4,038 research outputs found

    Features of Teacher’s Synchretic Activity in the Conditions of Modern Higher Education

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    Effective feedback is an art that every leading teacher must improve. The student, who receives excellent feedback during the lesson, walks out of the door feeling confident and motivated for further improving. A student who receives poor feedback will feel the opposite. The feedback should be defined like "great work" with the meaning not only about how to correct the mistakes of students so that they can study in the future without undermining their confidence but also about the modern teacher’s role in educational process. The article has been raised the issue of the specific features of the teaching activities, the essence of the concept of "syncretic activity of the teacher "is reveald, in particular the concept of "role functions" is clarified, approaches to interpreting the features of the role functions of a teacher are considered. The main instructions of the teacher which provide the identification of teacher’s new qualities in the conditions of modern higher school have been highlighted. The teacher is entrusted with such functions as coordination of educational activities, adjustment of the content of education, counseling, etc. The solution of this problem in terms of personal and professional growth of the teacher has been proposed, which allows to improve the teaching process in higher education. The author's understanding of the main roles of the teacher in higher school has been outlined, the attention on urgent tasks, the features of the role functions of a teacher as syncretic multifunctional interaction between the teacher and the student on preparation of experts for information society has been emphasized. The sequence and priority of the teacher's roles in the syncretic activity in the teaching process have been revealed. The psychological structure of the teacher’s syncretic activity has been clarified from the point of view of the requirements for teacher’s personality with an explanation of the set of skills that the teacher of a higher education institution should have. The professional skills of the teacher in relation to the peculiarities of his or her activity, which are shown in various types of the teacher’s role functions in accordance with the situation and professional tasks of teaching have been analyzed. It has been shown that the transformation of educational activities and role functions of a modern teacher of higher education testifies to constant changes in his personal and professional growth, which also affects the development of the personality of a student - a future professional - in the process of his training

    Designing the System of Remote Knowledge Diagnosing for Students of Technical Specialties

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    In the article the theoretical aspects of planning of the systems of the controlled from distance diagnosing of level of know ledges of students are resulted on the basis of modern pedagogical theoretical and technological approaches. The practical results of creation of the systems of this type are resulted for organization of testing both in the structure of local networks of higher educational establishments and with access through the global network of Internet

    A Classification of Threats to Remote Online Examinations

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following paper: Abrar Ullah, Hannah Xiao, and Trevor Barker, ‘A Classification of Threats to Remote Online Examinations’, in Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 13-15 October 2016, Vancouver, Canada. Published by IEEE, available online via http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7746085/ Copyright © 2016, IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Summative online examinations is a high stake process which faces many security threats. The lack of face-toface interaction, monitoring or invigilation motivates many threats, which includes intrusion by hackers and collusion by students. This paper is based on a survey of literature to present a threat classification using security abuse case scenarios. Collusion is one of the challenging threats, when a student invites a third party collaborator to impersonate or aid a student to take an online test. While mitigation of all types of threats is important, the risk of collusion is increasingly challenging because it is difficult to detect such attacks.Final Accepted Versio

    On the problems of modern philology and the creative methodology of teaching foreign languages in the European educational system

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    The modern philology involves many creative methods in the study of foreign languages. European education system used measures related to the involvement of the new technologies and distance learning due to the global pandemic. The aim – to describe the latest methodology in combination with new technologies and creativity. The methodology of creative pauses was conducted among the students in Comenius University Bratislava. Methods: monitoring, testing, data analysis, description, experimental training using multimedia resources. The results showed that non-traditional methodologies (creative pauses) adapted to the FluentU media resource in combination with distance forms of education become an alternative to traditional learning


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    This paper demonstrates a robust approach to general manager computer use. The approach is shown to systematically integrate a diverse collection of user selected applications. It is implemented through the use of currently available shareware and public domain software at low cost. The developed prototype follows accepted psychological choice, Management Information System (MIS) and/or Decision Support System (DDS) principles. It is easily modified by a user, said to be any general management team member, as the environment changes. Team member roles, concerns, styles, and interests can be accommodated in the design or re-design. The prototype and approach is friendly to occasional users. One basic installation can serve several users. It will work on a network of computers. It offers a sense of staying in control to the individual. Complexities of application choice and access are hidden. Data transfer between applications is automated. Extension educators and business consultants can also use a similar approach for accessing a wide variety of applications. Further work will likely improve the basic approach. In the meantime, the gain from using this approach as it stands is quickly available.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Integrating Technology With Student-Centered Learning

