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    Penggunaan Information Technology (IT) Terintegrasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Konsumen Di Dhyana Pura Beach Resort, Bali

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    Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Bali is company which run on hotel service company. Remembering the competitions with any hotel now days to attract the tourist to stay at hotel, so it needs an effective promotion and excellent Service. That's why the hotel management need to make a good service excellent and correctly to competed at market, through Integrated System Information Management. This research has main problems, i.e. how the effect of technology information and to deliver the Customer Satisfaction at Dhyana Pura Beach resort, Bali? From the description above and the existing gap, the author outlines into three research problems that : 1. How Services and Infrastructure Information System Integrated in Dhyana Pura Hotel Beach Resort Bali ? Â 2. How Architectural Design Network infrastructure and Information System Integrated in Dhyana Pura Hotel Beach Resort Bali ? 3. How to Design Systems infrastructure and Hotel Information Systems Integrated in Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Bali? The method used in this study is a mix method qualitative and Quantitative research. The Discussion of the results of the study as follows: 1. Proliferation and use of ICT (Information Communication Technology) as the needs of today's service-oriented economy in Europe, Australasia, the United States and developing countries. 2. Design of a wireless network is built using the media as a media access point interconnections between each group of services. 3. The service at the hotel integrated information system can be divided into two categories

    Information Technology Plan as an IT Governance Maturity Driver

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    Having an information technology (IT) plan is a minimum baseline for optimal IT governance. But, creating a plan is only one problem, executing it poses even more challenging problems. In this research, we investigate the correlation between an organization's IT plan and the organization's IT governance maturity level. We show that, on one hand, executing an IT plan requires a certain IT governance maturity level, on the other hand, the experience of executing an IT plan drives the organization IT governance maturity level. We compare the situations in two government institutions and found indications that the organization with an ambitious IT plan has more mature IT governance than the other whose IT plan is relatively modest. The results suggest that an effective IT plan should include plans for the development of IT governance mechanisms relevant to the goals that the plan is intended to achieve, and the plan's implementation schedule, also known as the IT roadmap, should take into consideration the growth of the IT governance mechanisms' maturity levels. Memiliki rencana untuk teknologi informasi (TI) adalah base line untuk tata kelola TI yang optimal. Tapi, membuat rencana hanyalah satu masalah, melaksanakannya akan menciptakan masalah baru yang lebih menantang. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menyelidiki korelasi antara rencana TI suatu organisasi dengan tingkat maturity tata kelola TI-nya. Kami menunjukkan bahwa, di satu sisi, untuk melaksanakan rencana TI memerlukan tingkat kematangan tata kelola TI tertentu, di sisi lain, pengalaman dalam menjalankan rencana TI mendorong organisasi dalam meningkatkan tata kelola TI. Kami membandingkan situasi di dua lembaga pemerintah dan menemukan indikasi bahwa organisasi dengan rencana TI yang ambisius memiliki tata kelola TI lebih matang dari organisasi yang rencana TI-nya relatif sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan TI yang efektif harus mencakup rencana untuk pengembangan mekanisme tata kelola TI yang relevan dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, dan jadwal pelaksanaan rencana atau roadmap TI, harus mempertimbangkan pertumbuhan tingkat mekanisme tata kelola TI

    Enhancing Information Language Learning with Mobile Technology - Does it Work?

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    There are many theories that attempt to explain second language acquisition processes and factors determining success or failure. Despite a lack of general agreement between proponents of these theories, research has convincingly shown that the amount of exposure to target language input is one important predictor of ultimate achievement levels. ‘Time on task’ is as important in language learning as it is in many other domains (cf. Reber, 1993) and it is therefore important to identify ways in which this can be increased. An obvious possibility is to encourage learners to engage with (and in) the language outside the classroom. Informal learning, in the sense of learning outside of formal education, has been shown to be a major aspect of adult learning (Cross, 2007) and, given appropriate preparation and support, learners can greatly increase opportunities for learning if they can do so independently. Mobile technologies have obvious potential in this regard. However, is it possible to improve language skills in this way? In this article we report on an exploratory study into the use of cellphones for extensive listening practice. We used input enhancement to draw learners’ attention to not only the meaning of the materials but also the formal (grammatical) aspects of the input. We found that the use of mobile technology presented a number of challenges and in this study did not result in learners acquiring the target structures. We conclude with a number of recommendations for the use and future study of mobile technologies for (language) learning

    Information Technology (IT) Change Management

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    This paper draws upon the work of American Management Systems (AMS) and other practitioners in describing how a realistic and effective IT change model can be constructed. This model will be the basis for our future research into how organizations actually implement change

    Information Technology Procurement - IT-0200-00

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    The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the procurement of information Technology hardware, software, and services follow established University System of Georgia Board of Regents policies and guidelines, that due diligence is performed to ensure compatibility with existing systems and policies, that appropriate plans are associated with technology acquisition, and that the approval of the Chief Information Officer is obtained prior to issuance of a purchase order

    Managing Educational Information Technology (IT) Transformation

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    Private universities are emerging rapidly in Egypt and are facing a number of critical challenges. Educational Information Technology (IT) is considered one of the most important factors for competition, survival, and sustainability in the education industry. Any change in technology consecutively affects other factors and vice versa. With the move of the American University in Cairo (AUC) from the downtown strategic location to one of the suburbs, many constraints and challenges were imposed coupled with the implications associated with Egypt’s uprising. To guarantee sustainability, there is a need to manage properly educational IT performance. However, as Hoerner (2008) stated, “indicators are needed for sustainability because you cannot manage what you do not measure”. To identify the indicators of sustainability and the factors that affect them, satisfaction was used as surrogate measure for educational IT performance. This paper demonstrates the experience of the American University in Cairo in deploying IT in education while going through school and university transformation and a nations’ uprising with a number of lessons learned, and opportunities created for different stakeholders in the national educational ecosystem

    UAP 2560: Information Technology (IT) Governance

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    Information Technology (IT) in Agribusiness Enterprises

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    The objective of this research study is to identify the existence and role of information technology (IT) at Albanian agribusiness enterprises. IT contains many elements like: software, hardware, different systems, mobile application etc. According to this research study, these elements have been applied also at Albanian agribusiness enterprises. Different employees use different elements of IT. It is observed that employees who belong to financial department use financial software, the employees at marketing department use more www (world wide web) while the managers were more interested in decision-making software. Some of the enterprises that were involved on this research studies, had created also IT department. It is obvious that those enterprises contain a major role on business. There has been a statistical analyze by SPSS program of all data that were collected by the surveys on interviews. According to the results, there was a connection between production forecast, number of computers and IT department existence. Production forecast is on percentage which means that if the enterprise wants to produce more next year comparing to the actual year, then it needs more computers and perhaps to create an IT department. The probability is calculated according to statistical regression models. This research study is very important as it contributes to involve IT on agribusiness enterprises. Keywords: Enterprise, information technology (IT), departmen

    Geoscience after IT: Part L. Adjusting the emerging information system to new technology

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    Coherent development depends on following widely used standards that respect our vast legacy of existing entries in the geoscience record. Middleware ensures that we see a coherent view from our desktops of diverse sources of information. Developments specific to managing the written word, map content, and structured data come together in shared metadata linking topics and information types