1,381,959 research outputs found

    Fractal parameters of pore space from CT images of soils under contrasting management practices

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    Soil structure plays an important role in flow and transport phenomena, and a quantitative characterization of the spatial heterogeneity of the pore space geometry is beneficial for prediction of soil physical properties. Morphological features such as pore-size distribution, pore space volume or pore?solid surface can be altered by different soil management practices. Irregularity of these features and their changes can be described using fractal geometry. In this study, we focus primarily on the characterization of soil pore space as a 3D geometrical shape by fractal analysis and on the ability of fractal dimensions to differentiate between two a priori different soil structures. We analyze X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of soils samples from two nearby areas with contrasting management practices. Within these two different soil systems, samples were collected from three depths. Fractal dimensions of the pore-size distributions were different depending on soil use and averaged values also differed at each depth. Fractal dimensions of the volume and surface of the pore space were lower in the tilled soil than in the natural soil but their standard deviations were higher in the former as compared to the latter. Also, it was observed that soil use was a factor that had a statistically significant effect on fractal parameters. Fractal parameters provide useful complementary information about changes in soil structure due to changes in soil management. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0218348X14400118?queryID=%24%7BresultBean.queryID%7D

    Using CRM systems for trade enterprises management

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    У статті розглянуто використання CRM-систем для управління торговельними підприємствами України. Наголошено, що рівень інформаційної підтримки українських торговельних підприємств залишається досить низьким. Запропоновано методику рейтингового оцінювання CRM-систем. Для перевірки узгодженості думок експертів щодо рейтингу CRM-систем використовувався експертний метод, де розраховувався коефіцієнт конкордації Кендалла. Проведено порівняльний аналіз 6-ти CRM-систем: Мегаплан, bpm online sales, Bitrix 24, AmoCRM, 1C, Mango за 12-ю ознаками. Визначено СRM-системи, що мають найвищий рейтинг. Перевірено ступінь узгодженості думок експертів щодо рейтингу 4-х CRM-систем: bpm online sales, Bitrix24, AmoCRM, Мегаплан. Знайдено найбільш відповідне рішення для управління торговельними підприємствами України.The using of CRM systems for trade enterprises in Ukraine is considered. The trade is the leading branch of Ukrainian economy because it ranks first in the number of business entities and the sales volume of goods. But the level of information support for Ukrainian trade enterprises remains very low because they practically do not use CRM systems. Therefore, the analysis and reasonable selecting of CRM systems for trade enterprises is relevant and has practical importance. It is shown that there are two ways for solving this problem. The first one is to develop the own information systems. The second one is to use existing CRM systems. In the author’s opinion, the first way is very expensive and long, therefore, it is proposed to use a rating evaluation of the existing CRM systems in the Ukrainian market and to select the best among them. The ratings of CRM systems compiled by different authors may vary significantly. Therefore, it is suggested to use an expert method and various sources of information to determine the degree of consistency of expert opinions on this issue. Kendall coefficient of concordance has been calculated. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of CRM systems for trade enterprises and their selection based on rating evaluation. Based on the method of analogy, a methodology for rating evaluation of CRM systems has been proposed by the author. Also, the stages of the expert method for CRM systems have been represented. A comparative analysis of six CRM systems such as Megaplan, bpm'online sales, Bitrix24, Amo CRM, 1C and Mango was carried out. Based on the survey, they were selected by twelve signs. CRM systems with the highest rating were identified. The consistency degree of expert opinions on the rating of four CRM systems such as bpm'online sales, Bitrix24, AmoCRM and Megaplan is determined by the expert method. The value of Kendall concordance coefficient indicates a strong consistency of expert opinions. Obtained results are consistent with the previous calculations. Thus, according to the results of the rating, the most appropriate solution for trade enterprises management in Ukraine has been found

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on surgical neuro-oncology multi-disciplinary team decision making: a national survey (COVID-CNSMDT Study).

