13 research outputs found

    A complexidade do fluxo da informação tecnológica e a interação da rede interna no subsidio ao desenvolvimento de produtos biotecnológicos

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    Objective. Addresses the complexity of the flow of information as a dynamic and continuous process, noting that there is an exchange between the actors of the organization forming a network of internal interaction, whose activities and operations direct the flow of information in the organization. Method. Describes the elements and influential aspects of the flow of technological information that foster the development of biotechnology products in research and technology center, allocated in the city of Manaus, State of Amazonas. Results. Discusses the exchange of information among researchers and developers embroiled in the construction of information with a view to product innovation, and knowledge sharing. Conclusions. Concludes that the study of the flow of information should allow for aggregation of useful information for the development of products; barriers are capable of paralyzing the informational process, resulting in difficulty in meet project deadlines; actors internal network of relationships work synergy, allowing the sharing of information.Objetivo. Aborda la complejidad del flujo de la información como un proceso dinámico y continuo, observando que existe un intercambio entre los actores de la organización formando una red interna de interacción, cuyas actividades y operaciones direccionan el flujo de información en la organización.Método. Describe los elementos y aspectos influyentes del flujo de la información tecnológica que fomentan el desarrollo de productos biotecnológicos en un centro de tecnología e investigación, ubicado en la ciudad de Manaus, en el Estado de Amazonas. Resultados. Discute el intercambio de información entre los investigadores y los colaboradores vinculados en la construcción de la información con miras a la innovación de productos, y en la distribución del conocimiento. Conclusiones. Concluye que el análisis del flujo de la información debe permitir la inclusión de la información útil para el desarrollo de los productos; las barreras pueden paralizar el proceso informacional, generando dificultades en el cumplimiento de los plazos de los proyectos; los actores de la red interna vinculada trabajan en sinergia, permitiendo la distribución de la información.Objetivo. Aborda a complexidade do fluxo da informação como um processo dinâmico e contínuo, observando que existe uma intercâmbio entre os atores da organização formando uma rede interna de interação, cujas atividades e operações direcionam o fluxo de informação na organização. Método. Descreve os elementos e aspectos influentes do fluxo da informação tecnológica que fomentam o desenvolvimento de produtos biotecnológicos num centro de tecnologia e pesquisa, alocado na cidade de Manaus, no Estado do Amazonas. Resultados. Discute a troca de informação entre os pesquisadores e os colaboradores enredados na construção da informação com vistas à inovação de produtos, e no compartilhamento do conhecimento. Conclusões. Conclui que o estudo do fluxo da informação deve permitir a agregação da informação útil para o desenvolvimento dos produtos; as barreiras são capazes de paralisar o processo informacional, acarretando na dificuldade em atender os prazos dos projetos; os atores da rede interna de relações trabalham em sinergia, permitindo o compartilhamento de informações

    Influencia de las TIC en las organizaciones: cambios y aparición de nuevas formas organizativas

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    Abstract The present work studies the evolution of the organizational structures in function of the adjustments due to the competitive environment as well as the influence of ICT and how these ones have contributed to changes not only over the traditional ways, but also on the appearance of “new” organizational forms supported by ICT. From the ICT the factors are examined, which have influenced organizations, and finally two of these “new” organizational forms: the virtual and the cellular ones are carefully studied.  El presente trabajo estudia la evolución de las estructuras organizativas en función de los ajustes debidos al entorno competitivo y a la influencia de las TIC y la forma en que estas últimas han propiciado no solo cambios en las formas tradicionales, si no en la aparición de “nuevas” formas organizativas soportadas en las TIC. Se examinan los factores que desde las Tic han incidido en las organizaciones y finalmente se estudian de manera más detallada dos de estas “nuevas” formas organizativas la organización virtual y la organización celular.   &nbsp

