45 research outputs found

    Problems of Specialists Training on Informatics in Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan

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    There are problems in training of specialists on informatics in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan are considered in this pape

    Training Problems In Medical Informatics Of The Higher Educational Institutions Students

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    В статті викладені основні проблеми, з якими стикаються студенти при вивченні медичної інформатики у вищих навчальних закладах; В статье изложены основные проблемы с которыми сталкиваются студенты при изучении медицинской информатике в высших учебных заведениях; The article outlines the main problems faced by students in the study of medical informatics in higher education institutions

    Representative Names of Computing Degree Programs Worldwide

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    Through the auspices of ACM and with support from the IEEE Computer Society, a task group charged to prepare the IT2017 report conducted an online international survey of computing faculty members about their undergraduate degree programs in computing. The purpose of this survey was to clarify the breadth of and disparities in nomenclature used by diverse communities in the computing field, where a word or phrase can mean different things in different computing communities. This paper examines the English-language words and phrases used to name the computing programs of almost six hundred survey respondents, and the countries in which those names are used. Over eight hundred program names analysed in this paper reveal six program names that together account for more than half of all program names. The paper goes on to consider possible correspondence between reported program names and the five areas of computing identified by the ACM. Names such as computer science and information technology appear to dominate, but with different meanings, while the names of other computing disciplines show clear geographic preferences. Convergence towards a very small number of highly representative program names in computing education worldwide might be deceptive. The paper calls for further examination and international collaborations to align program names with program curriculum content

    To‘plam haqida tushuncha va ular ustida amallar

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    To‘plam tushunchasi matematikaning boshlang‘ich (ta’riflanmaydigan) tushun-chalaridan biridir. U chekli yoki cheksiz ko‘p obyektlar (narsalar, buyumlar, shaxslar va h.k.) ni birgalikda bir butun deb qarash natijasida vujudga keladi. To‘plam tushunchasi, Geogr Kantor quyidagicha izohlaydi “To‘plam” deganda biz bir-biridan farq qiluvchi qandaydir aniq predmetlar, ya’ni ob’ekitlarning ongimizda bir butun shakilda mujassamlashuvini tushunamiz

    Algorithm visualization in programming education

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    This paper introduces the theory of algorithm visualization and its education-related results obtained so far, then an algorithm visualization tool is going to be presented as an example, which we will finally evaluate. This article illustrates furthermore how algorithm visualization tools can be used by teachers and students during the teaching and learning process of programming, and equally evaluates teaching and learning methods. Two tools will be introduced: Jeliot and TRAKLA2


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    This article presents the basic concepts of problem-based teaching of computer science and its defining features, psychological explanations, didactic bases and areas of practical application

    Implementing Learning Design by lams to improve teaching and learning

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    Learning Design has the potential to revolutionize e-learning by capturing the process of education, rather than simply content. By describing sequences of collaborative learning activities, Learning Design offers a new approach to re-use in e-learning. E-learning has a well developed approach to the creation and sequencing of content-based, single learner, self-paced learning objects. While definitions of Learning Design vary, the main elements tend to include greater focus on context dimensions of e-learning, a more activity based view of e-learning, and greater recognition of the role of multi-learner environments. While Learning Design does not exclude single learner, self-paced modes of e-learning, it draws attention to a wider range of collaborative e-learning approaches in addition to single learner approaches. This paper shows an example, which is applied to speciality of economic and rural development agricultural engineer at University of Debrecen and its implementation in the Learning Activity Management System. We created a learning design was implemented at this speciality with LAMS, which is a learning design editing and play back tool that puts the learning process, rather than collections of content, at the heart of e-learning

    Viewboard Effectiveness on Raharja Internet Cafe Website as Sales Information Submission Media

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    Information is a key to success in communicating. Communication will not be possible without information. But if the information we convey is wrong it will cause a problem. At Raharja University there is a facility that provides needs services to students such as searching for material, printing, scans, and binding documents, there are also accessories and service places if there are students who have problems with the equipment given for study, Raharja Internet Cafe. Raharja Internet Cafe has a website to be used by students who want to order their needs. However, the admin who maintains Raharja Internet Cafe cannot monitor what products or goods are the best-selling or the most sold because they are not well monitored. With no monitoring of the admin sales process or the guard cannot report the goods to the University, or the conventional data recording process. These problems are certainly considered ineffective because Raharja University is engaged in technology in each of its lecture activities. Creating a viewboard on the Raharja Internet Cafe website as a medium for delivering sales information is the solution. The method that I use is a method of data collection namely observation and literature study and a qualitative approach. The results of this study are that the presence of a viewboard on the Raharja Internet Cafe website can facilitate the admin or guard of Raharja Internet Cafe to make a report to the Raharja University

    Viewboard Implementation Based on Javascript Charts as a Media for Submitting Sales Information on a Green E-Commerce Website Light Cafe

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    A media that can display information concisely is needed in presenting information effectively and efficiently. Information on the results of the Green Light Cafe sales report can now be easily accessed by top management and staff through the ledger. However, the process of presenting information with ledgers still uses tables, so it is not in line with current technological developments. In this study, 4 (four) methods will be described which are used to overcome 4 (four) problems, as well as 1 (one) solution, namely the implementation of a viewboard with Highcharts charts. The advantage of Green Light Cafe's viewboard is that it can be accessed through the website and mobile, as well as other advantages, namely minimizing the use of paper, so that it can help staff work in registering reports. By applying the graph as a medium for presenting information on the Green Light Cafe viewboard, it causes top management and employees to find out more about sales reports. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of Highcharts graphics is able to improve the quality and overcome the problems found in the Green Light Cafe