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    OBJECTIVES: Pressures on healthcare systems due to COVID-19 has impacted patients without COVID-19 with surgery disproportionally affected. This study aims to understand the impact on the initial management of patients with brain tumours by measuring changes to normal multidisciplinary team (MDT) decision making. DESIGN: A prospective survey performed in UK neurosurgical units performed from 23 March 2020 until 24 April 2020. SETTING: Regional neurosurgical units outside London (as the pandemic was more advanced at time of study). PARTICIPANTS: Representatives from all units were invited to collect data on new patients discussed at their MDT meetings during the study period. Each unit decided if management decision for each patient had changed due to COVID-19. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcome measures included number of patients where the decision to undergo surgery changed compared with standard management usually offered by that MDT. Secondary outcome measures included changes in surgical extent, numbers referred to MDT, number of patients denied surgery not receiving any treatment and reasons for any variation across the UK. RESULTS: 18 units (75%) provided information from 80 MDT meetings that discussed 1221 patients. 10.7% of patients had their management changed-the majority (68%) did not undergo surgery and more than half of this group not undergoing surgery had no active treatment. There was marked variation across the UK (0%-28% change in management). Units that did not change management could maintain capacity with dedicated oncology lists. Low volume units were less affected. CONCLUSION: COVID-19 has had an impact on patients requiring surgery for malignant brain tumours, with patients receiving different treatments-most commonly not receiving surgery or any treatment at all. The variations show dedicated cancer operating lists may mitigate these pressures. STUDY REGISTRATION: This study was registered with the Royal College of Surgeons of England's COVID-19 Research Group (https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/coronavirus/rcs-covid-research-group/)

    Створення автоматизованної системи формування вимог для ІТ проекту

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    Процес управління вимогами традиційно вважається одним з ключових при створені автоматизованих систем. Найбільші ризики проектів пов’язані з високою мінливостью вимог та помилками у їх визначенні. Методика, яка заноснова у галузі управління життєвим циклом автоматизованих систем, спрямована на зниження таких ризиків. Проблеми при виконанні проектів створення автоматизованих систем можуть виникати через неформальний збір інфомармації, передебачуваної функціональності, помилкових або нефункціональних вимог до системи,а також нерегламентовану процедуру їх зміни. Організація управління вимогами насамперед спрямована на спростування таких проблем за рахунок удосконалення способів збору, документування, погодження та модифікації вимог до системи, відстеження вимог від зацікавлених осіб та інших джерел, що їх породжують. Регламентація процедур управління вимогами має забезпечити високу якість робити з ними у проектах, пов’язаних з розробкою, супроводом, створення автоматизованої системи, розробкою їх організаційно – методичного забезпечення, а також впровадження готових систем за рахунок зменшення типових помилок при роботі з вимогами. Дипломна робота: 103 c., 26 рис., 5 табл., 24 джерела.The process of requirements management is traditionally considered one of the key in creating automated systems. The greatest risks of projects are associated with high variability of requirements and errors in their definition. The methodology, which is based on the life cycle management of automated systems, aims to reduce such risks. Problems with the implementation of projects to create automated systems may arise due to informal collection of information, defaulted functionality, erroneous or non- functional requirements for the system, as well as unregulated procedure for their change. The requirements management organization is primarily aimed at refuting such problems by improving the methods of collecting, documenting, agreeing and modifying system requirements, tracking requirements from stakeholders and other sources that generate them. Regulation of requirements management procedures should ensure high quality to do with them in projects related to the development, maintenance, creation of an automated system, development of their organizational and methodological support, as well as implementation of ready-made systems by reducing common errors in dealing with requirements The total volume of work is 103 pages, 26 figures, 5 tables, 24 sources

    Information Systems Skills Differences between High-Wage and Low-Wage Regions: Implications for Global Sourcing

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    Developing Information Systems (IS) skills for a company’s workforce has always been challenging, but global sourcing growth has caused the determination of needed IS skills to be more complex. The increased use of outsourcing to an IS service provider and from high-wage regions to low-wage regions has affected what IS skills are required globally and how to distribute the workforce to meet these needs. To understand what skills are needed in locations that seek and those that provide outsourcing, we surveyed IS service provider managers in global locations. Results from 126 reporting units provide empirical evidence that provider units in low-wage regions value technical skills more than those in high-wage regions. Despite the emphasis on commodity skills in low-wage areas, high- and low-wage providers value project management skills. Low-wage regions note global and virtual teamwork more than high-wage regions do. The mix of skills and the variation by region have implications for domestic and offshore sourcing. Service providers can vary their staffing models in global regions which has consequences for recruiting, corporate training, and curriculum