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    Reviews research on technology's role in personalizing learning, its integration into curriculum-based and school- or district-wide initiatives, and the potential of emerging digital technologies to expand student-centered learning. Outlines implications

    The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching

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    O uso de tecnologias a distância na Educação do Campo no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino                                                                               O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades do uso de tecnologias à distância na educação rural no contexto da COVID-19 no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino. As tecnologias de ensino à distância e misto tornaram-se familiares ao sistema de Educação do Campo durante os anos da pandemia do coronavírus. O Serviço do Estado para a qualidade do ensino em diferentes países também adaptou as ferramentas para a realização de auditorias institucionais às condições de trabalho remoto ou trabalho parcialmente remoto. A adaptação requer a organização de atividades educativas rurais para que as instituições continuem a trabalhar de forma eficiente e eficaz, tanto em tempo integral como na aprendizagem online. Todos os componentes do sistema do processo educacional da Educação do Campo também devem ser alterados, inclusive encontrando novas formas de avaliar a qualidade do ensino. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, qualidade do ensino, educação do campo, pandemia do coronavírus, educação à distância.   The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of the use of distance technologies in rural education in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Distance and blended learning technologies have become familiar to the rural education system during the years of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Service for the quality of teaching in different countries has also adapted the tools for conducting institutional audits to the conditions of remote work or partially remote work. Adaptation requires the organization of rural educational activities so that institutions continue to work efficiently and effectively both in full-time and online learning. All components of the system of the educational process of rural education should also be changed, including finding new ways to assess the quality of teaching. Keywords: pedagogy, quality of teaching, rural education, coronavirus pandemic, distance education.   El uso de tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el marco del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza RESUMEN. El artículo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las principales cualidades del uso de las tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el contexto del COVID-19 en el contexto del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza. Las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia y combinado se han vuelto familiares para el sistema educativo rural durante los años de la pandemia de coronavirus. El Servicio Estatal para la Calidad de la Docencia en diferentes países también ha adaptado las herramientas para realizar auditorías institucionales a las condiciones del trabajo a distancia o parcialmente a distancia. La adaptación requiere la organización de actividades educativas rurales para que las instituciones continúen trabajando de manera eficiente y efectiva tanto en el aprendizaje a tiempo completo como en línea. Todos los componentes del sistema del proceso educativo de la educación rural también deben cambiarse, incluso encontrar nuevas formas de evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza. Palabras clave: pedagogía, calidad de la enseñanza, educación rural, pandemia de coronavirus, educación a distancia.O uso de tecnologias a distância na Educação do Campo no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino                                                                               O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades do uso de tecnologias à distância na educação rural no contexto da COVID-19 no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino. As tecnologias de ensino à distância e misto tornaram-se familiares ao sistema de Educação do Campo durante os anos da pandemia do coronavírus. O Serviço do Estado para a qualidade do ensino em diferentes países também adaptou as ferramentas para a realização de auditorias institucionais às condições de trabalho remoto ou trabalho parcialmente remoto. A adaptação requer a organização de atividades educativas rurais para que as instituições continuem a trabalhar de forma eficiente e eficaz, tanto em tempo integral como na aprendizagem online. Todos os componentes do sistema do processo educacional da Educação do Campo também devem ser alterados, inclusive encontrando novas formas de avaliar a qualidade do ensino. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, qualidade do ensino, educação do campo, pandemia do coronavírus, educação à distância.   The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of the use of distance technologies in rural education in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Distance and blended learning technologies have become familiar to the rural education system during the years of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Service for the quality of teaching in different countries has also adapted the tools for conducting institutional audits to the conditions of remote work or partially remote work. Adaptation requires the organization of rural educational activities so that institutions continue to work efficiently and effectively both in full-time and online learning. All components of the system of the educational process of rural education should also be changed, including finding new ways to assess the quality of teaching. Keywords: pedagogy, quality of teaching, rural education, coronavirus pandemic, distance education.   El uso de tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el marco del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza RESUMEN. El artículo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las principales cualidades del uso de las tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el contexto del COVID-19 en el contexto del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza. Las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia y combinado se han vuelto familiares para el sistema educativo rural durante los años de la pandemia de coronavirus. El Servicio Estatal para la Calidad de la Docencia en diferentes países también ha adaptado las herramientas para realizar auditorías institucionales a las condiciones del trabajo a distancia o parcialmente a distancia. La adaptación requiere la organización de actividades educativas rurales para que las instituciones continúen trabajando de manera eficiente y efectiva tanto en el aprendizaje a tiempo completo como en línea. Todos los componentes del sistema del proceso educativo de la educación rural también deben cambiarse, incluso encontrar nuevas formas de evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza. Palabras clave: pedagogía, calidad de la enseñanza, educación rural, pandemia de coronavirus, educación a distancia.O uso de tecnologias a distância na Educação do Campo no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino                                                                               O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades do uso de tecnologias à distância na educação rural no contexto da COVID-19 no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino. As tecnologias de ensino à distância e misto tornaram-se familiares ao sistema de Educação do Campo durante os anos da pandemia do coronavírus. O Serviço do Estado para a qualidade do ensino em diferentes países também adaptou as ferramentas para a realização de auditorias institucionais às condições de trabalho remoto ou trabalho parcialmente remoto. A adaptação requer a organização de atividades educativas rurais para que as instituições continuem a trabalhar de forma eficiente e eficaz, tanto em tempo integral como na aprendizagem online. Todos os componentes do sistema do processo educacional da Educação do Campo também devem ser alterados, inclusive encontrando novas formas de avaliar a qualidade do ensino. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, qualidade do ensino, educação do campo, pandemia do coronavírus, educação à distância.   