    Governing a Digital Business Ecosystem: Lessons from ONE.MOTORING Portal

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    While the IT innovation topic has gathered significant research interests, the existing discourse on IT innovation is centered on internal organizational processes such as IT capability development and organizational learning rather than IT innovation networks as the primary means for achieving superior enterprise performance. This is an important topic because a networked perspective of IT-enabled innovation is a critical dimension for the dynamics of collaborative innovation in today’s networked economy. In particular, the development and implementation of a digital business ecosystem (DBE); a specific type of business ecosystem defined as an IT-enabled business network of entities with differing interests bound together in a collective whole, may hold the key to attaining superior enterprise performance in the context of organizations operating in complex business networks. Using a case study of ONE.MOTORING portal and adopting the theory of business ecosystems as an analytical lens, the objective of this study is to examine how are DBEs developed and governed? Our analysis identified three important lessons learnt that were instrumental in developing a DBE: institutionalizing ONE.MOTORING concept within business ecosystem; establishing connectivity and attaining network density and emphasizing value creation. We conclude with research and practice implications

    Information activities and tasks

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    Desenvolvimento e implementação de um manufacturing execution system na Unidade Industrial de Sousa, Amorim & Irmãos, S.A.

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialNo setor industrial, a excelência na gestão de operações é um ponto fulcral na obtenção de vantagem competitiva em relação ao mercado. Cada vez mais as organizações têm como objetivo a redução de desperdício, otimizando os seus processos, quer ao nível interno, quer ao nível das restantes relações com a cadeia de abastecimento. É nesta perspetiva que surgem os Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) que são considerados sistemas de informação dinâmicos, tendo por finalidade principal o aumento da eficiência ao nível da gestão de operações. Esta dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema MES na Amorim & Irmãos, S.A., na Unidade Industrial De Sousa. A implementação desta ferramenta tem como objetivo suprimir lacunas relacionadas com a monitorização da rastreabilidade e o controlo de processo. Este é um ponto crítico na organização em causa, uma vez que a competitividade do mercado exige um domínio total dos pontos anteriormente identificados, por forma a diferenciar-se.In the industrial sector, excellence in operations management is a key point in gaining competitive advantage over the market. More and more organizations are aimed at waste reduction, optimizing its processes, both domestically and in terms of relations with supply chain. It is in this perspective that arise Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) that are considered dynamic information systems, with the main purpose of increasing efficiency in operations management. This work addresses the development and implementation of a MES system in Amorim & Irmãos, S.A., Industrial Unit De Sousa. The implementation of this tool aims to remove gaps related to monitoring of traceability and process control. This is a critical point in the organization, since the market competitiveness requires a total domain of the previously identified points in order to differentiate themselves

    Modelling information flow for organisations delivering microsystems technology

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    Motivated by recent growth and applications of microsystems technology (MST), companies within the MST domain are beginning to explore avenues for understanding, maintaining and improving information flow, within their organisations and to/from customers, with a view to enhancing delivery performance. Delivery for organisations is the flow of goods from sellers to buyers and a classic approach to understanding information flow is via the use of modelling techniques. Cont/d

    A Smart Products Lifecycle Management (sPLM) Framework - Modeling for Conceptualization, Interoperability, and Modularity

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    Autonomy and intelligence have been built into many of today’s mechatronic products, taking advantage of low-cost sensors and advanced data analytics technologies. Design of product intelligence (enabled by analytics capabilities) is no longer a trivial or additional option for the product development. The objective of this research is aimed at addressing the challenges raised by the new data-driven design paradigm for smart products development, in which the product itself and the smartness require to be carefully co-constructed. A smart product can be seen as specific compositions and configurations of its physical components to form the body, its analytics models to implement the intelligence, evolving along its lifecycle stages. Based on this view, the contribution of this research is to expand the “Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)” concept traditionally for physical products to data-based products. As a result, a Smart Products Lifecycle Management (sPLM) framework is conceptualized based on a high-dimensional Smart Product Hypercube (sPH) representation and decomposition. First, the sPLM addresses the interoperability issues by developing a Smart Component data model to uniformly represent and compose physical component models created by engineers and analytics models created by data scientists. Second, the sPLM implements an NPD3 process model that incorporates formal data analytics process into the new product development (NPD) process model, in order to support the transdisciplinary information flows and team interactions between engineers and data scientists. Third, the sPLM addresses the issues related to product definition, modular design, product configuration, and lifecycle management of analytics models, by adapting the theoretical frameworks and methods for traditional product design and development. An sPLM proof-of-concept platform had been implemented for validation of the concepts and methodologies developed throughout the research work. The sPLM platform provides a shared data repository to manage the product-, process-, and configuration-related knowledge for smart products development. It also provides a collaborative environment to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration between product engineers and data scientists