    Interoperability, Trust Based Information Sharing Protocol and Security: Digital Government Key Issues

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    Improved interoperability between public and private organizations is of key significance to make digital government newest triumphant. Digital Government interoperability, information sharing protocol and security are measured the key issue for achieving a refined stage of digital government. Flawless interoperability is essential to share the information between diverse and merely dispersed organisations in several network environments by using computer based tools. Digital government must ensure security for its information systems, including computers and networks for providing better service to the citizens. Governments around the world are increasingly revolving to information sharing and integration for solving problems in programs and policy areas. Evils of global worry such as syndrome discovery and manage, terror campaign, immigration and border control, prohibited drug trafficking, and more demand information sharing, harmonization and cooperation amid government agencies within a country and across national borders. A number of daunting challenges survive to the progress of an efficient information sharing protocol. A secure and trusted information-sharing protocol is required to enable users to interact and share information easily and perfectly across many diverse networks and databases globally.Comment: 20 page

    Semi-Annual Report to Congress for the Period of April 1, 2009 to September 30, 2009

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    [Excerpt] I am pleased to submit this Semiannual Report to Congress, which highlights the most significant activities and accomplishments of the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General (DOL-OIG), for the six-month period ending September 30, 2009. During this reporting period, our investigative work led to 214 indictments, 221 convictions, and 123.1millioninmonetaryaccomplishments.Inaddition,weissued22auditandotherreports.OIGauditsandinvestigationscontinuetoassesstheeffectiveness,efficiency,economy,andintegrityofDOLsprogramsandoperations.Wealsocontinuetoinvestigatelaborracketeeringand/ororganizedcrimeinfluenceagainstunions,employeebenefitplans,andworkers.Fromanauditperspective,theOIGishighlyengagedinensuringtheintegrityofDOLactivitiesrelatedtotheAmericanRecoveryandReinvestmentActof2009(RecoveryAct)funding.Duringthisreportingperiod,weissuedfivereportstothatend.AmongourfindingsarethatDOLimplementedproceduresfortheaccountingofRecoveryActfinancialactivity,actedquicklytoimplementthepremiumassistanceprovisionsforworkerswhotemporarilymaintaintheirhealthinsuranceatgroupratesafterlosingtheirjobs,andeffectivelyimplementedthetemporaryprogramforadditionalunemploymentcompensationforeligiblerecipients.Wealsoidentifiedareasforimprovementrelatedtofinancialandperformancereportingandprogrammaticcoordinationwithstates.AnauditfoundshortcomingswithDOLsnewiCertsystem,whichisdesignedtoidentifyinaccuraciesinH1Blaborconditionapplications(LCAs)forforeignworkers.Wefoundthat,becauseofmissingelectronicchecks,manualreviewsoftheLCAsbyanalystsarenecessary.However,increasesinthevolumeofapplicationsmayresultinanalystsnotbeingabletoperforma100percentreview.ThisincreasestheriskofLCAsbeingimproperlycertified.OurauditsalsocontinuetorevealthatsomeJobCorpscentersdonotcomplywithrequirementsforreportingperformanceforstudentattendanceandaccountability.Wealsofoundthat,atthreecenters,acontractorhadnotensuredcompliancewithprocedurestoaddressstudentmisconduct.AnauditofthehandlingofinjuredFederalemployeesreemploymentstatusattwoFederalworkerscompensationdistrictofficesfoundthattheDepartmentdidnotensurethatconsistentinterventionactionsweretakentowardremovingcasesfromtheperiodicroll.ThisincreasedtheriskofclaimantscontinuingtoreceivefullFederalEmployeesCompensationActbenefitsaftertheywereabletoreturntoworkoraftertheircompensationcouldhavebeenreduced.Ourinvestigationscontinuetocombatorganizedcrimeand/orlaborracketeeringinvolvingthemoniesinunionsponsoredbenefitplans,internalunioncorruption,andlabormanagementrelations.AmajorOIGinvestigationdisclosedmorethan30yearsoforganizedcrimecontroloftheInternationalLongshoremensAssociationLocal1235,whichrepresentsportworkersinNewJersey.Inanotherinvestigation,thebusinessmanagerfortheElectricalWorkersLocalUnionNo.3,whowasaformerNewYorkStateassemblyman,wassentencedto10yearsimprisonmentonracketeering,bankfraud,andfalsestatementchargesinvolvinganumberofschemescarriedoutforpersonalgain.OIGinvestigationsalsoidentifiedvulnerabilitiesandfraudinDOLprograms,suchastheforeignlaborcertification(FLC)program.OneOIGinvestigationledtotherecentsentencingofViktarKrusandhiscoconspiratorstovariousperiodsofincarcerationforfraudulentlyobtainingvisasformorethan3,800foreignnationalsanddefraudingthegovernmentof123.1 