The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of the use of distance technologies in rural education in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Distance and blended learning technologies have become familiar to the rural education system during the years of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Service for the quality of teaching in different countries has also adapted the tools for conducting institutional audits to the conditions of remote work or partially remote work. Adaptation requires the organization of rural educational activities so that institutions continue to work efficiently and effectively both in full-time and online learning. All components of the system of the educational process of rural education should also be changed, including finding new ways to assess the quality of teaching. Keywords: pedagogy, quality of teaching, rural education, coronavirus pandemic, distance education.   El uso de tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el marco del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza RESUMEN. El artículo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las principales cualidades del uso de las tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el contexto del COVID-19 en el contexto del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza. Las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia y combinado se han vuelto familiares para el sistema educativo rural durante los años de la pandemia de coronavirus. El Servicio Estatal para la Calidad de la Docencia en diferentes países también ha adaptado las herramientas para realizar auditorías institucionales a las condiciones del trabajo a distancia o parcialmente a distancia. La adaptación requiere la organización de actividades educativas rurales para que las instituciones continúen trabajando de manera eficiente y efectiva tanto en el aprendizaje a tiempo completo como en línea. Todos los componentes del sistema del proceso educativo de la educación rural también deben cambiarse, incluso encontrar nuevas formas de evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza. Palabras clave: pedagogía, calidad de la enseñanza, educación rural, pandemia de coronavirus, educación a distancia.O uso de tecnologias a distância na Educação do Campo no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino                                                                               O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades do uso de tecnologias à distância na educação rural no contexto da COVID-19 no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino. As tecnologias de ensino à distância e misto tornaram-se familiares ao sistema de Educação do Campo durante os anos da pandemia do coronavírus. O Serviço do Estado para a qualidade do ensino em diferentes países também adaptou as ferramentas para a realização de auditorias institucionais às condições de trabalho remoto ou trabalho parcialmente remoto. A adaptação requer a organização de atividades educativas rurais para que as instituições continuem a trabalhar de forma eficiente e eficaz, tanto em tempo integral como na aprendizagem online. Todos os componentes do sistema do processo educacional da Educação do Campo também devem ser alterados, inclusive encontrando novas formas de avaliar a qualidade do ensino. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, qualidade do ensino, educação do campo, pandemia do coronavírus, educação à distância.   The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of the use of distance technologies in rural education in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Distance and blended learning technologies have become familiar to the rural education system during the years of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Service for the quality of teaching in different countries has also adapted the tools for conducting institutional audits to the conditions of remote work or partially remote work. Adaptation requires the organization of rural educational activities so that institutions continue to work efficiently and effectively both in full-time and online learning. All components of the system of the educational process of rural education should also be changed, including finding new ways to assess the quality of teaching. Keywords: pedagogy, quality of teaching, rural education, coronavirus pandemic, distance education.   El uso de tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el marco del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza RESUMEN. El artículo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las principales cualidades del uso de las tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el contexto del COVID-19 en el contexto del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza. Las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia y combinado se han vuelto familiares para el sistema educativo rural durante los años de la pandemia de coronavirus. El Servicio Estatal para la Calidad de la Docencia en diferentes países también ha adaptado las herramientas para realizar auditorías institucionales a las condiciones del trabajo a distancia o parcialmente a distancia. La adaptación requiere la organización de actividades educativas rurales para que las instituciones continúen trabajando de manera eficiente y efectiva tanto en el aprendizaje a tiempo completo como en línea. Todos los componentes del sistema del proceso educativo de la educación rural también deben cambiarse, incluso encontrar nuevas formas de evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza. Palabras clave: pedagogía, calidad de la enseñanza, educación rural, pandemia de coronavirus, educación a distancia.O uso de tecnologias a distância na Educação do Campo no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino                                                                               O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades do uso de tecnologias à distância na educação rural no contexto da COVID-19 no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino. As tecnologias de ensino à distância e misto tornaram-se familiares ao sistema de Educação do Campo durante os anos da pandemia do coronavírus. O Serviço do Estado para a qualidade do ensino em diferentes países também adaptou as ferramentas para a realização de auditorias institucionais às condições de trabalho remoto ou trabalho parcialmente remoto. A adaptação requer a organização de atividades educativas rurais para que as instituições continuem a trabalhar de forma eficiente e eficaz, tanto em tempo integral como na aprendizagem online. Todos os componentes do sistema do processo educacional da Educação do Campo também devem ser alterados, inclusive encontrando novas formas de avaliar a qualidade do ensino. Palavras-chave: pedagogia, qualidade do ensino, educação do campo, pandemia do coronavírus, educação à distância.   The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of the use of distance technologies in rural education in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Distance and blended learning technologies have become familiar to the rural education system during the years of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Service for the quality of teaching in different countries has also adapted the tools for conducting institutional audits to the conditions of remote work or partially remote work. Adaptation requires the organization of rural educational activities so that institutions continue to work efficiently and effectively both in full-time and online learning. All components of the system of the educational process of rural education should also be changed, including finding new ways to assess the quality of teaching. Keywords: pedagogy, quality of teaching, rural education, coronavirus pandemic, distance education.   El uso de tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el marco del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza RESUMEN. El artículo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las principales cualidades del uso de las tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el contexto del COVID-19 en el contexto del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza. Las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia y combinado se han vuelto familiares para el sistema educativo rural durante los años de la pandemia de coronavirus. El Servicio Estatal para la Calidad de la Docencia en diferentes países también ha adaptado las herramientas para realizar auditorías institucionales a las condiciones del trabajo a distancia o parcialmente a distancia. La adaptación requiere la organización de actividades educativas rurales para que las instituciones continúen trabajando de manera eficiente y efectiva tanto en el aprendizaje a tiempo completo como en línea. Todos los componentes del sistema del proceso educativo de la educación rural también deben cambiarse, incluso encontrar nuevas formas de evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza. Palabras clave: pedagogía, calidad de la enseñanza, educación rural, pandemia de coronavirus, educación a distancia

