in higher pedagogical institutions: at the stage of independent training of students, lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes

    Integrating Information Literacy into the Virtual University: A Course Model

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    Expressing the tacit knowledge of a digital library system as linked data

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    Library organizations have enthusiastically undertaken semantic web initiatives and in particular the data publishing as linked data. Nevertheless, different surveys report the experimental nature of initiatives and the consumer difficulty in re-using data. These barriers are a hindrance for using linked datasets, as an infrastructure that enhances the library and related information services. This paper presents an approach for encoding, as a Linked Vocabulary, the "tacit" knowledge of the information system that manages the data source. The objective is the improvement of the interpretation process of the linked data meaning of published datasets. We analyzed a digital library system, as a case study, for prototyping the "semantic data management" method, where data and its knowledge are natively managed, taking into account the linked data pillars. The ultimate objective of the semantic data management is to curate the correct consumers' interpretation of data, and to facilitate the proper re-use. The prototype defines the ontological entities representing the knowledge, of the digital library system, that is not stored in the data source, nor in the existing ontologies related to the system's semantics. Thus we present the local ontology and its matching with existing ontologies, Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) and Metadata Objects Description Schema (MODS), and we discuss linked data triples prototyped from the legacy relational database, by using the local ontology. We show how the semantic data management, can deal with the inconsistency of system data, and we conclude that a specific change in the system developer mindset, it is necessary for extracting and "codifying" the tacit knowledge, which is necessary to improve the data interpretation process

    QoE-centric management of multimedia networks through cooperative control loops

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    The Internet has evolved from a service to transport simple text files into a platform for transporting a variety of complex multimedia services. The initial centralized management systems were not designed and are therefore not able to perform efficient management of Quality of Experience (QoE) for these complex services. Deploying an autonomic management system resolves these complexity issues and allows efficient resource allocation based on the service type, end-user requirements and device characteristics. However, existing autonomic management systems only allow limited cooperation between different autonomic elements (AE), which limits their capabilities to provide end-to-end QoE assurance. This research will therefore design cooperative AEs, optimize their organization and provide cooperative allocation algorithms to optimize end-to-end QoE
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