million in monetary accomplishments. In addition, we issued 22 audit and other reports. OIG audits and investigations continue to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and integrity of DOL’s programs and operations. We also continue to investigate labor racketeering and/or organized crime influence against unions, employee benefit plans, and workers. From an audit perspective, the OIG is highly engaged in ensuring the integrity of DOL activities related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) funding. During this reporting period, we issued five reports to that end. Among our findings are that DOL implemented procedures for the accounting of Recovery Act financial activity, acted quickly to implement the premium-assistance provisions for workers who temporarily maintain their health insurance at group rates after losing their jobs, and effectively implemented the temporary program for additional unemployment compensation for eligible recipients. We also identified areas for improvement related to financial and performance reporting and programmatic coordination with states. An audit found shortcomings with DOL’s new iCert system, which is designed to identify inaccuracies in H-1B labor condition applications (LCAs) for foreign workers. We found that, because of missing electronic checks, manual reviews of the LCAs by analysts are necessary. However, increases in the volume of applications may result in analysts not being able to perform a 100 percent review. This increases the risk of LCAs being improperly certified. Our audits also continue to reveal that some Job Corps centers do not comply with requirements for reporting performance for student attendance and accountability. We also found that, at three centers, a contractor had not ensured compliance with procedures to address student misconduct. An audit of the handling of injured Federal employees’ reemployment status at two Federal workers’ compensation district offices found that the Department did not ensure that consistent intervention actions were taken toward removing cases from the periodic roll. This increased the risk of claimants continuing to receive full Federal Employee’s Compensation Act benefits after they were able to return to work or after their compensation could have been reduced. Our investigations continue to combat organized crime and/or labor racketeering involving the monies in union- sponsored benefit plans, internal union corruption, and labor-management relations. A major OIG investigation disclosed more than 30 years of organized crime control of the International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1235, which represents port workers in New Jersey. In another investigation, the business manager for the Electrical Workers Local Union No. 3, who was a former New York State assemblyman, was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment on racketeering, bank fraud, and false statement charges involving a number of schemes carried out for personal gain. OIG investigations also identified vulnerabilities and fraud in DOL programs, such as the foreign labor certification (FLC) program. One OIG investigation led to the recent sentencing of Viktar Krus and his co-conspirators to various periods of incarceration for fraudulently obtaining visas for more than 3,800 foreign nationals and defrauding the government of 7.4 million in payroll taxes. Because of our investigative expertise, the OIG is a member of the International Organized Crime (IOC) strategy headed by the U.S. Attorney General. The IOC is committed to combating crime by international organized groups. Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to former DOL Inspector General Gordon S. Heddell, who is now serving as the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Defense. During his leadership of more than eight years, the DOL-OIG consistently achieved significant results similar to those presented in this report. As Acting Inspector General, I look forward to continuing to work with the Secretary of Labor and her management team in ensuring the effectiveness of DOL in delivering services and protecting the rights and benefits of American workers and retirees