
Using CRM systems for trade enterprises management


У статті розглянуто використання CRM-систем для управління торговельними підприємствами України. Наголошено, що рівень інформаційної підтримки українських торговельних підприємств залишається досить низьким. Запропоновано методику рейтингового оцінювання CRM-систем. Для перевірки узгодженості думок експертів щодо рейтингу CRM-систем використовувався експертний метод, де розраховувався коефіцієнт конкордації Кендалла. Проведено порівняльний аналіз 6-ти CRM-систем: Мегаплан, bpm online sales, Bitrix 24, AmoCRM, 1C, Mango за 12-ю ознаками. Визначено СRM-системи, що мають найвищий рейтинг. Перевірено ступінь узгодженості думок експертів щодо рейтингу 4-х CRM-систем: bpm online sales, Bitrix24, AmoCRM, Мегаплан. Знайдено найбільш відповідне рішення для управління торговельними підприємствами України.The using of CRM systems for trade enterprises in Ukraine is considered. The trade is the leading branch of Ukrainian economy because it ranks first in the number of business entities and the sales volume of goods. But the level of information support for Ukrainian trade enterprises remains very low because they practically do not use CRM systems. Therefore, the analysis and reasonable selecting of CRM systems for trade enterprises is relevant and has practical importance. It is shown that there are two ways for solving this problem. The first one is to develop the own information systems. The second one is to use existing CRM systems. In the author’s opinion, the first way is very expensive and long, therefore, it is proposed to use a rating evaluation of the existing CRM systems in the Ukrainian market and to select the best among them. The ratings of CRM systems compiled by different authors may vary significantly. Therefore, it is suggested to use an expert method and various sources of information to determine the degree of consistency of expert opinions on this issue. Kendall coefficient of concordance has been calculated. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of CRM systems for trade enterprises and their selection based on rating evaluation. Based on the method of analogy, a methodology for rating evaluation of CRM systems has been proposed by the author. Also, the stages of the expert method for CRM systems have been represented. A comparative analysis of six CRM systems such as Megaplan, bpm'online sales, Bitrix24, Amo CRM, 1C and Mango was carried out. Based on the survey, they were selected by twelve signs. CRM systems with the highest rating were identified. The consistency degree of expert opinions on the rating of four CRM systems such as bpm'online sales, Bitrix24, AmoCRM and Megaplan is determined by the expert method. The value of Kendall concordance coefficient indicates a strong consistency of expert opinions. Obtained results are consistent with the previous calculations. Thus, according to the results of the rating, the most appropriate solution for trade enterprises management in Ukraine has been found

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