    Workshop 08. Professional Delivery of Clinical Reasoning in Medicine

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    Objectives To consider the specific challenges for students in developing clinical reasoning skills in contemporary systems-based curricula. To consider case vignettes portraying specific student cognitive-processing difficulties in diagnostic reasoning and design a teaching approach to address these difficulties. To share best practice with colleagues. To watch and discuss one example of teaching and learning practice demonstrated in the authors’ DVD recording of an innovative teaching session .Workshop Summary A brief presentation will explore recent evidence in current literature regarding clinical teaching in this area. The delegates will work in small groups on real case vignettes bringing these specific student cognitive difficulties to life. This will enable delegates, in collaboration, to generate suitable teaching and learning approaches for consideration by the whole group. Watching the authors’ own demonstration DVD depicting an innovative teaching approach will stimulate further discussion and reflection on incorporating novel approaches in delegates` own teaching. There will be time for Questions/Answers and sharing best practice with other delegates

    P06. Clinical Reasoning in Medicine: Developing Students' metacognitive skills

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    This poster outlines the introduction of formal Clinical Reasoning Skills sessions - initially a Student Selected Component (SSC) - as compulsory sessions in the core second year curriculum. Observations of 4th and 5th Year students’ performances in live examinations and student feedback indicated that, despite having excellent core communication skills, students struggled with the skills needed for effective analytical thinking when faced with complex diagnostic challenges.A three week SSC was designed around current research introducing students to the concepts underpinning the process of clinical reasoning. This SSC is founded on experiential practice where students analyse their thought processes and hypothetico-deductive reasoning governing the choices and conclusions reached whilst interviewing patients. All sessions are conducted in small interactive groups with experienced simulated patients and academic clinician tutors. Student feedback was extremely positive; all students felt these sessions must become part of the core undergraduate curriculum. The iterative processes required for developing higher order thinking skills in students are described