14 research outputs found

    Domain Adaptation for Text Classification with Weird Embeddings

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    Pre-trained word embeddings are often used to initialize deep learning models for text classification, as a way to inject precomputed lexical knowledge and boost the learning process. However, such embeddings are usually trained on generic corpora, while text classification tasks are often domain-specific. We propose a fully automated method to adapt pre-trained word embeddings to any given classification task, that needs no additional resource other than the original training set. The method is based on the concept of word weirdness, extended to score the words in the training set according to how characteristic they are with respect to the labels of a text classification dataset. The polarized weirdness scores are then used to update the word embeddings to reflect task-specific semantic shifts. Our experiments show that this method is beneficial to the performance of several text classification tasks in different languages

    myDeal: A Mobile Shopping Assistant Matching User Preferences to Promotions

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ

    “Contro L’Odio”: A Platform for Detecting, Monitoring and Visualizing Hate Speech against Immigrants in Italian Social Media

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    The paper describes the Web platform built within the project “Contro l’Odio”, for monitoring and contrasting discrimination and hate speech against immigrants in Italy. It applies a combination of computational linguistics techniques for hate speech detection and data visualization tools on data drawn from Twitter.It allows users to access a huge amount of information through interactive maps, also tuning their view, e.g. visualizing the most viral tweets and interactively reducing the inherent complexity of data. Educational courses for high school students have been developed which are centered on the platform and focused on the deconstruction of negative stereotypes against immigrants, Rom and religious minorities, and on the creation of positive narratives. The data collected and analyzed by the platform are also currently used for benchmarking activities within an evaluation campaign, and for paving the way to new projects against hate

    HESML: A scalable ontology-based semantic similarity measures library with a set of reproducible experiments and a replication dataset

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    This work is a detailed companion reproducibility paper of the methods and experiments proposed by Lastra-Díaz and García-Serrano in (2015, 2016) [56–58], which introduces the following contributions: (1) a new and efficient representation model for taxonomies, called PosetHERep, which is an adaptation of the half-edge data structure commonly used to represent discrete manifolds and planar graphs; (2) a new Java software library called the Half-Edge Semantic Measures Library (HESML) based on PosetHERep, which implements most ontology-based semantic similarity measures and Information Content (IC) models reported in the literature; (3) a set of reproducible experiments on word similarity based on HESML and ReproZip with the aim of exactly reproducing the experimental surveys in the three aforementioned works; (4) a replication framework and dataset, called WNSimRep v1, whose aim is to assist the exact replication of most methods reported in the literature; and finally, (5) a set of scalability and performance benchmarks for semantic measures libraries. PosetHERep and HESML are motivated by several drawbacks in the current semantic measures libraries, especially the performance and scalability, as well as the evaluation of new methods and the replication of most previous methods. The reproducible experiments introduced herein are encouraged by the lack of a set of large, self-contained and easily reproducible experiments with the aim of replicating and confirming previously reported results. Likewise, the WNSimRep v1 dataset is motivated by the discovery of several contradictory results and difficulties in reproducing previously reported methods and experiments. PosetHERep proposes a memory-efficient representation for taxonomies which linearly scales with the size of the taxonomy and provides an efficient implementation of most taxonomy-based algorithms used by the semantic measures and IC models, whilst HESML provides an open framework to aid research into the area by providing a simpler and more efficient software architecture than the current software libraries. Finally, we prove the outperformance of HESML on the state-of-the-art libraries, as well as the possibility of significantly improving their performance and scalability without caching using PosetHERep

