4,762 research outputs found

    Selection of sensors by a new methodology coupling a classification technique and entropy criteria

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    Complex industrial processes invest a lot of money in sensors and automation devices to monitor and supervise the process in order to guarantee the production quality and the plant and operators safety. Fault detection is one of the multiple tasks of process monitoring and it critically depends on the sensors that measure the significant process variables. Nevertheless, most of the works on fault detection and diagnosis found in literature emphasis more on developing procedures to perform diagnosis given a set of sensors, and less on determining the actual location of sensors for efficient identification of faults. A methodology based on learning and classification techniques and on the information quantity measured by the Entropy concept, is proposed in order to address the problem of sensor location for fault identification. The proposed methodology has been applied to a continuous intensified reactor, the "Open Plate Reactor (OPR)", developed by Alfa Laval and studied at the Laboratory of Chemical Engineering of Toulouse. The different steps of the methodology are explained through its application to the carrying out of an exothermic reaction

    Term-Specific Eigenvector-Centrality in Multi-Relation Networks

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    Fuzzy matching and ranking are two information retrieval techniques widely used in web search. Their application to structured data, however, remains an open problem. This article investigates how eigenvector-centrality can be used for approximate matching in multi-relation graphs, that is, graphs where connections of many different types may exist. Based on an extension of the PageRank matrix, eigenvectors representing the distribution of a term after propagating term weights between related data items are computed. The result is an index which takes the document structure into account and can be used with standard document retrieval techniques. As the scheme takes the shape of an index transformation, all necessary calculations are performed during index tim

    Teams as Complex Adaptive Systems: Reviewing 17 Years of Research

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    At the turn of the century, Arrow, McGrath, and Berdahl portrayed teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS). And yet, despite broad agreement that this approach facilitates a better understanding of teams, it has only now been timidly incorporated into team research. To help fully incorporate the logic of teams as CAS in the science of teams, we review extant research on teams approached from a nonlinear dynamical system theory. Using a systematic review approach, we selected 92 articles published over the last 17 years to integrate what we know about teams as CAS. Our review reveals the evidence supporting teams as CAS, and the set of analytical techniques to analyze team data from this perspective. This review contributes to teams’ theory and practice by offering ways to identify both research methods and managing techniques that scholars and practitioners may apply to study and manage teams as CAS

    Objective assessment of movement disabilities using wearable sensors

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    The research presents a series of comprehensive analyses based on inertial measurements obtained from wearable sensors to quantitatively describe and assess human kinematic performance in certain tasks that are most related to daily life activities. This is not only a direct application of human movement analysis but also very pivotal in assessing the progression of patients undergoing rehabilitation services. Moreover, the detailed analysis will provide clinicians with greater insights to capture movement disorders and unique ataxic features regarding axial abnormalities which are not directly observed by the clinicians

    Quantify resilience enhancement of UTS through exploiting connect community and internet of everything emerging technologies

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    This work aims at investigating and quantifying the Urban Transport System (UTS) resilience enhancement enabled by the adoption of emerging technology such as Internet of Everything (IoE) and the new trend of the Connected Community (CC). A conceptual extension of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) and its formalization have been proposed and used to model UTS complexity. The scope is to identify the system functions and their interdependencies with a particular focus on those that have a relation and impact on people and communities. Network analysis techniques have been applied to the FRAM model to identify and estimate the most critical community-related functions. The notion of Variability Rate (VR) has been defined as the amount of output variability generated by an upstream function that can be tolerated/absorbed by a downstream function, without significantly increasing of its subsequent output variability. A fuzzy based quantification of the VR on expert judgment has been developed when quantitative data are not available. Our approach has been applied to a critical scenario (water bomb/flash flooding) considering two cases: when UTS has CC and IoE implemented or not. The results show a remarkable VR enhancement if CC and IoE are deploye