    Evaluating information flow in medication management process in Australian acute care facilities: A multi-professional perspective

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    Over the years, various interventions have been introduced to improve the medication management process. While these interventions have addressed some aspects predisposing the process to inefficiencies, significant gaps are still prevalent across the process. Studies have suggested that the goal of optimal medication therapy is achievable when information flow integrates across the various medication management process phases, stakeholders and departments involved as the patient moves through the process. To provide a cross-sectional view of the process, this study utilised a systemic philosophy to evaluate the information flow integration across the process. The research approach adopted for this study takes a positivist paradigm, which is guided by the cause and effect (causality) belief. It explored numeric measures to evaluate the relationship between constructs that assessed information flow principles (accessibility, timeliness, granularity and transparency) within the medication process and the information integration. The research design was cross-sectional and analytical, and this ensures that findings are relevant to current situations across the Australian healthcare system. Data for this research was collected using an online self-administered survey and the data assessed information flow principles and technologies used in the medication management process. There were 88 participants in this study, including doctors, nurses and pharmacists. The questions and responses were coded for analysis and data analysis techniques used were frequency analysis, Pearson’s chi-square test and multivariate analysis. Findings from this study indicates that the constructs evaluating accessibility, transparency and granularity had moderate associations with the information integration in the medication management process. Further analysis highlighted accessibility as a significant principle in explaining an increase or decrease in information integration in the medication management process. The accessibility construct referring to information retrieval was significant across the two tests conducted. Accessibility is directly related to information sharing and the assessment and monitoring and evaluation phases in the medication management process were identified as having the highest challenges with information sharing. Furthermore, the hybrid (electronic and paper) channel was preferred to support information integration in the medication management process by the participants. Among the technologies evaluated for the medication process, computer-provider-order-entry was found to be statistically significant in explaining an increase in information integration. Overall, results from this study suggest that interventions for the medication management process in Australian acute care facilities should be directed towards improving accessibility, specifically information retrieval and the sharing of information with emphasis on the assessment and monitoring phases. Implementing strategies to address the gaps identified from this research can improve information integration across the process and thereby reducing medication errors, and improving patient care management. Furthermore, the technology adoption across the process highlights that technology adoption across participants’ facilities remains a challenge in Australia

    Redes colaborativas em ambientes de inovação: uma análise dos fluxos de informação