    Hybrid fuzzy multi-objective particle swarm optimization for taxonomy extraction

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    Ontology learning refers to an automatic extraction of ontology to produce the ontology learning layer cake which consists of five kinds of output: terms, concepts, taxonomy relations, non-taxonomy relations and axioms. Term extraction is a prerequisite for all aspects of ontology learning. It is the automatic mining of complete terms from the input document. Another important part of ontology is taxonomy, or the hierarchy of concepts. It presents a tree view of the ontology and shows the inheritance between subconcepts and superconcepts. In this research, two methods were proposed for improving the performance of the extraction result. The first method uses particle swarm optimization in order to optimize the weights of features. The advantage of particle swarm optimization is that it can calculate and adjust the weight of each feature according to the appropriate value, and here it is used to improve the performance of term and taxonomy extraction. The second method uses a hybrid technique that uses multi-objective particle swarm optimization and fuzzy systems that ensures that the membership functions and fuzzy system rule sets are optimized. The advantage of using a fuzzy system is that the imprecise and uncertain values of feature weights can be tolerated during the extraction process. This method is used to improve the performance of taxonomy extraction. In the term extraction experiment, five extracted features were used for each term from the document. These features were represented by feature vectors consisting of domain relevance, domain consensus, term cohesion, first occurrence and length of noun phrase. For taxonomy extraction, matching Hearst lexico-syntactic patterns in documents and the web, and hypernym information form WordNet were used as the features that represent each pair of terms from the texts. These two proposed methods are evaluated using a dataset that contains documents about tourism. For term extraction, the proposed method is compared with benchmark algorithms such as Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency, Weirdness, Glossary Extraction and Term Extractor, using the precision performance evaluation measurement. For taxonomy extraction, the proposed methods are compared with benchmark methods of Feature-based and weighting by Support Vector Machine using the f-measure, precision and recall performance evaluation measurements. For the first method, the experiment results concluded that implementing particle swarm optimization in order to optimize the feature weights in terms and taxonomy extraction leads to improved accuracy of extraction result compared to the benchmark algorithms. For the second method, the results concluded that the hybrid technique that uses multi-objective particle swarm optimization and fuzzy systems leads to improved performance of taxonomy extraction results when compared to the benchmark methods, while adjusting the fuzzy membership function and keeping the number of fuzzy rules to a minimum number with a high degree of accuracy

    Understanding Patient Safety Reports via Multi-label Text Classification and Semantic Representation

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    Medical errors are the results of problems in health care delivery. One of the key steps to eliminate errors and improve patient safety is through patient safety event reporting. A patient safety report may record a number of critical factors that are involved in the health care when incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions occur. Therefore, clinicians and risk management can generate actionable knowledge by harnessing useful information from reports. To date, efforts have been made to establish a nationwide reporting and error analysis mechanism. The increasing volume of reports has been driving improvement in quantity measures of patient safety. For example, statistical distributions of errors across types of error and health care settings have been well documented. Nevertheless, a shift to quality measure is highly demanded. In a health care system, errors are likely to occur if one or more components (e.g., procedures, equipment, etc.) that are intrinsically associated go wrong. However, our understanding of what and how these components are connected is limited for at least two reasons. Firstly, the patient safety reports present difficulties in aggregate analysis since they are large in volume and complicated in semantic representation. Secondly, an efficient and clinically valuable mechanism to identify and categorize these components is absent. I strive to make my contribution by investigating the multi-labeled nature of patient safety reports. To facilitate clinical implementation, I propose that machine learning and semantic information of reports, e.g., semantic similarity between terms, can be used to jointly perform automated multi-label classification. My work is divided into three specific aims. In the first aim, I developed a patient safety ontology to enhance semantic representation of patient safety reports. The ontology supports a number of applications including automated text classification. In the second aim, I evaluated multilabel text classification algorithms on patient safety reports. The results demonstrated a list of productive algorithms with balanced predictive power and efficiency. In the third aim, to improve the performance of text classification, I developed a framework for incorporating semantic similarity and kernel-based multi-label text classification. Semantic similarity values produced by different semantic representation models are evaluated in the classification tasks. Both ontology-based and distributional semantic similarity exerted positive influence on classification performance but the latter one shown significant efficiency in terms of the measure of semantic similarity. Our work provides insights into the nature of patient safety reports, that is a report can be labeled by multiple components (e.g., different procedures, settings, error types, and contributing factors) it contains. Multi-labeled reports hold promise to disclose system vulnerabilities since they provide the insight of the intrinsically correlated components of health care systems. I demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of automated multi-label text classification embedded with semantic similarity information on patient safety reports. The proposed solution holds potential to incorporate with existing reporting systems, significantly reducing the workload of aggregate report analysis