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Educação, Programa Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2017.Compreende o fluxo de informação em redes colaborativas constituídas em um ambiente de inovação e propõe diretrizes para o gerenciamento da informação. A análise é direcionada por meio da identificação de elementos dos fluxos de informação, da caracterização de redes em ambientes de inovação onde estão inseridas incubadoras e empresas de base tecnológica, da verificação na prática de como ocorre o processo informacional nesses ambientes e da proposição de direcionamentos para o gerenciamento da informação. Ametodologia é baseada no Design Science Research,como paradigma que operacionaliza a construção do conhecimento a partir de ciclos interativos para projetar um artefato sócio-técnico e utiliza a Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS), uma ferramenta interdisciplinar cujo foco analítico recai sobre as relações e interações entre os indivíduos e organizações, como forma de entender a estrutura relacional, sendo que para isso combina a metodologia com teorias apropriadas ao ambiente e às questões em estudo. A pesquisa é de abordagem mista, predominantemente, qualitativa. Foram analisados cinco estudos de caso, a partir dos quais se recolheu dados de 56 entrevistas com gestores de ambientes de inovação (parques tecnológicos e instituto de pesquisa), incubadora de empresas, pré-incubadas e startups incubadas em parques tecnológicos na Região Sul do Brasil e na Região Norte de Portugal, e um Instituto de pesquisa localizado na Região Norte do Brasil. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se como ferramentas a análise de conteúdo, as métricas de análise de redes e análise do desempenho das empresas. As diretrizes foram propostas com base nos resultados empíricos e delineadas a partir da CIMO-Logic. Os estudos de casos analisados sugerem que quanto mais as empresas amadurecem o plano de negócio, mais tendem a melhorar a gestão da informação. Os resultados dos fluxos de informação no desempenho organizacional são inerentes, principalmente, ao aumento de soluções coletivas, acúmulo de capital social e o aumento da aprendizagem coletiva ao longo dos primeiros anos de uma empresa incubada. Também se tem evidências de que a colaboração é facilitada pelo processo formal de participação na rede, mas observou-se que as interações informais e face-a-face trazem melhores resultados e maiores impactos nos projetos das empresas. As evidências empíricas e a fundamentação teórico-conceitual possibilitaram a proposição de sete diretrizes que podem auxiliar gestores quanto: informação crítica, papel dos atores, socialização nos ambientes de inovação, manutenção da base de conhecimentos, estrutura das redes, formação de parcerias e acompanhamento de resultados. Conclui que é possível gerenciar fluxos informacionais em ambientes dinâmicos e complexos, tais como os de inovação, desde que considere ser regidos por mecanismos de intervenção, práticas e melhorias.Abstract : It comprises the flow of information in collaborative networks constituted in an innovation environment and proposes guidelines for information management. The analysis is guided by the identification of elements of information flows, the characterization of networks in innovation environments where incubators and technology-based companies are inserted, the verification in practice of how the informational process occurs in these environments and the proposition of directions for information management. The methodology is based on Design Science Research, as a paradigm that operationalizes the construction of knowledge from interactive cycles to design a socio-technical artifact and uses the Analysis of Social Networks (ARS), an interdisciplinary tool whose analytical focus falls on the relations and interactions between individuals and organizations, as a way of understanding the relational structure, and for this it combines the methodology with appropriate theories to the environment and the issues under study. The research is of mixed, predominantly qualitative approach. Five case studies were analyzed, from which data were collected from 56 interviews with managers of innovation environments (technology parks and research institute), incubator of companies, pre-incubated and startups incubated in technological parks in the Southern Region of Brazil and in the Northern Region of Portugal, and a Research Institute located in the Northern Region of Brazil. Data analysis, network analysis metrics and company performance analysis were used as tools to analyze the data. The guidelines were proposed based on the empirical results and delineated from CIMO-Logic. The case studies analyzed suggest that the more companies mature the business plan, the more they tend to improve information management. The results of the information flow in organizational performance are inherent, mainly, to the increase of collective solutions, accumulation of social capital and the increase of collective learning during the first years of an incubated company. There is also evidence that collaboration is facilitated by the formal process of participation in the network, but it has been observed that informal and face-to-face interactions bring better results and greater impacts on company projects. The empirical evidence and the theoretical-conceptual basis made possible the proposal of seven guidelines that can help managers about: critical information, role of actors, socialization in innovation environments, maintenance of knowledge base, network structure, partnership formation and follow-up results. It concludes that it is possible to manage information flows indynamic and complex environments, such as innovation, as long as it considers being governed by intervention mechanisms, practices and improvements

    O fluxo de informação no processo de desenvolvimento de jogos eletrônicos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da InformaçãoO setor de jogos eletrônicos tem-se destacado no cenário internacional como um dos segmentos mais dinâmicos da tecnologia da informação. No Brasil, este setor sofreu uma grande evolução, mesmo considerado incipiente em relação a outros países, permanecendo em franca ascensão, principalmente, no estado de Santa Catarina que tem aumentado o número de empreendedores com canais internacionais de vendas e interesses no desenvolvimento sócio econômico na área de jogos eletrônicos e entretenimento digital. O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos requer das indústrias do setor, a preocupação com o fluxo informacional do processo com o propósito de melhor gerenciá-lo e obter vantagens e benefícios no gerenciamento das informações. Observando a importância em desenvolver produtos de qualidade para a indústria de jogos eletrônicos, bem como do fluxo informacional pertencente no processo, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o fluxo de informação no processo de desenvolvimento de jogos eletrônicos, tendo como referencial de modelo do fluxo informacional de Curty (2005). O universo da pesquisa foi composto por empresas brasileiras de jogos eletrônicos, as quais fazem parte da amostra a equipe de desenvolvimento. A pesquisa configura-se como um estudo de caso, a qual analisou o fluxo de informação sob quatro perspectivas: 1) Fontes e canais de informação; 2) Barreiras de busca e acesso à informação; 3) Determinantes para seleção das fontes e canais de informação; e 4) Motivação de busca por informação. Além disso, somam-se à análise, dois componentes do fluxo informacional: atores e o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. A partir da análise das entrevistas semiestruturadas foi possível identificar que o fluxo de informação pode seguir características verticais ou horizontais de acordo com a modalidade gerencial da empresa. Identificou-se que artistas, game designers e programadores atuam em diferentes áreas de desenvolvimento e possuem diferenças no que se refere ao grau de importância, frequência de uso e as razões do não uso, bem como barreiras, determinantes e aspectos motivacionais de busca por informação. Logo, identificou-se que artistas, game designers e programadores atribuíram alta importância no uso de fontes de informação do tipo informais e externas enquanto que no uso de canais de informação uma diferença foi encontrada já que artistas e game designers atribuíram maior relevância aos canais do tipo informais e internos enquanto que os programadores aos do tipo formais e externos. Com relação ao uso das fontes e canais de informação observou-se que a maioria destas são advindas da Internet como o Google e os blogs e/ou sites, portanto, ressalta-se a importância da Internet e das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação para o processo de desenvolvimento de jogos eletrônicos. Mapearam-se também as principais fontes e canais de informação pertinentes à indústria de jogos eletrônicos como: associações nacionais e internacionais, eventos, cursos de graduação no Brasil, periódicos eletrônicos, revistas, teses e dissertações, blogs e/ou sites e as principais empresas desenvolvedoras de jogos eletrônicas associadas à ABRAGAMES (Associação Brasileira dos Desenvolvedores de jogos digitais). Conclui-se que os aspectos analisados na pesquisa possibilitam agregar valor à informação de uso e para tomada de decisão do projeto de desenvolvimento de jogos eletrônicos.The electronic game industry has been highlighted in the international scenery as one of the most dynamic segments of information technology. In Brazil, this sector suffered a great evolution, even considered incipient relation with other countries, remains in frank rise, especially in the state of Santa Catarina, which has increased the number of entrepreneurs with international channels of sales and interest in socio-economic development in area of electronic games and digital entertainment. The development process of products require of the industries sector, concerns about the information flow of the process in order to best manage it and get advantages and benefits of information management. Noting the importance of developing quality products for the electronic game industry, as well as the flow of information belonging to the these thesis, this paper aims to analyze the flow of information in development of electronic games, taking as a reference model of the flow informational Curty (2005). The research was composed by Brazilian electronic games, which are part of the sample employees who work in the development of electronic games. The research appears as a multicase study, which analyzed the flow of information from four perspectives: 1) sources and channels of information, 2) barriers and access to information search, 3) determinants for selection of sources and information channels and 4) motivation for information search. Also, add to the analysis, two components of the information flow: actors and, the process of product development. From the analysis of semi-structured interviews was found that the information flow can be vertical or horizontal, according to the company's management mode. It was found that artists, game designers and programmers working in different areas of development and have differences regarding the degree of importance, frequency of use and the reasons for the use as well as barriers, determinants and motivational aspects of information seeking . Soon, it was identified that artists, game designers and programmers assigned high importance in the use of information sources and external informal type while the use of information channels a difference was found as artists and game designers gave more importance to the channel such as informal and internal programmers to type formal and external. Regarding the use of sources and information channels was observed that most of these are coming from the Internet such as Google and blogs and / or sites, so it emphasizes the importance of the Internet and information technology and communication for the process of development of electronic games. It also mapped the main sources and channels of information relevant to the video game industry as national and international associations, events, undergraduate courses in Brazil, electronic journals, magazines, theses and dissertations, blogs and / or sites and the main companies electronic game developers associated with ABRAGAMES (Brazilian Association of Developers of digital games). It is concluded that the impacts analyzed in the research add value to enable usage information for decision making and project development of electronic games